16:03:06 <adrian_otto> #startmeeting containers 16:03:06 <openstack> Meeting started Tue May 12 16:03:06 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is adrian_otto. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:03:07 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 16:03:09 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'containers' 16:03:14 <adrian_otto> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Containers#Agenda_for_2015-05-12_1600_UTC Our Agenda 16:03:18 <adrian_otto> #topic Roll Call 16:03:18 <xek> o/ 16:03:22 <adrian_otto> Adrian Otto 16:03:27 <apmelton> Andrew Melton 16:03:28 <joffter> Jennifer Carlucci 16:03:31 <hongbin> o/ 16:03:33 <Tango> Ton Ngo 16:03:35 <juggler> Perry Rivera 16:03:36 <sdake_> yar hey folks sdake here o/ 16:03:40 <johnthetubaguy> John Garbutt (lurking only) 16:03:45 <rpothier> Rob Pothier 16:04:18 <adrian_otto> Hello xek, apmelton, joffter, hongbin, Tango, juggler, sdake_, johnthetubaguy, and rpothier 16:04:48 <adrian_otto> special welcome to johnthetubaguy, our Nova PTL here to discuss our nova-docker agenda item with us 16:05:05 <adrian_otto> do we have other Nova team members present today? 16:05:34 <adrian_otto> ok, let's begin 16:05:38 <adrian_otto> #topic Announcements 16:05:52 <adrian_otto> 1) Reminder: Our IRC Meeting will be skipped on 2015-05-19 because we will be at the Vancouver Design Summit 16:05:56 <adrian_otto> that's next week 16:06:09 <adrian_otto> we have a very full summit coming up. 16:06:17 <jjlehr> o/ 16:06:31 <adrian_otto> 2) I will be moving our topics from our etherpad to the design summit schedule today 16:06:44 <sdake_> hmm I did that this morning adrian_otto ;-) 16:06:54 <sdake_> but feel free to reorder 16:07:00 <adrian_otto> Yay, one less thing to do! 16:07:07 <juggler> nifty 16:07:10 <adrian_otto> thanks for your help sdake_ 16:07:14 <sdake_> the summit orgs want to lock down the schedule today 16:07:20 <sdake_> so we need to finish the job on that asap 16:07:28 <adrian_otto> 3) We found a defect in 2015.1.0 16:07:37 <sdake_> 5 defects in fact ;-) 16:07:48 <adrian_otto> so we will be releasing 2015.1.1 based on stable/keystone 16:08:05 <sdake_> stable/kilo ;-) 16:08:14 * sdake_ thinks adrian_otto needs more sleep :) 16:08:18 <adrian_otto> this raises the question of the effectiveness of our gate tests, which we can discuss in Open Discussion today 16:08:27 <adrian_otto> OMG, what did I say 16:08:32 <diga_> Digambar Patil 16:08:37 <adrian_otto> yes, I in fact only had 3 hours of sleep 16:08:37 <juggler> hehe 16:08:47 <adrian_otto> sorry, you know what I meant 16:09:11 <sdake_> adrian_otto tell me about it been running on 5 hrs of sleep for 5 weeks str8 16:09:15 <adrian_otto> so I wanted to bring up the release to see if there are any other backports that we should get in before I tag 2015.1.1? 16:09:17 <sdake_> but got 12 yesterday so I am rockin today :) 16:09:27 <adrian_otto> sdake_: I'm jealous 16:09:50 <adrian_otto> that's it for prepared announcements. 16:09:56 <adrian_otto> any announcements form team members? 16:09:59 <adrian_otto> *from 16:10:10 <sdake_> yes 16:10:16 <sdake_> magnum is finally operational in kolla as a container 16:10:20 <sdake_> \o/ 16:10:22 <adrian_otto> WHOOT!! 16:10:24 <apmelton> woooo 16:10:25 <sdake_> redis example works 16:10:32 <juggler> yeah 16:10:36 <jjlehr> cool! 16:10:42 <adrian_otto> sdake, do we need any docs for how to set that up? 16:10:57 <adrian_otto> perhaps juggler may be willing to volunteer to assist? 16:11:18 <juggler> *gulp* :) 16:11:36 <sdake_> docs, hmm, you just run kolla start 16:11:38 <sdake_> and your good to go 16:11:45 <juggler> or verify at the least 16:11:47 <sdake_> there are scripts in the demo/magnum directory of kolla 16:11:54 <sdake_> juggler ya feel free to verify 16:11:55 <adrian_otto> maybe we can just mention that in our FAQ 16:11:58 <sdake_> that run the examples 16:12:03 <sdake_> adrian_otto faq is good idea 16:12:14 <sdake_> juggler could use a second eyeball set to verify if your up to it 16:12:24 <sdake_> read kolla dev-quickstart to get rolling 16:12:26 <adrian_otto> because I'd like Openstack cloud operators to know that Magnum will work with an OpenStack cloud where all the services run in Kolla 16:12:27 <sdake_> should take you less then 20 minutes 16:12:43 <juggler> i hope :) 16:12:55 <adrian_otto> turtles turtles all the way down… 16:13:06 <sdake_> oh not again ;) 16:13:11 <sdake_> someone said tha twith tripleo :) 16:13:15 <juggler> turtles? 16:13:16 <adrian_otto> awesome. I also got a new computer that I can use to make screencasts with 16:13:21 <adrian_otto> juggler: n/m 16:13:31 <adrian_otto> so I plan to make one to have on our project page 16:13:59 <adrian_otto> please raise your hand if you will be attending the Summit next week 16:14:01 <adrian_otto> o/ 16:14:06 <sdake_> o/ 16:14:06 <apmelton> o/ 16:14:11 <hongbin> o/ 16:14:12 <Tango> 0/ 16:14:25 <johnthetubaguy> o/ 16:14:36 <jjlehr> o/ 16:14:41 <rpothier> o/ 16:14:48 <adrian_otto> that's terrific. I have something to share… one sec 16:15:37 <adrian_otto> #link http://libertydesignsummit.sched.org/adrian.otto.ics Adrian's Schedule 16:15:39 <thomasem> Hey all, sorry I'm late. 16:15:54 <adrian_otto> so those are the sessions I'm planning to attend, including all of ours 16:16:22 <adrian_otto> so if you have not planned your week yet, you can use that as a starting point. 16:16:34 <adrian_otto> ok, any more announcements? 16:16:51 <adrian_otto> we had no action items last week, so I will skip reviewing that 16:17:14 <xek> I finished the oslo.versionedobject port https://blueprints.launchpad.net/magnum/+spec/versioned-objects 16:17:28 <dims> o/ 16:17:30 <adrian_otto> #topic It is essential we finish design session planning 16:17:34 <adrian_otto> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/liberty-magnum-topics 16:17:45 <adrian_otto> sdake_: is there any more to be done here? 16:17:58 <sdake_> double check, reorg for ordering? 16:18:02 <adrian_otto> xek: awesome! 16:18:05 <sdake_> I had to cut 1 session I think 16:18:06 <thomasem> o/ I am also attending the Vancouver summit 16:18:13 <adrian_otto> thomasem: great! 16:18:24 <sdake_> I ordered based upon when I htink people will be bestfor the most popular +1 sessions 16:18:26 <johnthetubaguy> not sure if you have seen this one: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Summit/Liberty/Etherpads 16:19:11 <adrian_otto> thanks johnthetubaguy. I can make sure Magnum's get listed there. 16:19:40 <adrian_otto> isn't there also a tool from ttx for getting the abstracts onto the sched.org system? 16:19:52 <johnthetubaguy> adrian_otto: there is 16:20:05 <adrian_otto> #action adrian_otto to add Magnum's design sessions to https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Summit/Liberty/Etherpads 16:20:07 <johnthetubaguy> adrian_otto: design-summit-prep.openstack.org 16:20:13 <adrian_otto> thanks johnthetubaguy 16:20:31 <ttx> adrian_otto: I re-sent the email to sdake so he can do it too 16:20:46 <adrian_otto> thanks ttx 16:20:56 <sdake_> adrian_otto I can take it on or you can, let me know now so I can plan my day ;) 16:21:03 <ttx> adrian_otto: but the site shall be self-explaining. Only thing to know is that obvious limitations are by design 16:21:08 <adrian_otto> sdake_: Please help with that 16:21:17 <sdake_> ack 16:21:29 <adrian_otto> if too busy I will take it 16:21:48 <sdake_> i'm good - today is a chill day for me 16:21:49 <adrian_otto> looks awesome. great job on this ttx 16:21:56 <adrian_otto> ok, sweet 16:22:00 <adrian_otto> next topic 16:22:10 <adrian_otto> we're all good on this, right? 16:22:17 <sdake_> iwell 16:22:24 <sdake_> do people want to reorg the sessiosn in any way? 16:22:38 <sdake_> maybe we should take a couple minutes and look at the etherpad 16:22:39 <adrian_otto> we did sort them as a team last week 16:22:48 <adrian_otto> ok, let's review it now 16:22:58 <sdake_> I dont hvaae a link handy :) 16:23:04 <adrian_otto> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/liberty-magnum-topics 16:23:57 <adrian_otto> you are welcome to add votes and request a re-sort 16:24:29 <adrian_otto> so Scaling Magnum and Everything You Wanted… will drop off 16:24:41 <adrian_otto> the previous six will get the workrooms 16:25:26 <sdake_> nah, on thursday I have those sessions scheduled 16:25:32 <sdake_> I jut renamed them to somethign shorter to fit in the etherpad 16:25:52 <thomasem> Can't remember which I voted for already :( 16:26:06 <thomasem> best guess 16:26:09 <sdake_> everything you wanted to know about magnum dropped off 16:26:26 <adrian_otto> sdake_: take a look at the numbering I just put in. Does that match your efforts? 16:26:53 <juggler> thomasem: i think you're color-coded as powder blue on there. click the users icon (upper right corner) 16:27:10 <thomasem> juggler: I am, but some of the coloring got lost in the sorting. 16:27:12 <juggler> or whatever color that is 16:27:14 <juggler> :) 16:27:16 <thomasem> :P 16:27:24 <diga_> adrian_otto, sdake_ : will there be any possibility/arrangment for remote member to attend the 1/2 session ? 16:27:37 <apmelton> I don't see "Magnum Scheduler Design Breakout " in the schedule at the top 16:27:39 <juggler> +1 diga 16:27:40 <sdake_> adrian_otto yup looks good 16:27:43 <adrian_otto> diga_: Sorry, but not this time 16:27:51 <apmelton> did it get merged into something else? 16:27:57 <diga_> adrian_otto: NP 16:28:02 <sdake_> I tried to put the sessions equireing high thought on wednesday 16:28:06 <juggler> possible recordings taking place? 16:28:21 <sdake_> juggler there is no recording of essions - only 28 seats per room 16:28:27 <adrian_otto> ok, let's wrap up on this one 16:28:37 <sdake_> the main openstack summit sessions will all be recorded tho 16:28:38 <juggler> ah 16:28:41 <adrian_otto> fishbowls do get recorded, I think 16:28:54 <sdake_> yup that makes sense adrian_otto 16:29:18 <adrian_otto> ok, any final thoughts on this before advancing topics? 16:29:22 <apmelton> sdake_: adrian_otto: "Magnum Scheduler Design Breakout" is number two in the workrooms list, but I don't see it in the schedule 16:29:29 <apmelton> was it renamed or merged with another topic? 16:29:44 <adrian_otto> apmelton: sdake_ volunteered to solve this today. 16:30:22 <adrian_otto> ok, let's talk nova-docker 16:30:28 <sdake_> apmelton I merged that with abstracting the container backend 16:30:31 <apmelton> sdake_: ok 16:30:40 <adrian_otto> I'm coing to paste a bunch form the agenda in here for archival purposes 16:30:44 <sdake_> I'll come up with a better title 16:30:44 <adrian_otto> *going 16:31:12 <adrian_otto> Everything in backlog can be moved to the Meetup 16:31:33 <adrian_otto> #topic Discuss adopting nova-docker as an in-tree Nova driver 16:31:43 <adrian_otto> #link http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2015-May/063727.html ML Thread about in-tree nova-docker 16:31:52 <adrian_otto> Magnum plans to get all of its Nodes from Nova through Heat. Ideally, these would come from whatever virt-driver Nova has loaded. Over time, we should become more and more agnostic about what instance types Nova produces. One valid use case is running Magnum Bays on Nodes that were created using the nova-docker virt driver such that the Bay Nodes are actually containers, and when we run containers on the Bay, we 16:31:58 * dims pays attention 16:32:01 <adrian_otto> Note that use of nova-docker assumed that you use the Nova API to treat a (docker container) Nova instance as a machine, not as a container. All container specific features that reach beyond the scope of the Nova API should be implemented in Magnum, not Nova. 16:32:12 <adrian_otto> Note that nova-docker started within the Nova tree, and was pulled out into a Stackforge project so it could be worked on as a separate effort with a high commit velocity. It needed more test coverage, and additional features. Current commit velocity is low, and there are not a ton of bugs to deal with. Those were added, and now would be a good time to consider bringing it back into the Nova tree again. I think 16:32:23 <adrian_otto> Let's discuss the possibility of adopting nova-docker to maintain it within the Nova tree so that it does not fall into disrepair. Do we think this is something we would be willing to take on as part of the Magnum team responsibilities? 16:32:36 <adrian_otto> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova-docker/ nova-docker bug list 16:32:41 <adrian_otto> As you can see, the bug list is mostly full of wishlist items for additional features. One approach might be to adopt this as maintainers, not as feature developers. In that case, we would commit to fixing defects, and reviewing new features, but that we would not necessarily allocate any resources into feature development. Thoughts? 16:32:52 <adrian_otto> (I will give you a moment to digest the quesiton) 16:33:27 <sdake_> docker-driver as part of magnum maintenance - not in agreement on this objective 16:33:29 <dims> i am already on the hook as a core on the stackforge nova-docker project. fyi. 16:33:40 <adrian_otto> Note that containers can come from libvirt-lxc virt driver today, which is in-tree 16:34:57 <dims> so johnthetubaguy, i'll be working/helping on nova-docker whether in-tree or in stackforge 16:35:01 <adrian_otto> I suppose the question reduces to how important does the Magnum team think nova-docker merging back into Nova is important, and what effort are we willing to volunteer to ensure that happens, if any? 16:35:03 <sdake_> I think we need to stay focused on the code bases we have (heat-co-templates, python-magnumclient, and magnum) 16:35:17 <adrian_otto> dims is already committed 16:35:27 <dims> sdake_: python-k8client 16:35:28 <dims> too 16:35:34 <apmelton> I think maintaining a nova driver clashes with magnum's goals quite a bit 16:35:40 <sdake_> dims we havet hat integrated in magnum but ya it should probably come out 16:35:42 <johnthetubaguy> so I am open to ideas here, its just I worry about a team of one on a driver 16:35:59 <johnthetubaguy> now I see containers in Nova being useful and important 16:36:08 <dims> johnthetubaguy: i hope to rustle up some folks at the summit 16:36:08 <johnthetubaguy> reasons covered well on the ML 16:36:24 <johnthetubaguy> and totally agree that magnum is where the container focused APIs go 16:36:30 <sdake_> I think it should remain part of nova not part of magnum 16:36:33 <sdake_> or separate 16:36:40 <sdake_> magnum has too much on plate atm 16:36:44 <sdake_> our dev team is only 40 strong ;) 16:36:46 <adrian_otto> sdake_: we agree on that 16:36:53 <johnthetubaguy> a nova driver lives in nova, thats cool 16:36:54 <sdake_> we need moreminerals to take this on 16:36:59 <dims> johnthetubaguy: ++ 16:37:26 <johnthetubaguy> so if you can work with dims to get a community to own the driver and find it useful 16:37:37 <johnthetubaguy> they thats really cool 16:37:44 <johnthetubaguy> then thats really cool 16:37:50 <thomasem> Do we know how far along the nova-docker driver is wrt container nesting and general feature parity with the other drivers? 16:38:03 <dims> johnthetubaguy: i know some folks who are using it, they are just not on the ML actively 16:38:16 <adrian_otto> Solum uses it 16:38:23 <thomasem> oh okay 16:38:25 <adrian_otto> in the default deploy 16:38:42 <thomasem> What would be the value of the nova-docker driver over libvirt-lxc? 16:38:57 <adrian_otto> thomasem: great question… 16:38:59 <thomasem> which is already in-tree and supported 16:39:03 <johnthetubaguy> support for docker images? 16:39:09 <adrian_otto> the advantage is docker images 16:39:11 <dims> yep 16:39:21 <thomasem> the layered approach? 16:39:22 <dims> the entire docker eco system 16:39:22 <juggler> have the nova-docker folks identified which projects the bugs impacts? perhaps they might be able to wrangle volunteers through those who are interested in obtaining critical fixes? 16:39:35 <adrian_otto> which will reduce the friction needed to produce suitable instances for running a COE 16:40:07 <adrian_otto> that should be in our interest because if COE creation is convoluted, development there will not be as active 16:40:34 <sdake_> i am definately not in favor of implementing a template for COE of nova-docker 16:40:36 <adrian_otto> ideally we want the addition or adaptation of COE backends for bays to be easy 16:40:57 <johnthetubaguy> COE? 16:40:58 <adrian_otto> sdake_: okay, can you please explain your rationale? 16:40:59 <sdake_> we already have swarm which does the jobn nicely 16:41:01 <apmelton> sdake_: +1, I think that will diverge quite a bit from other templates 16:41:14 <sdake_> adrian_otto just explained ^^ 16:41:15 <adrian_otto> COE == Container Execution Environment (Kubernetes, Swarm, Mesos, etc.) 16:41:24 <sdake_> COE = container orchestration environment 16:41:28 <apmelton> interacting with docker images is very different from interacting with nova instances 16:41:31 <juggler> +1 sdake 16:41:35 <apmelton> i.e. cloud init, ssh, etc... 16:41:50 <adrian_otto> yes, orchestration, that's what I meant. 16:41:57 <johnthetubaguy> cool 16:41:59 <johnthetubaguy> thanks 16:42:46 <adrian_otto> ok, so based on initial feedback, our team is not yet willing to expand scope to include the nova-docker virt driver 16:43:11 <adrian_otto> any opposing viewpoints to consider? 16:43:19 <johnthetubaguy> adrian_otto: thats cool, that feels like the right choice 16:43:27 <dims> totally agree 16:43:51 <adrian_otto> ok, and if our position changes, we are happy to revisit it 16:44:08 <adrian_otto> since there should be no rush 16:44:17 <juggler> agree, but as a sugg at the summit maybe bring up that nova-docker could use some assistance? 16:44:33 <dims> ++ juggler 16:44:53 <johnthetubaguy> well we need to be able to articulate where its really useful, and where people want to use it 16:45:32 <adrian_otto> most if my arguments for nova-docker can also be answered by libvirt-lxc 16:46:02 <adrian_otto> so as long as we have at least *some* answer to a nested container arrangement, I'll be satisfied 16:46:10 <diga_> adrian_otto: +1 16:46:19 <apmelton> at the moment, does the nova docker drive actually use the docker registry or do the iamges have to be hosted in glance? 16:46:23 <johnthetubaguy> right, libvirt-lxc is staying and maintained 16:46:26 <thomasem> Also the docker image still has to wind up in Glance, so... 16:46:30 <johnthetubaguy> what would docker do on top? 16:46:31 <dims> apmelton: glance 16:46:44 <adrian_otto> apmelton: is uses glance now, to my disappointment 16:46:51 <thomasem> Kind of undermines the point there, while using a swarm backend in Magnum still gets you the docker images 16:47:03 <adrian_otto> exactly 16:47:12 <adrian_otto> glad we discussed this. Thanks everyone for your input 16:47:23 <adrian_otto> let's spend a few minutes on task review now. 16:47:36 <adrian_otto> #topic Blueprint/Task Review 16:47:56 <adrian_otto> any work items anyone would like to raise for team discussion today? 16:48:19 <johnthetubaguy> adrian_otto: thanks for your time on that 16:48:22 <xek> I submitted a blueprint and would like to get a green light or maybe some comments https://blueprints.launchpad.net/magnum/+spec/versioned-objects-indirection-api 16:48:29 <adrian_otto> johnthetubaguy: thanks for joining us! 16:48:37 <juggler> thx john 16:48:48 * adrian_otto looks at versioned-objects-indirection-api 16:49:09 <dims> thanks johnthetubaguy 16:49:12 <adrian_otto> #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/magnum/+spec/versioned-objects-indirection-api Versioned Objects Indirection API 16:50:00 <apmelton> very interesting xek 16:50:15 <adrian_otto> I have no objections to this xek 16:50:19 <adrian_otto> thoughts from others? 16:50:27 <thomasem> Didn't know about that 16:50:36 <adrian_otto> what's the T-Shirt size estimate for this? 16:50:48 <adrian_otto> sounds like an L or XL 16:50:49 <apmelton> I almost wonder how crazy it would be to implement our conductors as versioned objects 16:51:44 <xek> I plan to implement the object backporting first 16:52:11 <apmelton> rather, pulling most of our conductor logic into the versioned objects* 16:52:13 <xek> and figure out if this can go separate 16:52:32 <sdake_> zek lgtm 16:52:36 <adrian_otto> xek, is this something that's achievable in the Liberty release timeframe? 16:52:49 <diga_> :) 16:53:01 <xek> adrian_otto, I'm pretty sure it's achievable 16:53:25 <adrian_otto> and you (or a team you coordinate) is willing to contribute it? 16:54:02 <xek> adrian_otto, yes, my team is growing :) 16:54:12 <xek> adrian_otto, we are mainly interested in the ease of upgrades 16:54:24 <adrian_otto> Direction == Approved 16:54:29 <xek> adrian_otto, and making the upgrade process maintainable 16:54:40 <adrian_otto> you are welcome to submit a spec, or patches 16:54:58 <sdake_> zek we don't have a formal spec process so its not mandatory 16:55:01 <xek> adrian_otto, ok thanks! 16:55:02 <sdake_> pehraps after liberty 16:55:06 <adrian_otto> is there any more design work besides the proposal at https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/ObjectProposal 16:55:55 <adrian_otto> that's complete enough for me 16:56:10 <adrian_otto> Definition == Approved 16:56:13 <adrian_otto> bring it. 16:56:35 <apmelton> it's getting pretty close to the end, but I wanted to get some eyes on https://blueprints.launchpad.net/magnum/+spec/async-container-operations 16:56:52 <adrian_otto> ok 16:57:35 <apmelton> I think this is pretty critical to magnum, considering one of the stated benefits we'd like to bring to the community was async container operations 16:57:50 <adrian_otto> Direction == Approved 16:58:03 <adrian_otto> let's revisit in in our next team meeting in 2 weeks 16:58:14 <adrian_otto> hopefully you have time to propose a design by then 16:58:15 <apmelton> sounds good, I'll have a more detailed plan after the summit anyways 16:58:20 <adrian_otto> #topic Open DIcsuttion 16:58:25 <diga_> apmelton: do you need help on this, please let me know 16:58:27 <adrian_otto> #topic Open Discussion 16:58:28 <juggler> please also take a few moments to complete a survey. your feedback is appreciated!: http://goo.gl/forms/W6ggrLiYFv 16:58:38 <juggler> (after the meeting) 16:58:41 <adrian_otto> thanks juggler!! 16:58:58 <adrian_otto> so our time is limited today, sorry about that 16:59:03 <juggler> you're welcome! 16:59:03 <apmelton> diga_: I appreciate it, it will likely have lots of pieces to work on 16:59:16 <adrian_otto> I look forward to seeing most of you in Vancouver next week 16:59:27 <sdake_> should send that to the ml 16:59:31 <diga_> apmelton: Sure 16:59:39 <sdake_> the survey 16:59:48 <adrian_otto> our next team meeting is Tuesday 2015-05-26 at 1600 UTC 16:59:59 <adrian_otto> thanks everyone for attending today! 17:00:05 <juggler> noted sdake! 17:00:12 <adrian_otto> #endmeeting