22:01:10 <adrian_otto> #startmeeting containers 22:01:10 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Aug 11 22:01:10 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is adrian_otto. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 22:01:11 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 22:01:14 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'containers' 22:01:24 <adrian_otto> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Containers Our Agenda (will revise momentarily) 22:01:30 <adrian_otto> #topic Roll Call 22:01:32 <adrian_otto> Adrian Otto 22:01:38 <apmelton> Andrew Melton 22:01:42 <hongbin> o/ 22:01:42 <bradjones> o/ 22:01:44 <Tango|2> Ton Ngo 22:01:45 <dane_leblanc> O/ 22:01:46 <yuanying-alt> o/ 22:01:47 <daneyon_> Daneyon Hansen 22:01:52 <eghobo> o/ 22:02:12 <thomasem> o/ 22:02:18 <thomasem> Thomas Maddox 22:04:52 <adrian_otto> Revised agenda: 22:04:57 <adrian_otto> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Containers#Agenda_for_2015-08-11_2200_UTC Our Agenda 22:05:51 <adrian_otto> hello thomasem, eghobo, daneyon_, dane_leblanc, yuanying-alt, Tango|2, bradjones, hongbin, and apmelton 22:05:56 <adrian_otto> #topic Announcements 22:06:14 <adrian_otto> Reminder adrian_otto will be out on 2015-08-25 due to travel to OpenStack Silicon Valley event. An alternate chair is needed. 22:06:14 <vilobhmm> Vilobh Meshram 22:06:25 <adrian_otto> helo vilobhmm 22:06:35 <vilobhmm> hi adrian_otto 22:07:02 <suro-patz> o/ 22:07:06 <adrian_otto> hello suro-patz 22:07:13 <hongbin> adrian_otto: is sdake available to chair that meeting? 22:07:20 <sdake> yo 22:07:23 <tcammann1> hello 22:07:32 <sdake> available yes 22:07:36 <adrian_otto> sdake, can you chair on 8/25? 22:07:37 <hongbin> k 22:07:46 <sdake> apologies for being late ;) 22:07:53 <sdake> thanks for pinging me 22:07:55 <adrian_otto> #agreed sdake will chair on 2015-08-25 22:08:09 <adrian_otto> any other announcements form team members? 22:08:21 <adrian_otto> *from 22:08:33 <adrian_otto> #topic Container Networking Subteam Update (daneyon_) 22:08:43 <mfalatic> o/ (network problems today) 22:08:51 <adrian_otto> welcome mfalatic 22:08:53 <daneyon_> not much new from the midcycle 22:09:04 <daneyon_> most cores provided a +2 to the network spec 22:09:21 <adrian_otto> we will review key takeaways from the midcycle further down in today's agenda 22:09:22 <daneyon_> tcammann1 has concerns 22:09:26 <tcammann1> :/ 22:09:52 <daneyon_> it owuld be helpful if the core's can come to an agreement on the direction and i will update the spec accordingly 22:10:02 <daneyon_> i can understand where tcammann1 22:10:04 <daneyon_> is coming from 22:10:05 <eghobo> daneyon_: could you share link to your slides 22:10:05 <adrian_otto> ok, should we discuss now, or should we advance the agenda? 22:10:30 <tcammann1> We usually run out of time, now would be better 22:10:37 <daneyon_> maybe in the short-term (as noted in the spec), we focus on exposing params until we figure out the label thing 22:10:39 <tcammann1> Or reschedule a discussion 22:10:49 <adrian_otto> #link http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/container_networking/2015/container_networking.2015-07-30-18.00.html Previous Meeting 22:11:27 <adrian_otto> tcammann1: okay, please summarize the substance of your concern for discussion 22:11:28 <daneyon_> eghobo here is a link to the midcycle slides http://www.slideshare.net/daneyonhansen/magnum-networking-update 22:11:39 <eghobo> thx 22:11:43 <tcammann1> Read: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/204686/11/specs/container-networking-model.rst 22:11:47 <tcammann1> my comments 22:12:04 <daneyon_> adrian_otto maybe it's best for you to lead a ML discussion to reach a consensus 22:12:10 <daneyon_> and proceed with today's irc meeting 22:12:30 <sdake> ml discussion may be helpful although I think we can sort it out in the review 22:12:34 <tcammann1> the jist of it is that I believe its a bad idea to use a metadata field for real API values which affect Magnum's internals 22:12:51 <sdake> ya we sort of went around on this problem at the midcycle 22:12:59 <sdake> and didn't have any clear consensus on it 22:13:05 <tcammann1> Keep it in the review for now 22:13:09 <sdake> I believe we agreed that some common values should be parameters 22:13:09 <daneyon_> sdake the review will work too. 22:13:26 <adrian_otto> #action adrian_otto to use ML discussion to drive consensus on networking spec 22:13:29 <daneyon_> sdake... correct 22:13:52 <adrian_otto> any more on networking for today? 22:14:00 <daneyon_> it's difficult to ID the exact params until i work through the use case of extracting flannel from TL templates 22:14:20 <daneyon_> i have an idea of some params, i can put some general language about the label/param split 22:14:29 <tcammann1> Works for me :) 22:14:56 <daneyon_> tcammann1 re: works for me. do you mean you will +2 with the general language of params/label split? 22:15:10 <eghobo> +1 daneyon_, tcammann1 I think we should do just label for one release or two 22:15:35 <adrian_otto> I have not abstained from voting, just underwater temporarily. 22:15:53 <eghobo> and cleanup/standardise them after that 22:16:06 <daneyon_> adrian_otto no worries. sounds like the group would prefer feedback in the review instead of a ML thread. I'll let y'all make the call 22:16:09 <sdake> eghobo voice of reason - makes sense - once we know what they are 22:16:17 <tcammann1> If you updated the language around params and labels, yes. I don't expect you to list all the params 22:16:22 <adrian_otto> #undo 22:16:23 <openstack> Removing item from minutes: <ircmeeting.items.Action object at 0xa146f10> 22:16:38 <adrian_otto> #topic Magnum UI Subteam Update (bradjones) 22:16:38 <daneyon_> ok, so it sounds like we have a path fwd 22:16:54 <sdake> i'm certain brad is fast asleep atm 22:17:01 <daneyon_> i will update the spec to include language around the params/label split. 22:17:02 <bradjones> sdake: nope :D 22:17:02 <adrian_otto> brad was awake at roll call 22:17:06 <sdake> oh 22:17:09 * sdake runs :) 22:17:15 <bradjones> I have added a bunch of BPs 22:17:16 <tcammann1> cool, thanks daneyon_ :) 22:17:20 <daneyon_> any other core's have issues with the spec? speak now or forever hold your peace ;-) 22:17:20 <bradjones> #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/magnum-ui 22:17:26 <adrian_otto> We got a visit from the Horizon team at our Midcycle 22:17:39 <adrian_otto> we expect to have a web UI during Liberty 22:17:52 <adrian_otto> Brad agreed to start giving us weekly updates on that 22:17:58 <bradjones> I have assigned myself to ones relating to bay model and targeted those at l3 22:18:04 <bradjones> If someone else is able to pick up the ones related to bay and work along side me, we could possible get that in too before liberty closes 22:18:27 <adrian_otto> Thai Tran volunteered to putting in the skeleton of a horizon plugin 22:18:39 <bradjones> I met with Thai last week 22:18:43 <bradjones> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/211750/ the initial skeleton repo is here 22:18:47 <bradjones> I need to fix a few issues with jenkins and add some skeleton Angular bits then that will be good to merge 22:19:48 <bradjones> I expect to have first revision of my bay model patches out by end of the week 22:19:50 <bradjones> so overall making good progress :) 22:20:03 <tcammann1> nice, bradjones 22:20:26 <daneyon_> bradjones right on!!! 22:20:28 <adrian_otto> from there we expect that putting the panes on that would be an achievable effort measured in days not weeks 22:20:29 <adrian_otto> bradjones: does that track with your expectations? 22:20:29 <adrian_otto> thomasem: you expressed interest 22:20:56 <adrian_otto> !! whoot !! 22:20:57 <openstack> adrian_otto: Error: "!" is not a valid command. 22:21:22 <bradjones> adrian_otto: yeah I expect to move pretty quickly 22:21:39 <adrian_otto> We are sure there will be a Magnum session at Tokyo, so we'd love to be showing that. 22:21:46 <sdake> i think there i ssome leg work to do on that review adrian_otto first 22:22:02 <thomasem> adrian_otto: I am interested in the UI for this. I am hoping to be available for reviews, however, I don't have bandwidth at the moment for the additional work, unfortunately. As is the case that I'm always sorry to say. 22:22:18 <adrian_otto> any more on magnum-ui? 22:22:18 <adrian_otto> #topic Review Action Items 22:22:18 <adrian_otto> 1) sdake/tcammann to sync up on https://blueprints.launchpad.net/magnum/+spec/objects-from-bay at MidCycle 22:22:18 <adrian_otto> Status: 22:22:21 <sdake> bradjones is it couple days per pane type of effort? 22:22:36 <sdake> failed 22:22:39 <sdake> but we got drunk together 22:22:46 <tcammann1> haha, we got close 22:22:54 <tcammann1> I mean to discussing it.. 22:22:55 <adrian_otto> should we revise the action? 22:23:14 <bradjones> sdake: I should think 2-3 days to put something together that is in a reviewable state yes 22:23:15 <sdake> needs a main summit track session 22:23:46 <adrian_otto> sdake: ? what topic? 22:23:48 <sdake> adrian_otto so the action is to target it to tokyo 22:23:52 <tcammann1> I think its a sticky issue. Agree with sdake, a summit session would be good 22:24:00 <sdake> in the non-labeled tracks at ODS in tokyo 22:24:11 <adrian_otto> design summit 22:24:17 <adrian_otto> not main summit 22:24:22 <sdake> roger 22:24:26 <adrian_otto> 10/4 22:24:52 <adrian_otto> do we want an action to sync before that, or defer 22:25:28 <adrian_otto> no answer, so I am assigning it to you again 22:25:29 <adrian_otto> #action sdake/tcammann to sync up on https://blueprints.launchpad.net/magnum/+spec/objects-from-bay 22:25:32 <sdake> defer - nothing is going to happen on it - i'm swamped and i think tom is working on the template jinja2 thing 22:25:34 <tcammann1> defer it. Probably need to move the bp out of this release 22:25:37 <adrian_otto> #undo 22:25:38 <openstack> Removing item from minutes: <ircmeeting.items.Action object at 0x9be1bd0> 22:25:43 <adrian_otto> ok, undone. 22:25:49 <sdake> sorry really laggy today for some reason 22:25:50 <adrian_otto> 2) adrian_otto to open tech debt ticket to remove insecure option 22:26:06 <adrian_otto> decided not to do this. Justified by need for debugging/dev setups. 22:26:28 <adrian_otto> discussed at midcycle. Team consensus. If you disagree, see me to debate. 22:26:35 <adrian_otto> 3) apmelton to review snakeoil plugin and assist madhuri with integration 22:26:40 <adrian_otto> Status: 22:27:13 <apmelton> we talked about this at the mid-cycle, snakeoil plugin currently won't support what we need 22:27:37 <adrian_otto> Status: overtaken by events 22:27:46 <adrian_otto> #topic Blueprint/Bug Review 22:27:51 <adrian_otto> New Blueprints for Discussion 22:27:55 <adrian_otto> Team members may nominate new blueprints for discussion so they may be processed. 22:28:02 <adrian_otto> (any nominated for consideration?) 22:28:23 <adrian_otto> this is late in the cycle, so I will stop polling for these soon 22:28:28 <adrian_otto> Essential Blueprint Updates 22:28:47 <adrian_otto> please see: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Containers#Agenda_for_2015-08-11_2200_UTC section Essential Blueprint Updates 22:29:11 <adrian_otto> sdake, madhuri, Tango|2, apmelton Any updates? 22:29:27 <adrian_otto> we will touch on TLS in a moment 22:30:03 <Tango|2> I haven't heard back fron Angus Lees. I have been out in the last few days also after the midcycle 22:30:25 <Tango|2> But I am working on 2 addtional patches to round out the support needed from Magnum 22:30:31 <sdake> adrian_otto pls ping me if you get to open items - my internet is terribl atm and I want to talk about our governance tag 22:30:41 <Tango|2> The rest is debugging the k8s backend 22:30:44 <adrian_otto> ok 22:31:12 <adrian_otto> Blueprints for administrative action 22:31:19 <adrian_otto> #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/magnum/+spec/magnum-service-list Add service list to magnum (suro-patz) 22:31:25 <adrian_otto> Status: Proposal is to close this as won't fix, as we did not get a strong requirement from the ML-follow-up, 22:31:34 <adrian_otto> #link http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2015-July/070165.html 22:31:44 <adrian_otto> I adjusted the BP 22:32:02 <adrian_otto> if anyone feels strongly, follow up in the whiteboard of that BP 22:32:10 <suro-patz> We have reached consensus on what to be done 22:32:20 <suro-patz> I am about to start implementation 22:32:26 <adrian_otto> thanks suro-patz 22:33:08 <sdake> overloaded - the consensus was what? 22:33:10 <adrian_otto> #topic Midcycle Summary 22:33:29 <sdake> confused by the "close as wont fix" vs "ready to start implementation" 22:33:30 <adrian_otto> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/magnum-liberty-midcycle-topics Midcycle Notes 22:33:58 <suro-patz> consensus was to implement 'coe-service-list' and 'service-list' separately. This has been captured on the BP sdake: 22:34:06 <sdake> cool 22:34:09 <sdake> that wfm 22:34:16 <tcammann1> I think we identified that it would be good to have 'nova like' service list 22:34:18 <adrian_otto> bay-service-list 22:34:28 <adrian_otto> but this is details we can discuss offline 22:34:36 <adrian_otto> conceptually we did agree 22:34:43 <sdake> just got confused by the closed wont fix statement 22:34:50 <tcammann1> same :) 22:34:50 <suro-patz> sdake: The agenda was set before the midcycle. 22:34:54 <sdake> my irc is coming in 10 line chunks 22:35:07 <adrian_otto> ok, so we held the midcycle last week 22:35:18 <adrian_otto> see the etherpad link for notes 22:35:44 <adrian_otto> biggest topics were TLS, Networking, and Web UI 22:36:07 <adrian_otto> I heard from Madhuri yesterday 22:36:50 <adrian_otto> She switched employers from NEC to Intel, and will continue work on Magnum. She was traveling during the Midcycle so she could not participate. 22:37:25 <adrian_otto> Murali has joined the Magnum team and has confirmed we are using the v3 keystone API now, and is plumbing us for trusts to assist with the TLS implementation 22:37:49 <sdake> sweet 22:37:49 <adrian_otto> this will allow for secure scoped communication from bay nodes to the magnum API for the purpose of singing/fetching TLS keypairs 22:38:00 <adrian_otto> apmelton is also helping 22:38:09 <adrian_otto> tcammann1 has been advising. 22:38:30 <apmelton> adrian_otto: do you have madhuri's new email? 22:38:45 <adrian_otto> current plan of record is to implement Anchor as a library to allow a single line of code in magnum to produce sighed TLS cert/key 22:38:45 <apmelton> I need to sync with her on where I can help, but I don't see her online 22:38:57 <adrian_otto> apmelton: not yet. It might take a couple of days for that. 22:38:59 <sdake> i dont have her new work email and also don't hae a personal email for her, but can contact her on linkedin pamelton 22:39:14 <sdake> you want me to relay a message? 22:39:33 <apmelton> sdake: see if you have have her reach out to me at andrew.melton@rackspace.com 22:39:41 <sdake> will do right now 22:39:42 <apmelton> in the mean time I'll start working on updating the template 22:40:03 <apmelton> that should be sufficiently removed that I don't clash with anything she may be working on 22:40:09 <adrian_otto> on the subject of networking daneyon gave an overview talk, and Mohammed from the kuryr project also presented 22:40:10 <apmelton> the template changes* 22:40:33 <adrian_otto> these ideas are surfaced in the container networking spec mentioned earlier in our agenda 22:41:02 <adrian_otto> basically use libnetwork to communicate with existing remote drivers, and devleop remote drivers for openstack integration 22:41:17 <adrian_otto> there are gaps in terms of how to deal with issues like identity trust 22:41:30 <sdake> apmelton message relayed 22:41:35 <apmelton> much appreciated sdake 22:41:41 <adrian_otto> if you are interested, check our kuryr and join the magnum containers networking subteam 22:42:25 <adrian_otto> stauts of magnum Web UI was mentioned earlier in today's agenda 22:42:51 <adrian_otto> good discussions on auto-scaling 22:42:56 <adrian_otto> any questions? 22:43:54 <adrian_otto> (pausing due to IRC latency) 22:44:09 <adrian_otto> #topic Open Discussion 22:44:13 <adrian_otto> sdake: ping 22:44:16 <sdake> yar 22:44:28 <sdake> so we list our governance repo as allowing our project to release whenever we please 22:44:29 <vilobhmm> adrian_otto, sdake, tcammann1 : If its ok with you, I would like to work on https://blueprints.launchpad.net/magnum/+spec/objects-from-bay …I have prior experience of working with object layer and have contributed code in nova, cinder for the same. If its ok with you, depending on the progress is made in upcoming week we can decide what to do with the bp. I can co-ordinate with sdake about what his vision was about this blueprint and star 22:44:45 <sdake> yet we are releasing on l1/l2/l3 cycle and tagging at end of liberty 22:45:03 <sdake> after liberty may make more sense to go to a different release schedule if we desire 22:45:29 <sdake> the good thing about l1/l2/l3 is they are 1 month windows 22:45:35 <sdake> which is a good sprint size for a team our size 22:45:41 <sdake> first size/length 22:46:28 <adrian_otto> vilobhmm: take ownership of the blueprint, and discuss with other stakeholders. 22:46:34 <sdake> vilobhmm wfm but its very complicated ;) 22:47:08 <sdake> so my wall of text was to kick of a discussion 22:47:08 <adrian_otto> sdake: we can conform to the integrated release schedule 22:47:11 <sdake> not seeing that ;0 22:47:18 <adrian_otto> the current designation allows for that 22:47:22 <vilobhmm> adrian_otto : sure…sdake : lets see :) 22:47:41 <sdake> agree its more flexible 22:48:15 <sdake> maybe this is better had on the ml 22:48:17 <adrian_otto> once we deliver consistently on that schedule, we can adjust formally to toggle the goveranance tag for releases 22:48:33 <sdake> i like that course of action adrian_otto 22:49:01 <adrian_otto> but I agree we should aim for conformance, and I can do a better job of following that. 22:49:02 <tcammann1> I think deadlines with our releases are a good thing 22:49:51 <sdake> i have been trying to stay on strct schedue lwith kolla and i can tell you it is very difficult because our gate is imperfect 22:49:51 <hongbin> I have a question 22:50:07 <sdake> magnum has bettr gating but not much :) 22:50:07 <hongbin> what is the plan after l3, are we going to freeze or continue to land features? 22:50:30 <sdake> our governance allows us to land features 22:50:36 <sdake> but i think we should stick with what works 22:50:41 <adrian_otto> we are not required to freeze 22:50:45 <hongbin> good to know 22:51:02 <sdake> a different tag is required to freeze 22:51:06 <adrian_otto> and considering we don't yet have the burden of production deployments of Magnum… should continue landing features 22:51:27 <tcammann1> Freeze would be bad in an early stage of the project 22:51:34 <hongbin> Agree 22:51:46 <adrian_otto> but I will defer to the core reviewer team to pick some work to intentionally defer if it makes sense 22:52:07 <sdake> even the 6mo tag allows feature landing with FFE at PTL's discretion 22:52:15 <sdake> only if the release is handled by the release team is FFE a PITA 22:52:23 <sdake> those are really for super core projects like nova neutron keystone etc 22:52:25 <adrian_otto> so we may compassionately -2 some patches (temporarily) 22:52:43 <adrian_otto> so that's a middle ground between FFE and the wild west. 22:52:59 <sdake> wfm 22:53:07 <adrian_otto> we did that in the last release cycle on a very small number of contributions 22:53:15 <adrian_otto> and later merged them 22:53:18 <sdake> cool well i'm glad we sorted that out now :) 22:53:46 <manjeets_> question here on freeze ? 22:54:25 <adrian_otto> here is the guideline: If you have features that are in scope for prioritized blueprints, we will plan to merge that work 22:54:37 <manjeets_> will the proxy-blueprint patch be merged if its working fine or will be delayed for later merge 22:54:45 <manjeets_> ? 22:54:48 <tcammann1> we aren't having a freeze 22:55:01 <manjeets_> lok 22:55:02 <adrian_otto> if you have work that's not defect remediation, and adds features that are not scoped in prioritized blueprints scoped for Liberty, then we may refrain from merging that 22:55:20 <adrian_otto> and that will be up to the discretion of the core review team 22:56:04 <adrian_otto> basically we should feel there is no risk to including something that's arriving during those final weeks of Liberty 22:56:27 <adrian_otto> does that sound fair to all of you? 22:56:57 <adrian_otto> manjeets_: that's a minor change, and we would agree to merge it 22:57:23 <manjeets_> ok thanks 22:57:29 <sdake> even mature projects merge after freeze 22:57:32 <sdake> only blueprints require ffe, bugs dont 22:57:49 <adrian_otto> right, if you are fixing a bug, then we will merge that work 22:58:06 <sdake> sounds like we may even merge blueprints ;) 22:58:07 <adrian_otto> we may ask that the bug be properly verified first 22:58:23 <manjeets_> ffe ? 22:58:32 <adrian_otto> only a few minutes remaining 22:58:40 <Tango|2> feature freeze extension 22:58:42 <sdake> feature freeze exception 22:58:58 <manjeets_> thanks 22:58:59 <adrian_otto> our next team meeting will be on 2015-08-18 at 1600 UTC. 22:59:13 <adrian_otto> thanks everyone for attending today. 22:59:14 <tcammann1> feature freeze exuberance 22:59:27 <thomasem> Take it easy! 22:59:29 <sdake> there are all kinds of words that begin with e;) 22:59:32 <adrian_otto> #endmeeting