16:02:41 <adrian_otto> #startmeeting containers 16:02:41 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Sep 1 16:02:41 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is adrian_otto. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:02:42 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 16:02:44 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'containers' 16:02:48 <adrian_otto> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Containers#Agenda_for_2015-09-01_1600_UTC Our Agenda 16:02:53 <adrian_otto> #topic Roll Call 16:02:56 <mfalatic> o/ redux 16:02:57 <adrian_otto> Adrian Otto 16:02:59 <xek> o/ 16:02:59 <daneyon_> o/ 16:03:00 <ctrath> o/ 16:03:01 <muralia> murali allada 16:03:01 <Drago> o/ 16:03:01 <dane_leblanc> o/ 16:03:01 <rlrossit> o/ 16:03:03 <wanghua> o/ 16:03:03 <thomasem> Thomas Maddox 16:03:04 <vilobhmm1> 0/ 16:03:08 <Tango> Ton Ngo 16:03:10 <eghobo> o/ 16:03:12 <travisn> Travis Nguyen 16:03:13 <hongbin> o/ 16:03:15 <juggler> o/ Perry Rivera hello all! 16:03:39 <apmelton> o/ 16:03:47 <diga> o/ 16:04:18 <harshs> o/ 16:04:55 <wznoinsk> o/ 16:05:29 <adrian_otto> hello mfalatic, xek, dane_leblanc, daneyon_, Drago, ctrath, muralia, rlrossit, wanghua,thomasem, vilobhmm1, Tango, eghobo, travisn, hongbin, juggler, apmelton, diga, harshs, and wznoinsk 16:05:34 <adrian_otto> great group here today 16:05:58 <adrian_otto> welcome sdake/sdake_ 16:06:07 <adrian_otto> #topic Announcements 16:06:13 <sdake_> yo 16:06:15 <sdake_> morning 16:06:22 <sdake_> lotss of cats :) 16:06:27 <adrian_otto> 1) OpenStack Silicon Valley event went great. 16:06:51 <adrian_otto> check out www.openstack.org/containers for the new containers whitepaper 16:07:19 <adrian_otto> There is video of the event online, for those of you unable to attend 16:07:25 <adrian_otto> anyone want links to that? 16:07:34 <vilobhmm1> yes please :) 16:07:35 <daneyon_> sure 16:07:35 <apmelton> definitely 16:07:36 <sdake_> yup 16:07:41 <ctrath> yes 16:07:48 <juggler> yes please 16:07:56 <thomasem> undoubtedly 16:08:03 <apmelton> we're sitting on the edge of our seats here! 16:08:10 <thomasem> I fell out of my chair. 16:08:22 <juggler> somebody say no just for fun lol 16:08:34 <mfalatic> no... I won't. 16:08:40 <mfalatic> (does that count?) 16:08:42 <adrian_otto> 1:18:00 - 1:23:12 http://livestream.com/iTechSherpa/OpenStackSV/videos/97301358 16:08:52 <juggler> mfal heh 16:08:52 <adrian_otto> 00:02:00 - 00:36:00 http://livestream.com/iTechSherpa/OpenStackSV/videos/97409605 16:09:01 <adrian_otto> ok, so those are the ones I appeared in 16:09:18 <juggler> great thanks 16:09:31 <adrian_otto> tpics are basically OpenStack Maturity, the OpenStack Innovation Center (OSIC), and Magnum (contrast to Virtual Machines) 16:09:40 <adrian_otto> there were also press interviews 16:09:49 <adrian_otto> I gave credit for the new things we added to Magnum as a team 16:10:11 <adrian_otto> and a little kerfuffle with James Waters 16:10:23 <adrian_otto> you might want to watch the panel to the end if you care about that 16:10:37 <adrian_otto> ok, so we are closing in on Tokyo 16:10:54 <adrian_otto> sdake_: I understand last week we put topics on an etherpad 16:10:59 <adrian_otto> for the design Summit 16:11:02 <sdake_> right 16:11:15 <sdake_> ttx asked for session count 16:11:18 <sdake_> so i got us kicked off 16:11:22 <sdake_> we need to trim the count 16:11:32 <adrian_otto> 2) Dates for the Tokyo OpenStack Summit are Oct 26-30 16:11:34 <sdake_> i saw an email this morning on the topic - did yu catch it? 16:11:41 <adrian_otto> Design Summit is the last three days, right? 16:11:50 <sdake_> iirc 16:11:58 <adrian_otto> okay, we will plan to revisit that today 16:12:11 <adrian_otto> any other announcements form team members? 16:12:51 <tcammann> o/ sorry I'm late 16:13:01 <apmelton> adrian_otto: looks like design summit is tuesday through friday 16:13:08 <juggler> tcammann no worries...thanks for coming :) 16:13:10 <adrian_otto> tx apmelton 16:13:14 <vilobhmm1> etherpad link for topics discussed last week : https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/magnum-tokyo-summit-sessions 16:13:21 <adrian_otto> welcome tcammann 16:13:26 <sdake_> friday is contributor meetup day 16:13:33 <apmelton> ah gotcha 16:13:36 <adrian_otto> #topic Container Networking Subteam Update 16:13:43 <adrian_otto> daneyon_: ? 16:13:55 <adrian_otto> I think the link to the previous meeting in the agenda is outdated 16:14:00 <adrian_otto> I will correct that now 16:14:23 <daneyon_> oops 16:14:45 <adrian_otto> #link http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/container_networking/2015/container_networking.2015-08-27-18.00.html Previous Network Subteam Meeting 16:14:58 <daneyon_> we spent most of the meeting reviewing and adding to the kuryr integration etherpad and kuryr design spec 16:15:13 <daneyon_> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/213490/ 16:15:20 <daneyon_> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/magnum-kuryr 16:15:50 <daneyon_> i took an action to clean up the integration ep and work with the kuryr team to create actionable steps 16:15:53 * adrian_otto updated the agenda with the revised link to the subteam meeting minutes 16:15:58 <daneyon_> to move the integration planning forward 16:16:17 <daneyon_> their was also an action for everyone to test the WIP patches that i have posted 16:16:29 <daneyon_> I have recently updated the client patch to include labels 16:16:41 <daneyon_> that's about it 16:16:44 <daneyon_> any questions? 16:16:47 <adrian_otto> yes, di all the reviewers get clarity on that? 16:17:01 <adrian_otto> I noticed there were questions in the comment thread on that patch 16:17:14 <adrian_otto> let's find the link to that daneyon_ 16:17:23 <daneyon_> adrian_otto I am still working through addressing all the comments in all the patches 16:17:41 <daneyon_> a link to each of the WIP patches? 16:17:49 <adrian_otto> #link https://review.openstack.org/215260 WIP: Adds Container Networking Model Support 16:17:51 <daneyon_> or just the client? 16:18:17 <adrian_otto> Manjeet raised a question there, but I think we have that covered 16:18:21 <daneyon_> this is the client: 16:18:23 <daneyon_> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/215260/ 16:18:58 <adrian_otto> ok, anything our networking subteam needs from the other contributors at this time? 16:19:10 <daneyon_> I still need to address the feedback from Jay Lau and Ton Ngo for the link you provided 16:19:46 <adrian_otto> ok, thanks 16:19:52 <daneyon_> adrian_otto no, just for someone else to test the patches. I believe Dane Leblanc is taking that on 16:19:55 <daneyon_> thx 16:20:06 <adrian_otto> daneyon_: great, thanks. I'll advance topics now 16:20:11 <daneyon_> ok 16:20:16 <adrian_otto> #topic Magnum UI Subteam Update (bradjones) 16:20:23 <adrian_otto> I think Brad is absent today 16:20:28 <adrian_otto> I'm a little worried about these: 16:20:46 <adrian_otto> #link https://review.openstack.org/211750 16:21:21 <adrian_otto> I have new contributors interested in that work, but we don't even have a readme file merged into the repo yet 16:21:34 <adrian_otto> so what can we do to move that along? 16:22:06 <adrian_otto> will a volunteer follow up with Brad Jones, and offer to adopt the patchset if needed? 16:22:26 <hongbin> adrian_otto: I think there is a readme file 16:22:49 <Tango> The patch that follows has a readme file. I tried it out but it doesn't work yet 16:23:00 <hongbin> adrian_otto: it seems to have necessary instruction to get started 16:23:06 <adrian_otto> #link https://github.com/openstack/magnum-ui Our magnum-ui repo 16:23:23 <adrian_otto> looks empty to me, maybe I missed something? 16:23:32 <hongbin> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/211750/10/README.rst 16:23:38 <Tango> you have to download the patch 16:23:40 <adrian_otto> right, we need to merge that 16:23:56 <adrian_otto> if it's imperfect, fine, let's iterate on it 16:24:03 <adrian_otto> but let's get something into the repo 16:24:41 <sdake> adrian_otto one action from last week fory ou 16:24:49 <sdake> is to ride people in the magnum-ui-core to actually do reviews 16:24:52 <adrian_otto> sdake, oh? 16:25:06 <hongbin> I think they did the reviewers 16:25:06 <sdake> because they aren't happening ;) 16:25:11 <adrian_otto> yeah, that action should be carried forward 16:25:25 <adrian_otto> so look, either we produce code, or we rip out the project 16:25:38 <sdake> agree 16:25:51 <adrian_otto> because putting down a flag on something prevents others from innovating on it 16:26:59 <adrian_otto> #topic Review Action Items 16:27:18 <adrian_otto> #action adrian_otto to follow up with magnum-ui cores to inspire faster progress 16:27:55 <adrian_otto> 1) sdake to walk yuanying-alt through how gating works 16:27:56 <adrian_otto> Status? 16:28:11 <sdake> h ehas been walked 16:28:21 <adrian_otto> completed, great! 16:28:22 <adrian_otto> 2) tango to create a blueprint for the kuberntees 1.0 port and include devstack, image creation, k8sclient regen, heat templates in it 16:28:27 <adrian_otto> Status? 16:28:35 <adrian_otto> I think I have 2 BPs on this topic 16:28:44 <Tango> Done, we have 6 patches against the BP 16:28:47 <adrian_otto> one commented as redundant, and marked for death 16:28:52 <Tango> Yes one is a duplicate 16:29:03 <Tango> I didn't notice 16:29:19 <adrian_otto> ok, so is there more work remaining? 16:29:32 <adrian_otto> or should the BP be marked as Implemented? 16:29:43 <Tango> Yes, the next step is to debug the V1 API code that Hongbin generated 16:30:09 <Tango> I am also debugging a new image 16:30:19 <adrian_otto> ok, cool. Action item is complete, BP work continues. Thanks for the update Tango. 16:30:20 <hongbin> I debug the generated client with *-4 image. Waiting for the *-v5 image to debug further 16:30:33 <Tango> travisn volunteered to help with functional test 16:30:38 <adrian_otto> 3) x3k to start ml thread on versioned objects review objectives 16:30:38 <adrian_otto> Status: Complete 16:30:46 <adrian_otto> I will revisit this topic in a moment 16:30:57 <adrian_otto> 4) adrian_otto to ping all magnum-ui core reviewers to review bradjones magnum ui patches 16:31:01 <adrian_otto> (carried forward) 16:31:19 <adrian_otto> #topic Versioned Objects 16:31:36 <adrian_otto> we have a non-unanimous consensus on adding support for this feature. 16:32:00 <adrian_otto> I'm tempted to just call tie break on this, but I'm open to hearing further input before then 16:32:28 <adrian_otto> hongbin: I know you opposed this, and I do recognize your reasoning 16:32:35 <hongbin> As I started in the ML, I agree to merge the code, but don't like to start bumping object version. 16:33:01 <hongbin> Yes, so -1 from me 16:33:08 <adrian_otto> I do agree that it is one more thing to deal with as we evolve our data model 16:33:12 <eghobo> I think it's good idea, my only concern there is not enough how to do it 16:33:14 <rlrossit> so my baseline request is to have this assertion be made before the start of M 16:33:47 <rlrossit> because at that point, we have a "release" that we need to be able to (eventually) do rolling updates from 16:33:53 <xek> rlrossit, +1 16:34:06 <dims> rlrossit: +1 16:34:10 <eghobo> hongbin: after we become familiar with the process it will become routine as unit tests ;) 16:34:10 <rlrossit> if it's missed now, you have to wait 6 months to even have the decision again 16:34:16 <ctrath> rlrossit has been working on it in Nova… rlrossit, do you have the cycles to overlook it in Magnum? 16:34:35 <adrian_otto> s/overlook/oversee/ 16:34:45 <rlrossit> yes, as long as I have that unit test to help me out :) 16:34:46 <ctrath> +1 16:35:09 <rlrossit> It was a struggle keeping an eye on the Nova changes without the unit tests I was attempting to add 16:35:17 <adrian_otto> worst case if we try this and it's a serious impediment, we can take it back out 16:35:24 <rlrossit> adrian_otto: +1 16:35:28 <dims> totally, +1 16:35:40 <adrian_otto> but in all honesty our data model changes are not frequent enough for this to be a significant burden 16:35:54 <rlrossit> (don't misunderstand initial learning time as a mistake though) 16:36:45 <eghobo> adrian_otto: +1 16:36:48 <dims> another aspect is if we don't learn what's needed now (what the steps needed are for using o.vo effectively), it will take a lot more pain later 16:36:55 <adrian_otto> ok, so are there other viewpoints to oppose this change? 16:37:08 <Tango> +1 We do need it, so we pay now or pay later 16:37:21 <hongbin> The last thing is that we need to have a clear document on how to do that (how to bump version, etc.) 16:37:26 <vilobhmm1> +1 agree 16:37:31 <rlrossit> hongbin: I can totally do that 16:37:32 <dims> hongbin: totally agree 16:37:33 <adrian_otto> hongbin: , agreed 100% 16:37:33 <wanghua> We need it sooner or later 16:37:44 <adrian_otto> rlrossit: can I assign you an action item for that? 16:37:45 <rlrossit> let me know where you want it, and I can write it up 16:37:54 <adrian_otto> is by next Tues enough time? 16:37:56 <tcammann> docs would be great! +1 16:38:00 <dims> rlrossit: we can add it to o.vo itself 16:38:15 <juggler> +1 16:38:19 <xek> +1 16:38:21 <rlrossit> adrian_otto: I think I can do it in a week 16:38:32 <rlrossit> depends on how fine-grained we want me to get 16:38:38 <adrian_otto> ok, so let's do that, and make a good compromise here 16:38:43 <dims> go rlrossit!! 16:38:54 <juggler> thanks rlr 16:39:06 <rlrossit> adrian_otto: if it pleases more folks, we don't have to merge my test until we are happy with my docs too 16:39:31 <Tango> Lots of review on your docs 16:39:38 <adrian_otto> #action rlrossit Add documentation that clearly defines how to bump object versions, and reference the location of those instructions in related unit test errors so they can be easily located. 16:39:43 <adrian_otto> rlrossit: is that action fair? 16:39:44 <vilobhmm1> rlrossit : will be happy to help 16:39:58 <rlrossit> adrian_otto: totally! 16:40:02 <hongbin> yes 16:40:02 <adrian_otto> ok, cool 16:40:15 <adrian_otto> and look, if this ends up being a huge mess for us, we will revisit it 16:40:34 <adrian_otto> #topic Blueprint/Bug Review 16:40:46 <adrian_otto> #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/magnum/+spec/objects-from-bay Obtain the objects from the bay endpoint (sdake) 16:40:51 <adrian_otto> is sdake still on this BP? 16:40:57 <vilobhmm1> i am working on this 16:41:04 <sdake> vilo should own it 16:41:09 <adrian_otto> ok, adjusting 16:41:41 <adrian_otto> reassigned. 16:41:50 <vilobhmm1> proposed the WRITE path here https://review.openstack.org/#/c/213368/ working on READ path…this needed lot of thought behind it…should have it ready by next meeting 16:42:23 <vilobhmm1> making sure with this approach keep the existing functionality and usage intact 16:42:39 <vilobhmm1> adrian_otto : ^^ 16:42:45 <adrian_otto> thanks vilobhmm1 16:42:54 <adrian_otto> need anything from team members to assist you? 16:43:18 <vilobhmm1> adrian_otto : nothing…may be reviews that I will request later :) 16:43:21 <adrian_otto> ok, advancing to the next one. 16:43:23 <adrian_otto> #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/magnum/+spec/secure-kubernetes Secure the client/server communication between ReST client and ReST server (madhuri) 16:43:36 <adrian_otto> madhuri is not in attendance today 16:43:39 <apmelton> I can give an update here 16:43:45 <adrian_otto> tx apmelton 16:44:03 <apmelton> I've taken over her patch (https://review.openstack.org/#/c/214179/) while she's away 16:44:19 <adrian_otto> great 16:44:22 <apmelton> I had that entire patch tree working in devstack yesterday 16:44:36 <apmelton> just need to rebase it, and finish up test coverage then it should be out of WIP 16:44:37 <adrian_otto> whoot!! 16:44:46 <adrian_otto> ok, looking forward to that. 16:45:06 <adrian_otto> reviewers, please earmark a chunk of time to get a good look at this code 16:45:18 <adrian_otto> this is the most important addition to Magnum in this cycle 16:45:43 <adrian_otto> because without it, Magnum is not suitable for production workloads 16:46:02 <adrian_otto> any other remarks, apmelton? 16:46:12 <apmelton> nope 16:46:19 <adrian_otto> sweet, tx. Advancing… 16:46:21 <adrian_otto> #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/magnum/+spec/external-lb Support the kubernetes service external-load-balancer feature (Tango) 16:46:36 <adrian_otto> I think this one is close, per remarks from earlier 16:46:56 <Tango> I tested out several more scenarios to narrow down the failure 16:47:34 <Tango> I did build a customer Kubernetes based on 1.0.3 with the 3 patches that Gus suggested, but it shows the same error 16:48:10 <Tango> I also verified that creating the load balancer using curl from the master node works, so the infrastructure is OK within the cluster 16:48:36 <Tango> Gus mentioned he is building his own devstack with magnum to try to replicate the error 16:48:52 <Tango> Haven't heard from him for a week though 16:49:24 <adrian_otto> ok, time to ping him again 16:49:40 <adrian_otto> please let me know if follow up from me may help 16:49:47 <mfalatic> Right now that LB is active in the code, right? 16:49:48 <Tango> So debugging continues, we are getting closer 16:49:58 <adrian_otto> thanks Tango. Advancing… 16:50:00 <adrian_otto> #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/magnum/+spec/external-lb Support the kubernetes service external-load-balancer feature (Tango) 16:50:05 <adrian_otto> whoops 16:50:08 <adrian_otto> ignore 16:50:13 <adrian_otto> #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/magnum/+spec/secure-docker Secure client/server communication using TLS (apmelton) 16:50:30 <adrian_otto> this is related to the previous update, but specific to our swarm bay 16:50:36 <apmelton> no new update there, but as soon as I get the other patch out of WIP, I'll begin this 16:50:42 <adrian_otto> ok, thanks. 16:50:50 <adrian_otto> #topic Open Discussion 16:51:15 <wanghua> I has something to discuss 16:51:24 <wanghua> for docker registry v2 16:51:28 <adrian_otto> ok 16:51:39 <wanghua> If we use trust, which user we should trust 16:51:56 <wanghua> I think we should create a user for registry v2 16:52:21 <wanghua> all the bay use the user and trust id to communicate with swift 16:52:24 <adrian_otto> ideally, we would trust the user who generates the image 16:52:36 <adrian_otto> but registry is not multi-tenant in that way 16:52:48 <adrian_otto> so we'll probably want to define a system user for that 16:53:09 <wanghua> yes, we should add a user in config 16:53:16 <adrian_otto> and acknowledge that storage consumed by that user is not accounted for by the individual Magnum user 16:53:36 <adrian_otto> we can iterate on that to avoid abuse 16:53:39 <eghobo> wanghua: could you elaborate what was changed in v2 related to user, sorry I don't remember any changes in this area 16:54:14 <hongbin> eghobo: The VM needs a OS credential to talk to swift for storing docker image 16:54:25 <wanghua> registry v2 is used to construct a local docker image repo 16:55:15 <adrian_otto> step one is to simply have a private repo capability per bay for performance and manageability reasons 16:55:23 <eghobo> you mean you want to run docker registry at each master and use swift as backend, right? 16:55:28 <wanghua> it needs to put the image to swift, so credentials are needed 16:55:35 <adrian_otto> then we can look at that to approach a more ideal usage and security posture for that feature 16:55:37 <wanghua> right 16:55:38 <notmyname> adrian_otto: you might find http://docs.openstack.org/developer/swift/overview_auth.html#openstack-service-using-composite-tokens interesting. originally for stuff like glance. probably useful here too 16:56:11 <mfalatic> I have a topic I'd like to briefly mention here. On recent devstack installs, who else is running into the problem of etcd dying on the master node after a bay is created? It seems to underpin the bug I've been working on: https://bugs.launchpad.net/magnum/+bug/1481889 16:56:12 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1481889 in Magnum "pod-create fails ('NoneType' object has no attribute 'status')" [Undecided,Confirmed] - Assigned to Martin Falatic (martinfalatic) 16:56:13 <adrian_otto> notmyname: yes, that's exactly the sort of enhancements that should follow our initial naive implementation 16:56:22 <notmyname> tl;dr objects owned by the tenant, but only editable if both the tenant and service tokens are available. makes accounting easier and prevents the user from messing up external indexes 16:56:27 <mfalatic> (If nothing else, PM me) 16:56:41 <adrian_otto> thanks for raising that mfalatic 16:57:35 <adrian_otto> we'll need to wrap up in a few minutes 16:58:06 <mfalatic> This is definitely a new issue. I dug up an older devstack tarball I had and so far it's only an issue in new devstack deployments with magnum 16:58:14 <adrian_otto> mfalatic: are the OOM messages in the dmeg buffer when that happens? 16:58:26 <adrian_otto> s/dmeg/dmesg/ 16:58:32 <mfalatic> Digging into that now. Out of memory 16:58:34 <mfalatic> ? 16:58:35 <adrian_otto> or turn on syslog and check there 16:58:46 <adrian_otto> yes, that's one common reason for an unexpected process termination 16:59:20 <adrian_otto> another way to debug that is to attach an strace to the etcd process while it is still running 16:59:21 <mfalatic> I will try that, but not quite sure how to trap it when it fails on bay create. 16:59:30 <adrian_otto> and get clues about the outcome by watching the syscall trace 16:59:34 <mfalatic> ok 16:59:45 <adrian_otto> time for us to wrap up. 16:59:49 <mfalatic> Thank you 17:00:05 <Nikolay_St> hi all 17:00:10 <Nikolay_St> it's murano time 17:00:21 <adrian_otto> thanks everone for attending. Our next meeting is 2015-09-08 at 2200 UTC 17:00:24 <adrian_otto> #endmeeting