15:02:55 <peschk_l> #startmeeting cloudkitty 15:02:55 <openstack> Meeting started Fri Sep 13 15:02:55 2019 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is peschk_l. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:02:56 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:02:58 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'cloudkitty' 15:03:42 <peschk_l> Hi everybody, welcome to the september cloudkitty meeting 15:03:52 <peschk_l> Today's agenda can be found here: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/cloudkitty-meeting-topics 15:04:14 <peschk_l> as usual, feel free to add any topic you'd like to discuss 15:04:29 <peschk_l> and there will be a Q&A session at the end 15:04:40 <peschk_l> #topic feature freeze 15:05:08 <peschk_l> as you know, the feature freeze for the Trains cycle happened yesterday 15:05:49 <peschk_l> I'm quite happy with what we achieved this release, as we have achieved more than what was planned 15:06:32 <peschk_l> and the last feature patch will be merged today, meaning we're only one day late, which is a pretty good score for openstack projects :) 15:06:52 <peschk_l> anyway the complete list of release notes can be found here: https://docs.openstack.org/releasenotes/cloudkitty/unreleased.html 15:07:26 <peschk_l> and you'll have to add an experimental v2 storage driver for elasticsearch to that list 15:07:39 <peschk_l> (the patch is currently being gate tested/ merged by zuul) 15:08:50 <peschk_l> A lot of new features and hardening happened during this cycle, and jferrieu and I will spend the feature freeze expanding the tempest plugin 15:09:02 <peschk_l> (If we find no bug, of course :) ) 15:10:11 <peschk_l> concerning the community goals: we've been one of the first projects to implement full python3 support, and I'd like to drop python2 support ASAP 15:10:30 <peschk_l> it'll probably be one of the first things in the U cycle 15:10:46 <jferrieu> that would be a good thing indeed 15:11:19 <peschk_l> well as soon as the TC gives a green light of course 15:11:48 <peschk_l> Ionce support for py2 has been dropped, I'd like to progressively introduce typ[e annotations 15:11:54 <peschk_l> with eventual mypy checking 15:12:36 <peschk_l> they've already been some proposal for that in openstack, but the answer was "meh, let's wait for py3, we don't want two types of annotations" 15:13:05 <peschk_l> anyway, adding some typing would really help with hardening IMO 15:13:19 <jferrieu> I agree 15:13:31 <peschk_l> concerning the second community goal, which is PDF generation, we haven't been able to implement it yet 15:14:06 <peschk_l> the biggest problem I encoutered being that tables and API reference generation is not supported by latex 15:14:19 <peschk_l> so only a small part of the doc can be generated 15:14:38 <peschk_l> I'm waiting for help of the docs team on this 15:15:38 <peschk_l> somebody proposed a patch on the dashboard. We'll have to review it, but frome what I've seen, only a "project"official" badge is visible in the final pdf 15:15:40 <peschk_l> #link https://review.opendev.org/#/c/681703/ 15:16:09 <peschk_l> any questions about the feature freeze / community goals ? 15:16:32 <jferrieu> I'm good 15:16:54 <peschk_l> all right, next topic then 15:17:03 <peschk_l> #topic meeting schedule 15:17:58 <peschk_l> we've gained some part-time contributors on the project. They'll be working from monday to wednesday 15:18:52 <peschk_l> Also, huats lives in montreal now, so I'd like to propose a new meeting time that's at the beginning of the week, and that is compatible with the montreal and Paris timezones 15:19:27 <peschk_l> I'd also like to make the meeting happen twice a month, and publish a recap on the openstack-discuss mailing list 15:20:03 <peschk_l> would the 1st and 3rd monday of each month be okay for you ? 15:20:18 <peschk_l> at 14h UTC 15:20:26 <jferrieu> I am ok with this, the recap will be a nice plus also imo 15:20:34 <peschk_l> great 15:21:22 <peschk_l> Of course, if we gain contributors from other timezones, we'd be pleased to have at least one of both meetings on a timeslots that suits them 15:22:11 <peschk_l> okay then, I'll propose a patch in order to change the meeting schedule 15:22:57 <peschk_l> and I guess that was it concerning the meeting schedule 15:23:21 <peschk_l> #topic storyboard 15:23:38 <peschk_l> new release cycle, new resolutions 15:24:36 <peschk_l> during the last release cycle, we've been writing specs for each new feature, and we keep doing it, which is a nice thing. I'd like to push storyboard usage now 15:25:08 <peschk_l> It will need some celaning (Ill take care of it), but once it is done, I'd like to have every bug to be registered there 15:25:26 <peschk_l> and not just the major, like we did until now 15:26:31 <peschk_l> one of the first we'll need to adress is that hashmap rules are reloaded way too often, which can lead to a real SQL database hammering when a short collect period is used 15:27:11 <peschk_l> we'll probably introduce some kind of TTL cache in the Hashmap module for this 15:28:09 <peschk_l> We'll also use storyboard to follow the v1 API porting status 15:28:33 <openstackgerrit> Merged openstack/cloudkitty master: Add an ElasticSearch v2 storage driver https://review.opendev.org/679072 15:28:54 <peschk_l> (ah, this was our last feature patch :) ) 15:29:07 <jferrieu> congrats 15:29:32 <priteau> Ideally the API would notify the processors to force refresh of their hashmap cache when rules are updated, otherwise this could lead to puzzling behaviour 15:29:51 <priteau> Oh and hello :) 15:30:31 <peschk_l> priteau: hi :) agreed 15:30:57 <peschk_l> The TTL cache would rather be a quick fix 15:31:58 <peschk_l> but we'll eventually have the same problem with the new rating module so yeah, the long-term fix would be a notification sent out to the processors 15:33:44 <peschk_l> I think that's it concerning storyboard 15:33:49 <peschk_l> #topic open discussion 15:34:13 <peschk_l> priteau: you were intersted in the elasticsearch storage driver, right ? 15:35:09 <priteau> Yes, particularly if it could help to charge based on events rather than metrics. 15:36:35 <peschk_l> priteau: well it doesn't change the way we charge, but It provides some features wich INfluxDB does not 15:36:47 <peschk_l> HA, etc 15:37:45 <peschk_l> priteau: But you're using the monasca collector right ? If monasca provides proper support for events, it would be a nice addition to the monasca collector 15:38:50 <priteau> Monasca event support is just a spec for now. Once there is code it might be a solution. 15:39:17 <peschk_l> I see 15:40:09 <peschk_l> what kind of events do you have in mind ? recource creation / deletion ? 15:40:13 <peschk_l> *resource 15:41:49 <priteau> Yes, there are notifications for creation/update/deletions of many types of resources in OpenStack already which could be used for rating. 15:42:50 <priteau> I suppose the difficulty is keeping track of what resources are allocated if there is no periodic notification. 15:44:44 <peschk_l> Yup. Given ck's design it would require to "make them look like a metric" 15:45:32 <peschk_l> Meaning having some kind of pollster somewhere checking if the resources still exist 15:45:56 <peschk_l> Which is more or less what ceilometer does 15:46:44 <peschk_l> priteau: i don't remember, did you use monasca alone for rating or did you also use ceilosca? 15:48:07 <priteau> Both actually. In the blog post already published I used Ceilosca, but I also configured rating using an openstack prometheus exporter sending data to Monasca (still need to write the blog post for this one) 15:49:53 <peschk_l> Okay 15:51:58 <priteau> I may be able to work on this again soon, I will be able to find out what works bes. 15:52:00 <priteau> best 15:53:35 <peschk_l> priteau: We'de definitely be interested in feedback 15:54:23 <peschk_l> a temporary solution for event-based rating might also be to push already rated dataframes into 15:54:30 <peschk_l> into cloudkitty 15:54:56 <peschk_l> jferrieu recently added a v2 API endpoint for that 15:55:37 <priteau> I'll look into it, thanks 15:58:22 <peschk_l> Are there other topics to be discussed ? 15:59:16 <jferrieu> I'm ok :) 16:01:13 <peschk_l> priteau, do you have more questions ? 16:01:31 <priteau> Not for now, probably in a few weeks when I have the chance to work with CloudKitty again ;-) 16:02:41 <peschk_l> priteau: all right, we're available on IRC, and not just on meeting times :) 16:02:49 <priteau> Thank you 16:02:54 <peschk_l> thanks guys! 16:03:13 <peschk_l> #endmeeting