15:01:04 <peschk_l> #startmeeting cloudkitty 15:01:04 <openstack> Meeting started Fri Jul 5 15:01:04 2019 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is peschk_l. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:01:05 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:01:07 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'cloudkitty' 15:01:15 <peschk_l> Hello everybody 15:01:20 <peschk_l> welcome to this meeting 15:01:28 <peschk_l> today's agenda can be found here 15:01:37 <peschk_l> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/cloudkitty-meeting-topics 15:01:58 <peschk_l> as always, please feel free to add any topic you wish to talk about today to the end of the list 15:02:18 <peschk_l> today should be quick, no big news since last time 15:02:45 <peschk_l> #topic Scope state endpoint 15:03:27 <peschk_l> As you may know, w'ere working on several endpoints allowing to reset the state of one or several scopes 15:04:05 <peschk_l> jferrieu pushed the last endpoint today. It's still WIP but some external reviews would be great 15:04:20 <peschk_l> #link https://review.opendev.org/#/c/667607/ 15:05:12 <peschk_l> once this endpoint is merged, We'll only be missing the support for the client before we can make a micro-release 15:05:26 <peschk_l> #topic mid-term release 15:06:26 <peschk_l> given that more and more people deploy cloudkitty in containers (a vast majority with kolla-ansible), and often from the master branch, we'd like to make a mid-term release 15:07:10 <peschk_l> il would provide them a "real" version to build images from (instead of a commit hash somewhere close to the tip of the master branch) 15:08:33 <peschk_l> as said before, the last thing to finish before the release is the whole scope state-related stuff 15:09:14 <peschk_l> and once the release is done, we'll merge the patches that are the more likely to introduce new bugs 15:09:48 <peschk_l> target release date is end of july, so hopefully it will be ready for next meeting 15:10:56 <peschk_l> the patches that may introduce bugs are the patches that'll make cloudkitty timezone-aware 15:11:13 <peschk_l> #link https://review.opendev.org/#/c/663308/ 15:11:21 <peschk_l> #link https://review.opendev.org/#/c/669192/ 15:11:54 <peschk_l> for people intersted in this topic, here's a link to the spec: 15:11:56 <peschk_l> #link https://specs.openstack.org/openstack/cloudkitty-specs/specs/train/timezone_aware.html 15:12:43 <peschk_l> the other change would be "adding a Dataframe object" 15:13:01 <peschk_l> #topic New spec: Dataframe object 15:13:35 <peschk_l> This mostly impacts developers 15:13:44 <peschk_l> the spec is available here: 15:13:49 <peschk_l> #link https://review.opendev.org/#/c/668669/ 15:14:16 <peschk_l> TL;DR: we plan to hardent he internal format of dataframes 15:14:58 <peschk_l> which will most probably introduce a few bugs at first, but should avoid a lot of them in the future :-) 15:16:07 <peschk_l> T release is planned for october 16th, so i'd very much like to merge these changes ASAP after the release 15:16:21 <peschk_l> which would leave us about two months for potential fixes 15:16:32 <peschk_l> Are there questions on this ? 15:17:15 <peschk_l> All right, let's move on then 15:17:41 <peschk_l> #topic public cloud billing 15:18:21 <peschk_l> We discussed this on the last meeting 15:18:44 <peschk_l> there should be another public cloud rating meeting this week or next week 15:18:58 <peschk_l> it will happen in the #openstack-publiccloud channel 15:19:16 <peschk_l> and will be announced on the openstack-discuss mailing list 15:19:55 <peschk_l> the topic of the e-mail will include a "[publiccloud-sig]" tag, so may want to update your ML filters 15:21:08 <peschk_l> And I think that's it concerning public cloud billing, Any questions on this ? 15:23:19 <peschk_l> All right, let's move on to our last topic before the Q&A then 15:23:25 <peschk_l> #topic inactive cores 15:24:33 <peschk_l> So, this topic was mentionned last week. I reached out to two cores, Zhangguoqing and Jeremy Liu 15:25:06 <peschk_l> Jeremy replied, and wants to stay involved for now. He said that he wanted to be more active in the future 15:26:03 <peschk_l> i didn't get a reply from Zhangguoqing, so I think that we'll remove him from the cores if nobody has spoken against it by next week 15:26:35 <peschk_l> and I think that it's time for Q&A 15:26:40 <peschk_l> #topic Q&A 15:27:07 <peschk_l> It's time for any cloudkitty-related question now 15:30:31 <peschk_l> Okay, that's it for today then. Thanks for taking part! 15:30:36 <peschk_l> #endmeeting