22:00:36 <juggler> #startmeeting Containers 22:00:39 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Jul 28 22:00:36 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is juggler. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 22:00:43 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 22:00:46 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'containers' 22:01:08 <juggler> hello all 22:01:12 <apmelton> o/ 22:01:21 <yuanying-alt> o/ 22:01:27 <eghobo> o/ 22:01:31 <juggler> o/ 22:01:32 <Tango> o/ 22:01:37 <daneyon> o/ 22:01:40 <mfalatic> o/ 22:01:42 <hongbin> o/ 22:02:20 <juggler> Glad you all could be here...let's proceed... 22:02:30 <juggler> #topic 22:02:33 <jay-lau-513> jay-lau-513 22:03:20 <juggler> heh...what's the next directive :) 22:03:36 <madhuri_> o/ 22:04:13 <juggler> one moment, please... 22:04:15 <adrian_otto> Adrian Otto 22:04:16 <mfalatic> . #cakeforall 22:04:24 <mjbrewer> o/ 22:04:30 <yuanying-alt> Annoucement? 22:04:32 <jay-lau-513> o/ 22:04:35 <travisn> o/ 22:04:51 <juggler> #topic Announcements 22:05:12 <adrian_otto> I have asked juggler to help out with meetings 22:05:19 <adrian_otto> so this is a practice run 22:05:22 <juggler> Any announcements all? :) 22:05:34 <juggler> a very practice run... :) 22:05:39 <suro-patz> o/ 22:06:20 <adrian_otto> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Containers#Agenda_for_2015-07-28_2200_UTC Our Agenda 22:07:03 <adrian_otto> ok, juggler let's advance topics 22:07:41 <juggler> #topic Container Networking Subteam Update 22:08:06 <juggler> #link http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/container_networking/2015/container_networking.2015-07-23-18.05.html Previous Meeting 22:08:22 <adrian_otto> daneyon: care to offer us a summary? 22:08:36 <daneyon> sure 22:08:55 <daneyon> 99% of the meeting was focused on discussing the network spec 22:09:40 <daneyon> we discussed the objections... most from the neutron community 22:10:07 <daneyon> we are at an impasse where we need to figure out the next steps 22:10:16 <daneyon> we can standardize on libnetwork 22:10:36 <daneyon> however, kubernetes has it's own pluggable network model 22:10:49 <daneyon> we don;t need to support the k8s pluggable network model 22:10:55 <adrian_otto> (leveraging libnetwork is the preferred approach from our neutron community perspective) 22:11:24 <daneyon> we could get flannel (our current k8s network implementation) to work with Docker's libnetwork by using the native bridge driver 22:11:33 <daneyon> it needs to be validated 22:11:40 <jay-lau-513> daneyon: Does there are any huawei guys contact you for libnetwork integration proposals? 22:11:58 <daneyon> adrian_otto i agree on leveraging, but do we want to standardize on it. 22:12:03 <jay-lau-513> daneyon: we discussed this in a local meeting and they want to work with you for the solution 22:12:31 <hongbin> jay-lau-513: who are the huawei guys 22:12:48 <jay-lau-513> hongbin: from libnetwork team 22:13:04 <jay-lau-513> hongbin: they want to contribute to magnum 22:13:14 <daneyon> their is a lot of push towards the Kuryr project, but the project has no specs or detailed doc's on what it is or what it will be 22:13:23 <daneyon> their is a lot of misunderstanding around Kuryr 22:13:30 <adrian_otto> agreed. 22:13:52 <adrian_otto> The remarks in our subteam meeting and the content in the Kuryr readme did not match 22:14:21 <adrian_otto> so that means that there is somtheing more ambitious planned that has not yet made it into docs 22:14:32 <daneyon> are we ok with not supporting k8s's pluggable network model? if goog joins and wants to support k8s pluggable network, then we come full circle??? 22:15:07 <adrian_otto> daneyon: we need a solution that works across different Bay types 22:15:32 <daneyon> adrian_otto in the m net spec, i asked the kuryr team to create a spec for their project. they are starting whip together code, but no spec. that concerns me 22:15:33 <adrian_otto> until users tell us otherwise, it's probably not wise to fixate too much on the features on one bay type 22:15:42 <eghobo> daneyon: I though flannel supports kub model, doesn't it? 22:16:08 <juggler> Sounds like some additional discussion is needed... 22:16:18 <juggler> #action Libnetwork team / daneyon to coordinate meeting for possible integration solution 22:16:42 <adrian_otto> we have the Thu subteam meetings already 22:16:46 <daneyon> adrian_otto and libnetwork (for now) can do that. I think it could become a problem if goog has different views/plans for the ks pluggable net model. The k8s team has suggested combining the k8s/libnetwork models, but nothing has happened 22:17:33 <adrian_otto> daneyon: let's cross that bridge when we come to it. Let's proceed with the information we have now. 22:17:36 <daneyon> adrian_otto it will be super helpful to know who from goog will be contrib to magnum and what their view is on this topic 22:18:01 <adrian_otto> daneyon: I'd like to know that too. I expect to hear from them soon. 22:18:01 <daneyon> adrian_otto or do we just move forward and if goog wants something different, then they need to reimplment? 22:18:19 <adrian_otto> daneyon: yes. 22:18:23 <daneyon> in the mean time, maybe i shift the focus a bit on the following: 22:18:44 <daneyon> 1. Get more involved in kuryr to make sure things are moving in the right direction 22:18:54 <adrian_otto> good. 22:19:14 <juggler> #topic AI Review 22:19:24 <daneyon> 2. test flannel with libnetwork's native bridge driver... this is what would be needed if we decide to standardize on libnetwork 22:19:55 <daneyon> If we can't get ^ working, then we need to patch libnetwork or flannel or not standardize on libnetwork. 22:19:58 <adrian_otto> both are appropriate on an immediate basis 22:20:44 <hongbin> works for me 22:21:02 <daneyon> adrian_otto OK, I will do both then 22:21:07 <adrian_otto> thanks daneyon. Let's revisit it in the subteam, and continue advancement there. 22:21:28 <adrian_otto> thanks for advancing topics, juggler. Please indicate the AI's to review 22:21:34 <daneyon> adrian_otto et all... should we continue the net subteam meetings? 22:21:37 <tcammann1> o/ sorry I'm late 22:21:42 <daneyon> if so, i'll update the wiki 22:21:49 <adrian_otto> daneyon: yes 22:21:57 <juggler> will do! ... just patiently waiting for daneyon to finish thoughts... 22:21:58 <adrian_otto> welcome tcammann 22:22:08 <juggler> #topic AI: 1) adrian_otto to verify Magnum team has enough support to integrate with Magnum 22:22:27 <juggler> adrian_otto could you provide us a status on this AI? 22:22:34 <adrian_otto> madhuri_: do you agree you have what you need? 22:22:39 <tcammann1> Was barbican right 22:22:41 <adrian_otto> I marked this as complete 22:22:45 <adrian_otto> Barbican 22:23:04 <adrian_otto> yes, I entered the action incorrectly last week 22:23:08 <madhuri_> Yes for storing cert 22:23:13 <madhuri_> But not as a CA 22:23:27 <juggler> #action daneyon to update the wiki for net subteam meeting 22:23:46 <apmelton> adrian_otto: madhuri_: what's the issue with 'as a CA', I was planning on taking this up 22:23:53 <adrian_otto> is this an involvement problem, or a software problem? 22:24:09 <apmelton> was it something barbican just can't do well at the moment, or a magnum resource issue? 22:24:19 <madhuri_> Dogtag installtion on Ubuntu has some bug now 22:24:21 <adrian_otto> apmelton: thanks for helping out with this, we really need to break through some friction here 22:24:28 <madhuri_> according to Adee 22:24:49 <adrian_otto> doortag is an open source software for cert management 22:24:51 <madhuri_> And also the snakeoil plugin with devstack is not working 22:25:01 <madhuri_> Sorry Dogtag 22:25:12 <tcammann1> Aren't we using storing certs, why do we still need barbican? 22:25:12 <apmelton> madhuri_: I can take a look at snakeoil asap 22:25:13 <adrian_otto> Dogtag 22:25:18 <tcammann1> *db ^ 22:25:32 <madhuri_> Thanks apmelton 22:25:35 * adrian_otto screams quickly 22:25:47 <adrian_otto> we really don't want secrets in the magnum db. 22:25:54 <adrian_otto> We are falling back to this as a last resort 22:26:06 <madhuri_> adrian_otto: That part is independent 22:26:16 <madhuri_> And can be implemented now 22:26:21 <tcammann1> I feel we should look into using Anchor as a CA if Barbican cannot support this 22:26:43 <madhuri_> The issue is with the CA part in Barbican not the storage part 22:26:52 <adrian_otto> Barbican seems to depend on a bunch of other software that just does not work 22:27:07 <madhuri_> +1 adrian_otto 22:27:17 * tcammann1 thought this might happen :( 22:27:45 <adrian_otto> ok, so let's revisit this later in the agenda 22:27:50 <juggler> #action apmelton to review snakeoil plugin and assist madhuri with integration 22:27:59 <madhuri_> Sure adrian_otto 22:28:20 <juggler> #topic AI: 2) tcammann to move heat-coe-templates repo to project attic, and to relay our resolution on the ML thread: http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail 22:28:21 <adrian_otto> I'd like madhuri and apmelton to work together to come up with some options and present them on our ML so Magnum team members can offer input 22:28:25 <adrian_otto> does that seem reasonable? 22:28:36 <apmelton> sure 22:28:40 <juggler> please ignore that last URL...will be repasted 22:28:48 <juggler> http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2015-July/068381.html 22:28:55 <adrian_otto> tcammann1: it would be good if you could also participate there 22:28:59 <madhuri_> +1 from me 22:29:14 <juggler> tcammann: might you have feedback on this action item? 22:29:16 <tcammann1> sure, maybe sync up at the midcycle? 22:29:43 <tcammann1> juggler: the review is up for review by infra, and I sent out a mail on the ML on the subject 22:29:48 <tcammann1> I'll find the link to the review 22:29:51 <adrian_otto> we should collect midcycle topics before we adjourn today. 22:30:03 <tcammann1> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/205146/ 22:30:13 <juggler> thanks tcammann 22:30:36 <juggler> #topic Blueprint/Bug Review 22:30:48 <juggler> #topic #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/magnum/+spec/hyperstack Power Magnum to run on metal with Hyper 22:31:16 <adrian_otto> so on this topic, I raised a number of concerns on our ML 22:31:17 <juggler> Xu, do you have input on this blueprint? 22:31:29 <jay-lau-513> Not sure if Xu on line or not 22:31:45 <jay-lau-513> I have some comments for this and want to discuss with team 22:31:45 <juggler> go ahead adrian_otto 22:31:56 <adrian_otto> proceed jay-lau-513 22:32:38 <jay-lau-513> I heard that Hyper is now integrating with Kubernets, once they finished integraiton with k8s, I think that we can create a new k8s bay with hyper in Mangum 22:32:50 <jay-lau-513> this is solution 1 22:33:20 <adrian_otto> yes, that's an option 22:33:25 <jay-lau-513> Solution 2, is if hyper can be a kind of framework on top of mesos, then it would be another mesos bay 22:33:59 <jay-lau-513> because hyper can use mesos do resource scheduling to decide where to deploy the pod/container, just like what marathon+mesos+docker doing now 22:34:20 <jay-lau-513> hongbin has finished marathon+mesos integration, I think it is pretty similar with hyper+mesos 22:34:24 <eghobo> jay-lau-513: you probably mean executor 22:34:36 <jay-lau-513> eghobo yes 22:34:58 <jay-lau-513> I do not think we need a nova hyper driver just like other nova compute drivers 22:35:50 <adrian_otto> fair enough. I read though that particular ML thread, and I understand that it's not a perfect fit there either. 22:36:13 <adrian_otto> in all honesty, I just think this is interesting, and want to find a place where we can welcome adding it 22:36:17 <jay-lau-513> because magnum cannot leverage those drivers, the nova hyper driver will be managed by nova to create pod/containers and the nova team do not like this, as it is kind of another nova docker driver 22:36:27 <adrian_otto> but I'm not willing to set the full strategy for it myself 22:36:49 <juggler> is additional research needed to determine which of these 2 solutions is optimal? 22:36:50 <adrian_otto> because we already have secure multi-tenancy by nature of using Bays 22:37:14 <adrian_otto> juggler: we have had this on the agenda now for 3 continuous weeks, and the Hyper team is not showing up. 22:37:25 <jay-lau-513> adrian_otto, yes, if hyper can follow our bay/baymodel design thinking, then it should be ok 22:37:32 <juggler> ah 22:37:37 <adrian_otto> so I'm planning to drop it from the next agenda, and we can follow up on the ML for this. 22:37:58 <adrian_otto> I agree with jay-lau-513 that it can be integrated as a bay type, and that's probably the best fit 22:38:39 <adrian_otto> this would be worth covering at the imdcycle 22:38:43 <adrian_otto> Midcycle 22:38:53 <adrian_otto> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Magnum/Midcycle 22:39:05 <juggler> #action adrian_otto to table Hyper discussion to the ML or MidCycle 22:39:16 <adrian_otto> I should have mentioned during the announcements section a reminder that this is coming next week 22:39:30 <jay-lau-513> adrian_otto I think that I can discuss with Hyper guys locally, as they are in china and we are in same time zone 22:39:36 <adrian_otto> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/magnum-liberty-midcycle-topics Midcycle Agenda 22:39:46 <juggler> thanks adrian 22:39:59 <juggler> proceeding to the next blueprint: 22:40:05 <juggler> #topic #link http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2015-July/070583.html New Discussion about Hyperstack 22:40:07 <hongbin> jay-lau-513: Better to ask them to join the midcycle 22:40:17 <adrian_otto> ok, will do. 22:40:27 <jay-lau-513> hongbin where does the midcyle will be held? 22:40:36 <juggler> Peng any feedback? 22:40:37 <adrian_otto> #idea invite Hyper team to Midcycle meetup 22:40:37 <jay-lau-513> hongbin can they join remotely 22:40:51 <adrian_otto> juggler: we covered this, advance to the next please 22:40:52 <hongbin> jay-lau-513: I think everyone can join remotely 22:41:01 <jay-lau-513> hongbin ok, cool 22:41:18 <juggler> ok 22:41:21 <juggler> #topic #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/magnum/+spec/objects-from-bay Obtain the objects from the bay endpoint (sdake) 22:41:49 <jay-lau-513> hongbin I think that huawei has many guys interested in magnum, you can probaly lead them to contribute ;-) 22:41:52 <juggler> sdake... please proceed 22:42:35 <tcammann1> sdake and I intend to sync up on this at the midcycle 22:42:49 <tcammann1> no progress so far 22:43:00 <hongbin> jay-lau-513: Sure, I would talk to them 22:43:22 <juggler> #action sdake/tcammann to sync up on https://blueprints.launchpad.net/magnum/+spec/objects-from-bay at MidCycle 22:43:47 <juggler> thanks tcammann....that is progress 22:43:48 <juggler> ! 22:43:56 <juggler> #topic #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/magnum/+spec/secure-kubernetes Secure the client/server communication between ReST client and ReST server (madhuri) 22:44:14 <juggler> any feedback madhuri? 22:44:24 <madhuri_> Patches for review online 22:44:39 <madhuri_> We are implementing the solution with no dependency now 22:44:40 <juggler> great 22:44:55 <madhuri_> I have also updated the spec for clear picture 22:45:09 <adrian_otto> I'm not thrilled about the ordering, because I want to follow the principle of secure-by-default 22:45:27 <madhuri_> adrian_otto: Yes we will definitely do it 22:45:28 <adrian_otto> I'm not happy about internal cert and key storage in the magnum db 22:45:39 <madhuri_> I made a comment around yuanying-alt patch 22:45:49 <adrian_otto> but madhuri_ has assured me that we will have secure storage implemented in Liberty as well 22:46:22 <juggler> would you like an action-item towards that goal adrian? 22:46:26 <madhuri_> I have slow progress due to many dependent patches stll waiting to be merged 22:46:40 <madhuri_> That's why I would like cores to help reviewing it soon 22:46:49 <madhuri_> So that I can proceed fast 22:47:01 <adrian_otto> and our gerrit work queue is clogged up what seems like by about a year. 22:47:07 <juggler> madhuri do you anticipate how soon? 22:47:09 <hongbin> adrian_otto: I want to discuss the insecure alternative 22:47:23 <adrian_otto> ok, we are sort on time today 22:47:36 <adrian_otto> but let's cover that now, and then skip to Open Discussion 22:47:41 <madhuri_> We can discuss on #opensrack-containers 22:47:49 <adrian_otto> madhuri_: ok 22:48:02 <madhuri_> Ok 22:48:02 <juggler> #topic The Insecure alternative 22:48:14 <juggler> proceed hongbin 22:48:34 <hongbin> I think it is better to support an optional insecure bay 22:48:53 <hongbin> because most provisioning tool provision a insecure k8s 22:48:56 <adrian_otto> my initial position is the opposite 22:49:01 <hongbin> like ansible, juju ... 22:49:04 <madhuri_> We can have that support but by default we will have secure option 22:49:30 <hongbin> users are used to play with an insecure k8s 22:49:32 <madhuri_> +1 adrian_otto 22:49:38 <adrian_otto> madhuri_: why not be a bit more opinionated, and only support secure. 22:49:58 <tcammann1> Almost all tools that make TLS connections support the insecure option, including all the openstack clients 22:50:11 <adrian_otto> why is that? 22:50:13 <madhuri_> adrian_otto: I think we should support both and let user have their choices to play around 22:50:14 <tcammann1> It should be off by default 22:50:33 <adrian_otto> I agree that if we do offer the feature that it be off by default 22:50:39 <adrian_otto> but should we have the feature at all 22:50:46 <adrian_otto> who is really going to use that? 22:50:51 <tcammann1> Because TLS can be tough to debug and manage for small proof of concept work 22:50:56 <adrian_otto> seems like additional maintenance burden for us 22:51:15 <hongbin> Yes, a use case is debug 22:51:24 <madhuri_> Yes we do need to have differrent test for both 22:51:26 <adrian_otto> tcammann1: ok, that's a compelling reason 22:51:46 <hongbin> Maybe better for developers 22:51:52 <tcammann1> It'll be a small maintaince burden compared to supporting TLS 22:52:04 <madhuri_> Agreed 22:52:05 <adrian_otto> we have to support TLS. 22:52:20 <adrian_otto> the question is whether to also support insecure mode 22:52:22 <tcammann1> I'm not disagreeing with that :) 22:52:35 <adrian_otto> ok, let's do this 22:52:37 <apmelton> is the idea that we're trying to reduce barrier to entry for deploying magnum? 22:52:38 <tcammann1> For parity with the rest of OpenStack we should 22:52:41 <adrian_otto> let's implement both 22:52:46 <adrian_otto> insecure off by default 22:52:55 <madhuri_> Ok it is already in my todo list 22:52:58 <adrian_otto> and tech debt ticket to remove the insecure option later 22:53:00 <apmelton> so that an operator whos curious about magnum can spin it up, and try it out really quickly without having tons of dependencies? 22:53:13 <adrian_otto> we can debate the merits of that tech debt ticket at our midcycle. 22:53:15 <madhuri_> Yes apmelton 22:53:16 <tcammann1> Yep +1 adrian_otto 22:53:17 <adrian_otto> possibly eliminating it 22:53:29 <hongbin> wfm 22:53:30 <eghobo> just side note, even kub cluster-up has https by default 22:53:33 <adrian_otto> ok, cool 22:53:49 <adrian_otto> juggler: let's proceed to Open Discussion 22:53:52 <juggler> #action implement TLS and non-TLS support with insecure off by default 22:54:16 <juggler> #action establish tech debt ticket to remove insecure option 22:54:21 <juggler> #topic Open Discussion 22:54:29 <juggler> proceeding 22:54:36 <juggler> any open comments folks? 22:54:43 <adrian_otto> If you have not recorded your topics in https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/magnum-liberty-midcycle-topics 22:54:45 <tcammann1> Can we add a Magnum UI update to the adjenda for future meetings. There seems to be no progress 22:54:46 <adrian_otto> please do that now 22:55:03 <adrian_otto> yes, I think there is a better way to get updates on the high priority BPs 22:55:21 <adrian_otto> I should email the owners the day before our meeting, and have the status up on our agenda page for reference 22:55:35 <adrian_otto> and our members can read the ones they care about 22:55:39 <juggler> #action item Add Magnum UI update section to the agenda for future meetings 22:55:51 <adrian_otto> and I can call attention to ones that appear to be stalled 22:55:56 <adrian_otto> is that fair? 22:56:08 <adrian_otto> tcammann1: yes. 22:56:10 <madhuri_> +1 22:56:19 <Tango> +1 22:56:25 <hongbin> +1 22:56:27 <juggler> #action All: Record MidCycle topics prior to the MidCycle: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/magnum-liberty-midcycle-topics 22:56:44 <adrian_otto> and in your respective email responses, you can let me know if you want a position on the agenda for team discussion 22:56:49 <adrian_otto> or just provide the written update 22:57:34 <adrian_otto> that should free up more time for higher value discussion 22:58:06 <adrian_otto> thanks juggler for assisting with chair duty 22:58:29 <juggler> #action Contact adrian_otto for MidCycle agenda discussion topics via e-mail 22:58:33 <juggler> you are welcome 22:58:40 <tcammann1> thanks juggler 22:58:41 <adrian_otto> our next team meeting is scheduled for Tuesday 2015-08-04 at UTC 1600. 22:58:49 <juggler> further discussion will be in our regular channel. 22:58:57 <adrian_otto> any final thoughts before juggler adjourns us? 22:58:58 <madhuri_> Thanks everyone 22:59:04 <adrian_otto> cheers!! 22:59:12 <hongbin> The next meeting is one day before the midcycle? 22:59:18 <adrian_otto> yes sir 22:59:24 <hongbin> Then we still do it? 22:59:28 <adrian_otto> yes. 22:59:30 <hongbin> k 22:59:31 <juggler> correct 22:59:32 <tcammann1> I'll be in the right timezone for that one! 22:59:40 <juggler> thank you for stopping by all! 22:59:45 <juggler> #endmeeting