14:00:11 <rafaelweingartner> #startmeeting cloudkitty 14:00:11 <opendevmeet> Meeting started Mon Aug 7 14:00:11 2023 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is rafaelweingartner. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:11 <opendevmeet> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:00:11 <opendevmeet> The meeting name has been set to 'cloudkitty' 14:00:14 <rafaelweingartner> Hello guys! 14:00:17 <rafaelweingartner> Roll count 14:00:26 <priteau> o/ 14:00:48 <rafaelweingartner> \O 14:02:25 <rafaelweingartner> mkaríarz: are you going to join us today? 14:03:53 <rafaelweingartner> mkarpiarz* 14:04:01 <mkarpiarz> Hi! 14:04:07 <mkarpiarz> Yes, I'm here. :) 14:04:24 <rafaelweingartner> awesome! 14:06:44 <rafaelweingartner> I guess we can start then 14:06:46 <rafaelweingartner> #topic vPTG meeting 14:06:55 <rafaelweingartner> We need to start planning for the vPTG 14:07:02 <rafaelweingartner> I will prepare an email to select datres 14:07:06 <rafaelweingartner> dates* 14:07:17 <rafaelweingartner> should we already set some specific date and time? 14:07:24 <rafaelweingartner> or, should we do a vote in the mailing list 14:12:30 <rafaelweingartner> I already registered Cloudkitty team 14:12:44 <rafaelweingartner> You can register at: https://ptg2023.openinfra.dev/ 14:12:50 <rafaelweingartner> We still need to register the timeslot and the etherpad 14:13:58 <rafaelweingartner> We will do so in our next meeting, so we can first validate our agendas 14:14:05 <rafaelweingartner> moving on... 14:14:07 <rafaelweingartner> #topic Target reviews 14:14:54 <rafaelweingartner> I do not have anything new in our upstream patches. We just finished almost a month of work to upgrade CLoudKitty to InfluxDB V2, Gnocchi to latest version and so on, and that required some energy and effort to handle some bugs and issues that appeared 14:15:05 <rafaelweingartner> All of the items we found are being sent upstream 14:15:19 <rafaelweingartner> anyways, CloudKitty is working nicelly with InfluxDB V2 14:15:34 <rafaelweingartner> Do you guys have some patches that we should look at ? 14:16:34 <priteau> Still need more work on OpenSearch v2 14:16:52 <priteau> I created a storyboard entry for influxdb v2 following a request on the ML 14:17:19 <rafaelweingartner> I see 14:17:31 <rafaelweingartner> I noticed the email, but had no time and energy to reply to it 14:17:51 <rafaelweingartner> we found some issues with Gnocchi, InfluxDB, and CLoudKitty that required our full attention 14:18:03 <rafaelweingartner> some very tricky issues to debug and find the root cause =) 14:18:16 <rafaelweingartner> but, now we return to our normal process, I guess 14:19:04 <mkarpiarz> No patches from my side but I've been working with OpenSeach, just not for CloudKitty. 14:19:15 <rafaelweingartner> :) 14:26:23 <rafaelweingartner> If we have nothing else, I guess we can close the meeting 14:26:27 <rafaelweingartner> what do you guys think? 14:27:46 <priteau> Just a note about timing of the meeting 14:27:46 <mkarpiarz> I have nothing more. :) 14:27:53 <priteau> Of the ptg meeting 14:28:00 <priteau> I may only be available on the monday 14:28:57 <rafaelweingartner> Ok, so we can use it as the goal then 14:31:47 <mkarpiarz> Surely we can move the meeting to a different day. :) 14:33:09 <rafaelweingartner> Thank you guys for participating. Have a nice week. 14:33:16 <rafaelweingartner> #endmeeting