14:00:14 <rafaelweingartner> #startmeeting cloudkitty 14:00:14 <opendevmeet> Meeting started Mon Jan 23 14:00:14 2023 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is rafaelweingartner. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:14 <opendevmeet> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:00:14 <opendevmeet> The meeting name has been set to 'cloudkitty' 14:00:22 <rafaelweingartner> Roll count 14:00:35 <mkarpiarz> Hi! 14:00:42 <rafaelweingartner> \O 14:00:42 <priteau> o/ 14:01:41 <rafaelweingartner> #topic add CloudKitty API reference docs 14:01:53 <rafaelweingartner> mkarpiarz: are we missing something to finish this item? 14:04:14 <mkarpiarz> Something is still missing and I'm not sure what. 14:04:39 <mkarpiarz> `tox -e api-ref` works just fine when run locally 14:05:30 <mkarpiarz> And yet, https://docs.openstack.org/api-ref/rating/index.html is not generated. 14:07:05 <mkarpiarz> There is one unmerged change here: https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/openstack-manuals/+/867357 14:07:37 <rafaelweingartner> that seems to be the issue 14:08:17 <priteau> It already failed a few days ago 14:08:38 <priteau> https://zuul.opendev.org/t/openstack/build/57c9416614b94930bf618e8c737e624b 14:08:51 <priteau> We may need help from the maintainers of this repository 14:09:46 <rafaelweingartner> I would say so 14:09:55 <rafaelweingartner> it seems that the job is expecting something to exist 14:10:04 <rafaelweingartner> maybe it is another step that we need to take 14:10:15 <mkarpiarz> Maintainers keep referring to this page: https://docs.openstack.org/doc-contrib-guide/api-guides.html 14:10:38 <mkarpiarz> Please let me know if I missed a step! 14:11:43 <mkarpiarz> My understanding is this patch should have triggered a build of API docs: https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/project-config/+/867651 14:11:58 <rafaelweingartner> mkarpiarz: can you contact the maitainer of the system to see what is missing? 14:12:57 <mkarpiarz> I've done this already and, like I said, was told to follow the docs page. 14:13:44 <mkarpiarz> From my perspective all requirements are in place and the problem is somewhere in the plumbing. 14:14:52 <mkarpiarz> Until I'm told what is missing exactly, I can't progres any further. 14:15:18 <priteau> Maybe something is broken in their pipeline. 14:15:30 <priteau> Have you tried talking with them directly on IRC? 14:16:45 <rafaelweingartner> Or, maybe, the trigger has not been executed 14:16:55 <rafaelweingartner> those definitions are the project pipelines executed by Zuul 14:17:11 <rafaelweingartner> they might only be executed during merges or maybe tags 14:17:22 <rafaelweingartner> we did not do any of those since that was merged, right? 14:18:13 <priteau> I don't think so 14:19:16 <rafaelweingartner> lets see if we have something to merge today then 14:19:42 <mkarpiarz> OK 14:20:29 <rafaelweingartner> Mariusz thanks for the effort on this one so far ! 14:21:59 <rafaelweingartner> #topic Target review of the meeting 14:22:14 <rafaelweingartner> Starting the the spec: https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/cloudkitty-specs/+/866198 14:22:35 <rafaelweingartner> I see that Mariusz has already approved. Have you had time to take a look into the proposal priteau? 14:24:55 <priteau> Sorry I haven't had the chance to look at it, it's been a busy period. I can make some time this week. 14:26:49 <rafaelweingartner> ok 14:26:51 <rafaelweingartner> thanks! 14:27:01 <rafaelweingartner> that would be a very interesting feature for us to have in CloudKitty 14:27:11 <rafaelweingartner> Lets wait for you then 14:28:08 <rafaelweingartner> So, moving on. The patch #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/cloudkitty/+/864269 14:28:31 <rafaelweingartner> I amended it as suggested by priteau, and Mariusz has given his blessing 14:28:41 <rafaelweingartner> Can we move on with its merge? 14:29:17 <priteau> I will make a small cosmetic change 14:29:26 <priteau> Faster than asking you to update 14:30:14 <rafaelweingartner> ok 14:30:15 <rafaelweingartner> thanks 14:30:22 <rafaelweingartner> sorry for missing these details 14:30:29 <opendevreview> Pierre Riteau proposed openstack/cloudkitty master: Optimize Gnocchi fetcher https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/cloudkitty/+/864269 14:31:53 <rafaelweingartner> Thanks! 14:32:43 <rafaelweingartner> Moving on, we have this other patch, #link: https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/cloudkitty/+/862824 14:33:41 <rafaelweingartner> mkarpiarz: would you like to do the honors on this one: https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/cloudkitty/+/864269? 14:34:15 <mkarpiarz> Done. 14:34:25 <rafaelweingartner> The patch #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/cloudkitty/+/862824 was approved by Mariusz, and we had that discussion regarding the optimization of the attributes stored in the backend. 14:36:24 <priteau> Looking now 14:39:00 <rafaelweingartner> awesome! 14:39:01 <rafaelweingartner> thanks! 14:39:35 <rafaelweingartner> I will amend those comments after the meeting then 14:40:00 <rafaelweingartner> After that, we have this new patch #link: https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/cloudkitty/+/871178 14:40:08 <rafaelweingartner> It seems to be ready to be merged 14:40:14 <rafaelweingartner> it is a small patch 14:46:25 <rafaelweingartner> To be that patch is ready to go 14:46:35 <rafaelweingartner> Let's see if you guys can review it 14:47:36 <rafaelweingartner> We also have these others #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/cloudkitty/+/861786 and #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/cloudkitty/+/861806, which would be interesting to have a review round to see if we can move on with them 14:47:51 <rafaelweingartner> The same goes for #link: https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/cloudkitty/+/864578 14:48:00 <priteau> Approved the RPC patch 14:48:03 <rafaelweingartner> the patch #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/cloudkitty/+/864578 is approved by Mariusz already 14:48:59 <priteau> I am merging PyScripts now. We should backport too. 14:49:45 <rafaelweingartner> awesome 14:49:46 <rafaelweingartner> thanks! 14:53:48 <rafaelweingartner> Having gone through the target reviews, I open now for the general discussions momment 14:53:54 <rafaelweingartner> #topic Open Floor moment 14:54:09 <rafaelweingartner> Do you guys have something extra that we need to discuss? 14:55:17 <mkarpiarz> Nothing from my side 14:58:09 <rafaelweingartner> Thank you guys for participating. Have a nice week. 14:58:16 <rafaelweingartner> #endmeeting