16:00:32 <adrian_otto> #startmeeting containers 16:00:33 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Jun 23 16:00:32 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is adrian_otto. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:00:34 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 16:00:36 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'containers' 16:00:46 <adrian_otto> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Containers#Agenda_for_2015-06-23_1600_UTC Our Agenda 16:00:53 <adrian_otto> #topic Roll Call 16:00:57 <adrian_otto> Adrian Otto 16:00:59 <hongbin> o/ 16:01:00 <jjlehr> o/ 16:01:07 <Tango> Ton Ngo 16:01:12 <wznoinsk> \o/ 16:01:14 <IlyaG> Ilya G 16:01:15 <tcammann_> hullo 16:01:19 <fawadkhaliq> Fawad Khaliq 16:01:20 <rpothier> Rob Pothier 16:01:21 <daneyon> here 16:01:23 <juggler_> Perry Rivera 16:01:30 <rbradfor> Ronald Bradford 16:01:31 <jjfreric> Jacob Frericks 16:01:42 <bradjones> o/ 16:01:52 <apmelton> Andrew Melton 16:02:26 <thomasem> o/ 16:02:34 <adrian_otto> hello hongbin jjlehr Tango wznoinsk IlyaG tcammann_ fawadkhaliq rpothier daneyon juggler_ rbradfor jjfreric bradjones apmelton thomasem 16:02:40 <thomasem> howdy 16:02:40 <juggler> o/ 16:02:44 <diga> Digambar Patil 16:02:47 <daneyon> Good morning adrian_otto 16:03:05 <adrian_otto> sdake was planning to chair today, but will not be able to join us because he's attending to urgent dental care. 16:03:14 <adrian_otto> hello diga 16:03:24 <juggler> yowza 16:03:41 <diga> hi adrian_otto 16:03:43 <Tango> Thanks for taking time off your vacation to chair! 16:03:45 <adrian_otto> I'm on vacation, but was able to drop in to run this meeting. 16:03:50 <adrian_otto> thanks Tango 16:04:01 <daneyon> adrian_otto that's impressive 16:04:03 <eghobo> o/ 16:04:08 <juggler> +1 adrian_otto 16:04:26 <adrian_otto> my internet access is not very impressive, so if I seem like I'm taking a *long* time to respond, that's why. 16:04:33 <daneyon> hopefully you can get back to enjoying your vacation 16:04:49 <adrian_otto> thanks guys 16:05:00 <adrian_otto> ok, we can start announcements... 16:05:19 <adrian_otto> 1) we now have a "Container Networking Subteam Meeting" initiated by daneyon 16:05:31 <adrian_otto> a first meeting is scheduled for 1800 UTC on Thursday 2015-06-24 16:05:46 <adrian_otto> the agenda is posted here... 16:05:53 <adrian_otto> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Containers#Container_Networking_Subteam_Meeting 16:05:55 <daneyon> adrian_otto this review will need your +1 https://review.openstack.org/#/c/193694/ 16:06:03 <adrian_otto> feel free to annotate the agenda 16:06:07 <daneyon> to lock in the date and time for the meeting 16:06:09 <wznoinsk> adrian_otto: is that 06-25 actually? 16:06:25 <daneyon> oops 16:06:29 <daneyon> yes, let me update it 16:06:40 <daneyon> sorry, I went back and forth on a few dates and times 16:07:05 <adrian_otto> daneyon: I voted +1 on https://review.openstack.org/193694 16:07:22 <adrian_otto> good catch wznoinsk 16:07:54 <adrian_otto> ok, any questions about the subgroup? 16:08:09 <daneyon> adrian_otto thanks and I have corrected the date to 6/25 16:08:34 <eghobo> sorry, what is subgroup? 16:08:35 <adrian_otto> any other announcements from team members? 16:08:51 <daneyon> Sorry all for not providing a longer runway for the meeting. Scheduling the meeting took a bit longer than i anticipated. 16:08:51 <adrian_otto> eghobo: it's an official working group that focuses on a specific topic 16:09:07 <eghobo> got it, thx 16:09:10 <adrian_otto> meetings are logged/archived 16:09:41 <adrian_otto> it's an opportunity to make directional decisions as a group and have interactive discussions outside the constraints of our main meeting 16:10:15 <adrian_otto> selecting times and dates for those proceedings is always hard with such a diverse group 16:10:32 <adrian_otto> ok, advancing to action items 16:10:36 <adrian_otto> #topic Review Action Items 16:10:43 <adrian_otto> 1) diga__ to follow up with ewindsich regarding Swarm+Mesos questions 16:10:46 <daneyon> The initial meeting will docus on this blueprint #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/magnum/+spec/native-docker-network 16:10:52 <adrian_otto> diga: any status on this? 16:11:20 <diga> adrian_otto: I have mailed to ewindsich 16:11:26 <diga> waiting for his reply 16:11:39 <adrian_otto> please follow up 16:11:39 <daneyon> Then we will decide as a subteam if it makes sense to continue separate weekly meetings. 16:11:56 <diga> yes 16:12:00 <adrian_otto> #action diga to follow up with ewindsich regarding Swarm+Mesos questions 16:12:07 <adrian_otto> 2) jay-lau-513 Clarify human name generation algorithm plans in BP 16:12:23 <adrian_otto> I don't think jay-lau-513 is here today 16:12:42 * adrian_otto taking a moment to reference BP 16:13:25 <adrian_otto> #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/magnum/+spec/auto-generate-name Auto generate Bay/BayModel Name 16:13:53 <adrian_otto> looks like this action should be carried forward 16:14:07 <adrian_otto> #action jay-lau-513 Clarify human name generation algorithm plans in BP 16:14:21 <adrian_otto> 3) adrian_otto to help Madhuri identify a resource on the Kubernetes team who can assist us with TLS feature implementation 16:14:27 <adrian_otto> #action adrian_otto to help Madhuri identify a resource on the Kubernetes team who can assist us with TLS feature implementation 16:14:41 <adrian_otto> I did not make contact with Madhuri, and she is not present, so carried that one. 16:14:49 <adrian_otto> 4) Tango to start and ML discussion to explain trouble with Magnum/K8s integration for LB (https://blueprints.launchpad.net/magnum/+spec/external-lb) 16:15:05 <adrian_otto> Tango: status here? 16:15:19 <Tango> I posted a question to Angus Lee, who wrote the code, but no response 16:15:33 <adrian_otto> so let's put this on the public ML 16:15:35 <sdake> o/ 16:15:36 <sdake> gott adrop early 16:15:48 <adrian_otto> hi sdake 16:16:02 <Tango> I do want to get some input from the team on how to extend LB to other COE, will do some more homework and send to ML 16:16:18 <adrian_otto> Tango, ok, I will carry yours. 16:16:28 <adrian_otto> #action Tango to start and ML discussion to explain trouble with Magnum/K8s integration for LB (https://blueprints.launchpad.net/magnum/+spec/external-lb) 16:16:35 <adrian_otto> #action sdake to take results and create separate bugs per test case 16:16:46 <adrian_otto> ^^ that's from our last meeting's brainstorm session 16:17:07 <adrian_otto> any more discussion on action items? 16:17:23 <adrian_otto> #topic Blueprint/Bug Review 16:17:26 <adrian_otto> Tasks/Bugs 16:17:33 <adrian_otto> #link http://goo.gl/sIlYla High and Critical Priority Bugs 16:17:48 <adrian_otto> I don't think we have any orphans 16:18:17 <adrian_otto> but 9 of those bugs don't have patches yet 16:18:35 <adrian_otto> so if you own one of those, and need help with it, now is when you can call attention to it 16:18:49 <diga> yes adrian_otto 16:19:24 <adrian_otto> diga, you own this one: https://bugs.launchpad.net/magnum/+bug/1451118 16:19:25 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1451118 in Magnum "magnum throws db exception on failed bay deletion" [High,Triaged] - Assigned to Digambar (digambarpatil15) 16:19:35 <adrian_otto> did you need to ask for help with it? 16:19:44 <diga> I am not able to reproduce the bug 16:20:07 <diga> I will discuss with sdake & hongbin on this 16:20:11 <adrian_otto> ok, sdake, can you advise? 16:20:25 <sdake> i gave an exact reproducer in the bug 16:20:30 <sdake> diga_ did yo utry that reproducer? 16:20:30 <tcammann_> Think sdake had to leave a minute ago 16:20:39 <adrian_otto> I set the status to incomplete pending ability to reproduce 16:20:46 <sdake> i've got to jet around 9:40 i think 16:21:00 <diga> no, I will follow it 16:21:19 <adrian_otto> ok, marking back to Triaged again 16:21:21 <sdake> not although the reproducer is a bit unnatural, it would happen in a real environment 16:21:27 <sdake> not/note 16:21:42 <sdake> would/could 16:21:50 <adrian_otto> ok, any other high/critical bugs that need help to resolve? 16:21:54 <sdake> FUC MY TOOTH HURTS 16:22:07 * adrian_otto empathy 16:22:35 <juggler> adrian_otto I'll see if I can get 1451678 resolved and let you know if I need help 16:23:10 <adrian_otto> so my ask here is for each bug owner in these categories take a look and see what can be done to drive these closer to resolution 16:23:20 <adrian_otto> let's call on the team to assist if you get stuck 16:23:34 <adrian_otto> let's look at blueprints next 16:23:41 <adrian_otto> Blueprints 16:24:05 <adrian_otto> #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/magnum Magnum Blueprints 16:24:28 <adrian_otto> I'm seeking updates on the Essential and High priority items, so I will call out each 16:24:42 <adrian_otto> #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/magnum/+spec/async-container-operations apmelton 16:24:51 <adrian_otto> updates? 16:24:55 <apmelton> no updates, did we push taht to L2? 16:25:07 <apmelton> yea, it's L2 16:25:10 <adrian_otto> we may have. I will scope the view to L1 16:25:14 <adrian_otto> one moment 16:25:28 <apmelton> also, I'll be on vacation next week 16:25:37 <apmelton> so I'll likely miss the weekly meeting 16:25:41 <adrian_otto> ok, here is the L1 16:25:44 <adrian_otto> #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/magnum/+spec/secure-docker 16:25:50 <adrian_otto> that's yours apmelton 16:26:01 <apmelton> adrian_otto: that will need to be pushed to L2 as well 16:26:11 <adrian_otto> #Link https://launchpad.net/magnum/+milestone/liberty-1 16:26:23 <adrian_otto> #link https://launchpad.net/magnum/+milestone/liberty-1 Liberty-1 Blueprints 16:26:38 <adrian_otto> ok, re-targeting secure-docker 16:27:13 <adrian_otto> apmelton: need any assistance with that one? 16:27:26 <adrian_otto> (retargeted to L2) 16:27:27 <sdake> from last week depends on madhuri's work 16:27:47 <sdake> looks like guide put together by csco guy wasn't totally complete 16:27:58 <sdake> but yuanying filled in the gaps 16:28:03 <adrian_otto> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/magnum/+spec/add-periodic-task Add periodic task for magnum conductor 16:28:08 <apmelton> once I can get some time back on magnum, I'll likely be able to not only work on the docker piece but also help out on the k8s tls stuff as well 16:28:27 <adrian_otto> sorry, lagged. did not see your reply 16:29:02 <apmelton> sdake: is that guide linked on the BP 16:29:15 <adrian_otto> ideally I'd like to see new bugs linked to these top blueprints 16:29:22 <adrian_otto> to indicate our progress toward resolution 16:29:36 <sdake> apmelton its lined on our wiki i thin kapmelton 16:29:40 <sdake> send email to maduri for specifics 16:30:00 <sdake> adrian_otto did the lining so he should know where its lined from 16:30:19 <adrian_otto> yes, I think I uploaded it to the wiki site 16:30:20 <apmelton> sdake: I'll give it a one-over, thanks! 16:30:22 <adrian_otto> looking 16:30:26 <apmelton> https://wiki.openstack.org/w/images/7/7a/Certificate_Cookbook.pdf 16:30:32 <adrian_otto> yep, that's it 16:31:06 <adrian_otto> ok, any more on this one? 16:31:48 <adrian_otto> #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/magnum/+spec/add-periodic-task Add periodic task for magnum conductor (Eli Qiao) 16:31:52 <adrian_otto> status? 16:32:05 <sdake> eli is in apac i think 16:32:07 <tcammann_> There are serveral patches up for review 16:32:13 <tcammann_> good progress 16:32:37 <hongbin> I think so 16:32:45 <adrian_otto> ok, thanks tcammann_. Should I update the implementation status to "Good Progress"? 16:33:07 <sdake> tcammann_ havey ou reviweed the patches and thin they are lamost doen? 16:33:11 <sdake> if so good progress maes sense 16:33:25 <hongbin> I think it makes sense. I have reviewed the patch 16:33:35 <sdake> hongbin wfm :) 16:33:44 <adrian_otto> updated, thanks 16:33:45 <tcammann_> Yep, the design seems correct, few tweaks need 16:35:00 <adrian_otto> #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/magnum/+spec/mesos-bay-type Add support for mesos bay type 16:35:14 <adrian_otto> hongbin: status? 16:35:19 <hongbin> It is pending on reviews 16:35:49 <hongbin> After the patches landed, this BP can be considered done I think 16:35:57 <adrian_otto> ok, excellent 16:36:07 <hongbin> But need more BP for additional mesos feature 16:36:32 <hongbin> such as multiple master nodes, network, etc. 16:37:06 <adrian_otto> hongbin: acknowledged. 16:37:33 <adrian_otto> when you have time, please consider submitting additional BP's accordingly 16:37:44 <hongbin> adrian_otto: sure 16:37:58 <adrian_otto> #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/magnum/+spec/mesos-bay-with-coreos Add support for mesos bay type (diga) 16:38:02 <adrian_otto> diga: status? 16:38:02 <diga> We have retargeted this BP to L2 in the last meeting, Need some discussion with ewindsich 16:38:13 <adrian_otto> ok, retargeting 16:38:22 <diga> yep 16:39:19 <adrian_otto> #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/magnum/+spec/integrate-ci-metrics Integrate CI Metrics (rbradfor) 16:39:31 <adrian_otto> rbradfor: status? 16:40:02 <rbradfor> the work added to Zuul does not show up in each commit 16:40:57 <rbradfor> I need to reach out to the Infra team as to why. I want the default coverage test used by some other projects in place first. I have some work for creating a new gate for metrics, following this initial jenkins gate. 16:41:13 <rbradfor> unfortunately with a day job, have limited time at present. 16:41:18 <adrian_otto> that's currently marked as a medium, so I won't hound you on this one. 16:41:35 <adrian_otto> thanks for your work on this. 16:41:37 <rbradfor> ok, but keep on my case, I'd like to see it done. 16:41:55 <adrian_otto> ok, we can ask again next week (sdake to remember) 16:42:19 <adrian_otto> any other blueprints or bugs that should be discussed as a team today? 16:42:53 <adrian_otto> I don't think mismith is here today, correct? 16:43:00 <adrian_otto> I think this may have been left over from last week: 16:43:04 <adrian_otto> State of Magnum RDO packaging - (agenda item requested by mismith from Overstock) 16:43:09 <daneyon> adrian_otto the initial network subteam will focus on this bp #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/magnum/+spec/native-docker-network 16:43:12 <adrian_otto> should we touch on that topic? 16:43:24 <sdake> i packaged magnum for rdo 16:43:26 <sdake> in coprs 16:43:27 <adrian_otto> daneyon: excellent 16:43:35 <sdake> i dont know if the systemd files work 16:43:38 <adrian_otto> #topic State of Magnum RDO packaging - (agenda item requested by mismith from Overstock) 16:43:39 <sdake> it needs testing by omeone that has a rdo setup 16:43:39 <daneyon> Are their any goals you have from the subteam's initial meeting tomorrow? 16:44:05 <adrian_otto> sdake, are you willing to track down mismith to see if the concern can be addressed? 16:44:13 <sdake> will do 16:44:14 <daneyon> I am targeting 7/22 to submit the spec for the BP (due to holiday/vacation schedule) 16:44:25 <adrian_otto> thanks, sdake… time for you to scoot? 16:44:35 <sdake> ya waiting on ride 16:44:41 <sdake> so i'm good to go until he is ready to go 16:44:45 <adrian_otto> kk 16:44:57 <adrian_otto> daneyon: that's good. My guadance…. 16:45:14 <adrian_otto> find ways to break down the work into bite sized chunks 16:45:28 <adrian_otto> document each in unique BP's and/or wishlist tasks in the bug system 16:45:32 <daneyon> adrian_otto I believe that gives us ~ 10 days to approve the spec for L2 16:45:36 <sdake> what is the fibbonaci number after 21 daneyon ;) 16:45:43 <daneyon> lol 16:45:46 <adrian_otto> let's take the obvious low hang fruit first and go from there 16:45:56 <adrian_otto> sdake: ;-) 16:45:59 <adrian_otto> exactly 16:45:59 <juggler> that sounds like a tag :) 16:46:44 * sdake takes his words back :) 16:47:16 <adrian_otto> thanks daneyon for your help with that 16:47:29 <daneyon> adrian_otto yw 16:47:47 <adrian_otto> I'll advance to open discussion if you're comfortable with next steps there 16:48:15 <adrian_otto> #topic Open Discussion 16:48:26 <tcammann_> Any midcycle plans yet? adrian_otto you mentioned you were gonna send a mail out? 16:48:42 <adrian_otto> tcammann_: thanks for the reminder 16:49:03 <adrian_otto> the first things we need to decide are venue and a date range 16:49:07 <sdake> note midcycle for olla is 28th/29th (likely but not confirmed) 16:49:24 <adrian_otto> sdake: that's in the month of July? 16:49:25 <sdake> so daneyon and I will be unavaiable then 16:49:35 <sdake> yes uly 16:49:47 <adrian_otto> ok 16:50:04 <daneyon> anyone submit magnum-related talks for the upcoming design summit? 16:50:05 <sdake> waiting on facilities confirmation 16:50:24 <sdake> I wa planning to leave that to adrian 16:50:40 <adrian_otto> are there volunteers for hosting the midcycle. I expect we need conference facilities suitable for a group of about 30/ 16:50:40 <sdake> but someone using magnum in production would make a geat talk :) 16:50:43 <Tango> If folks are willing to come to San Jose, we can host at the IBM Lab here. 16:50:44 <sdake> lets see if we can make that happen 16:51:08 <sdake> tango that sounds fantastic 16:51:14 <daneyon> +1 on SJ 16:51:17 <sdake> just make sure there are sodas in the morning ;) 16:51:29 <adrian_otto> we do have a high concentration of contributors in the bay area 16:51:35 <Tango> :) no beer though 16:51:44 <sdake> i would offer jsc at cisco but it took the stars to align to get a olla midcycle there 16:51:45 <juggler> lol 16:51:48 <eghobo> +2 for SJ 16:51:57 <daneyon> I could look into hosting it in Irvine CA if you would like 16:52:02 <adrian_otto> would any of our APAC contributors fly over for the midcycle if it were in San Jose, CA? 16:52:29 * ijw_ has nothing to do with the project but can offer SJC beer recommendations 16:52:43 <sdake> one thing to keep in mind, all companies have a 14 day cuttoff on travel reserations so need to hae a facility and date soon 16:53:04 <adrian_otto> ijw_: our last midcycle was at Rackspace in SFO where beer was on tap in our room with us. 16:53:22 <ijw_> adrian_otto: short of an IV that's going to be hard to top 16:53:24 <sdake> adrian_otto the joys of being a semi-startup ;) 16:53:38 <adrian_otto> indeed. 16:54:31 <tcammann_> Any provisional dates? 16:54:46 <adrian_otto> ok, so daneyon and Tango if you could check with your respective employers to see what's possible in San Jose and Irvine respectively, we can aim for date in accordance with availability. 16:54:55 * adrian_otto looks at calendar 16:55:52 <Tango> I do have management approval for hosting, once we have the date confirmed, we can make plan 16:56:11 <daneyon> adrian_otto I will look into the Irvine venue. Since we are hosting Kolla in SJ, I would need someone else to step up with the food, drinks, etc.. 16:56:21 <adrian_otto> ok, I do have some date costraints 16:56:35 <sdake> irvine is cco facility? 16:56:36 <daneyon> adrian_otto I could also use some dates to work with 16:56:36 <adrian_otto> daneyon: ok, thanks. 16:56:53 <sdake> daneyon if so, I can tel you that is DOA :) 16:57:08 <sdake> tango's offer seems solid - lets go with that 16:57:09 <daneyon> sdake why is that? 16:57:11 <adrian_otto> looks like I will me in SFO on July 13-14 16:57:11 <rbradfor> do you have an initial 2-4 week period we can at least start with? 16:57:14 <sdake> tango can doule chec that 16:57:28 <sdake> tango and get confirmation from the bosses :) 16:57:45 <Tango> So we are looking at July 13-14? 16:58:25 <adrian_otto> Tango: I'll follow up with you, we'll need more time to work on details. 16:58:35 <Tango> Sounds good. 16:58:46 <adrian_otto> #action adrian_otto to circulate doodle poll for midcycle dates 16:59:07 <adrian_otto> ok, we have just a minute or so remaining for today's meeting 16:59:47 <adrian_otto> Our next (non-subteam) meeting will be Tuesday 2015-06-30 at 2200 UTC 16:59:54 <juggler> thx adrian... now go vacate! :) 16:59:55 <adrian_otto> thanks everyone for attending 17:00:00 <tcammann_> Thanks adrian_otto 17:00:16 <adrian_otto> #endmeeting