16:00:21 <adrian_otto> #startmeeting containers 16:00:21 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Sep 15 16:00:21 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is adrian_otto. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:00:22 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 16:00:24 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'containers' 16:00:28 <adrian_otto> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Containers#Agenda_for_2015-09-15_1600_UTC Our Agenda 16:00:32 <adrian_otto> #topic Roll Call 16:00:36 <adrian_otto> Adrian Otto 16:00:37 <xek> o/ 16:00:42 <fawadkhaliq> o/ 16:00:43 <eghobo> o/ 16:00:44 <rlrossit> o/ 16:00:44 <mfalatic> o/ 16:00:46 <wanghua> o/ 16:00:51 <rpothier> o/ 16:00:56 <madhuri> o/ 16:00:56 <dave-mccowan> o/ 16:01:01 <Tango> Ton Ngo 16:01:07 <hongbin> o/ 16:01:09 <muralia> o/ 16:01:09 <thomasem> o/ 16:01:26 <juggler> o/ [slow connection possibly because of rain?] 16:01:53 <adrian_otto> hello xek, fawadkhaliq, eghobo, rlrossit, mfalatic, wanghua, rpothier, madhuri, dave-mccowan, Tango, hongbin, muralia, thomasem, and juggler 16:01:58 <vilobhmm_11> o/ 16:02:03 <muralia> hey all 16:02:22 <adrian_otto> hello vilobhmm_11 16:02:25 <juggler> good localtime all 16:02:30 <adrian_otto> ;-) 16:02:35 <daneyon_> o/ 16:02:39 <vilobhmm_11> hello adrian_otto, hello all 16:02:47 <daneyon_> hola! 16:02:52 <adrian_otto> I'm happy to see you back, madhuri 16:03:08 <hongbin> welcome back 16:03:45 <juggler> hello hello :) 16:04:02 <madhuri> Thanks adrian_otto hongbin :) 16:04:14 <madhuri> I am happy too 16:04:25 <adrian_otto> ok, let's begin. 16:04:30 <adrian_otto> #topic Announcements 16:04:36 <adrian_otto> any announcements from team members? 16:05:23 <daneyon_> It's raining in So Cal!!! 16:05:27 <daneyon_> :-) 16:05:29 <thomasem> awww yissss 16:05:33 <adrian_otto> well, that's true 16:05:37 <thomasem> put your water bottkes out 16:05:37 <dave-mccowan> I'm visiting from the Barbican team. I wanted to let you all know that our subCA blueprint is mostly complete now and our "snakeoil" development CA is working, if you guys are ready to test with it. 16:05:38 <madhuri> I have joined Intel 16:05:40 <juggler> ^^ :) 16:05:43 <thomasem> bottles* 16:05:44 <adrian_otto> first meaningful rain in months 16:05:48 <apmelton> o/ 16:05:55 <adrian_otto> #topic Container Networking Subteam Update (daneyon) 16:05:59 <adrian_otto> hello apmelton 16:06:12 <adrian_otto> #link http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/container_networking/2015 Previous Meetings 16:06:15 <daneyon_> Lets talking networking 16:06:38 <daneyon_> IMO The kuryr design spec is close to being merged 16:06:44 <madhuri> Thank dave-mccowan for the information 16:07:06 <daneyon_> I worked with gsagie yesterday to dive deeper into kuryr/magnum integration 16:07:35 <daneyon_> I am going to create a Kuryr BP in the next day or two to highlight the details for the initial integration. 16:07:54 <adrian_otto> I heard from gsagie__ who invited us to collaborate in a Neutron design session for kuryr at the tokyo summit 16:07:57 <daneyon_> All the Magnum Container Networking Model patches are out of WIP 16:08:28 <daneyon_> I was having problems getting the cross repo dependencies to work, so the func tests were failing in the gate for 2 patches 16:08:36 <adrian_otto> whoot! 16:08:51 <adrian_otto> was == resolved now? 16:09:10 <daneyon_> I have pulled the client test code from the 2 patches and just resubmitted. They should now pass and be ready to merge. 16:09:25 <daneyon_> I will add the client tests back in when the 2 client patches are merged 16:09:44 <daneyon_> It might be best to get everyone to vote on the client patches asap 16:10:00 <adrian_otto> ok, go ahead and drop links to them here now 16:10:12 <daneyon_> when those 2 hit, then I can add the client tests back in or submit a follow-on patch 16:10:43 <daneyon_> adrian_otto yes, as a workaround I removed the client tests for labels and net-driver 16:10:53 <daneyon_> the cross repo dependency thingy does not work 16:11:19 <adrian_otto> are those https://review.openstack.org/222749 and https://review.openstack.org/215260? 16:11:20 <daneyon_> i tried every which way to create a dependency from my magnum patches to the client patches, but no luck 16:11:48 <adrian_otto> ok, any more for the networking update? 16:11:51 <daneyon_> adrian_otto yes those are the 2 client patches that need to get merged 16:11:58 <daneyon_> nope 16:12:15 <adrian_otto> thanks 16:12:18 <daneyon_> yw 16:12:19 <adrian_otto> #topic Magnum UI Subteam Update 16:12:30 <adrian_otto> bradjones: yt? 16:13:03 <adrian_otto> we merged the initial repo 16:13:12 <adrian_otto> and there is a review up for an API client: 16:13:36 <adrian_otto> #link https://review.openstack.org/222617 Add magnum api client 16:14:24 <adrian_otto> #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/magnum-ui/+spec/bay-model-api Create API hook for bay model 16:14:28 <adrian_otto> that's the BP it's for 16:14:36 <hongbin> Those reviews are full of html and javascript. Need horizon experts to review 16:14:49 <vilobhmm_11> hongbin : +1 16:15:03 <adrian_otto> yes, that's why we have a ui core group with UI skills 16:15:32 <adrian_otto> so there is notable progress since last week. I just wanted to take a moment to highlight that 16:16:01 <adrian_otto> any other discussion on magnum-ui? 16:16:16 <adrian_otto> #topic Review Action Items 16:16:25 <adrian_otto> #action adrian_otto to follow up with project-config cores to ask if we can arrange to merge 16:16:42 <adrian_otto> I am carrying this forward from last week. I was not able to make this move at all yet 16:16:51 <juggler> excellent! 16:16:56 <adrian_otto> 2) Tango and manjeets_ to work together to complete https://blueprints.launchpad.net/magnum/+spec/external-lb 16:17:05 <adrian_otto> Tango: ? 16:17:15 <Tango> We got a bit of good news 16:17:24 <adrian_otto> #undo 16:17:24 <openstack> Removing item from minutes: <ircmeeting.items.Action object at 0xa285950> 16:17:26 <Tango> I wrote the details on the BP 16:17:40 <adrian_otto> #action adrian_otto to follow up with project-config cores to ask if we can arrange to merge https://review.openstack.org/216933 16:17:55 * adrian_otto looks at BP 16:18:12 <Tango> basically after adding lots of logging in k8s and stepping through the code, we figured out the discrepancies 16:18:25 <Tango> between what k8s expects and magnum provides 16:18:35 <Tango> once we fixed those, the load balancer works 16:18:52 <Tango> the patches have been updated with the fixes, I am about to upload them 16:18:59 <adrian_otto> oh, sweet! 16:19:12 <Tango> Gus has been very helpful with consultation and pointers 16:19:14 <adrian_otto> so we should be landing this in a few days? 16:19:24 <Tango> he even tried to build devstack with magnum 16:19:31 <Tango> yes we are wrapping up 16:19:37 <adrian_otto> that's terrific! 16:19:56 <Tango> Manjeet is working on the patch to set the parameters, I am adding functional test with nginx 16:20:07 <Tango> Will try wordpress later 16:20:16 <adrian_otto> manjeet was scheduled to arrive at the OSIC in San Antonio yesterday 16:20:26 <adrian_otto> not sure if he is settled in yet 16:20:36 <apmelton> hope it's started to cool off down there! 16:20:42 <Tango> He mentioned he should be able to resume this week 16:20:56 <Tango> I will work with him on the patch 16:21:15 <adrian_otto> ok, so for this action item, we should carry it forward to next week? 16:21:31 <Tango> Sure, for completeness 16:22:22 <adrian_otto> #action Tango and manjeets_ to work together to complete https://blueprints.launchpad.net/magnum/+spec/external-lb 16:22:35 <adrian_otto> that concludes action items 16:22:52 <adrian_otto> #topic Blueprint/Bug Review 16:22:59 <adrian_otto> Essential Blueprint Updates 16:23:11 <adrian_otto> #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/magnum/+spec/objects-from-bay Obtain the objects from the bay endpoint (vilobhmm_11) 16:23:31 <vilobhmm_11> After a positive signal from hongbin on the proposed approach for WIP : Objects from Bay - Replication Controller : https://review.openstack.org/#/c/213368/ 16:23:43 <vilobhmm_11> proposed 2 new patches for service and pods object 16:23:49 <vilobhmm_11> WIP : Objects from Bay - Services : https://review.openstack.org/#/c/223384/ 16:23:54 <vilobhmm_11> WIP : Objects from Bay - Pods : https://review.openstack.org/#/c/223367/ 16:23:59 <adrian_otto> what's happening with the gate tests on that patch? 16:24:18 <adrian_otto> both of them seem to be failing the py27 test 16:24:41 <vilobhmm_11> need to fix it…the reason for that is till now create used to happen using db..but that has now changed for these objects https://github.com/openstack/magnum/blob/master/magnum/tests/unit/objects/utils.py#L152 16:24:48 <vilobhmm_11> will fix it 16:24:50 <adrian_otto> ok, I see they are WIP 16:25:26 <hongbin> One more thing I want to mention for the patch 16:25:27 <adrian_otto> you can mark them as workflow -1 as well as a signal that you are about to post a revision 16:25:43 <hongbin> Consider set a dependency to the k8s v1 patch 16:25:53 <adrian_otto> this will help optimize reviewer time so you get us to see the next one rather than this one 16:25:55 <vilobhmm_11> adrian_otto : but as compared to last week I now have all 3 objects covered…will remove the WIP once i fix them…we should have clean patches with jenkins +1 soon 16:26:06 <hongbin> Otherwise, it will possibly break after the k8s client upgrade 16:26:06 <adrian_otto> ok, sweet 16:26:25 <vilobhmm_11> hongbin : sure 16:26:34 <hongbin> vilobhmm_11: thx 16:26:36 <adrian_otto> vilobhmm_11: I trust you know how to produce that dependency? 16:26:56 <adrian_otto> any more participation needed from the team on this? 16:27:03 <madhuri> +1 16:27:05 <vilobhmm_11> I will check with hongbin on IRC 16:27:17 <vilobhmm_11> adrian_otto : ^^ 16:27:20 <adrian_otto> ok, thanks 16:27:29 <vilobhmm_11> don't want to take team;s time here 16:27:31 <vilobhmm_11> hongbin has been very kind with all the feedback and reviews 16:27:34 <vilobhmm_11> thanks hongbin 16:27:40 <adrian_otto> #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/magnum/+spec/secure-kubernetes Secure the client/server communication between ReST client and ReST server (madhuri) 16:27:43 <hongbin> welcome 16:28:17 <adrian_otto> and related: 16:28:18 <adrian_otto> #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/magnum/+spec/secure-docker Secure client/server communication using TLS (apmelton) 16:28:47 <adrian_otto> I looked on Friday, and it looked like almost all of this code was merged 16:28:48 <apmelton> so, I've making really great progress getting TLS working with docker and swarm 16:29:08 <apmelton> late last week I was able to spin up a docker cluster secured with TLS using the local cert manager 16:29:17 <adrian_otto> whoot! 16:29:18 <apmelton> I'm just working on cleaning up that patch 16:29:38 <apmelton> I'll have something up this afternoon that should be ready for some serious review 16:30:03 <adrian_otto> great, are there specific team members who we should point at it so we get that through quickly? 16:30:28 <daneyon_> apmelton awesome! 16:31:01 <apmelton> anyone who's familiar with the flow of things for TLS should check it out 16:31:41 <adrian_otto> ok, any more on the TLS topics? 16:31:55 <adrian_otto> #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/magnum/+spec/external-lb Support the kubernetes service external-load-balancer feature (Tango) 16:32:02 <adrian_otto> we looked at this in AI review 16:32:12 <adrian_otto> sounds like this will be done this week 16:32:21 <Tango> I think so 16:32:40 <adrian_otto> great. if you get stuck, let's talk and see what we can do to work around 16:32:51 <adrian_otto> and that brings us to..... 16:32:58 <adrian_otto> #topic Open Discussion 16:33:01 <adrian_otto> yay! 16:33:09 <hongbin> One have one to discuss 16:33:19 <adrian_otto> wassup, hongbin? 16:33:30 <hongbin> There is a vote on the team meeting time 16:33:37 <hongbin> #link http://doodle.com/poll/76ix26i2pdz89vz4 16:33:45 <hongbin> Please vote if you haven't 16:33:48 <adrian_otto> yes, thanks for the reminder 16:33:54 <adrian_otto> did we sent that out on the ML? 16:34:00 <hongbin> yes, I did 16:34:17 <adrian_otto> that explains the wide participation ;-) 16:35:03 <adrian_otto> looks like 1600 UTC is very popular 16:35:13 <hongbin> yes, it is 16:35:22 <adrian_otto> so assuming new votes do not change that 16:35:32 <adrian_otto> might it make sense to stop alternating to 2200 UTC? 16:35:46 <hongbin> works for me 16:35:55 <adrian_otto> do we have any key contributors who would need to stop attending if we did that? 16:35:55 <wanghua> +1 16:36:07 <hongbin> there are two 16:36:10 <gsagie_> +1 :) 16:36:14 <hongbin> yuanying and eli cannot make it 16:37:12 <hongbin> but it is almost impossible to find a time that works for everyone 16:37:17 <adrian_otto> right. 16:37:34 <adrian_otto> the 2200 UTC time looks like it works for yuanying 16:37:55 <adrian_otto> this is a good problem to have, but a hard one to solve 16:38:07 <hongbin> agree 16:38:11 <hongbin> :) 16:38:37 <adrian_otto> ok, I'll talk it over with yuanying and see what he thinks of the change, and what balance we might be able to strike 16:38:47 <adrian_otto> is eli a regular attendee? 16:39:09 <adrian_otto> maybe he uses another nick that I'd recognize? 16:39:09 <hongbin> he/she submitted patches, but haven't see him/her in meeting 16:39:22 <adrian_otto> ok, there's no requirement to show up here 16:39:42 <adrian_otto> but I'd like to be inclusive for those who can add value in our discussions 16:39:50 <adrian_otto> I'll take an official action for this 16:40:10 <madhuri> +1 16:40:27 <adrian_otto> #action adrian_otto to follow up with yuanying and eli to ask about adjusting the team IRC meeting schedule 16:40:33 <wanghua> I have something about docker registry to discuss. 16:40:50 <adrian_otto> great, what is it, wanghua? 16:40:58 <wanghua> docker registry configs are list in https://github.com/docker/distribution/blob/master/docs/configuration.md#openstack-swift 16:41:09 <adrian_otto> you don't have to ask in open discussion… you can blurt out whatever you like ;-) 16:41:19 <wanghua> Should we expose these configs to users? 16:41:32 <wanghua> all read the configs from magnum config file 16:41:39 <wanghua> or 16:42:23 <wanghua> Different user may need different docker registry. 16:42:41 <adrian_otto> great question. 16:42:55 <daneyon_> looks like a potential use case for labels 16:43:31 <adrian_otto> as a user, I'd like the ability to specify my own swift backend… or even possibly a non-openstack cloud backend for Docker Distribution. 16:43:40 <adrian_otto> maybe there is a way to allow that? 16:43:58 <adrian_otto> where a default one is supplied for me (by my cloud operator)? 16:44:09 <adrian_otto> daneyon_: good idea! 16:44:21 <daneyon_> pass the params as --labels, have conductor map them to extra_params that get pulled into the heat templates 16:44:37 <hongbin> adrian_otto: that means users need to upload their remote cloud credential 16:44:52 <adrian_otto> hongbin: yes, that's a bummer. 16:45:10 <daneyon_> in combination with having something like a --docker_registry_backend api attr 16:45:16 <daneyon_> and object 16:45:37 <adrian_otto> well, let's try not to over-engineer it up front 16:45:57 <wanghua> adrian_otto: I think we can implement swift backend first 16:45:58 <adrian_otto> try to get a naive implementation first, something quick and dirty 16:46:13 <hongbin> +1 16:46:13 <adrian_otto> and then make a blueprint for enhancing it 16:46:35 <wanghua> +1 16:47:03 <adrian_otto> and we can collaborate on the BP to get something really sweet for the follow-up iterations on that feature 16:47:03 <wanghua> again the problem, should we expose the configs to users 16:47:25 <adrian_otto> not if they are shared between tenants 16:47:40 <adrian_otto> and not if they are supplied by the cloud operator on behalf of the tenant 16:47:49 <adrian_otto> but yes in the case where they are supplied by the user. 16:48:17 <adrian_otto> we should not make the actual keystone credential readable after it is provided 16:48:42 <adrian_otto> but the other bits (possibly as labels) seem ok to me. 16:49:01 <daneyon_> I would think it's required to allow users to manage the registry config. 16:49:21 <adrian_otto> yes, the question is how 16:49:23 <daneyon_> As with the networking stuff, batteries included but replaceable approach. 16:49:34 <rlrossit> adrian_otto: do we want to quickly discuss https://bugs.launchpad.net/magnum/+bug/1495981 and get a game plan for it? 16:49:36 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1495981 in Magnum "Any error in k8s is returned as 500 from magnum api" [Undecided,New] - Assigned to Ryan Rossiter (rlrossit) 16:49:38 <daneyon_> sane defaults, keep things simple and allow users to expand 16:49:57 <wanghua> We can create a user without any role assigned to it. 16:50:08 <adrian_otto> rlrossit: thanks for filing that bug!! 16:50:14 <wanghua> The user can only communicate with swift with a trust 16:50:44 <rlrossit> adrian_otto: no prob! how does magnum handle API return code changes? 16:50:58 <daneyon_> seems like we need to manage the yml file that tells registry what to do 16:51:35 <wanghua> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/223526/ 16:51:46 <adrian_otto> rlrossit: check in with madhuri_ on this one 16:51:56 <adrian_otto> that should help get us moving in the right direction 16:52:25 <madhuri_> rlrossit: I will take a look on it 16:52:37 <adrian_otto> daneyon_: I'm not 100% convinced we need to manage every feature. 16:52:44 <apmelton> daneyon_: the cool thing about distribution is the yaml config keys map directly to environment variables 16:52:45 <rlrossit> thanks madhuri_! we can probably discuss further on IRC if needed 16:52:47 <daneyon_> i would like to discuss discovery, but I'll use the ML since we are running short on time. 16:52:51 <apmelton> we may not need to futz with a yaml config 16:53:06 <madhuri_> sure 16:53:25 <daneyon_> adrian_otto agreed, we can leave most of the config file alone and just manage the pieces that are high priority 16:54:04 <adrian_otto> yes. If someone wants to do something really wacky they can edit the config on the bay master node(s) 16:54:28 <daneyon_> apmelton yeah, I think we manage the registry yml the same way we manage other files. At the surface, this seems straight forward. 16:54:33 <adrian_otto> we should have a default setup that we expect to be widely useful and helps automate things for the general case. 16:55:06 <daneyon_> the default should be as it is today, to use Docker hub. 16:55:37 <adrian_otto> and maybe we have some feature like —no-registry-auto-config or something… so you can bake in your own in your image 16:56:14 <eghobo> daneyon_: dcoker hardcoded docker.io as default and you cannot change it 16:56:35 <adrian_otto> eghobo: WAT??? 16:56:46 <eghobo> only redhat fork has this fearure 16:57:06 <adrian_otto> oh, I know what you are talking about 16:57:17 <adrian_otto> the docker.io/image-name thing 16:57:54 <adrian_otto> ok, we have a few minutes remaining. Anything else we should be thinking about before we wrap up? 16:59:09 <adrian_otto> Our next team meeting is Tuesday 2015-09-22 at 2200 UTC (sorry for the difficult time!). See you then! 16:59:15 <daneyon_> thx 16:59:19 <daneyon_> bye! 16:59:20 <apmelton> p/ 16:59:22 <apmelton> o/ 16:59:25 <wanghua> bye 16:59:26 <adrian_otto> #endmeeting