#openstack-meeting-alt: containers
Meeting started by hongbin at 16:00:31 UTC
(full logs).
Meeting summary
- https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Containers#Agenda_for_2015-11-17_1600_UTC
- Roll Call (hongbin, 16:00:46)
- Announcements (hongbin, 16:02:29)
- Container Networking Subteam Update (daneyon) (hongbin, 16:03:30)
- Magnum UI Subteam Update (bradjones) (hongbin, 16:04:58)
- https://review.openstack.org/#/c/242410/
- ACTION: hongbin
follow up with Adrian Otto for the release of
python-mangumclient (hongbin,
- Review Action Items (hongbin, 16:09:37)
- Blueprint/Bug Review (hongbin, 16:09:49)
- https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/mitaka-magnum-planning
- Open Discussion (hongbin, 16:18:39)
- ACTION: hongbin
follows up with Daneyon for the submeeting discussion (hongbin,
- ACTION: hongbin
starts a ML to discuss the renamed file issue (hongbin,
Meeting ended at 17:00:42 UTC
(full logs).
Action items
- hongbin follow up with Adrian Otto for the release of python-mangumclient
- hongbin follows up with Daneyon for the submeeting discussion
- hongbin starts a ML to discuss the renamed file issue
Action items, by person
- hongbin
- hongbin follow up with Adrian Otto for the release of python-mangumclient
- hongbin follows up with Daneyon for the submeeting discussion
- hongbin starts a ML to discuss the renamed file issue
People present (lines said)
- hongbin (86)
- Kennan (36)
- mordred (36)
- Tango (33)
- eliqiao (17)
- bradjones (14)
- daneyon_ (11)
- yolanda (9)
- muralia1 (8)
- juggler (6)
- eghobo (5)
- vilobhmm1 (3)
- dane_leblanc (3)
- openstack (3)
- rpothier (1)
- tbh (1)
- dimtruck (1)
- rlrossit (1)
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