15:00:03 <bauzas> #startmeeting climate 15:00:04 <openstack> Meeting started Fri Apr 25 15:00:03 2014 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is bauzas. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:05 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:00:07 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'climate' 15:00:09 <bauzas> hi all 15:00:34 <bauzas> who wants to take the mic ? :) 15:00:53 <bauzas> DinaBelova is around, but in another meeting 15:01:07 <bauzas> we will try to not leave her schizophrenic :) 15:01:43 <bauzas> (wind whisle) 15:02:07 <cmart> helloo! 15:02:15 <jay-lau-513> hi 15:03:07 <casanch1> o/ 15:03:25 <bauzas> cool to see people here :) 15:03:29 <casanch1> :) 15:03:42 <bauzas> let's wait a few more minutes 15:04:40 <bauzas> DinaBelova, you there, still ? 15:04:49 <bauzas> scroiset is on day-off today 15:04:54 <bauzas> I'll speak for him 15:05:12 <bauzas> ok, anyway, let's start 15:05:25 <bauzas> DinaBelova's IRC should blink a few times :) 15:05:33 <bauzas> so, let's start 15:05:38 <DinaBelova> o/ 15:05:38 <bauzas> as said, I'll chair this meeting 15:05:41 <bauzas> DinaBelova: \o 15:05:43 <DinaBelova> I'm half time here 15:05:55 <bauzas> oh, we lost pafuent 15:06:06 <cmart> he will be back soon 15:06:09 <bauzas> cool 15:06:20 <bauzas> nice, pafuent is back 15:06:22 <bauzas> let's start 15:06:29 <pafuent> o/ 15:06:33 <bauzas> #topic new climate-core 15:06:34 <pafuent> Sorry the delay 15:06:56 <bauzas> this is a off-topic, but just to give a warm welcome to our new climate-core, pafuent 15:07:07 <casanch1> congratulations pafuent 15:07:12 <cmart> (h5) 15:07:23 <bauzas> your help will be appreciated 15:07:30 <pafuent> Thanks 15:08:05 <bauzas> pafuent, let us know if you need assistance with Gerrit 15:08:16 <bauzas> but I guess you'll be good at work ;) 15:08:45 <bauzas> congrats again 15:08:46 <pafuent> bauzas: I'll do. 15:08:59 <bauzas> so, let's give info here 15:09:15 <bauzas> #info pafuent new climate-core, with a total to 5 as of now 15:09:32 <bauzas> ok, next topic 15:09:38 <bauzas> the agenda 15:09:45 <bauzas> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Climate 15:09:54 <bauzas> #topic Action items from the last meeting + reviews queries 15:10:06 <bauzas> #link http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/climate/2014/climate.2014-04-11-15.00.html 15:10:15 <bauzas> we had no meeting last week due to various concerns 15:10:35 <bauzas> so, the actions are a bit old 15:10:44 <bauzas> but we have results 15:10:51 <bauzas> I'll speak on behalf of DinaBelova 15:11:00 <bauzas> so, Foundation finally validated our new name 15:11:07 <cmart> :D 15:11:16 <pafuent> :-D 15:11:17 <bauzas> let's enjoy our new name 15:11:21 <bauzas> Blazar ! 15:11:41 <casanch1> :D 15:11:44 <cmart> ..and start changing all the strings in our code... :) 15:11:55 <bauzas> #info Blazar now official codename for Reservation Service (ex-Climate) 15:12:09 <bauzas> cmart: that will be something we need to plan 15:12:16 <bauzas> cmart: but I propose to wait for the summit 15:12:30 <bauzas> as the future of Blazar (ex-Climate) will be discussed there 15:12:35 <cmart> agree 15:12:43 <bauzas> and I don't want to confuse people 15:13:03 <bauzas> so, could we agree to leave on Climate until Summit ? 15:13:06 <bauzas> #help vote 15:13:11 <casanch1> +1 15:13:11 <bauzas> dammit 15:13:17 <jay-lau-513> +1 15:13:24 <bauzas> I never proposed a vote yet 15:13:24 <cmart> +1 15:13:34 <cmart> hahaa 15:13:44 <pafuent> We will need to update some bugs that I filled with Dina 15:13:50 <bauzas> #help startvote 15:14:03 <bauzas> #help 15:14:06 <bauzas> dammit 15:14:17 <bauzas> nevermind 15:14:46 <bauzas> #agreed Wait for changing repository to Blazar after Summit event 15:15:09 <bauzas> pafuent: we will need to define a clear process for the name 15:15:14 <bauzas> and possibly a code freeze 15:15:21 <bauzas> SergeyLukjanov could help on that process 15:15:32 <pafuent> Ok 15:15:32 <bauzas> as he did that for Sahara (ex-Savanna) 15:15:44 <bauzas> we also need to define a Gerrit maintenance 15:15:55 <bauzas> ideally, we should align with another maintenance 15:16:21 <bauzas> anyway, let's go to the next action 15:16:44 <bauzas> so, I'm replying to myself, yes I'll work on https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/climate-resource-allocation-framework 15:17:16 <bauzas> at the moment, I'm working on https://blueprints.launchpad.net/climate/+spec/lease-state 15:17:26 <bauzas> but let's discuss this during open discussion 15:18:09 <bauzas> for scroiset, he took a look at the etherpad 15:18:26 <bauzas> I'll ask him to put comments next week if posible 15:18:38 <bauzas> any reviews queries ? 15:18:44 <jay-lau-513> does https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/climate-resource-allocation-framework has a bp traced? 15:18:54 <bauzas> jay-lau-513: yey 15:19:19 <jay-lau-513> bauzas: I did not get it from etherpad. ;( 15:19:37 <bauzas> jay-lau-513: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/climate/+spec/new-resource-allocation-phase 15:19:49 <bauzas> that's a big bp 15:20:02 <bauzas> jay-lau-513: we will possible do baby steps 15:20:09 <bauzas> s/possible/possibly 15:20:14 <jay-lau-513> bauzas: not sure if new comers like me can help ;-) 15:20:29 <jay-lau-513> bauzas: anyway, I will have a try 15:20:47 <bauzas> jay-lau-513: the idea here is to provide the same workflow for all plugins 15:21:09 <bauzas> jay-lau-513: I would be glad to discuss with you about thay 15:21:15 <cmart> +1 jay-lau's attitude :) 15:21:32 <bauzas> cmart: :) 15:21:34 <jay-lau-513> cmart thanks 15:21:43 <bauzas> comments are welcome in the etherpad 15:21:46 <bauzas> :) 15:21:52 <bauzas> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/climate-resource-allocation-framework 15:22:41 <pafuent> Regarding pending reviews: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/87352/, https://review.openstack.org/#/c/87684/, https://review.openstack.org/#/c/84158/, https://review.openstack.org/#/c/90206/, https://review.openstack.org/#/c/89412/ 15:22:49 <bauzas> woah :) 15:22:56 <cmart> o_O 15:23:12 <pafuent> I forgot https://review.openstack.org/#/c/78309/ 15:23:21 <bauzas> let's take a look at the whiteboard for 0.2 15:23:22 <cmart> I also have four of my own.. 15:23:31 <casanch1> and a new one: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/90393/ 15:23:33 <casanch1> :D 15:24:35 <bauzas> ok, I think we need to adapt 0.2 scope 15:24:47 <bauzas> so we could get priorities for reviewing 15:24:58 <bauzas> I leave an action for DinaBelova 15:25:11 <bauzas> (she's our PTL, she has duty for this :D ) 15:28:24 <DinaBelova> bauzas, do what you want))) 15:28:32 <DinaBelova> I'll read the logs 15:28:37 <DinaBelova> and do what you want 15:29:42 <casanch1> bauzas: still there? 15:30:09 <cmart> (wind whisle) 15:32:20 <cmart> so... 15:32:50 <cmart> pafuent, you are core now, you should take the lead :) 15:34:21 <cmart> bauzas_! 15:35:32 <bauzas_> Internet trouble... 15:37:11 <pafuent> cmart: Did you had time to talk with skraynev about Tempest itegration? 15:37:35 <pafuent> cmart: I really want our safety net in place 15:38:06 <pafuent> cmart: Sorry, SergeyLukjanov 15:38:13 <cmart> pafuent: no, I haven´t. I'm waiting for his comments on the review.. 15:38:30 <SergeyLukjanov> oops 15:38:34 <SergeyLukjanov> which CR? 15:38:42 <SergeyLukjanov> please, post a link 15:38:46 <cmart> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/87352/ 15:39:36 <cmart> that's climate code on the contrib folder, but we should put code in Infra (according to pafuent) 15:39:59 <bauzas_> Hi 15:40:06 <pafuent> SergeyLukjanov: We will need an advice of how to implement a gate for blazar that runs our about to land tempest tests 15:40:14 <cmart> and I don´t know how that works :S. Maybe you can help us with that 15:40:35 <SergeyLukjanov> pafuent, I can you help with it 15:40:42 <bauzas_> do you see my pings ? 15:40:50 <casanch1> yes 15:40:52 <SergeyLukjanov> I'm on meeting atm 15:40:55 <cmart> bauzas_: yes! 15:41:43 <pafuent> And we need to get our actual devstack job as a voting one 15:42:00 <bauzas__> hi all 15:42:12 <bauzas__> sorry, seems I faced a Freenode issue 15:42:50 <bauzas__> where are we ? 15:42:53 <pafuent> We are talking about a new gate (or the same that we have) running our about to land tempest test 15:43:05 <pafuent> A voting gate 15:43:19 <bauzas__> on which topic ? 15:43:31 <pafuent> An ad-hoc one 15:43:36 <bauzas__> cool :) 15:44:07 <pafuent> The last thing was prioritize the reviews 15:44:31 <bauzas__> pafuent: yup, I was saying to check with DinaBelova about a milestone for 0.2.0 15:45:09 <DinaBelova> bauzas__, why it's still the first topic for the meeting? 15:45:31 <bauzas__> I had a connection issue 15:45:34 <bauzas__> and still facing 15:45:38 <DinaBelova> :( 15:45:40 <DinaBelova> heh 15:45:41 <bauzas__> I'm on the webchat 15:45:41 <DinaBelova> okay 15:45:50 <bauzas__> anyway, let's move 15:45:54 <bauzas__> time is running 15:47:16 <bauzas> I'm back 15:47:31 <bauzas> #topic Summit session status 15:47:41 <bauzas> sorry, we lost 20 mins here 15:48:25 <bauzas> so, for those who can attend summit, please join http://summit.openstack.org/cfp/details/142 15:48:28 <bauzas> #link http://summit.openstack.org/cfp/details/142 15:49:02 <bauzas> some discussions could be about Gantt and other projects integration 15:49:19 <casanch1> http://junodesignsummit.sched.org/event/a848270c309b10517d4d186fecaf768f#.U1qD716aH-A 15:49:27 <casanch1> that's the scheduled session 15:49:39 <bauzas> casanch1: yup 15:50:28 <bauzas> fyi, this sessions has been identified during scheduler meeting 15:50:39 <casanch1> I was working on this bp https://blueprints.launchpad.net/climate/+spec/basic-volume-plugin, and we agreed on discussing its implementation during summit. So we will just meet sometime or do we need to schedule somethig? 15:50:44 <bauzas> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/Gantt-summit-sessions 15:51:15 <bauzas> casanch1: we will need to define some way to contact us during summit 15:51:27 <bauzas> let's discuss it over ML 15:51:28 <cmart> same for https://blueprints.launchpad.net/climate/+spec/tenant-reservation-concept 15:51:35 <bauzas> time is running fast :( 15:51:40 <casanch1> ok 15:51:46 <pafuent> And the same for the renaming thing 15:51:50 <bauzas> #topic Climate -> Blazar renaming 15:52:02 <bauzas> everything has been said before in the meeting 15:52:07 <bauzas> can we move to opens ? 15:52:12 <cmart> yes 15:52:15 <bauzas> ok 15:52:15 <pafuent> yes 15:52:18 <casanch1> ok 15:52:20 <bauzas> sorry for the hurry 15:52:26 <bauzas> #topic Open discussion 15:52:32 <bauzas> jay-lau-513: still there ? 15:52:39 <jay-lau-513> bauzas yes 15:53:03 <bauzas> ok, how can we help you ? 15:53:16 <jay-lau-513> bauzas I tried to install climate today, but failed, does the devstack steps is correct or the latest? 15:53:24 <jay-lau-513> 2014-04-25 23:44:38.316 | ++ nova aggregate-create freepool 15:53:24 <jay-lau-513> 2014-04-25 23:44:38.996 | ERROR (NotFound): Not found (HTTP 404) 15:53:38 <bauzas> jay-lau-513: we're having this issue in CI 15:53:43 <cmart> that's the bug that pafuent solved.. I think 15:53:48 <pafuent> Yep 15:53:53 <bauzas> cmart: what is the review # ? 15:54:00 <pafuent> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/90206/ 15:54:15 <bauzas> pafuent: ok, I'll review it as critical 15:54:21 <jay-lau-513> pafuent greate 15:54:42 <pafuent> bauzas: You are familiar with nova, please check if we need to fill a bug in devstack or nova 15:55:04 <bauzas> pafuent: I need to understand the impact 15:55:11 <bauzas> let's discuss it on Monday 15:55:18 <pafuent> bauzas: Ok 15:55:20 <bauzas> for the time being, I'll give +2 to the patch 15:55:37 <bauzas> jay-lau-513: most of the doc can be found https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Climate 15:55:42 <jay-lau-513> pafuent so once I apply your patch, the prolem will disappear? 15:55:47 <pafuent> Yes 15:56:02 <jay-lau-513> bauzas Yes, I already checked most of them :) 15:56:06 <bauzas> jay-lau-513: if you still have issues, you can take https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Climate/Installation_without_Devstack 15:56:07 <jay-lau-513> pafuent cool 15:56:24 <bauzas> thanks pafuent for the hotfix 15:56:33 <jay-lau-513> bauzas yes, I was following those steps :) 15:56:39 <pafuent> bauzas: You are welcome 15:57:05 <bauzas> folks, may I also ask you to quickly take a look at https://blueprints.launchpad.net/climate/+spec/lease-state 15:57:06 <bauzas> ? 15:57:16 <bauzas> you'll find how I'll implement states in Climate 15:57:47 <bauzas> any other topics to mention ? 15:57:50 <cmart> OK.. I have a bug related to that 15:57:52 <cmart> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/87684/ 15:58:07 <cmart> bauzas, you found a bug on a merged code.. 15:58:19 <cmart> I think that we should create that bug 15:58:34 <bauzas> cmart: ok, sure 15:58:35 <cmart> but what about the code on the review? 15:58:37 <bauzas> cmart: I agree 15:58:44 <bauzas> cmart: I'll change my vote to +2 15:58:45 <cmart> In fact, I have two reviews with the same issue 15:58:50 <bauzas> but please open a bug for this 15:58:57 <cmart> I can take care of that 15:58:58 <cmart> OK 15:59:06 <cmart> please, put the action to me 15:59:06 <bauzas> ok cool 15:59:31 <casanch1> I have another bug related to https://review.openstack.org/#/c/87684/ 15:59:31 <bauzas> #action cmart to create a bug for using oslo timeutils 15:59:47 <casanch1> I'll contact you cmart for the bug you'll submit 15:59:55 <casanch1> to see if there's a problem with my pathset 15:59:56 <bauzas> sure thajks 16:00:01 <cmart> OK 16:00:03 <bauzas> guys, let's end up the meeting 16:00:07 <casanch1> ok 16:00:09 <jay-lau-513> thanks all for the help 16:00:09 <cmart> ok 16:00:09 <pafuent> Bye 16:00:13 <casanch1> bye! 16:00:14 <cmart> bye 16:00:14 <bauzas> sorry again about the connection troubles 16:00:17 <jay-lau-513> bye 16:00:18 <cmart> np 16:00:21 <pafuent> np 16:00:23 <cmart> bye 16:00:26 <bauzas> jay-lau-513: let's discuss on #openstack-climate 16:00:29 <bauzas> #endmeeting