16:00:04 <adrian_otto> #startmeeting containers 16:00:05 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Nov 10 16:00:04 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is adrian_otto. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:00:06 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 16:00:09 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'containers' 16:00:14 <adrian_otto> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Containers#Agenda_for_2015-11-10_1600_UTC Our Agenda 16:00:26 <adrian_otto> #topic Roll Call 16:00:29 <vilobhmm> o/ 16:00:29 <adrian_otto> Adrian Otto 16:00:30 <Drago> o/ 16:00:35 <hongbin> o/ 16:00:36 <wanghua> o/ 16:00:36 <muralia1> murali allada 16:00:37 <rlrossit> o/ 16:00:41 <rpothier> o/ 16:00:44 <Kennan> hi /o 16:00:48 <Kennan> o/ 16:00:50 <juggler> o/ 16:01:21 <sew2> o/ 16:01:22 <adrian_otto> hello vilobhmm, Drago, hongbin, wanghua, muralia1, rlrossit, rpothier, Kennan, and juggler 16:01:29 <jasonsb> hi 16:01:31 <muralia1> hi all 16:01:44 <Kennan> hi 16:01:47 <vilobhmm> hello adrian_otto, hello all 16:01:52 <adrian_otto> hello sew2, jasonsb 16:01:54 <wanghua> hi all 16:01:59 <wznoinsk> hi 16:02:25 <juggler> hello all 16:03:02 <adrian_otto> #topic Announcements 16:03:10 <adrian_otto> any announcements form team members? 16:03:46 <eliqiao> o/ 16:04:19 <adrian_otto> s/form/from/ 16:04:23 <adrian_otto> ok, on to action items. 16:04:48 <adrian_otto> #topic Review Action Items 16:04:49 <adrian_otto> (none) 16:05:04 <adrian_otto> #topic Blueprint/Bug Review 16:05:18 <Kennan> hi adrian_otto 16:05:20 <adrian_otto> so this week I will be arranging all our BP's for Mitaka release 16:05:23 <Kennan> it seems have a review action 16:05:36 <adrian_otto> hi Kennan, which should we look at together? 16:05:59 <Kennan> Add filters support to api https://review.openstack.org/#/c/239362/ 16:06:04 <adrian_otto> I'm seeking input from the team for essential BP's for this release cycle 16:06:04 <wanghua> I have one 16:06:07 <Kennan> this is review from wanghua 16:06:07 <wanghua> Yes 16:06:32 <eliqiao> that one need to implyment on api micro-verison 16:06:39 <adrian_otto> ok, Kennan, thanks for raising that. Let's get to that one in just a moment. 16:06:56 <adrian_otto> we'll touch base quickly on blueprints first 16:07:06 <Kennan> sure 16:07:42 <adrian_otto> so the question I'd like everyone's help with is what bp's should be marked as Essential, and tracked every week in our team meetings through completion. 16:08:11 <adrian_otto> if you have ones that you think should be marked in that way, you are welcome to set them accordingly, or identify them for me, and I can set them. 16:08:50 <hongbin> I think we need to identify a list of Mitaka first 16:08:51 <adrian_otto> normally we have our subteams report back, and they tend to hold the highest priority items 16:09:04 <adrian_otto> come to think of it, I did that out of order this time. 16:09:15 <eliqiao> should we put them here? or just set the approver as you adrian_otto. 16:09:39 <hongbin> Correction: I think we need to identify a list of BPs for Mitaka first 16:09:49 <adrian_otto> hongbin: fair enough. So if you have BP's that you are sure should be included in Mitaka, mark me as the approver, and we'll get those scoped over the next few days. 16:09:50 <eliqiao> I would suggest that we create an etherpad to tracking them. 16:10:04 <adrian_otto> eliqiao: ok, I'll make one now One moment. 16:11:06 <Kennan> do we set all Mitaka bps in this meeting ? 16:11:13 <adrian_otto> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/mitaka-magnum-planning Magnum Mitaka Planning 16:11:24 <adrian_otto> no, this will not be a final list today 16:11:36 <adrian_otto> this is a way for us to share input as a team early in the cycle 16:13:20 <adrian_otto> great, so we have that kicked off. You are welcome to add to that bp after we conclude today as well, and we can true it up next time we meet. 16:13:30 <rods> hi all 16:14:05 <adrian_otto> let's go to subteam updates in the mean time, and I'll come back to reviews/bugs after that so we can discuss https://review.openstack.org/239362 16:14:19 <adrian_otto> hi rods 16:15:41 <adrian_otto> daneyon is not here, so I might skip "Container Networking Subteam Update" 16:16:20 <adrian_otto> we did not hold a meeting on Thursday due to confusion between UTC and local time after our recent DST shift 16:16:28 <adrian_otto> we can revisit that next time 16:16:43 <adrian_otto> bradjones|away: seems away 16:16:50 <adrian_otto> anyone have an update for "Magnum UI Subteam Update" 16:16:51 <adrian_otto> ? 16:18:47 <adrian_otto> ok, looks like our planning etherpad is taking form, so let's discuss reviews. 16:18:57 <adrian_otto> Kennan, you're up for this one: 16:18:59 <adrian_otto> #link https://review.openstack.org/239362 16:19:18 <adrian_otto> or that was wanghua's 16:19:27 <Kennan> hi adrian_otto 16:19:32 <Kennan> it is a change from wanghua 16:19:47 <Kennan> he implements feature to allow magnum cli add filters part 16:20:08 <Kennan> the filters mainly work for magnum db objects ,like pod, service etc. 16:20:13 <eliqiao> I think we need this change. 16:20:35 <Kennan> but another feature vilobhmm 16:20:46 <eliqiao> but I am thinking about if it should be implymented based on micro-version(since we have supported it) 16:20:47 <adrian_otto> I see in the comments that you have a concern about the impact on another contribution: 16:20:49 <adrian_otto> #link https://review.openstack.org/213368 16:20:58 <Kennan> implements now is native tool retrieve directly from backends 16:21:23 <Kennan> which can make db features override the two seems conflict to me 16:22:06 <vilobhmm> so the basic question boils down to…do we need to have the information for k8s objects stored in db or fetch directly from k8s backend 16:22:21 <wanghua> I think we need store pod, service in db, too 16:22:34 <vilobhmm> fetch directly from k8s backend - https://review.openstack.org/#/c/213368/ 16:22:48 <vilobhmm> information for k8s objects stored in db - https://review.openstack.org/239362 16:22:50 <adrian_otto> vilobhmm: our intent was to have a single source of truth, rather than dealing with synchronization 16:23:00 <vilobhmm> adrian_otto : agree 16:23:03 <adrian_otto> is there a reason this is not practical? 16:23:53 <eghobo> adrian_otto: +1, we agreed don't keep kub state in magnum 16:24:09 <vilobhmm> eghobo : +1 16:24:16 <madhuri> +1 16:24:21 <Kennan> adrian_otto: if that case, seems db filter feaure not needed 16:24:34 <adrian_otto> in general, we should not, but that guidance should not be absolute if there is a very good reason why we should be mirroring something in magnum 16:24:45 <juggler> +1 16:25:11 <adrian_otto> so let's view that as a preference to keep only one copy of relevant state, but to be willing to duplicate it when justified 16:25:37 <adrian_otto> so that's what I'm probing for now 16:25:43 <eghobo> adrian_otto: sorry I was late, but what is the reason? 16:25:55 <adrian_otto> we have not identified one yet 16:25:55 <wanghua> If we don't store some k8s infos in db, the user need to give the bay to show the pod, like magnum pod-show pod-id bay-id 16:26:05 <wanghua> I think it is wired. 16:26:23 <eghobo> sorry disagree 16:26:27 <vilobhmm> wanghua : but why is that weird ? 16:26:35 <adrian_otto> ok, good. that's what this discussion is for! 16:26:37 <eghobo> in kubctl you have to provide pod name 16:27:06 <eghobo> i think user need to do two commands 16:27:07 <wanghua> but we should know which bay the pod belongs to 16:27:53 <eghobo> magnun get pods bayid and magnun show pod pod_name bayid 16:28:26 <eghobo> wanghua: it's correct but user can have many bays 16:28:39 <eghobo> and many pods with the same name 16:28:59 <wanghua> yes, but pod-id is unique 16:29:00 <adrian_otto> in k8s you just have a single pod list. In magnum, there are multiple lists (by bay) 16:29:36 <Kennan> seems k8s use namespace to separate resources 16:29:47 <vilobhmm> Kennan : yup 16:29:59 <eghobo> adrian_otto: yes, I and I think we should require bayid everywhere 16:30:02 <madhuri> Kennan: Yes 16:30:44 <eghobo> Kennan: typical usecase for namespace for example is environment: PROD, DEV, QA 16:30:46 <hongbin> eghobo: sounds like a candidate to turn into a BP: require bayid everywhere 16:30:58 <adrian_otto> if the concern is simplifying the client… we do have a possible optimization we could make. We could allow the client to fetch the bay_id from a shell env variable. That way the user could set that, and not have to supply it for every command as long as it is set. 16:31:19 <vilobhmm> hongbin : its already in progress 16:31:27 <eghobo> adrian_otto: +1 16:31:41 <Tango> What about call from API? 16:31:47 <Tango> REST API 16:31:48 <madhuri> adrian_otto: +1 16:31:55 <vilobhmm> adrian_otto : +1 16:31:57 <adrian_otto> Tango: in that case it could be placed into the context by the user 16:31:58 <hongbin> Yes, the environmental variables approach sound good. 16:32:07 <Kennan> wanghua: do you have other comments for that ? I think most of your patch fetch info from db part 16:32:16 <adrian_otto> but for API usage I think it's better simply to require the bay-id 16:32:29 <vilobhmm> Tango : API receives both bay_identifier and pod identifier and then makes call to conductor to fetch entries from k8s endpoint 16:32:44 <wanghua> If we can automatically fetch the bay id, I think it is ok 16:33:16 <adrian_otto> wanghua: let's be careful to try to keep the API implementation as stateless as we reasonably can 16:33:18 <Tango> vilobhmm: thanks 16:33:33 <eghobo> wanghua: could you elaborate about it? 16:33:35 <adrian_otto> let's not have "magic" in the API 16:33:44 <vilobhmm> adrian_otto : +1 16:33:47 <Kennan> ok. it seems your bp can be dropped if vilobhmm can implements his bp(fetch from k8s backends) 16:33:52 <adrian_otto> and not hold server side state that will not scale out efficiently 16:34:01 <vilobhmm> stateless api r better 16:34:49 <wanghua> Kennan: I will drop my bp 16:34:59 <adrian_otto> ok, so are we at a consensus point now? 16:35:51 <Kennan> I am ok if finally fetch from k8s endpoints performance not bad. of course, it needs more test :0 16:36:02 <adrian_otto> let's mark the direction in the respective Gerrit reviews to offer guidance to reviewers 16:36:43 <adrian_otto> Kennan: that would be a reasonable justification for mirroring data in Magnum, of we are unable to overcome performance constraints. 16:36:53 <adrian_otto> s/of/if/ 16:36:58 <eghobo> Kennan: performance should be fine, Kub folks are very religious about keeping response time under 1 sec ;) 16:37:33 <adrian_otto> as long as we are only making a single connection to k8s to fetch what we need, then performance is unlikely to inhibit us 16:37:39 <vilobhmm> adrian_otto, Kennan : I tried my chnages in devstack for obj-from-bay for rc…and I could not see considerable difference http://paste.openstack.org/show/478215/ I can time the request and update the review with before and after for close inspection 16:37:48 <adrian_otto> if we need to make a whole bunch of requests, then we may need to revisit the approach 16:38:17 <vilobhmm> adrian_otto : we are making a single connection 16:38:22 <adrian_otto> thanks vilobhmm 16:38:24 <Kennan> wanghua thanks for your previous work, I raise your review here just because vilobhmm bp have some conflicts with your bp. :) 16:38:46 <adrian_otto> ok, are we all happy with this for now? 16:38:58 <madhuri> +1 16:39:02 <vilobhmm> +1 16:39:06 <Kennan> +1 16:39:11 <wanghua> +1 16:39:11 <Tango> +1 16:39:20 <adrian_otto> great. 16:39:43 <adrian_otto> so we have time to look at other work together as a team before we proceed to Open Discussion 16:40:02 <adrian_otto> anyone have bugs/reviews/bp's to raise for team discussion today? 16:40:05 <juggler> +1 16:40:23 <eliqiao> adrian_otto: I have issue to create bay on gate. 16:40:34 <eghobo> I have one question about this big renames https://review.openstack.org/#/c/243413/ 16:40:46 <hongbin> I have one to discuss (after eliqiao ) 16:40:49 <madhuri> eghobo: +1 16:40:53 <eghobo> can somebody provide reason? 16:41:00 <adrian_otto> ok, let's take eliqiao first. Please elaborate. 16:41:07 <eliqiao> okay. 16:41:41 <eliqiao> adrian_otto: 1 for swarm functional testing, bay created failed on gate, debuged into it , found vm failed to start docker service. 16:42:04 <vilobhmm> eliqiao : do you have a link for the failure ? 16:42:05 <adrian_otto> ok 16:42:14 <wanghua> Can it work in your local env 16:42:19 <eliqiao> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/226125/ 16:42:24 <vilobhmm> thanks! 16:42:27 <eghobo> eliqiao: check volume config 16:42:33 <eliqiao> wanghua: yeah, it works on my local setup. 16:42:45 <adrian_otto> perhaps the available storage is to small? 16:42:51 <adrian_otto> s/to/too/ 16:43:22 <hongbin> Yes, I would suggest to ture the cinder volume into 5G and tried again 16:43:23 <wanghua> I find that the gate may fail even if your patch is ok sometimes. 16:43:38 <eliqiao> the docker serivce log #link http://logs.openstack.org/25/226125/27/check/gate-functional-dsvm-magnum-k8s/125998a/logs/bay_nodes/ 16:44:08 <adrian_otto> ok, so let's take that one to #openstack-contaienrs after the team meeting to help understand the cause 16:44:20 <eliqiao> ok. 16:44:34 <hongbin> I have one to disuss 16:44:43 <muralia1> adrian_otto: I have one more thing to talk about. https://review.openstack.org/#/c/232152 16:44:47 <adrian_otto> #link https://review.openstack.org/243413 Renamed the heat-kubernetes and heat-mesos 16:44:50 <hongbin> adrian_otto: I think Magnum has a liberty release? Then this review is wrong https://review.openstack.org/#/c/242068/ 16:44:56 <adrian_otto> eliqiao: you had remarks on this one? 16:45:06 <Kennan> eliqiao: I suspect it was because volume size 16:45:23 <Kennan> in our jenkins default volume size is 1GB ? 16:45:26 <eghobo> eliqiao: Daneyon had similar problem, just check it's really latest fedora 5 16:45:32 <eliqiao> okay, thanks guys, will try to make volume size bigger. 16:45:37 <adrian_otto> hongbin: we do have a beta, but I need to release that as a final 16:45:46 <Kennan> for k8s the docker storage has mini requirements 2GB 16:45:47 <hongbin> adrian_otto: ack 16:46:01 <Kennan> you can set 4GB if jenknis have enough storage 16:46:04 <adrian_otto> we had a couple of patches backported on that branch that need to be included.Renamed the heat-kubernetes and heat-mesos 16:46:14 <adrian_otto> s/Renamed the heat-kubernetes and heat-mesos// 16:46:44 <madhuri> adrian_otto: I don't find any good reason to rename it 16:47:07 <wanghua> heat-kubernetes, heat-mesos, docker-swarm 16:47:21 <adrian_otto> is Shravya Gaddam present today? 16:47:21 <wanghua> I think we should add heat to all, or not to all 16:47:50 <wanghua> This bug is proposed by me... 16:48:08 <adrian_otto> ok, it is a heat template 16:48:10 <Kennan> seems heat-docker-swarm ? if consider consistence 16:48:15 <adrian_otto> which is why that's in the filename 16:48:39 <Kennan> or heat-dockerswarm 16:48:57 <adrian_otto> but all of this came from one thing... 16:48:57 <wanghua> They are all under templates dir. So they must be a template. 16:49:04 <adrian_otto> the heat-kubernetes project name 16:49:17 <leecalcote> wanghua: agreed. whether "heat" stays or is removed, it'd be nice to remove "docker" and shorten docker-swarm to "swarm". In this way, each of the COEs are one word references. 16:49:20 <adrian_otto> it probably would have made sense to call that "kebernetes" to begin with 16:49:43 <adrian_otto> and others with heat- in the name are attempt to confirm with that name scheme 16:49:58 <eghobo> i think it's better remove heat prefix, because we have even diskbuilder elements inside 16:50:11 <wanghua> We only use heat, no other methods. 16:50:27 <wanghua> So I think it is not necessary to add heat in the name 16:50:44 <adrian_otto> eghobo: I do agree, and as long as this change is not disruptive I don't see a reason to oppose it. 16:50:50 <madhuri> Make sense 16:51:10 <juggler> did you mean kubernetes not kebernetes above? :) 16:51:10 <hongbin> My concerns is if the renaming will affect the git history 16:51:10 <eliqiao> +1 16:51:33 <adrian_otto> hongbin: this is done with a git rename, so that should not wipe history. 16:51:48 <adrian_otto> but it could cause other patches to need a rebase 16:52:09 <Kennan> I am with rename, as both seems readable for me 16:52:14 <adrian_otto> so it could slow down merge of work on code within these directories 16:52:42 <adrian_otto> I'll open up for Open Discussion now 16:52:52 <adrian_otto> #topic #open-discussion 16:53:02 <vilobhmm> adrian_otto : IMHO security was a priority in liberty (with TLS and other imp features that went in for liberty) do we have something of that sort which we are planning for mitaka ? 16:53:31 <adrian_otto> seemed that we have a lose consensus to support the rename proposed in https://review.openstack.org/243413 16:53:33 <vilobhmm> asking this so that we can align the blueprints in that direction 16:53:39 <adrian_otto> s/lose/loose/ 16:54:05 <hongbin> I am OK for the rename. 16:54:17 <Tango> +1 on rename 16:54:18 <vilobhmm> +1 from me to.. 16:54:20 <adrian_otto> vilobhmm: yes. We held a design session on that topic, and decided we'd like to see further progression there. 16:54:39 <leecalcote> yes - +1 on rename. It would be good to consider removing "docker", too. 16:54:48 <adrian_otto> resolving issues with Barbican and allowing for secret storage through an abstraction 16:54:55 <leecalcote> or put "apache" in front of mesos... 16:55:05 <Kennan> seems native featch from backend need to use TLS related vilobhmm: if I get it correctly 16:55:16 <adrian_otto> leecalcote: nah, one word is fine 16:55:41 <juggler> +1 for the rename 16:55:44 <vilobhmm> adrian_otto : thanks! Kennan : Yes it will 16:55:46 <adrian_otto> vilobhmm: we really dislike having passwords in our configuration files, and would really like to avoid that. 16:56:13 <adrian_otto> so any approach that would free us from that requirement would be welcome 16:56:22 <eghobo> +1 for rename, but with proper explanation why in commit message ;) 16:56:39 <Kennan> adrian_otto some passwords like tenant password seems in other openstack projects ? 16:56:45 <vilobhmm> adrian_otto : sure 16:57:03 <adrian_otto> Kennan: no, like the magnum API password on the bay nodes 16:57:18 <eghobo> Kennan: +1, we need to remove passwords 16:57:42 <adrian_otto> so the entire subject of credentials management is something I'd like to mature in Magnum 16:57:51 <juggler> agree eghobo...it seems https://bugs.launchpad.net/magnum/+bug/1514682 could have just a tiny bit more detail about why it's being renamed 16:57:51 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1514682 in Magnum "Rename heat-kubernetes to kubernetes, heat-mesos to mesos" [Undecided,In progress] - Assigned to Hua Wang (humble00) 16:58:26 <adrian_otto> we have just a minute remaining, so let's wrap up 16:58:35 <Kennan> adrian_otto: ok I need check other core projects, seems only we use barbican, so we remove them ? 16:58:46 <adrian_otto> oh, I forgot 16:59:03 <adrian_otto> I will be traveling next week, and would like help to chair the meeting 16:59:08 <adrian_otto> contact me if you can help 16:59:25 <adrian_otto> 50% chance I can attend next week 16:59:27 <hongbin> adrian_otto: I can chair the meeting 16:59:36 <adrian_otto> thanks hongbin! 16:59:49 <juggler> awesome h 17:00:02 <Kennan> adrian_otto: I checked nova related config still use password in text 17:00:04 <adrian_otto> our next team meeting is 2015-11-17 at 1600 UTC. Hongbin will chair. Thanks!! 17:00:12 <Kennan> ok it maybe barbican related 17:00:13 <adrian_otto> #endmeeting