15:00:17 <bauzas> #startmeeting climate 15:00:17 <openstack> Meeting started Fri May 9 15:00:17 2014 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is bauzas. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:19 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:00:21 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'climate' 15:00:54 <bauzas> hi 15:00:58 <cmart> hi 15:01:05 <bauzas> let's wait for others 15:02:19 <pafuent> Hi 15:02:25 <pafuent> o/ 15:02:36 <casanch1> hi 15:03:06 <bauzas> hi 15:03:14 <bauzas> cool to see people there: ) 15:03:25 <bauzas> is DinaBelova around ? 15:06:15 <bauzas> ok, seems not 15:07:17 <bauzas> #topic Review last action items 15:07:32 <bauzas> #link http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/climate/2014/climate.2014-04-25-15.00.html 15:07:43 <bauzas> cmart: sounds like you had an action ? 15:08:04 <cmart> yes.. related to the timeutils stuff 15:08:14 <cmart> it's already done and merged into master 15:08:26 <cmart> let me find the bug link 15:09:16 <bauzas> cmart: cool 15:09:32 <cmart> https://bugs.launchpad.net/climate/+bug/1312851 15:09:33 <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 1312851 in climate "Update params at climate client are not being handled appropriately" [Medium,Fix committed] 15:10:44 <pafuent> https://bugs.launchpad.net/climate/+bug/1304435 15:10:45 <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 1304435 in climate "Support query leases for project by the platform admin" [Medium,Confirmed] 15:10:51 <bauzas> nice 15:11:00 <bauzas> ok cool 15:11:06 <bauzas> no other actions were lef 15:11:08 <bauzas> left 15:11:15 <bauzas> #topic Open discussion 15:11:33 <bauzas> do we have something important to discuss before Summit ? 15:11:43 <cmart> define Important :) 15:11:55 <bauzas> please all note that next week will see far less support in IRC 15:12:04 <bauzas> and reviews 15:12:12 <pafuent> Yep 15:12:14 <casanch1> yes 15:12:24 <casanch1> but we will meet eachother there 15:12:27 <bauzas> well, I mean urgent topics that could possibly be somewhat important to be raised at Summit 15:12:58 <bauzas> I just want to raise the point that Tuesday's design session will be crucial for Climate 15:13:23 <casanch1> bauzas do you suggest some kind of preparation? 15:13:30 <casanch1> something we must read before that? 15:13:41 <bauzas> I mean that one : 15:13:42 <bauzas> http://junodesignsummit.sched.org/event/a848270c309b10517d4d186fecaf768f#.U2zwnfGOpd0 15:14:05 <bauzas> well, the word 'crucial' was maybe too huge 15:14:18 <bauzas> but I mean that the visibility will be increased 15:14:41 <pafuent> 38 people are "registered" 15:14:49 <bauzas> which is quite good 15:15:34 <bauzas> I would suggest that we should find some time before that talk 15:15:43 <bauzas> to meet each other 15:15:43 <pafuent> +1 15:16:00 <cmart1> +1 15:16:17 <casanch1> +1 15:16:29 <bauzas> ok so folks, be prepared to check your emails :) 15:17:39 <cmart1> I one to say smth.. related to the reviews and stuff 15:17:39 <casanch1> ok :) 15:17:43 <pafuent> bauzas: Do you have the etherpad link of our contact information? 15:18:26 <bauzas> can't find it 15:18:41 <bauzas> I changed my laptop :( 15:18:50 <bauzas> do you have it ? 15:19:15 <pafuent> bauzas: No, I will find it again 15:19:56 <casanch1> there you go https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/climate-juno-summit 15:19:56 <pafuent> bauzas: Congratulations again, I noticed that you change your email 15:20:17 <bauzas> casanch1: great thanks 15:20:40 <bauzas> pafuent: thanks, now I'm just at the beginning of the road :) 15:21:04 <bauzas> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/climate-juno-summit Climate team contacts for Juno summti 15:21:17 <bauzas> so we get the link 15:22:03 <pafuent> cmart1: Which review? 15:22:09 <casanch1> congrats bauzas 15:22:46 <bauzas> cmart1: to be honest, I don't think we will have time for reviews next week :( 15:23:02 <cmart> pafuent: the v2 client 15:23:26 <cmart> I know that, but I would like to get feedback around that review 15:23:44 <cmart> right now it's failing but I don't know why 15:24:07 <cmart> and I also find a issue when trying to create new leases with nova boot cmd 15:24:33 <pafuent> cmart: I will try to look at it later 15:24:50 <cmart> I'm getting stuck and that's why I'm asking on IRC 15:25:01 <cmart> pafuent: thanks 15:25:14 <cmart> and related yto next week, I'll see what can I do 15:25:38 <cmart> because as you guys said, there will be no time for reviews.. :( 15:25:47 <pafuent> Yep 15:25:56 <pafuent> To many sessions to attend 15:26:35 <bauzas> cmart: don't worry too much, I think we need to pause this and see after 15:27:35 <cmart> OK 15:27:48 <cmart> will try to finish all the stuff that I already have 15:28:10 <bauzas> ok, anything to add ? 15:28:11 <cmart> *will finish 15:28:21 <bauzas> I don't want to take too much time 15:29:45 <bauzas> can we consider ending the meeting ? 15:29:57 <cmart> yes 15:30:08 <bauzas> ok, thanks for your presence all 15:30:23 <bauzas> see you IRL for some, and bye! 15:30:26 <bauzas> #endmeetin 15:30:33 <bauzas> #endmeeting