14:01:44 <peschk_l> #startmeeting cloudkitty 14:01:45 <openstack> Meeting started Fri Jun 7 14:01:44 2019 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is peschk_l. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:01:46 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:01:48 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'cloudkitty' 14:02:17 <peschk_l> The agenda for today's meeting can be found here: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/cloudkitty-meeting-topics 14:02:32 <peschk_l> feel free to add any topic you think is missing 14:02:46 <peschk_l> and we'll also have some time for Q&A at the end of the session 14:03:02 <peschk_l> #topic Core rotation 14:03:56 <peschk_l> you may have seen an e-mail about this on the mailing list 14:04:22 <peschk_l> we'd like to remove inactive cores and welcome new contributors 14:04:44 <peschk_l> So first of all let's welcome jferrieu :) 14:04:53 <peschk_l> he joined the core team today 14:05:16 <jferrieu_> thanks a lot 14:05:43 <peschk_l> concerning inactive cores: Pierre-Alexandre Bardina has been removed, and I've reached out to Jeremy Liu and Zhang Guoqing to know if they stilll intend to contribute 14:06:04 <peschk_l> Jeremy told me that would like to remain a core and will contribute again 14:06:14 <peschk_l> I haven't had a response from Guoqing yet 14:06:48 <peschk_l> #topic Train 14:07:14 <peschk_l> So, the Stein release happened and for once, the feature freeze was respected :) 14:07:35 <openstackgerrit> Merged openstack/cloudkitty-specs master: Spec: Add a v2 API endpoint to reset the state of different scopes https://review.opendev.org/659019 14:08:30 <peschk_l> We met people at the summit, cloudkitty seemns to be gaining in popularity 14:09:27 <peschk_l> but for now, most deployments are done with the latest version, or directly from master 14:10:36 <peschk_l> Given that they already have been a lot of merged features during the stein cycle, we'd like to make an intermediary release soon-ish 14:11:43 <peschk_l> Among these, the prometheus fetcher (thx jferrieu), and support for multiple processes/greenthreads in the processor 14:12:22 <peschk_l> a v2 API endpoint allowing to get the state of the scopes has also been merged 14:13:07 <peschk_l> two other endpoints are upcoming: one will allow to reset the state of a scope, the other one will be a replacement for /v1/summary with support for filters and custom grouping 14:13:40 <peschk_l> We'd like to make a release once these endpoints have been merged and the client supports them 14:14:05 <peschk_l> (and once they've been tested for a while) 14:14:42 <peschk_l> Once this is done, I'd like to merge timezone-related stuff as soon as possible 14:15:24 <peschk_l> as it will probably break a lot of things, it would be good to have plenty of time before the Train feature freeze to fix everything 14:16:16 <peschk_l> for interested people, here's the spec 14:16:21 <peschk_l> #link https://review.opendev.org/#/c/648438/ 14:16:35 <peschk_l> (btw jferrieu: you have +2 power now...) 14:17:28 <jferrieu_> (it is true, will do another review on it then) 14:17:38 <peschk_l> the two other things that have been moved recently are the documentation, and cloudkitty's integration in kolla-ansible 14:18:23 <peschk_l> we're starting to see the end of the documentation refactoring story :-) 14:18:26 <peschk_l> #link https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/2004179 14:19:17 <peschk_l> concerning kolla-ansible, Rafael Weingartner has been proposing some patches (support for the influxdb storage backend, support for the gnocchi fetcher) 14:19:45 <peschk_l> I really think this will help people to deploy cloudkitty 14:19:58 <peschk_l> and have a chance to play around with the project 14:21:50 <peschk_l> It would also be nice to have a look at the monasca collector before the end of the cycle (and after the intermediary release has been done): It would allow to have some sweet monasca+cloudkitty+influxdb setups with kolla-ansible 14:22:35 <peschk_l> does anybody have questions on this topic ? 14:23:41 <peschk_l> all right then, let's move on 14:23:53 <peschk_l> #topic Reviews to do 14:24:42 <peschk_l> For newcomers or people who'd like to contribute but don't really know how: reviewing documentation is a good place to start, as people who are new to the project are our main target 14:25:08 <peschk_l> Here's the link to an update of the "configuration" section 14:25:14 <peschk_l> #link https://review.opendev.org/#/c/663622/ 14:25:47 <peschk_l> and here's another one updating the "architecture" section: https://review.opendev.org/#/c/663354/ 14:26:50 <peschk_l> and of course we need help and reviews on the new API endpoints and their client integration 14:27:01 <peschk_l> #link https://review.opendev.org/#/c/658323/ 14:27:15 <peschk_l> #link https://review.opendev.org/#/c/660608/ 14:27:28 <peschk_l> #link https://review.opendev.org/#/c/662730/ 14:28:37 <peschk_l> we'll also need some reviews on the scope state reset endpoint, as son as it is proposed upstream :-) 14:29:51 <peschk_l> our next topic is the public cloud billing working group 14:30:09 <peschk_l> does anybody have something to add/ a questions about the incoming reviews ? 14:31:43 <peschk_l> all right then, next 14:31:58 <peschk_l> #topic Public cloud billing working group 14:32:10 <peschk_l> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/publiccloud-sig-billing-implementation-proposal 14:33:59 <peschk_l> there are a lot of intereseting things in that document, I'll try to participate in their next IRC meeting 14:35:42 <peschk_l> a lot of points are already supported by cloudkitty, some others must be addressed on the telemetry side 14:36:19 <peschk_l> It would be great to consolidate cross-project work on this 14:37:49 <jferrieu_> I agree 14:37:57 <peschk_l> I hope that we'll have some news by next meeting 14:38:32 <peschk_l> I haven't go anything to add for now 14:38:56 <peschk_l> but if somebdoy has / is part of this initiative, please express yourself :-) 14:40:08 <peschk_l> all right then, it's time for Q&A 14:40:32 <peschk_l> (looks like we will keep it under an hour for once) 14:40:37 <peschk_l> #topic Q&A 14:41:16 <peschk_l> If anybody has a question about anything that's been discussed today or about any cloudkitty-related topic, it is time now 14:41:20 <jferrieu_> I got one 14:42:31 <jferrieu_> you've talked about the next meeting about the Billing Initiative, do you know when will it take place? 14:42:50 <peschk_l> jferrieu_: nope, I'll ask them 14:43:03 <peschk_l> IRC channel is #openstack-publiccloud 14:43:36 <jferrieu_> thanks a lot, will definitely have a look at it 14:44:15 <peschk_l> All right then, that's it for today 14:44:25 <peschk_l> thanks for participating! 14:44:28 <peschk_l> #endmeeting