16:04:26 <ewindisch> #startmeeting containers 16:04:26 <openstack> Minutes: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/_openstack_containers/2015/_openstack_containers.2015-06-09-16.03.html 16:04:27 <openstack> Minutes (text): http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/_openstack_containers/2015/_openstack_containers.2015-06-09-16.03.txt 16:04:28 <openstack> Log: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/_openstack_containers/2015/_openstack_containers.2015-06-09-16.03.log.html 16:04:29 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Jun 9 16:04:26 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is ewindisch. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:04:30 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 16:04:32 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'containers' 16:04:38 <ewindisch> been a while! 16:04:51 <ewindisch> #topic roll call 16:05:08 <bich_le> Good morning from California. 16:05:09 <diga__> Digambar Patil 16:05:11 <hongbin> o/ 16:05:11 <rpothier> Rob Pothier 16:05:12 <ewindisch> o/ 16:05:14 <Tango> Ton Ngo 16:05:19 <adrian_otto> thanks ewindisch 16:05:21 <juggler> o/ 16:05:24 <bradjones> o/ 16:05:26 <eghobo> o/ 16:05:27 <joffter> o/ 16:05:29 <dane_leblanc> o/ 16:05:44 <ewindisch> #topic Announcements 16:05:56 <ewindisch> feel free to 'o/' if you missed rollcall 16:06:17 <ewindisch> 1) adrian_otto and sdake are out today due to travel 16:06:26 <ewindisch> 2) Reminder that OpenStack milestone 11 comes on June 25 16:06:32 <ewindisch> any other announcements from the community? 16:07:02 <ewindisch> going once.. 16:07:17 <jjlehr> o/ 16:07:24 <ewindisch> twice 16:07:29 <thomasem> o/ 16:07:43 <ewindisch> and... done 16:07:57 <muralia1> o/ 16:08:03 <ewindisch> #topic Blueprint / Task review 16:08:18 <diga__> I need some inputs on this one https://blueprints.launchpad.net/magnum/+spec/mesos-bay-type 16:08:34 <diga__> mesos bay with coreos 16:08:40 <diga__> hongbin: you there 16:08:47 <hongbin> yes 16:09:18 <diga__> Here I need to run coreos instance with mesos installed 16:09:19 <ewindisch> any others anyone wishes to review? the agenda has auto-generate-name and magnum-horizon-plugin 16:09:25 <diga__> right ? 16:09:48 <diga__> I am starting work on this today 16:10:07 <hongbin> diga__: #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/magnum/+spec/mesos-bay-with-coreos 16:10:16 <diga__> oops 16:10:19 <ewindisch> diga__: I can look at getting you feedback for Swarm+Mesos if you'd like 16:10:44 <eghobo> diga__: are you going to build mesos for CoreOS? 16:10:45 <diga__> ewindisch: sure 16:10:51 <diga__> yes 16:11:19 <eghobo> any specific reasons why do you need CoreOS? 16:11:22 <ewindisch> diga__: send me an email and I can get you an introduction to the right folks to answer questions; ewindisch -at- docker com 16:11:37 <diga__> ewindisch: Thanks 16:11:42 <mfalatic> o/ 16:11:53 <hongbin> eghobo: That is decided on the last meeting I think. 16:12:06 <hongbin> eghobo: We will have mesos on ubuntu and coreos 16:12:18 <hongbin> Then, operators can choose their preferred os 16:12:22 <diga__> yes 16:13:14 <hongbin> any other inputs from the mesos BP? 16:13:27 <ewindisch> any objections to it? 16:13:36 <diga__> ewindisch: will send you all the question which I need to clarify 16:14:00 <diga__> nops 16:14:08 <eghobo> hongbin: I will review deeply, sorry was busy last week 16:14:16 <ewindisch> #action diga__ to contact ewindsich regarding Swarm+Mesos questions 16:14:17 <hongbin> eghobo: NP 16:14:29 <ewindisch> diga__: I would say this blueprint needs to decide on a framework before proceeding 16:14:45 <diga__> ewindisch: yes 16:15:38 <diga__> ewindisch: currently we have decided to go with mesos+marathon for this BP 16:15:39 <ewindisch> diga__: want that as an AI as well, to decide on the framework? 16:15:44 <ewindisch> ah 16:15:54 <diga__> AI ?? 16:16:03 <ewindisch> diga__: then perhaps reflect that in the BP ;-) 16:16:07 <ewindisch> diga__: action item 16:16:14 <diga__> okay 16:16:30 <hongbin> ewindisch: Marathon is the first framework 16:16:39 <hongbin> Other frameworks will be supported on demand 16:16:55 <hongbin> Sure. That needs further discussion 16:17:08 <ewindisch> I see now, that the bottom indicates that Marathon would be the first supported 16:17:29 <hongbin> Yes, it is 16:17:39 <ewindisch> okay. Ready for the next BP? 16:17:42 <rbradfor> o/ 16:18:00 <ewindisch> #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/magnum/+spec/auto-generate-name 16:18:31 <ewindisch> Any objections to approving this? Any takers to own this? 16:19:07 <jay-lau-513> this might need more discussion, but I think that we can first make the auto generate name in 16:19:22 <jay-lau-513> make sense? 16:20:07 <hongbin> How about the uniqueness of the name? 16:20:13 <ewindisch> the mailing list discussion seems to have gone in a good, forward direction. I don't see any significant questions as to what needs to be done. 16:20:29 <eghobo> jay-lau-513: what's your concerns? 16:20:53 <eghobo> lets discuss them before approving bp 16:21:10 <jay-lau-513> ok, so we need to make the allow_duplicate_baymodel_name configurable for this bp 16:21:17 <diga__> dont we really need auto-generated name ?? 16:21:19 <ewindisch> hongbin: do you wish the BP notes a specific number of autogenerated name permutations? 16:22:06 <hongbin> ewindisch: Haven't thought about it yet 16:22:07 <jay-lau-513> hongbin a configuration parameter will decide if the name is unique or not 16:22:11 <ewindisch> personally, I'm an advocate of always having unique names, but that's because I'm also an advocate of using the name to generate the UUID. 16:22:32 <ewindisch> but unique names means the auto-generator needs to have a very large number of permutations 16:23:26 <jay-lau-513> ewindisch I think that we can have same names under different tenant 16:23:38 <ewindisch> jay-lau-513: that's fine. 16:23:56 <ewindisch> jay-lau-513: I mean the same name should be unique within a tenant 16:24:31 <eghobo> ewindisch: +1, let add this to bp 16:24:35 <ewindisch> is there a legitimate, strong desire for allowing duplciate bay/model names? 16:24:37 <juggler> would it be beneficial for the BP to describe a few example cases maybe? 16:25:16 <jay-lau-513> I recalled that Adrian do want to introduce a global baymodel 16:25:24 <jay-lau-513> but this can be another bp 16:25:49 <jay-lau-513> ewindisch duplicate name might be only for multi tenant, thoughts? 16:26:21 <Tango> So for a tenant, name is always unique? 16:26:40 <hongbin> I think autogenerated name + config for allow duplicate will be the starting point 16:26:42 <ewindisch> jay-lau-513: yes, I never meant to suggest that names could not be duplicated *across* tenants. That's okay 16:26:49 <ewindisch> so I can call a vote on this. 16:26:51 <hongbin> We can worry about tenant and glance name later 16:27:24 <jay-lau-513> so we all agree on making this configurable now? 16:27:49 <ewindisch> jay-lau-513: why make it configurable? 16:28:06 <juggler> hang on...how about my feedback above? 16:28:20 <ewindisch> juggler: example cases? 16:29:14 <ewindisch> juggler: I think it would be useful to see how this proposes to generate the names, in the format and complexity of those names. 16:29:19 <juggler> yes, like for example, what example output is expected from the function 16:29:29 <jay-lau-513> ewindisch 2) Add a configuration directives (default=FALSE) for allow_duplicate_bay_name 16:29:29 <jay-lau-513> and allow_duplicate_baymodel_name. If TRUE, duplicate named Bay and BayModel 16:29:29 <jay-lau-513> resources will be allowed, as they are today. 16:29:29 <jay-lau-513> This way, by default Magnum requires a unique name, and if none is specified, it 16:29:29 <jay-lau-513> will automatically generate a name. This way no additional burden is put on 16:29:30 <jay-lau-513> users who want to act on containers exclusively using UUIDs, and cloud operators 16:29:32 <jay-lau-513> can decide if they want to enforce name uniqueness or not. 16:29:34 <jay-lau-513> 16:29:40 <jay-lau-513> weindisch get from Adrian's comments 16:31:06 <juggler> ewindisch yeah, I think having an example clarifies the bp well 16:31:21 <juggler> ewindisch esp with a clear format idea 16:32:53 <ewindisch> jay-lau-513: I read the BP. I just don't see the use-case for allowing duplicates (within a tenant) 16:33:17 <ewindisch> jay-lau-513: perhaps we defer to the mailing list and make sure this gets fleshed out? 16:33:39 <jay-lau-513> ewindisch i think so 16:33:45 <hongbin> Yes, sure 16:34:06 <ewindisch> jay-lau-513: I like juggler's suggestion of clarifying the uniqueness algorithm. Okay with adding that to the BP? 16:34:32 <jay-lau-513> ewindisch yes, i will try to get some idea from docker for how to generate names 16:35:01 <ewindisch> jay-lau-513: feel free to read that code, but I will suggest it's not the best algorithm in the world 16:35:03 <diga__> +1 16:35:46 <jay-lau-513> ewindisch ok 16:36:03 <jay-lau-513> ewindisch just want to see if I can get some idea from it 16:36:44 <juggler> jay-lau-513 thx for the clarifying 16:36:56 <ewindisch> jay-lau-513: personally, I'd advise a combination of 4 words constructed from 3-4 letter words from a dictionary of several thousand words. That will give you a trillion unique names. The Docker method gives you a few thousand unique names 16:37:39 <diga__> jay-lau-513: you may want to take a look at this - https://github.com/docker/docker/blob/master/pkg/namesgenerator/names-generator.go 16:37:56 <jay-lau-513> juggler ewindisch diga__ thanks all 16:38:00 <jay-lau-513> will have a try 16:38:19 <diga__> yep 16:38:25 <ewindisch> #action jay-lau-513 Clarify human name generation algorithm plans in BP 16:38:53 <eghobo> ewindisch: thousand running containers at the same host, sounds good enough ;) 16:38:58 <ewindisch> #action jay-lau-513 Seek consensus on duplicate names on ML 16:39:19 <eghobo> I doubt we will have thousand of bay models 16:39:37 <ewindisch> eghobo: right, but if this algorithm is used in Magnum for container names eventually, it would be good if it handled more than a few thousand for a datacenter 16:39:53 <ewindisch> eghobo: I agree the docker model will be enough for BayModels 16:39:56 <jay-lau-513> exactly 16:40:45 <ewindisch> okay, next BP? 16:41:03 <ewindisch> #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/magnum/+spec/magnum-horizon-plugin 16:41:05 <juggler> sounds good 16:41:20 <eghobo> jay-lau-513: also make sense to take a look at Elastic Search algorithm, just for ideas 16:41:26 <juggler> (reviewing it that is.. :) ) 16:41:53 <jay-lau-513> eghobo i c 16:42:42 <bradjones> I can talk about magnum-horizon-plugin 16:42:57 <bradjones> spec is out for review here https://review.openstack.org/#/c/188958/ 16:43:07 <ewindisch> I'm not sure where discussion on this left off. The agenda mentions that there was a consensus on identifying interested contributors and adding them to magnum core 16:43:16 <ewindisch> I see the BP now lists several interested contributors 16:43:32 <eghobo> my concern is "Pod, Container, Service, ReplicationController" it's very kub specific 16:44:05 <hongbin> ewindisch: The discussion is whether to create a new team for magnum-ui, or not 16:44:09 <ewindisch> eghobo: I don't think that's in the scope of this BP anyway 16:44:20 <ewindisch> sounds like, "post BP work" 16:44:43 <eghobo> ewindisch: if it's not lets remove it from bp 16:44:46 <jay-lau-513> yes, the current bp want to focus on bay and baymodel 16:44:47 <rbradfor> eghobo, these name scope issues matches the problems with the openstackclient problems, e.g. "container" is already used for image management. 16:45:54 <bradjones> the spec talks about magnum-ui as a complete entity which will eventually include Pod, Container ... but the initial effort is centered around Bay and BayModel 16:46:26 <eghobo> ok, I agree that Bay and BayModel is good to start 16:46:28 <ewindisch> bradjones: Perhaps clarify that such will be carried out in future blueprints, and are only examples of future direction 16:46:44 <bradjones> ewindisch: sure I can make that clearer in the spec 16:46:50 <ewindisch> bradjones: thanks 16:47:10 <eghobo> after that we will add sub plugins for Kub, Mesos, Swarm (sounds like Neutron ;)) 16:48:15 <ewindisch> bradjones: how about I propose to Adrian that he add you as Magnum core and then as this moves forward, future -ui folks may join in as well? 16:48:43 <ewindisch> or at least until a meeting that he chairs and can make such decisions 16:48:47 <ewindisch> ;-) 16:48:58 <bradjones> ewindisch: sure however works best 16:49:28 <ewindisch> anyone outright disagree with spec/magnum-horizon-plugin ? 16:50:14 <eghobo> bradjones: I have question about separate git repo 16:50:24 <bradjones> eghobo: fire away 16:50:55 <eghobo> I thought all Horizon plugins in Horizon repo 16:51:17 <hongbin> ewindisch: For the ui, sdake proposed a separated ui team in this ML http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2015-June/066296.html 16:51:22 <bradjones> eghobo: it has been that way until recently however, they are trying to move away from that model 16:51:44 <ewindisch> hongbin: thanks 16:51:59 <hongbin> The idea is to start a new ui team 16:52:00 <eghobo> I see, I didn't know that thx for clarification 16:52:01 <bradjones> Horizon will just become the building blocks for other OpenStack projects to build their UIs with and pull them all together 16:52:07 <ewindisch> so how about we just agree to defer to Adrian? :) 16:52:15 <hongbin> sure 16:52:22 <bradjones> It makes sense especially with Big Tent otherwise Horizon would have to manage all the things! 16:52:37 <juggler> ewindisch lol! 16:53:05 <bradjones> ewindisch: sounds good, will just be good to get a decision made soon so I can move forward with creating the repo 16:53:35 <ewindisch> shucks, lets vote. 16:53:57 <ewindisch> #startvote Create separate magnum-ui-core team (and repo) 16:53:57 <openstack> Unable to parse vote topic and options. 16:54:03 <ewindisch> #help 16:54:18 <ewindisch> #startvote 16:54:19 <openstack> Unable to parse vote topic and options. 16:54:54 <diga__> ewindisch: "startvote" wont work, you can directly ask for vote 16:54:56 <ewindisch> #startvote Create separate magnum-ui-core team (and repo)? Yes, No 16:54:57 <openstack> Begin voting on: Create separate magnum-ui-core team (and repo)? Valid vote options are Yes, No. 16:54:58 <openstack> Vote using '#vote OPTION'. Only your last vote counts. 16:55:14 <ewindisch> #vote Yes 16:55:21 <hongbin> #vote Yes 16:55:23 <jay-lau-513> #vote Yes 16:55:25 <Tango> Yes 16:55:28 <diga__> #vote Yes 16:55:29 <juggler> #vote Yes 16:55:31 <rbradfor> #vote Yes 16:55:38 <bich_le> #vote yes 16:55:55 <bich_le> #vote Yes 16:55:55 <rpothier> #vote Yes 16:56:06 <eghobo> #vote No, I prefer to have one core team for magnum 16:56:07 <openstack> eghobo: No, I prefer to have one core team for magnum is not a valid option. Valid options are Yes, No. 16:56:40 <eghobo> #vote No 16:56:49 <ewindisch> all in? 16:57:07 <joffter> #vote Yes 16:57:15 <ewindisch> mfalatic: thomasem: muralia1 ? 16:57:25 <jay-lau-513> Perhaps we can ask Sahara Team for some experience 16:57:35 <jay-lau-513> I see Sahara has only one core team 16:57:44 <muralia1> #vote: yes 16:57:45 <openstack> muralia1: : yes is not a valid option. Valid options are Yes, No. 16:57:46 <jay-lau-513> Just curious how they run different projects with one core tem 16:57:55 <ewindisch> 3... 16:57:59 <muralia1> #vote: Yes 16:58:00 <openstack> muralia1: : Yes is not a valid option. Valid options are Yes, No. 16:58:05 <rbradfor> Infra has now created a council, more a management over smaller core teams. 16:58:11 <ewindisch> 2... 16:58:13 <juggler> muralia1 maybe lose the colon 16:58:20 <muralia1> #vote Yes 16:58:22 <muralia1> :) 16:58:24 <ewindisch> 1... 16:58:29 <thomasem> #vote yes 16:58:29 <mfalatic> #vote:yes 16:58:30 <juggler> yea! 16:58:30 <openstack> mfalatic: :yes is not a valid option. Valid options are Yes, No. 16:58:37 <mfalatic> #vote: yes 16:58:38 <openstack> mfalatic: : yes is not a valid option. Valid options are Yes, No. 16:58:42 <mfalatic> #vote: Yes 16:58:42 <openstack> mfalatic: : Yes is not a valid option. Valid options are Yes, No. 16:58:48 <thomasem> sorry, ewindisch, was still reading through 16:58:48 <ewindisch> hah 16:58:50 <mfalatic> #vote Yes 16:58:53 <mfalatic> lol 16:58:55 <mfalatic> ok then 16:58:57 <diga__> guys we are running out of time 16:59:07 <ewindisch> #endvote 16:59:08 <openstack> Voted on "Create separate magnum-ui-core team (and repo)?" Results are 16:59:10 <openstack> Yes (12): juggler, hongbin, diga__, rbradfor, rpothier, jay-lau-513, ewindisch, muralia1, bich_le, mfalatic, joffter, thomasem 16:59:11 <openstack> No (1): eghobo 16:59:31 <ewindisch> #agreed Recommend to adrian_otto to create separate ui team 16:59:47 <ewindisch> with eghobo's concerns considered! 16:59:48 <juggler> good time for meeting closure stuff 16:59:51 <ewindisch> yep 16:59:59 <juggler> or relocation housekeeping :) 17:00:01 <ewindisch> #topic Open Discussion 17:00:06 <ewindisch> seconds ... anything? 17:00:18 <juggler> feel free to review: https://bugs.launchpad.net/magnum/+bug/1451678 17:00:19 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1451678 in Magnum "Add link to dev-manual-devstack.rst into document dev-quickstart.rst" [High,In progress] - Assigned to P Rivera (juggler) 17:00:31 <juggler> not now, but later ;) 17:00:36 <ewindisch> okay, giving it 30 seconds and then closing. 17:00:42 <ewindisch> continuing in #openstack-containers 17:00:49 <rbradfor> Infra is requesting a +1 from Magnum core team to add coverage to review process -- https://review.openstack.org/#/c/187753/ 17:01:05 <ewindisch> thanks everyone! 17:01:08 <ewindisch> #endmeeting