16:11:47 <sdake> #startmeeting containers 16:11:48 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Jan 20 16:11:47 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is sdake. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:11:49 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 16:11:52 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'containers' 16:11:56 <sdake> #topic rollcall 16:12:03 <sdake> howdy yo \o/ 16:12:04 <apmelton> andrew melton 16:12:08 <dguryanov> Dmitry Guryanov 16:12:11 <jay-lau-513> jay 16:12:20 <sew> o/ 16:12:24 <diga> Digambar Patil 16:12:35 <sew> Steven Wilson 16:12:51 <sdake> so my apologies for hte meeting starting late today - I think adrian must be out with a cold or something and didn't shoot me an email to start the meeting 16:13:08 <sdake> #topic agenda review 16:13:11 <hongbin> Hongbin Lu 16:13:32 <sdake> looks like the agenda hasn't been updated since last meeting 16:14:02 <jay-lau-513> yes 16:14:03 <sdake> so I propose milestone #1 ready check, followed by milestone #2 assignment of blueprints, followed by open discussion 16:14:12 <sdake> anyone have anything they like to add? 16:14:17 <thomasem> Thomas Maddox 16:14:21 <thomasem> o/ 16:14:25 <sdake> o/ :) 16:14:27 <jay-lau-513> Magnum milestone1 announcement? 16:14:39 <sdake> jay-lau-513 sure we can address that in the ready check 16:14:45 <jay-lau-513> ok 16:14:46 <sew> have dates for a magnum mid-cycle been finalized? 16:15:05 <sdake> sew I am not sure, only adrian has that information at this time 16:15:28 <sdake> sew send me aprivate message with your email, adn i'll send you and him a message so we can find out 16:15:41 <sew> thx sdake 16:15:46 <sdake> #topic milestone #1 ready-check 16:16:04 <sdake> so my take on the code base is it is pretty solid 16:16:10 <sdake> I have been trying to break things and it is hard 16:16:20 <sdake> the code doesn't behave like I'd like it to entirely - like bay-delete for example 16:16:38 <sdake> but those are gold plating exercises for later - the key thing is magnum must work out the gate with the quickstart guide we provide 16:16:48 <sdake> because seriously poeple are going to give it 30 minutes and if it doesn't work, give up :) 16:17:10 <sdake> that said, anyone have any objections to raise with being ready? 16:17:14 <sdake> perhaps a better approach 16:17:17 <jay-lau-513> someone might want to contribute patches based on dev quick start :) 16:17:28 <sdake> can I get a +1/-1 vote from the core team on readiness of magnum for milestone #1 16:17:55 <dims__> +1 - got for it 16:18:00 <jay-lau-513> I'm +1 because I want to attact more people to get involved 16:18:06 <diga> +1 16:18:34 <hongbin> It seems there is no magnum container-create command at the guide 16:19:03 <sdake> I have not tested container object in much detail 16:19:10 <sdake> didn't feel comfortable putting in the guide, but we can if we want 16:19:14 <sdake> but we are running short on time 16:19:22 <hongbin> k 16:19:33 <apmelton> sdake: unless it's changed since my patch on it, it required manual setup of docker on the local machine 16:19:39 <jay-lau-513> I recalled dims_ did test the container part, at least create works 16:19:42 <apmelton> I'm not sure we'd really want that in milestone one 16:20:09 <diga> I am testing mgnum for container, not yet updated the guide 16:20:21 <sdake> diga does container_create work? 16:20:28 <sdake> without manual test 16:20:33 <sdake> which manual steps apmelton? 16:21:02 <diga> Today I have fresh setup of magnum 16:21:20 <diga> I will test all the command on it 16:21:37 <sdake> so I am +1, once the quickstart reviews land in the review queue 16:21:38 <diga> Not yet tested for container_create 16:21:50 <sdake> diga we would like to release in a few hours 16:22:00 <apmelton> sdake: by manual, I mean I had to install docker on the same host as the magnum conductor 16:22:01 <diga> yes 16:22:11 <diga> will do it in some time 16:22:37 <sdake> apmelton to obtain access to a cli or some other tool apmelton? 16:22:46 <sdake> we have the same nonsense now, with installing kubectl :( 16:23:11 <sdake> hey adrian! 16:23:20 <sdake> sorry startedmeeting without you 16:23:26 <jay-lau-513> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/143559/ this patch make container_create works 16:23:35 <sdake> we are on a ready check of milestone #1 16:24:35 <sdake> ok sounds like everyone but apmelton is ina greement we should release 16:24:52 <hongbin> one more thing for the guide 16:24:53 <sdake> I am concerned a bit that container functionlaity itself is nto well tested 16:25:03 <sdake> hey adrian :) 16:25:05 <hongbin> I prefer a troubling-shooting session 16:25:14 <adrianotto1> Hi 16:25:29 <adrianotto1> On an airplane.msorry for delay 16:25:34 <hongbin> which tell users how to debug the environment setup problem, i.e. networking problem 16:25:44 <sdake> adrianotto1 thanks for joining us on the plane :) 16:25:54 <apmelton> sdake: container-create works, just against an ad-hoc docker daemon installed locally 16:25:56 <sdake> hongbin that sounds great, but does that really need to land for milestone #1? 16:26:06 <apmelton> or rather, that's how the default config works 16:26:19 <jay-lau-513> hongbin sdake I think that we can address this in m2 16:26:19 <sdake> apmelton not against the bay's docker containers? 16:26:28 <sdake> jay-lau-513 agree 16:26:28 <diga> sdake: it is working 16:26:28 <apmelton> sdake: unless that's changed 16:26:33 <diga> just checked 16:26:43 <sdake> diga where are the containers being created, in bay? 16:26:46 <hongbin> k 16:26:51 <jay-lau-513> once m1 released, we can attact more contributor and more people will try/contribute 16:27:38 <hongbin> sdake: I guess users may need the iptable command you sent me to make the network work. 16:27:39 <jay-lau-513> we still have some work to do for dev quick start 16:27:55 <sdake> jay-lau-513 for milestone #1? 16:27:57 <sdake> or you mean in general 16:28:09 <jay-lau-513> sdake not m1 but m2+ 16:28:16 <sdake> think of milestone #1 as the bare minimum needed to get the thing running :) 16:28:17 <diga> in general 16:28:30 <jay-lau-513> sdake yes 16:28:32 <sdake> relatively bug free as well 16:28:51 <sdake> I mean, we lack good security model, lack vif for services, lack multi-tenancy 16:28:51 <sdake> etc 16:28:59 <sdake> these are all things thatcan be sorted out in m2/m3 16:29:16 <sdake> so sounds like we are ina greement then that milestone #1 is a go for release once those two reviews land 16:29:29 <adrian_otto1> Multi tenancy should be a high priority 16:29:47 <sdake> adrian_otto1 I'll go over milestone #2 stuff -but atm I think its "essential" 16:30:10 <sdake> this needs +2s/+A's 16:30:15 <sdake> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/148549/ 16:30:26 <sdake> #topic last edits for release announcement 16:31:03 <sdake> trying to find link 16:31:08 <sdake> if anyone has it feel free to paste it ;) 16:31:52 <apmelton> sdake: this? https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/magnum-release 16:32:18 <sdake> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/magnum-release 16:32:20 <sdake> thanks apmelton :) 16:32:26 <sdake> Ok any last edits, now is your chance 16:32:51 <sdake> adrian_otto1 are you good to tag the release and annoucne it on the ml in 1-2 hrs considering your with snakes on a plane? :) 16:33:11 <sdake> adrian_otto1 are you good to adrian_otto1 are you good to tag the release and annoucne it on the ml in 1-2 hrs considering your with snakes on a plane? :)tag the release and annoucne it on the ml in 1-2 hrs considering your with snakes on a plane? :) 16:33:43 <adrian_otto1> I can tag it later today and send release announce email 16:34:09 <adrian_otto1> If there are key items to include let me know 16:34:24 <adrian_otto1> I can wait to merge some last things if desired 16:34:24 <sdake> adrian_otto1 I'd just stick with the announcement email 16:34:33 <sdake> ya we have two things to merge - doc fixes 16:34:54 <adrian_otto1> Ok, I will be sure to et those in 16:35:03 <sdake> if anyone wants to wikigarden https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Magnum - that would be spectacular 16:35:04 <adrian_otto1> *get 16:35:11 <sdake> jay pipes was complaining about a lack of documentation :) 16:35:38 <adrian_otto1> We shall not disappoint Jay. 16:35:46 <sdake> ;-) 16:35:51 <sdake> ok milestone #2 review then 16:36:01 <sdake> Ok, folks have beenfiling a ton of blueprints 16:36:09 <sdake> I'm not sure we cn tackle them all in milestone #2 16:36:15 <sdake> first things first,when should we conclude milestone #2? 16:36:58 * jaypipes dons the Hat of Disappointment. 16:37:29 <sdake> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Kilo_Release_Schedule 16:37:55 <sdake> kilo 2 is feb 5 kilo 3 is march 19th 16:38:03 <jaypipes> sdake: you know I'm joking I hope! :) 16:38:11 <sdake> jaypipes of course ;) 16:38:14 <jaypipes> heh 16:38:29 <sdake> ideally it would be nice if we merged schedules with the openstack project by milestone #3 16:38:40 <adrian_otto1> Agreed 16:38:46 <sdake> so I thin we should set milestone #3 milestone for march 5th 16:38:50 <sdake> any -1 on that idea? 16:39:03 <sdake> rather march 19th 16:39:04 <adrian_otto1> +1 16:39:05 <sdake> I can't apparently read 16:39:32 <sdake> kilo 2 is righ taroudn the corner 16:39:41 <sdake> we should probably split the difference between now and march 5th 16:40:07 <sdake> that puts us at Feb 16 for 1 mo of development 16:40:18 <sdake> and then 3 weeks for milestone #3 16:40:35 <sdake> ok so I just pulled those dates out, does anyone have any alternative propsoal ? 16:41:19 <sew> adrian_otto1: speaking of dates, have they been finalized for a magnum mid-cycle? 16:41:26 <sew> should they align with the dates mentioned? 16:41:40 <sdake> can I get a core vote on the dates Milestone #2 Feb 16th, Milestone #3 march 5th 16:41:42 <sdake> +1 from me :) 16:41:59 <sdake> (note milestone #3 merges with the openstack project schedule at this point) 16:42:07 <jay-lau-513> +1 16:42:14 <sdake> rather march 19th :) 16:42:18 <sdake> groan 16:42:27 <sdake> Milestone #2 Feb 16 - Milestone #3 march 19th 16:42:41 <sdake> dims__ any thoughts? 16:43:02 <sdake> ok well no complaints I guess we will stick with those dates for now 16:43:11 <adrian_otto1> This only matters much if we plan to code freeze 16:43:37 <sdake> yup, we didn't really code freeze for milestone #1 16:43:43 <sdake> but we stopped dev for a bit to focus on Q/A :) 16:43:44 <adrian_otto1> Otherwise we just need to have a working software deliverable with more features and less bugs than last release 16:44:04 <adrian_otto1> Brb this irc client is jacked 16:44:42 <sdake> #topic milestone #2 16:44:52 <sdake> #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/magnum/milestone-2 16:44:59 <sdake> ok we have 15 minutes left in the meeting 16:45:04 <sdake> I'd like to give 5 for general discussion 16:45:15 <sdake> so lets spend next 10 minutes going over essential/high blueprints and seeing if we can find an owner 16:45:39 <sdake> #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/magnum/+spec/multi-tenant 16:45:55 <sdake> so I think this should be pretty easy - this is essential for milestone #2 16:46:01 <sdake> any takers? 16:46:02 <thomasem> brb 16:46:21 <jay-lau-513> I can take multi tenant 16:46:29 <sdake> cool 16:46:35 <sdake> I'll put the other couple essentials up here too 16:46:42 <sdake> #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/magnum/+spec/secure-kubernetes 16:46:55 <sdake> #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/magnum/+spec/magnum-bay-status 16:47:09 <sdake> so secure-kubernetes involves ddoihng some magic with TLS 16:47:12 <sdake> not quite sure how it works 16:47:15 <hongbin> I can take the bay status 16:47:19 <sdake> cool 16:47:26 <sdake> go ahead and assign to yourselves then folks 16:47:27 <thomasem> back 16:47:43 <jay-lau-513> hongbin you may want to discuss with yuanying for bay-status :) 16:47:54 <hongbin> jay-lau-513: sure 16:47:55 <jay-lau-513> hongbin I see he has take it over 16:48:07 <sdake> anyone up for securing kubernetes? 16:48:10 <sdake> essential blueprint 16:48:13 <hongbin> jay-lau-513: then I don't mind to leave it to him 16:48:30 <jay-lau-513> hongbin no worry, we can collaborate 16:48:42 <hongbin> jay-lau-513: sure :) 16:48:50 <wkharold_> I'll look @ securing kubernetes 16:48:51 <jay-lau-513> hongbin welcome to multi tenant haha 16:49:18 <sdake> I assigned multi-tenant to jay :) 16:49:24 <sdake> but you can sortit out later 16:49:28 <jaypipes> :) 16:49:34 <sdake> basically I'd like to get all the essential/high assigned to folks 16:49:44 <sdake> that can commit to doing them in milestone #2 timeframe 16:49:52 <sdake> if not, we will push stuff down the list 16:49:54 <diga> asdake: can I get one blueprint to work on 16:49:59 <wkharold_> I'm also interested introducing coreos 16:50:00 <diga> sdake 16:50:22 <sdake> diga sure let me get to the high's now 16:50:35 <diga> ok 16:50:36 <sdake> #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/magnum/+spec/introduce-coreos 16:50:45 <diga> yes 16:50:48 <sdake> #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/magnum/+spec/ironic-heat-template 16:50:59 <sdake> #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/magnum/+spec/update-node-count 16:51:11 <sdake> #Link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/magnum/+spec/magnum-docker-backend-selection 16:51:16 <sdake> hey yuanying-alt :) 16:51:29 <sdake> so wkharold_ your interested in tackling coreos? 16:51:35 <diga> I am in 16:51:37 <diga> for coreos 16:51:40 <sdake> I think it mostly involves writing a heat template 16:51:46 <apmelton> sdake: I can take docker backend selection 16:51:51 <sdake> sounds apmelton 16:51:57 <sdake> can you folks assign yourselves to the blueprints? 16:52:03 <diga> ok 16:52:05 <sdake> I don't know everyone's launchpad ids.. 16:52:06 <wkharold_> yes 16:52:30 <apmelton> sdake: doesn't look like I can change that field, my id is andrew-melton 16:52:41 <sdake> I've taken two : https://blueprints.launchpad.net/magnum/+spec/external-lb https://blueprints.launchpad.net/magnum/+spec/horizontal-scale 16:52:50 <sdake> these are both large in scope, not sure I can complete both in 1 month time 16:53:18 <diga> I have taken - https://blueprints.launchpad.net/magnum/+spec/introduce-coreos 16:53:28 <wkharold_> I'm 'wkh' ... a little late to the party sorry 16:53:51 <sdake> wkharoid_ which one did you want? 16:53:53 <diga> hey wkharold- 16:54:11 <wkharold_> secure-kubernetes and/or coreos 16:54:22 <sdake> coreos is taken but thanks for taking on secure-kubernetes :) 16:54:25 <wkharold_> diga: yo 16:54:38 <wkharold_> sdake: cool 16:54:54 <hongbin> sdake: I can take the update node count, and leave the bay status to yuanying 16:55:03 <sdake> hongbin that sounds great 16:56:07 <sdake> remaining HIGHs: 16:56:20 <sdake> #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/magnum/+spec/ironic-heat-template 16:56:32 <sdake> #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/magnum/+spec/magnum-scheduler-for-docker 16:56:44 <sdake> #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/magnum/+spec/native-docker-network 16:56:56 <sdake> If folks see the recording later, feel free to assign yourselves :) 16:56:59 <sdake> #topic open discussion 16:57:09 <sdake> so I think milestone #2 looks fairly achieveable - we may have to push some s tuff 16:57:26 <sdake> Sorry I left so little time for open discussion - busy day today and got a la te start 16:57:33 <sdake> is there anything folks would like to discuss? 16:57:34 <jay-lau-513> sdake I can take over scheudler, for network, we may need more discussion 16:58:19 <diga> I would like to contribute to the scheduler part as well 16:58:31 <adrian_otto2> Remember that you can work on any BP 16:58:39 <jay-lau-513> diga cool :-) 16:58:40 <sdake> diga is https://blueprints.launchpad.net/magnum/+spec/magnum-backend-docker-api 16:58:43 <sdake> finished? 16:58:44 <diga> :) 16:58:46 <thomasem> adrian_otto2: any news on the mid-cycle dates? 16:58:48 <adrian_otto2> The owner is responsible for reporting the status in our weekly meetings 16:59:07 <sdake> ya, blueprints are just a way for the team to know if our goals are achieveable (eg is work assigned and getting done) 16:59:20 <adrian_otto2> It does not mean that you are barred from contributing if a BP is assigned to another contributor 16:59:26 <diga> yes, it was done 16:59:54 <sdake> Make sure to mark implemented when finishing a blueprint 17:00:00 <diga> ok 17:00:02 <diga> sure 17:00:09 <sdake> ok I think tha tis all we have time for, we can overflow in #openstack-containers 17:00:11 <diga> I will mark as implemented 17:00:15 <sdake> #endmeeting