15:01:20 <DinaBelova> #startmeeting climate 15:01:21 <openstack> Meeting started Fri Feb 21 15:01:20 2014 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is DinaBelova. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:01:23 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:01:25 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'climate' 15:01:30 <bauzas> o/ 15:01:30 <DinaBelova> o/ 15:01:33 <casanch1> hello :) 15:01:37 <Nikolay_St> o/ 15:01:52 <DinaBelova> okay, how many people :) 15:01:58 <swann_> o/ 15:01:59 <DinaBelova> nice to see you all here 15:02:00 <DinaBelova> o/ 15:02:10 <DinaBelova> today's agenda 15:02:12 <bauzas> sorry, I'm left-handed 15:02:12 <DinaBelova> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Climate#Agenda_for_February_21_2014 15:02:14 <bauzas> \o 15:02:29 <DinaBelova> mmm 15:02:38 <DinaBelova> i'm left-handed too :? \o 15:02:50 <DinaBelova> #topic Action items from the last meeting + reviews queries 15:02:55 <DinaBelova> as usual we'll start here 15:03:01 <DinaBelova> #link http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/climate/2014/climate.2014-02-14-15.04.html 15:03:07 <DinaBelova> ddyachkov o/ 15:03:30 <ddyachkov> hi 15:03:35 <DinaBelova> so last time we only had action items for all of us 15:04:02 <DinaBelova> new program proposal - so nobody added nothing and I decided to write draft myself 15:04:02 <bauzas> yup 15:04:09 <DinaBelova> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Climate/Program 15:04:24 <bauzas> well, we're all busy ;) 15:04:27 <DinaBelova> :D 15:04:42 <DinaBelova> I suppose special attention we need only for mission statement 15:04:49 <bauzas> but I'm OK, we need to think about the mission statement 15:04:51 <DinaBelova> everything else is written ok i suppose 15:05:04 <DinaBelova> bauzas, cool 15:05:13 <DinaBelova> I'm waiting for ideas, etc 15:05:14 <bauzas> are you OK if we amend wiki, or do you prefer amending thru etherpad still ? 15:05:27 <DinaBelova> bauzas, i think wiki is ok 15:05:39 <bauzas> DinaBelova: well, that's up to your choice 15:05:46 <DinaBelova> etherpad somehow was not popular for this discussion 15:05:49 <bauzas> DinaBelova: PTL's duty :) 15:06:03 <DinaBelova> :D 15:06:06 <bauzas> DinaBelova: maybe people got distracted from this etherpad 15:06:26 <DinaBelova> anyway, final program/incubation application should be on wiki 15:06:26 <bauzas> maybe it would be worth announcing it on the ML 15:06:36 <DinaBelova> so i started moving all this stuff there 15:06:39 <bauzas> for the mission statement proposal 15:06:47 <bauzas> DinaBelova: yay, that's the best place 15:07:00 <bauzas> DinaBelova: I'm just asking where to put thoughts 15:07:04 <DinaBelova> bauzas, I suppose that should be done at the same moment as incubation application 15:07:11 <bauzas> DinaBelova: mmm 15:07:13 <DinaBelova> i mean proposing 15:07:42 <DinaBelova> cause we are adding idea of new progrram only because we do not fit any current 15:07:50 <bauzas> DinaBelova: well, I think that TC will challenge us against our mission statement 15:08:06 <bauzas> DinaBelova: but OK if you prefer to keep it safe 15:08:14 <DinaBelova> SergeyLukjanov, your ideas? 15:08:27 <SergeyLukjanov> DinaBelova, reading scrollback, requesting tl;dr 15:08:32 <bauzas> :) 15:08:49 <bauzas> SergeyLukjanov: the question is, should we talk about mission statement proposal within the ML ? 15:08:52 <DinaBelova> as I remember when savanna went to incubation you proposed program at the same time as incubation application? 15:08:57 <SergeyLukjanov> bauzas, yup 15:09:08 <DinaBelova> I know that yes :) question is when :) 15:09:17 <bauzas> DinaBelova: oh, there is a misunderstanding 15:09:24 <DinaBelova> before incubation application or at the same time :) 15:09:31 <DinaBelova> bauzas, I already got it :) 15:09:38 <bauzas> DinaBelova: I'm not proposing to ask TC to review our mission statement 15:09:40 <SergeyLukjanov> DinaBelova, yuo should have program proposal, mission statement, and incubation application, and requirements status 15:09:58 <SergeyLukjanov> DinaBelova, so, the first step is to discuss program name and mission 15:09:59 <bauzas> DinaBelova: I'm just wondering if we should discuss this within the ML 15:10:08 <DinaBelova> SergeyLukjanov, https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Climate/Program and https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Climate/Incubation 15:10:17 <bauzas> DinaBelova: and IMHO, that should be done within ML 15:10:27 <DinaBelova> bauzas, SergeyLukjanov, ok I'll start ML conversation 15:10:28 <SergeyLukjanov> it's good idea to discuss in ML, you could start from IRC meeting / channel 15:10:44 <SergeyLukjanov> but repost decisions to ML 15:10:46 <DinaBelova> #action DinaBelova Start ML conversation about Program mission 15:10:50 <bauzas> SergeyLukjanov: +1 15:11:03 <DinaBelova> and I'll add there everything we've alreasdy discussed 15:11:07 <DinaBelova> ok 15:11:13 <bauzas> SergeyLukjanov: let's wait we will formally announce we have a mission statement once done 15:11:24 <bauzas> s/wait/say 15:11:32 <bauzas> DinaBelova: ok 15:11:35 <SergeyLukjanov> and IMO you folks should hurry 15:11:42 <DinaBelova> SergeyLukjanov, yeeees 15:11:52 <DinaBelova> when I'm thinking about incubation application 15:11:57 <bauzas> SergeyLukjanov: for which reason ? 15:12:09 <SergeyLukjanov> there will be semi-annual PTLs and TCs elections starting from the end of March 15:12:12 <DinaBelova> I start believing we should send it at the end of next week anyway 15:12:23 <DinaBelova> bauzas, all TC meetings will be busy 15:12:27 <SergeyLukjanov> aaand there will be graduation reviews of 3 projects in the March 15:12:34 <DinaBelova> no time frame for other discussions 15:12:42 <SergeyLukjanov> and Murano is already sent incubation application 15:12:47 <bauzas> DinaBelova: on that case, I need to really focus on delivering the final version for Pecan/WSME 15:13:02 <bauzas> and not being distracted from other concerns 15:13:06 <DinaBelova> bauzas, yes, so I want to ask you to concentrate on it if that's possibple 15:13:12 <SergeyLukjanov> bauzas, it's enough to have intention on moving to Pecan, but it's in requirements 15:13:22 <bauzas> "API should be stable" 15:13:34 <SergeyLukjanov> bauzas, you have one already 15:13:35 <DinaBelova> bauzas, at least we may publish link to review 15:13:40 <DinaBelova> 1.0 is stable :) 15:13:51 <SergeyLukjanov> bauzas, you can make Pecan for the next API 15:13:59 <DinaBelova> SergeyLukjanov, he's doing so 15:14:02 <SergeyLukjanov> or make 1.1 updated with Pecan 15:14:10 <bauzas> Pecan will be V2 15:14:11 <SergeyLukjanov> IMO 1.0 is enough 15:14:24 <DinaBelova> cool, so that's not show stopper 15:14:31 <bauzas> but basically, the API interface will remain the same 15:14:45 <DinaBelova> bauzas - except that datetime thing for 2.0 API 15:14:46 <bauzas> that's only matter of choosing which WSGI app 15:14:50 <SergeyLukjanov> bauzas, that means that you already have stable api ;) 15:14:53 <DinaBelova> :D:D:D 15:14:58 <DinaBelova> we're cool :) 15:15:10 <DinaBelova> let's more to next action item 15:15:10 <bauzas> well, there is something about the V1 API 15:15:10 <DinaBelova> other action item was about new name 15:15:15 <SergeyLukjanov> btw, we're working on Pecan-backed v2 api too in Savanna and we'd like to complete it till the end of J :) 15:15:25 <DinaBelova> bauzas, what's? 15:15:40 <bauzas> DinaBelova: let's take an action of discussing one minor change for V1 15:15:46 <SergeyLukjanov> the giant plus is that you're using oslo.messaging :) 15:15:51 <bauzas> that's about showing response 15:15:57 <DinaBelova> bauzas, ok 15:16:05 <bauzas> and the dict of dict thing 15:16:21 <DinaBelova> #action discuss possible small API v1 change 15:16:28 <DinaBelova> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Climate/NewName 15:16:37 <bauzas> API would be 1:1 in between V1 and V2 if we get rid of { 'leases': '[] } 15:16:48 <bauzas> DinaBelova: thanks 15:17:00 <DinaBelova> bauzas, later 15:17:10 <DinaBelova> we don't have much time in that meeting :) 15:17:13 <DinaBelova> so new name 15:17:17 <DinaBelova> here are possible candidates for new name ^^ 15:17:27 <bauzas> have you taken latest updates ? 15:17:34 <DinaBelova> bauzas, yes 15:17:39 <bauzas> ok cool 15:17:48 <SergeyLukjanov> bauzas, +1 for get rid of { 'leases': '[] } 15:18:11 <SergeyLukjanov> folks, do you have filtered list of non-solved requirements? 15:18:13 <DinaBelova> SergeyLukjanov, bauzas - francly speaking I believed we don't have such dict now 15:18:24 <bauzas> let me propose a patch 15:18:24 <DinaBelova> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/climate-incubation-status 15:18:29 <DinaBelova> SergeyLukjanov, ^^ 15:18:33 <DinaBelova> bauzas, cool 15:18:41 <bauzas> but that will require a small fix on the client too 15:18:58 <bauzas> well, first the client and then the API 15:19:02 <DinaBelova> but I think we'll discuss that on appropriate topic - i mean inubation 15:19:21 <DinaBelova> so let's move on and continue this topic further 15:19:22 <casanch1> I got disconnected, sorry, I'm back 15:19:34 <DinaBelova> casanch1, you're welcome :) 15:19:36 <DinaBelova> #topic Climate 0.1.1 (~2014-03-17) and 0.2.0 dates discussion 15:19:49 <DinaBelova> we had some time ago meeting 15:20:03 <DinaBelova> where we agreed to have 0.1.1 somewhere in the middle of March 15:20:15 <DinaBelova> it was some kind of estimation 15:20:32 <bauzas> looking at the dashboard 15:20:43 <DinaBelova> now we have one stopper for it - new name 15:21:18 <DinaBelova> 'cause it was also agreed not to have new release without new name - that's because of PyPi repos, new names everywhere, etc. 15:21:29 <DinaBelova> so here we're dependent on new name 15:21:32 <bauzas> DinaBelova: agreed 15:21:50 <bauzas> #link https://launchpad.net/climate/+milestone/0.1.1 15:21:55 <DinaBelova> as discussed, final decision will be made in 2 weeks 15:22:07 <DinaBelova> I mean about name 15:22:18 <bauzas> yup 15:22:23 <DinaBelova> we have lots of variants, so we'll find some name without problems 15:22:27 <DinaBelova> I believe so 15:22:30 <bauzas> yup 15:22:37 <bauzas> but that requires a big patch 15:22:44 <DinaBelova> thing is that end of voting is 7th March 15:22:52 <bauzas> code + CI + everything 15:23:08 <DinaBelova> and to migrate everything till 17th will be hard 15:23:13 <DinaBelova> bauzas, exactly 15:23:13 <bauzas> agree 15:23:33 <bauzas> well, we should propose to target code freeze by 17th March 15:23:33 <DinaBelova> that's why I'm asking if we still ready to bring 0.1.1 to the life on 17th of Marth? 15:23:39 <DinaBelova> March* 15:23:44 <bauzas> but delivery by end of Match 15:23:46 <bauzas> March 15:23:53 <DinaBelova> bauzas, probably so 15:24:04 <bauzas> that would be far easier if we say we enter into code freeze during the move 15:24:13 <casanch1> bauzas +1 15:24:20 <DinaBelova> SergeyLukjanov? 15:24:37 <bauzas> because we will need to deliver new patchsets for current reviews 15:24:47 <bauzas> and CI will be updated on the same time 15:24:59 <bauzas> so, I would propose the plan as : 15:25:08 <bauzas> 1. update code 15:25:12 <bauzas> 2. update CI 15:25:22 <bauzas> (by 'code', I mean trunk) 15:25:35 <bauzas> 3. update each patch 15:25:36 <DinaBelova> + run all checkings + tests 15:25:49 <swann_> 0. find a name 15:25:53 <DinaBelova> :D 15:25:56 <DinaBelova> swann_, +! 15:25:58 <DinaBelova> +1 15:26:03 <bauzas> this is why I think we should focus on a stable trunk 15:26:15 <DinaBelova> #startvote 0.1.1 code freeze 17th March with 0.1.1 release closer to the end of month? yes, no 15:26:16 <openstack> Begin voting on: 0.1.1 code freeze 17th March with 0.1.1 release closer to the end of month? Valid vote options are yes, no. 15:26:16 <bauzas> update it, and then CI 15:26:17 <openstack> Vote using '#vote OPTION'. Only your last vote counts. 15:26:37 <bauzas> #vote no 15:26:44 <bauzas> I'm sorry, the title is unclear 15:26:54 <DinaBelova> ok, mmoment 15:27:01 <DinaBelova> #endvote 15:27:02 <openstack> Voted on "0.1.1 code freeze 17th March with 0.1.1 release closer to the end of month?" Results are 15:27:03 <openstack> no (1): bauzas 15:27:18 <DinaBelova> SergeyLukjanov, how to remove voting from logs 15:27:20 <DinaBelova> ? 15:27:30 <bauzas> First, vote for code freeze 15:28:08 <DinaBelova> bauzas, moment - I just want to remove that vote from logs 15:28:08 <bauzas> and agree that until trunk got new name and CI is updated, no patches go merged 15:28:18 <DinaBelova> but I don't remember how to 15:28:24 <bauzas> that requires no approval from the core team 15:28:29 <bauzas> DinaBelova: don't worry 15:28:37 <bauzas> DinaBelova: logs will keep me as bad boy 15:28:42 <DinaBelova> :D 15:28:44 <DinaBelova> ok 15:28:52 <casanch1> yes, let's start a new vote 15:29:18 <DinaBelova> I'll find calendar to set codefreeze to Tuesday, as usually in OS 15:29:42 <bauzas> ok 15:29:49 <DinaBelova> 18th March 15:29:51 <DinaBelova> ok 15:30:08 <casanch1> ok 15:30:21 <DinaBelova> #startvote 0.1.1 code freeze on 18th March for further migration to the new name? yes, no 15:30:22 <openstack> Begin voting on: 0.1.1 code freeze on 18th March for further migration to the new name? Valid vote options are yes, no. 15:30:23 <openstack> Vote using '#vote OPTION'. Only your last vote counts. 15:30:29 <DinaBelova> that's clear? :) 15:30:43 <bauzas> #vote yes 15:30:45 <DinaBelova> #vote yes 15:30:47 <Nikolay_1t> #vote yes 15:30:48 <casanch1> #voste yes 15:30:51 <swann_> #vote yes 15:30:53 <casanch1> #vote yes 15:30:56 <chmartinez_> #vote yes 15:31:08 <DinaBelova> SergeyLukjanov is not with us :) 15:31:12 <DinaBelova> anyway :) 15:31:20 <DinaBelova> #endvote 15:31:21 <openstack> Voted on "0.1.1 code freeze on 18th March for further migration to the new name?" Results are 15:31:22 <openstack> yes (6): casanch1, Nikolay_1t, swann_, DinaBelova, chmartinez_, bauzas 15:31:44 <DinaBelova> next voting about release itself after all name migrations 15:31:49 <DinaBelova> ? 15:32:11 <DinaBelova> release date I mean 15:32:15 <bauzas> mmm 15:32:20 <bauzas> hard to think about it 15:32:28 <DinaBelova> bauzas? 15:32:38 <bauzas> because that's basically estimating the time necessary for upgrading trunk and CI 15:32:51 <SergeyLukjanov> I'm here ;) 15:33:02 <bauzas> I would propose 2 weeks as a first attempt 15:33:14 <bauzas> but that requires infra-core approval :) 15:33:22 <DinaBelova> :D:D:D 15:33:24 <bauzas> (not speaking about a new one ^^) 15:33:40 <DinaBelova> ~1week+2days won't be enough? :( 15:33:50 <bauzas> well, I don't know 15:33:53 <DinaBelova> it will look so ni-i-ice :( 15:33:59 <bauzas> maybe an infra-core could help us ? 15:34:06 <DinaBelova> SergeyLukjanov ^^ :) 15:34:17 <bauzas> ^^ 15:34:31 <SergeyLukjanov> bauzas, re renaming? 15:34:40 <bauzas> SergeyLukjanov: yup 15:34:42 <DinaBelova> SergeyLukjanov, yes, approximate time for that 15:34:47 <SergeyLukjanov> ~1m 15:34:50 <DinaBelova> after code freeze with stable 0.1.1 15:34:52 <DinaBelova> 0-0 15:35:00 <bauzas> n-i-i-i-ce 15:35:11 <bauzas> I'll be going to the beach 15:35:21 <SergeyLukjanov> if you'll be ready for rename when savanna would - than ~1d 15:35:24 <SergeyLukjanov> :) 15:35:27 <DinaBelova> m, that isn't good cause of we want to have 0.1.1 on March 15:35:39 <SergeyLukjanov> let me explain the problem 15:35:43 <DinaBelova> SergeyLukjanov, when are you going to change name? 15:35:45 <DinaBelova> :) 15:35:53 <SergeyLukjanov> when renaming projects - gerrit should be stopped 15:36:05 <SergeyLukjanov> and theeeen manual db hacks :) 15:36:12 <DinaBelova> :( 15:36:21 <bauzas> wouldn't it much simplier to create another project ? 15:36:22 <SergeyLukjanov> so, you should stick to savanna renaming 15:36:41 <DinaBelova> bauzas, and then just remove Climate 15:36:41 <SergeyLukjanov> bauzas, it'll wipe your review history 15:36:43 <DinaBelova> ? 15:36:44 <DinaBelova> yes 15:36:52 <SergeyLukjanov> DinaBelova, it's very very bad :) 15:36:54 <bauzas> SergeyLukjanov: well, OK 15:36:59 <DinaBelova> SergeyLukjanov, when are you going to rename? 15:37:03 <DinaBelova> savanna I mean 15:37:07 <SergeyLukjanov> DinaBelova, anyway, we'll be ready in 2 weeks IMO 15:37:11 <bauzas> He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named 15:37:13 <bauzas> :D 15:37:27 <DinaBelova> ok, we'll have this result too 15:37:38 <DinaBelova> but only for name choosing :( 15:37:47 <bauzas> well, let's consider the move as much more important than the release date 15:37:52 <SergeyLukjanov> but I'm not sure that we'd like to rename savanna before the I release to not block dev in the end of cycle, I'll talk with tc about it 15:38:07 <bauzas> so my proposal is to stick with savanna renaming 15:38:11 <bauzas> anyway 15:38:11 <SergeyLukjanov> bauzas, I don't think so, it's important to rename but it's on-going 15:38:14 <bauzas> whatever the trunk is 15:38:30 <bauzas> oh, lemme explain better 15:38:34 <SergeyLukjanov> bauzas, it's important to rename in next half of year 15:38:55 <DinaBelova> SergeyLukjanov, so what do you propose? I understood just to rename with you, Savanna guys 15:39:08 <SergeyLukjanov> oh, but you have some problems with pypi and rtfd 15:39:11 <DinaBelova> even if that'll break all our gates, etc 15:39:14 <SergeyLukjanov> DinaBelova, yup, let's start from it 15:39:18 <DinaBelova> SergeyLukjanov, we have no repos there :) 15:39:21 <bauzas> I think it's a better opportunity to code-freeze/rename/patch/code-freeze/tag 15:39:31 <SergeyLukjanov> gtg 15:39:52 <bauzas> than patch/code-freeze/rename 15:40:02 <bauzas> because of the risks 15:40:13 <DinaBelova> bauzas, I lost you 15:40:23 <bauzas> DinaBelova: :) 15:40:25 <DinaBelova> do you agree we should rename with Savanna? 15:40:27 <DinaBelova> I mean repos 15:40:30 <bauzas> yup yup yup 15:40:34 <DinaBelova> ok, good :) 15:40:34 <Nikolay_1t> +1 15:40:53 <DinaBelova> #agreed Rename Climate repo to new name with Savanna renaming 15:40:59 <DinaBelova> ok, good 15:41:04 <bauzas> whatever the status of Climate is 15:41:07 <DinaBelova> +1 15:41:17 <DinaBelova> and then continue work on it as discussed 15:41:19 <bauzas> we must need to stick with the maintenance window 15:41:29 <bauzas> whatever the trunk status is 15:41:33 <DinaBelova> +1 15:41:44 <DinaBelova> code-freeze/rename trunk/rename patches/code-freeze/tag 15:41:49 <DinaBelova> good plan? 15:41:51 <bauzas> yup 15:42:06 <casanch1> +1 15:42:20 <swann_> seems the good and only one 15:42:20 <DinaBelova> #agreed use code-freeze/rename trunk/rename patches/code-freeze/tag workflow after repos will ve renamed 15:42:26 <DinaBelova> yes 15:42:28 <bauzas> and to be precise 15:42:38 <bauzas> there could also be some other patches 15:42:52 <DinaBelova> bauzas, like what? 15:42:53 <bauzas> if 0.1.1 is not yet fully in trunk 15:43:03 <bauzas> ok, lemme explain 15:43:21 <DinaBelova> oh, ok, I got it 15:43:30 <bauzas> if Savanna would say they are moving next week, we should still keep the opportunity of the maintenance window 15:43:47 <bauzas> even if we haven't yet proposed all the patches for 0.1.1 15:43:48 <DinaBelova> Sergey said they're going to start in next 2 weeks 15:44:01 <DinaBelova> bauzas, but anyway ++ 15:44:18 <DinaBelova> we'll decide about new name in hurry, but still 15:44:24 <bauzas> yup 15:44:31 <DinaBelova> we have 15 mins and two important topic 15:44:35 <DinaBelova> topics* 15:44:39 <DinaBelova> let's move on 15:44:52 <bauzas> +1 15:44:52 <DinaBelova> wowow 15:44:57 <DinaBelova> about 0.2.0 15:45:05 <DinaBelova> some approximate date for it? 15:45:15 <bauzas> I think it's too early 15:45:17 <DinaBelova> I'm proposing smth before Juno summit 15:45:22 <DinaBelova> like 5th May 15:45:26 <DinaBelova> approximately 15:45:41 <bauzas> at some point, we should begin to follow the release cycle 15:46:01 <bauzas> don't know if 0.2.0 would be possibly the first attempt 15:46:22 <DinaBelova> yes, but I think it will be easier to start in parallel with Juno1 15:46:30 <DinaBelova> trying to go in parallel 15:46:34 <bauzas> DinaBelova: exactly 15:46:40 <bauzas> DinaBelova: that would be nice 15:46:54 <bauzas> at least targeting the intermediate timelnies 15:47:05 <DinaBelova> ok, so let's agree that approximately we'll have 0.2.0 on May 5th 15:47:14 <DinaBelova> everything else we'll discuss later 15:47:15 <DinaBelova> ? 15:47:18 <DinaBelova> ok with that? 15:47:45 <casanch1> ok 15:47:57 <bauzas> well, the most important thing is what we deliver in 0.2.0 15:48:02 <bauzas> so, let's agree on 5/05 15:48:09 <swann_> yep, will see what comming with the 0.2.0 :D 15:48:11 <casanch1> I agree that it's better to be on-sync with Juno 15:48:13 <bauzas> and we'll see later what we can deliver for it 15:48:19 <DinaBelova> #agreed Try to have 0.2.0 before Juno summit (~May 5th, as for the first approximation) 15:48:20 <DinaBelova> ok 15:48:26 <DinaBelova> #topic Climate incubation status (https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/climate-incubation-status) 15:48:43 <DinaBelova> I've spent much time on writing these wikis, docs, etc 15:48:43 <bauzas> I think we already discussed about it 15:48:51 <DinaBelova> yes, just small words 15:49:26 <DinaBelova> I need self bio (1-2 sentences) from swann_, casanch1, chmartinez_ 15:49:35 <casanch1> I went through the etherpad and didn't see much that was not already addressed 15:49:46 <casanch1> so, apart from the bio, is there something else missing? 15:49:53 <Nikolay_1t> guys, I need to leave you - some family risks 15:50:13 <DinaBelova> o/ 15:50:19 <DinaBelova> some wiki issues are still with us 15:50:32 <DinaBelova> like hosts api results to add to wiki 15:50:47 <DinaBelova> and some pages about "How to contribute" , etc 15:50:59 <casanch1> ok, so it's mostly wiki work ? 15:51:00 <bauzas> DinaBelova: I'm taking the point 15:51:05 <bauzas> please put me an action 15:51:25 <bauzas> as I won't have to do the Alembic stuff :D 15:51:26 <casanch1> bauzas: let me know if you need any help 15:51:26 <DinaBelova> #action bauzas finish hosts reservation REST API wiki 15:51:30 <DinaBelova> casanch1, thanks 15:51:48 <DinaBelova> #action DinaBelova Write "How to contribute" and other missing parts to wiki 15:51:50 <bauzas> casanch1: thanks, but I think I should be ok 15:51:54 <DinaBelova> so next topic 15:52:06 <DinaBelova> #topic Opening voting for new Climate name 15:52:11 <DinaBelova> just small reminder 15:52:14 <bauzas> CIVS ? 15:52:23 <DinaBelova> bauzas, yes 15:52:26 <bauzas> ok 15:52:40 <DinaBelova> I just remind you I'll start voting process on Monday 15:52:55 <DinaBelova> I think it'll be European morning 15:52:57 <bauzas> DinaBelova: ok 15:53:09 <casanch1> DinaBelova: ok 15:53:13 <DinaBelova> cool 15:53:27 <DinaBelova> I think nothing else to add here 15:53:33 <DinaBelova> #topic Open discussion 15:53:35 <casanch1> I have one topic 15:53:42 <DinaBelova> ? 15:53:43 <casanch1> the notifications bp 15:53:45 <bauzas> how people will get noticed for the voting ? 15:54:03 <DinaBelova> bauzas, it'll be email 15:54:07 <bauzas> ok nice 15:54:11 <DinaBelova> like for PTL voting 15:54:13 <bauzas> ok 15:54:26 <casanch1> I have submitted an in-progress review, because I would like to get early feedback about how I integrated oslo.notify with climate 15:54:26 <DinaBelova> casanch1, I saw you've added some patch 15:54:28 <bauzas> we're running out of time, casanch1, your question ? 15:54:53 <bauzas> casanch1: yup, saw it 15:54:54 <casanch1> so, if you can take a look at it, it'll be great 15:54:56 <DinaBelova> bauzas, I think he's asking us to take a look on iy 15:55:02 <DinaBelova> just concepts, etc. 15:55:06 <casanch1> yes 15:55:20 <casanch1> I'll submit the rest of the bp today 15:55:20 <bauzas> casanch1: well, the most important thing is that how you leverage code from other projects 15:55:35 <bauzas> casanch1: I'll be first focusing on it 15:55:43 <DinaBelova> #action all core-team to take a look on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/75189/ 15:55:45 <bauzas> casanch1: because indeed that's important 15:55:51 <casanch1> yes I saw how Heat managed the notifications 15:56:14 <bauzas> DinaBelova: we should not focus on the typos or something, but rather compare to other projects like Nova, Keystone or Heat 15:56:22 <DinaBelova> yes, sure 15:56:29 <DinaBelova> only concepts stuff 15:56:33 <bauzas> yup 15:56:36 <casanch1> exactly 15:56:39 <DinaBelova> everything else now is not so important 15:56:39 <casanch1> thank you 15:56:45 <DinaBelova> casanch1, thank you :) 15:56:45 <swann_> Heat don't use oslo.messaging .. review in progress I think 15:56:48 <bauzas> ok, will give a look by next week 15:56:57 <DinaBelova> ok, bye :) 15:57:07 <casanch1> swann_: yes, I saw that 15:57:14 <DinaBelova> I have one more meeting now, so I have to go 15:57:15 <swann_> casanch1: ok 15:57:15 <casanch1> but the conecepts are more or less the same, I guess 15:57:17 <bauzas> we can then take a look at nova 15:57:26 <casanch1> ok I will 15:57:26 <bauzas> DinaBelova: ok bye, we can close the conf 15:57:28 <casanch1> thanks 15:57:31 <DinaBelova> #endmeeting