14:00:40 <rafaelweingartner> #startmeeting cloudkitty 14:00:40 <opendevmeet> Meeting started Mon Sep 4 14:00:40 2023 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is rafaelweingartner. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:40 <opendevmeet> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:00:40 <opendevmeet> The meeting name has been set to 'cloudkitty' 14:00:46 <rafaelweingartner> Hello guys! 14:00:49 <rafaelweingartner> Roll count 14:03:02 <priteau> o/ 14:03:13 <mkarpiarz> Hi! 14:03:56 <rafaelweingartner> Nice to see you all here =) 14:04:56 <rafaelweingartner> #topic vPTG meeting 14:05:17 <rafaelweingartner> The date is comming, and we already decided that we will take the same timeslot as we have our recurrent meeting 14:05:25 <rafaelweingartner> we just need to have access to the system to register it 14:05:46 <rafaelweingartner> BTW, do not forget to register at #link https://ptg2023.openinfra.dev/ 14:06:20 <mkarpiarz> OK 14:07:05 <priteau> Done already 14:09:33 <rafaelweingartner> awesome! 14:09:35 <rafaelweingartner> #topic Monasca deprecation 14:09:58 <rafaelweingartner> I have not been able to advance towards that. Sadly, the last two weeks I had to devote to the gating issues patching 14:10:05 <rafaelweingartner> Almost everything was resolved now 14:11:50 <priteau> We could postpone removal if it won't make it into B 14:11:53 <priteau> It's not critical 14:13:07 <rafaelweingartner> I agree 14:13:32 <rafaelweingartner> I will note that down 14:13:38 <rafaelweingartner> and we do it in C release then 14:14:21 <priteau> We are beyond feature freeze now 14:15:38 <rafaelweingartner> exactly 14:16:13 <rafaelweingartner> #topic OpenSearch support 14:16:24 <rafaelweingartner> Moving on to the OpenSearch support. I guess it is the same situation, right? 14:16:30 <rafaelweingartner> we should aim it to C release 14:16:36 <priteau> Sorry, no progress on this yet and my colleague working on this is on leave until next week now 14:16:49 <rafaelweingartner> no worries 14:18:55 <rafaelweingartner> So, moving on to the next topic 14:19:00 <rafaelweingartner> #topic Target reviews 14:19:15 <rafaelweingartner> We have not advanced much with the patches. That is a consequence of the CI and gating issues we faced 14:19:24 <rafaelweingartner> There is still one issue with the docs pipeline 14:19:30 <rafaelweingartner> which I am fixing today in WSME 14:19:36 <rafaelweingartner> #link https://opendev.org/x/wsme# 14:19:44 <rafaelweingartner> it is not working with the latest version of Sphinx 14:19:52 <rafaelweingartner> does anybody know somebody that manages that project? 14:20:02 <rafaelweingartner> I am going to create the patch, and we need somebody to release it 14:20:29 <priteau> https://review.opendev.org/admin/groups/d951908433808910eeb9b8df326cfd257f789067,members 14:20:50 <priteau> I think wsme is not actively maintained 14:21:01 <priteau> Several of the people listed in this group are not active in OpenStack anymore 14:21:31 <priteau> You can try to reach to Stephen Finucane 14:21:35 <rafaelweingartner> I see 14:21:36 <rafaelweingartner> thanks 14:21:38 <rafaelweingartner> I will do so 14:21:54 <rafaelweingartner> I thought about removing its dependency, but the impact in our docs is considrable 14:22:01 <rafaelweingartner> that is why I evaluated a possible patch 14:22:07 <rafaelweingartner> I just tested, and it works 14:22:14 <rafaelweingartner> so I am going to open a patch to it 14:23:22 <priteau> stephenfin is on IRC too and looks active recently 14:23:43 <rafaelweingartner> cool 14:23:44 <rafaelweingartner> thanks! 14:23:47 <priteau> He wrote in another channel just a few minutes ago 14:24:30 <rafaelweingartner> besides that, there is also the deprecation of old branches, which is also on my plate, but I have not been able to do it 14:24:42 <rafaelweingartner> And, that is basically all from my side. Do you guys have something else to add? 14:25:41 <priteau> Nothing else from me. Let's try to wrap up Bobcat cleanly, stability is the most important. 14:25:57 <priteau> There was something I wanted to raise 14:26:07 <rafaelweingartner> agree 14:26:09 <priteau> Do we have any highlights for Bobcat? 14:26:25 <rafaelweingartner> what do you mean by highlights? 14:26:38 <rafaelweingartner> anything new? Or something like that? 14:26:59 <priteau> It is a request to PTL each cycle 14:27:07 <priteau> [PTL][release] 2023.2 Bobcat Cycle Highlights 14:27:17 <priteau> See mailing list 14:27:23 <priteau> https://docs.openstack.org/project-team-guide/release-management.html#cycle-highlights 14:27:30 <priteau> You should include 3-5 cycle-highlight bullets. 14:27:55 <priteau> We have the multiple rating types 14:27:56 <rafaelweingartner> I see 14:28:01 <rafaelweingartner> I will do that then 14:28:05 <priteau> Optimize Gnocchi fetcher processing time 14:28:24 <rafaelweingartner> I thought that it was automatically generated 14:28:27 <priteau> state field is not really relevant 14:28:57 <priteau> Release notes are automatically generated, they are here: https://docs.openstack.org/releasenotes/cloudkitty/unreleased.html 14:29:15 <priteau> But projects are encouraged to pick a few features to highlight 14:29:41 <priteau> Of course for us there is not much to highlight in this cycle 14:30:04 <priteau> But if you are Nova or Neutron, you will pick a few highlights out of the dozen of new features 14:30:17 <priteau> Still, we should do it, it gives us more visibility 14:30:56 <rafaelweingartner> I see 14:31:03 <rafaelweingartner> I will do that then 14:31:40 <priteau> Thanks 14:32:03 <rafaelweingartner> welcome 14:32:09 <rafaelweingartner> do you guys have sdomething else to add? 14:33:40 <priteau> That's all from me 14:35:23 <mkarpiarz> Nothing from my side. 14:35:30 <rafaelweingartner> Thank you guys for participating. Have a nice week. 14:35:33 <rafaelweingartner> #endmeeting