15:11:27 <peschk_l> #startmeeting cloudkitty 15:11:28 <openstack> Meeting started Fri Apr 5 15:11:27 2019 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is peschk_l. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:11:29 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:11:31 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'cloudkitty' 15:12:02 <peschk_l> Hello everybody and welcome to this month's meeting 15:12:10 <peschk_l> today's agenda can be found at https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/cloudkitty-meeting-topics 15:12:45 <peschk_l> Of course, feel free to add any question/topic you'd like to address to the list of topics 15:13:04 <peschk_l> and as usual, we'll leave some time for Q&A at the end of the meeting 15:13:35 <peschk_l> We'll start with the recently merged features and releases 15:13:40 <peschk_l> #topic cloudkitty-dashboard 15:14:17 <peschk_l> cloudkitty-dashboard 8.1.0 has been released 2 days ago 15:15:20 <peschk_l> not much changes in appearance compared to the previous version, but we've got rid of static javascript files and do now rely on Xstatic packages 15:16:07 <peschk_l> The charts in the "reporting" tab have been refreshed a little bit, and we do not need d3-pie anymore 15:17:27 <peschk_l> is is also possible to configure the hashmap service that should be used for predicitve pricing now, through the CLOUDKITTY_QUOTATION_SERVICE variable in django's config file 15:17:50 <peschk_l> and I believe that's it for the dashboard 15:18:12 <peschk_l> #topic cloudkitty client 15:19:34 <peschk_l> No new feature for the client, just a few bug fixes 15:20:16 <peschk_l> we haven't added support for the v2 API to the client yet, given that no v2 endpoint is available in stein 15:20:47 <peschk_l> we'll probably do an intermediary release for the client during the Train cycle, once support for v2 is merged, along with some documentation 15:21:21 <peschk_l> #topic tempest plugin 15:22:28 <peschk_l> the plugin has also been released, in version 1.1.0. The only notable change is that the plugin does now fully support python3 15:23:26 <peschk_l> we're expecting a lot of updates to the tempest plugin during the T cycle though, in which some v2 API endpoints will be added. 15:24:50 <peschk_l> given that we'll add support for the v2 API to the tempest plugin, T version will probably be 2.0.0 15:25:25 <peschk_l> it would also be nice to add complete scenarios to the plugin, but we'll see about that during the next cycle 15:25:53 <peschk_l> and I believe that's it for the plugin 15:25:57 <peschk_l> #topic cloudkitty 15:27:11 <peschk_l> cloudkitty 9.0.0rc2 has been released a few days ago. If no new bug is found, this will probably be the final version for the Stein cycle 15:27:51 <peschk_l> this has been one of the most important releases for cloudkitty, with more than a hundred commits to the core 15:28:03 <peschk_l> the releasenotes can be found here 15:28:09 <peschk_l> #link https://docs.openstack.org/releasenotes/cloudkitty/stein.html 15:29:18 <peschk_l> the three key points of this cycle have been the v2 InfluxDB storage backend, the reworking of the prometheus collector and the integration of the v2 API root 15:30:31 <peschk_l> since version 9.0.0rc2, the root of the API is served with flask, and v2 endpoints can be added easily 15:31:13 <peschk_l> this has been merged before the release to allow easier upgrades to 10.0.0beta versions during the T cycle 15:32:43 <peschk_l> btw: thanks a lot to jferrieu, who reworked the prometheus collector 15:33:20 <peschk_l> it will be used for a hands-on in Denver, so feel free to participate if you're intersted! 15:33:52 <peschk_l> Any questions about the release ? 15:35:21 <peschk_l> let['s move on then 15:35:44 <peschk_l> #topic Roadmap 15:37:07 <peschk_l> a proposal for a roadmap has been submitted: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/645598/ . This is still open to discussion, if you have any feature requests, please do a review of this patch, or propose it at the end of the meeting 15:37:42 <peschk_l> planned features for train are: 15:38:08 <peschk_l> - support for local timezones (currrently, everything is UTC in cloudkitty) 15:39:02 <peschk_l> - a prometheus scope fetcher, which will be similar to the gnocchi fetcher and will allow scope discovery from prometheus 15:39:46 <peschk_l> - v2 endpoints allowing to reset the state of one or several scopes 15:40:25 <peschk_l> - A v2 endpoint allowing to retrieve rating information (kind of a cloudkitty summary get on steroids) 15:40:58 <peschk_l> - a v2 endpoint allowing to generate reports. This will be a replacement for cloudkitty-writer 15:41:40 <peschk_l> btw, the spec for the support of local timezones can be found here: 15:41:51 <peschk_l> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/648438/ 15:42:38 <jferrieu_> I'll review it 15:43:28 <peschk_l> the spec for the v2 endpoints allowing to reset the state of a scope as well as the spec for the prometheus fetcher will be submitted soon. Reviews on these from admins and end-users are welcome! 15:43:32 <peschk_l> thx jferrieu 15:44:42 <peschk_l> the spec for the long-planned new rating module will also be subomitted during the T cycle. I don't think that we'll be able to implement it during T though 15:45:28 <peschk_l> the sane goes for the spec for a second v2 storage driver. For now, elasticsearch is still the planned backend. However, suggestions are still welcome 15:46:58 <peschk_l> I'd really like to thank everybody who has participated in this release: users, contributors, reviewers, developers... 15:48:00 <peschk_l> now new topic has been added to the agenda, so I guess it's time for Q&A / suggestions 15:48:07 <peschk_l> #topic Q&A / suggestions 15:50:45 <peschk_l> no questions at all ? 15:51:34 <jferrieu_> Seems okay to me 15:51:54 <peschk_l> all right, that's it then, thanks everybody for attending! 15:52:01 <peschk_l> #endmeeting