16:01:54 <sdake_ws> #startmeeting containers 16:01:55 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Feb 17 16:01:54 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is sdake_ws. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:01:57 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 16:02:00 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'containers' 16:02:06 <sdake_ws> #topic rollcall 16:02:15 <apmelton> Andrew Melton 16:02:16 <apmelton> o/ 16:02:23 <hongbin> Hongbin Lu 16:02:23 <sdake_ws> steak here 16:02:29 <diga_> Digambar Patil 16:02:40 <daneyon_> Daneyon Hansen 16:02:53 <pradk> o/ 16:03:10 <sdake_ws> #topic agenda 16:03:17 <thomasem> o/ 16:03:27 <thomasem> Thomas MAddox 16:04:12 <sdake_ws> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Containers#Agenda_for_2015-02-17_1600_UTC 16:04:18 <sdake_ws> anyone have anythign to add to the agenda? 16:04:35 <sdake_ws> first adrian is in tahiti sipping on mai tais. 16:04:36 <sdake_ws> Or somethitng 16:04:46 <sdake_ws> he is on PTO atleast for 2 weeks, not sure where :) 16:05:02 <sdake_ws> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Magnum/Midcycle 16:05:08 <sdake_ws> there is info on our midcycle 16:05:29 <sdake_ws> if you prevoiusly signed up and won't be able to make it, plesae email adrian_otto@rackspace.com with your regrets 16:05:41 <sdake_ws> it may be adrian.otto :) 16:05:42 <sdake_ws> not sure 16:05:57 <thomasem> sdake_ws, should be adrian.otto 16:05:59 <sdake_ws> #topic blueprint review 16:06:02 <thomasem> lemme double check for you 16:06:13 <thomasem> yes, adrian.otto 16:06:53 <sdake_ws> #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/magnum/milestone-2 16:07:22 <sdake_ws> lets go down the blueprints 1:1 and either indicate whether it will definately get done, is in risk, or should be pushed out 16:07:51 <sdake_ws> sorting by priority high to low 16:08:05 <sdake_ws> #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/magnum/+spec/external-lb 16:08:20 <sdake_ws> this absolutely needs to be done and I'm working on it - should be wrapped up 16:08:59 <sdake_ws> #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/magnum/+spec/magnum-bay-status 16:10:21 <sdake_ws> yuanying any word on progress? 16:10:44 <thomasem> Don't think yuanying is here? 16:10:49 <sdake_ws> ya not here 16:10:50 <sdake_ws> bummer 16:10:56 <thomasem> yup 16:11:02 <sdake_ws> #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/magnum/+spec/secure-kubernetes 16:11:07 <sdake_ws> was wkharold here? 16:11:44 <sdake_ws> #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/magnum/+spec/multi-tenant 16:11:55 <sdake_ws> jay-lau-513 multi-tenant coming along ? 16:12:07 <sdake_ws> oh ya implemented nice :) 16:12:26 <sdake_ws> horizontal scale - I think is important but I wont' have time this cycle, so bumping to next cycle 16:13:10 <sdake_ws> #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/magnum/+spec/magnum-docker-backend-selection 16:13:25 <sdake_ws> apmelton any word on that spec? 16:13:33 <apmelton> sdake_ws: so that should be pushed back to M3 16:13:41 <apmelton> it's sorta the over arching epic 16:14:27 <sdake_ws> #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/magnum/+spec/introduce-coreos 16:14:33 <sdake_ws> digiamabar coreos support ? 16:14:35 <diga_> Yes, 16:14:55 <diga_> Will commit all the code by tomorrow 16:15:04 <sdake_ws> nice ! 16:15:23 <diga_> :) 16:15:27 <sdake_ws> #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/magnum/+spec/native-docker-network 16:15:31 <sdake_ws> this doesn't have an assignee 16:15:36 <sdake_ws> so I am just going to bump it right now 16:16:27 <sdake_ws> #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/magnum/+spec/docker-bay-heat-template 16:16:53 <apmelton> that's making good progress and I'll probably have it out of WIP today 16:17:07 <apmelton> just need to get a README written and move it into magnum's tree 16:17:08 <sdake_ws> your goal there is to have a swarm-based heat template? 16:17:14 <apmelton> yes 16:18:01 <sdake_ws> ok well thats all the blueprints 16:18:07 <sdake_ws> we got a bundle of work to do 16:18:18 <sdake_ws> and we only have a couple weeks to get it done 16:18:18 <pradk> did you miss python-k8sclient ? 16:18:26 <sdake_ws> oh ya, hows that come pradk 16:18:36 <sdake_ws> I think we are stuck behind upstream on that one 16:18:47 <pradk> well, here is what we have now: 16:19:03 <diga_> sdake: can we push native-Docker-support to next ml3 16:19:14 <pradk> - I have the python-kubernetes client packages uploaded to pypi 16:19:14 <sdake_ws> diga_ link to blueprint pls 16:19:20 <diga_> Ok 16:19:40 <diga_> #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/magnum/+spec/native-docker-network 16:19:41 <sdake_ws> that python-kubernetes is read only tho, so it doesn't totally solve the job 16:19:43 <pradk> - I also have the first cut on implementing this, but for now uses the config.. we're blocked on secure-kubernetes bp 16:19:51 <pradk> to leverage bay obj 16:20:06 <diga_> I can work on that 16:20:07 <sdake_ws> diga_ I pushed that alread yto milestone #3 16:20:14 <diga_> Ok 16:20:20 <pradk> read only for now..it has support for put and post, just need to expose it 16:20:32 <sdake_ws> pradk well we need to get the upstream sorted out 16:20:46 <sdake_ws> but sounds like your on it ;) 16:21:00 <pradk> the upstream doesn't exist from the guy we forked.. so upstream now is my repo :) 16:21:27 <sdake_ws> #topic open discussion 16:21:32 <sdake_ws> short meeting t oday looks like :) 16:21:42 <sdake_ws> Anyone have any open discussion they would like to bring up? 16:22:05 <daneyon_> vote #link http://www.openstack.org/vote-vancouver//Presentation/magnum-containers-as-a-service-for-openstack 16:23:23 <daneyon_> and another #link http://www.openstack.org/vote-vancouver/presentation/how-to-develop-magnumcontainer-as-a-service-using-vagrant-and-devstack 16:23:29 <daneyon_> any others? 16:23:34 <pradk> sdake_ws, so to complete the above conversation.. should we just punt this to m3 until upstream is sorted out? 16:24:40 <sdake_ws> I think what woudl make sense is to check out the other api system pradk 16:24:46 <sdake_ws> because it may be simpler then all this other nonsense ;) 16:24:57 <jolsen> I'll add to the self promotion -https://www.openstack.org/vote-vancouver/presentation/modernizing-your-applications 16:25:10 * sdake_ws groans 16:25:16 <sdake_ws> ok thanks folks 16:25:18 <sdake_ws> enjoy 16:25:20 <sdake_ws> #endmeeting