16:01:25 <adrian_otto> #startmeeting containers 16:01:26 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Mar 15 16:01:25 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is adrian_otto. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:01:27 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 16:01:29 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'containers' 16:01:35 <adrian_otto> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Containers#Agenda_for_2016-03-15_1600_UTC Our Agenda 16:01:40 <adrian_otto> #topic Roll Call 16:01:42 <adrian_otto> Adrian Otto 16:01:45 <strigazi> o/ Spyros Trigazis 16:01:50 <Kennan> o/ 16:01:51 <yolanda> o/ 16:01:56 <hongbin> o/ 16:02:02 <rpothier> o/ 16:02:04 <Tango> Ton Ngo 16:02:08 <dane_leblanc> o/ 16:02:08 <muralia_> murali allada 16:02:10 <jward> John Ward 16:02:10 <eghobo> o/ 16:02:14 <rochaporto> o/ 16:02:35 <adrian_otto> Hello strigazi Kennan yolanda hongbin rpothier Tango dane_leblanc muralia_ jward eghobo and rochaporto 16:02:38 <wznoinsk> Waldemar Znoinski 16:02:45 <muralia_> hi everyone 16:02:48 <adrian_otto> hello wznoinsk 16:02:55 <levi_b> Levi Blackstone 16:03:28 <adrian_otto> okay, let's begin 16:03:30 <suro-patz> o/ 16:03:35 <adrian_otto> #topic Announcements 16:03:41 <adrian_otto> 1) We are now in Feature Freeze and String Freeze 16:04:18 <adrian_otto> this means that today I will branch for mitaka, and any code that needs to land for mitaka from this point forward needs an FFE (feature freeze exception). 16:04:26 <adrian_otto> I can grant FFE's. 16:04:42 <adrian_otto> bugs may be merged against the branch without an FFE 16:05:06 <thomasem> o/ 16:05:17 <Tango> What if the bug involves some string changes? 16:05:18 <adrian_otto> if you submit a review against the stable/mitaka branch, and it merges, you'll need to submit the same patch to master as well 16:05:48 <adrian_otto> Tango, ideally we would file a tech debt ticket to handle the string changes in the next release tag 16:05:57 <Tango> ok 16:06:07 <adrian_otto> but if adjusting strings is central to solving the bug, then we can use an FFE for that. 16:06:23 <adrian_otto> the rules are there to help us, but if it makes sense to bend them, we will. 16:06:45 <adrian_otto> any other questions on this announcement? 16:07:05 <adrian_otto> ok, next... 16:07:07 <adrian_otto> 2) Welcome Shu Muto to magnum-ui-core! 16:07:27 <adrian_otto> Shu Moto was added to the group this morning. Welcome!! 16:07:46 <Kennan> welcome to Shu Moto 16:07:47 <muralia_> congrats 16:08:00 <Tango> Welcome Shu! 16:08:08 <suro-patz> Welcome Shu! 16:08:12 <adrian_otto> Dims asked to be dropped from the group, which I will do today as well. 16:08:34 <adrian_otto> looks like that's done now 16:08:57 <adrian_otto> any other announcements from team members? 16:09:31 <adrian_otto> #topic Review Action Items 16:09:39 <adrian_otto> (referring to my notes) 16:10:04 <adrian_otto> 1) adrian_otto to start an ML thread about Magnum functional gate tests taking forever to execute in OpenStack CI. 16:10:16 <adrian_otto> this may be something I can touch base with yolanda about 16:10:24 <adrian_otto> I did not start the ML thread, sorry. 16:10:27 <yolanda> adrian_otto, seems i joined in the right day :) 16:10:28 <adrian_otto> #action adrian_otto to start an ML thread about Magnum functional gate tests taking forever to execute in OpenStack CI. 16:10:36 <juggler> o/ 16:10:45 <adrian_otto> so yolanda, real quick while we are on the subject 16:10:52 <adrian_otto> the OVH vms are super slow 16:11:04 <adrian_otto> and gates that used to complete in 20 minutes now take 2 hours 16:11:09 <adrian_otto> and frequently time out 16:11:09 <yolanda> IO slowness? 16:11:16 <adrian_otto> yes, exacty. 16:11:23 <yolanda> ok i can report it 16:11:30 <adrian_otto> the other cloud providers work okay 16:11:43 <adrian_otto> part of the problem is that we have added more func tests 16:11:51 <adrian_otto> but part of the problem is slow hardware 16:12:11 <adrian_otto> we have been landing patches to eliminate extra work from the gate tests 16:12:39 <yolanda> adrian_otto, do you have some links to the ovh failures? 16:12:41 <adrian_otto> to try to keep things working, but it's been a real disappointment since the HPE servers were lost from the mix. 16:12:54 <adrian_otto> we can get that to you, but I don't have it at my fingertips 16:13:34 <yolanda> we got complains about IO slowness for vexxhost last week as well 16:13:42 <adrian_otto> ok, let's advance to the next agenda item 16:13:51 <adrian_otto> thanks yolanda!! 16:14:20 <adrian_otto> #topic Bay node OS support in Magnum 16:14:40 <adrian_otto> so, before we get too deep here, I want to thank everyone who has been participating on the ML on this topic 16:15:12 <adrian_otto> this is a complex subject, and it's been tricky to get everyone to gel on the compromise for the approach to balance choice with complexity. 16:15:43 <adrian_otto> and as of last night, I think we are in a good place. I will do my best to characterize the approach, and consider input if this neeeds to be tweaked 16:16:04 <adrian_otto> we want to make Magnum more modular by moving COE specific code into drivers 16:16:38 <adrian_otto> each driver can support a combination of bay node os + dependencies (docker, k8s, etc), templates, and parameter logic 16:17:01 <adrian_otto> the detail that each _driver_ only supports one OS was an initial friction point 16:17:25 <adrian_otto> once I explained that we can have multiple drivers per COE type, that seemed to resolve the friction point 16:17:35 <adrian_otto> we will have a single driver identified as the default 16:17:52 <adrian_otto> alternates can be proposed, and initially placed into a contrib directory 16:18:25 <adrian_otto> we can have in-tree alternates once they meet criteria that we agree on (adequate testing, and an active maintainer, for example) 16:18:32 <adrian_otto> make sense so far? 16:18:37 <adrian_otto> any concerns with this approach? 16:18:54 <hongbin> I think it sounds good 16:18:59 <suro-patz> +1 16:19:02 <Kennan> looks ok 16:19:14 <Tango> sounds good 16:19:17 <Kennan> better with high-level bp about them 16:19:19 <eghobo> +1 16:19:32 <adrian_otto> keep in mind that the default driver (os) for a given COE should be chosen based on which one works best with that COE 16:20:07 <adrian_otto> so say at come point we have a "CoreOS" COE, it would obviously make sense to use CoreOS in that driver. 16:20:21 <adrian_otto> the default driver for Mesos/Marathon woudl be Ubuntu, you get the idea. 16:21:13 <Kennan> yes, we need some spec or clear bp to specify them. @adrian_otto 16:21:16 <adrian_otto> ok, to Kennan's point, we may have someone working ona BP now 16:21:20 <muralia_> is anyone working on this blueprint currently? 16:21:25 <adrian_otto> muralia_: do you remember who will be drafting that? 16:21:38 <adrian_otto> oh, that answers that question 16:21:39 <muralia_> jamie from rackspace agreed to work on it 16:21:45 <adrian_otto> ok. 16:21:50 <muralia_> but i was wondering if anyone got started already 16:22:09 <muralia_> looks like its a no 16:22:11 <adrian_otto> I have not seen anyone tag me for approval on one 16:22:17 <adrian_otto> so that may still be forthcoming 16:22:27 <adrian_otto> this is something we will definitely vote on an spec for 16:22:43 <Kennan> I did not think anyone start it now 16:22:51 <adrian_otto> so reviewers will have lots of opportunity to shape the plan for implementation 16:23:07 <muralia_> yes 16:23:51 <adrian_otto> thanks everyone for your attention and collaboration on this topic. 16:24:27 <adrian_otto> #topic Blueprint Review 16:24:36 <dims> adrian_otto : thanks! 16:24:37 <adrian_otto> since we are in FF, I'm tempted to skip this 16:24:47 <adrian_otto> dims: :-) 16:25:02 <yolanda> adrian_otto, i added a topic in the agenda for fedora dib images, but i did at last minute 16:25:09 <adrian_otto> the OpenStack summit in Austin is in 6 weeks 16:25:42 <adrian_otto> #topic Fedora atomic image generation: how to validate 16:25:48 <adrian_otto> #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/magnum/+spec/fedora-atomic-image-build 16:25:53 <adrian_otto> #link https://review.openstack.org/287167 16:25:57 <adrian_otto> thanks yolanda 16:25:59 <adrian_otto> proceed 16:26:14 <yolanda> so i've been working on that blueprint for some time, and i have a working image for fedora atomic, on f23 16:26:30 <yolanda> i was wondering what should be the best way to validate it, and ensure that it will be good for testing 16:26:46 <yolanda> so far i tried to run devstack, and use that as magnum_guest_image_url 16:27:02 <hongbin> yolanda: I would suggest to run it againest the quickstart guide, to see if everything is working 16:27:19 <yolanda> hongbin well, things boot, i can spin up bays, etc 16:27:25 <Tango> One problem is that we don't have enough functional tests to cover all the use cases. 16:27:38 <hongbin> yolanda: Also, I think the next step is to submit a patch and run it in gate 16:27:40 <yolanda> when i tried deploying kubernetes i get an error about an atomic.io key not existing 16:27:44 <Tango> Often the cluster comes up but is not functional 16:27:52 <yolanda> yep, that's my fear 16:28:08 <Kennan> Tango also know lots of built images 16:28:16 <yolanda> hongbin, changes for diskimage-builder are still on review, so i even cannot create a job for publishing 16:28:17 <Tango> I can help with checking out the image 16:28:29 <yolanda> but i'd like to check that the process is ok, and the image is valid, before merging that 16:28:53 <hongbin> yolanda: I think you can do it in two steps 16:28:59 <yolanda> Tango, thx.. so https://review.openstack.org/287167 is the link for the diskimage-builder change 16:29:18 <Tango> I will take a look and try it out 16:29:21 <yolanda> and i also have generated qcow that i can upload somewhere 16:29:26 <hongbin> yolanda: 1. Build an image and upload it to fedora people, then submit a patch to verify that image works. 16:29:44 <hongbin> yolanda: 2. Introduce the dib in the patch 16:30:18 <yolanda> hongbin, so submit a patch for magnum , to use my generated fedora image? 16:30:31 <hongbin> yolanda: yes 16:30:44 <yolanda> ok i can do it, send some experimental job? 16:30:49 <Kennan> yolanda: is your image is same as Fedora official atomic image ? Or can be customized with any installed software 16:31:09 <yolanda> Kennan it's based on fedora official ostree. It could be customized if we had the need 16:31:10 <hongbin> yolanda: You can use the existing job to test it 16:31:19 <Tango> I think before #1, we should do a fair amount of local testing, otherwise debugging at the gate is difficult. 16:31:38 <hongbin> Tango: +1 16:31:42 <adrian_otto> +1 16:31:46 <Kennan> +1 16:32:04 <Kennan> yolanda: what's the difference between your image and official atmic image ? 16:32:21 <yolanda> so it's based on https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/fedora/linux/atomic/23/ 16:32:36 <yolanda> the difference is that is generated with diskimage-builder, so we can generate it from infra regularly 16:32:59 <Kennan> OK. Thanks 16:33:01 <yolanda> it can be uploaded on a regular basis, and we can host in our mirrors 16:33:28 <Tango> I guess we can also customize the version of particular software, like Kubernetes? 16:33:28 <yolanda> also if there was some need to use a custom tree, it could be done 16:33:38 <yolanda> yes, there can be that possibility 16:33:40 <adrian_otto> should we expect that to accelleterate our gate test times? 16:33:54 <yolanda> adrian_otto, that is the idea, and reduce failures 16:34:03 <yolanda> downloading content from an external source is a point of failure 16:34:08 <adrian_otto> that would be awesome 16:34:26 <Kennan> yolanda: one point 16:34:43 <Kennan> most time functional test is image itself, not speed(download time) 16:34:52 <yolanda> i started that to kick the integration with shade. I noticed that i had to increase shade timeout because of that external download, so that was not well received for shade people 16:35:44 <yolanda> yep, that won't help with that. Only to reduce the download time and, to have own images 16:36:14 <adrian_otto> sorry, but what is shade? 16:36:41 <yolanda> adrian_otto, so http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/shade 16:36:58 <yolanda> is a wrapper for openstack calls mostly... we use that in nodepool 16:37:06 <adrian_otto> oh, thanks 16:37:07 <yolanda> and we use that on ansible for openstack as well 16:37:25 <yolanda> so enabling that integration with magnum, can open some doors to start using ansible + magnum, or nodepool + magnum 16:38:23 <adrian_otto> yolanda: can you explain some more about the nodepool + magnum concept? 16:38:23 <Tango> +1 16:39:00 <yolanda> adrian_otto, this was some topic discussed on Tokyo, but at the moment there is no progress on the short time 16:39:19 <yolanda> the idea was to allow nodepool to work with containers at some point 16:39:44 <yolanda> the thing that we agreed is to start first with that shade+magnum integration, the same as there is integration with nova, or with ironic 16:40:15 <adrian_otto> ok, I do have a memory of this 16:40:17 <yolanda> once it's there, i hope that the idea of nodepool can be moved forward again, but that was the first tep needed 16:40:39 <yolanda> yep, we got some conversations with team about that 16:40:44 <adrian_otto> I see. How can the magnum team help? 16:41:27 <yolanda> so the main problem i had this time is the lack of experience with fedora atomic, see the better way of creating this integration with diskimage-builder 16:41:48 <yolanda> at the moment i'd say that helping in validation of that concept, to test that the images we create are valid, will be awesome 16:42:29 <adrian_otto> not to speak for all of us, but I think that helping with that is in our mutual interest 16:42:56 <adrian_otto> as we make more efficient use of the openstack CI infra, and we get faster gate tests as a result. 16:42:58 <yolanda> i'll be glad to have some collaboration, that will be fantastic. I had the blueprint a bit stopped but i resumed in the last month 16:44:10 <yolanda> so i can start uploading the image to fedora people and share link here to help on validation? 16:44:14 <adrian_otto> ok, what woudl be good next steps to take? 16:44:34 <adrian_otto> that sounds good 16:44:48 <yolanda> also if i can get reviews on the diskimage-builder patch, to be sure that i'm not missing anything, will be good 16:45:01 <adrian_otto> let me know if you'd like to schedule a breakout meeting on irc to collaborate on that with interested magnum contributors 16:45:04 <imtiaz> Hi all. I am joining this meeting for the very first time. I met adrian and couple of other core members at a recent meetup organized by Lida. 16:45:08 <imtiaz> Lisa* 16:45:18 <yolanda> so far i was talking with some people in RH, and the guidance i got is to start running ostree, tweak grub and tweak docker storage 16:45:25 <adrian_otto> thanks yolanda 16:45:31 <adrian_otto> #topic Open Discussion 16:45:35 <imtiaz> @yolanda - what type of image validation do you have in mind? 16:45:38 <adrian_otto> imtiaz: hi there 16:45:38 <yolanda> adrian_otto, thanks for your attention 16:46:01 <yolanda> imtiaz, i'd like to be sure that it passes all magnum tests,and that this is a valid image for the platform 16:46:40 <yolanda> i have tested it, it boots, it has the required packages , but i don't have the expertise to dig deeper 16:46:41 <imtiaz> Do we have a framework to launch a VM with that image? 16:47:01 <adrian_otto> imtiaz: yes, devstack. 16:47:38 <adrian_otto> it's the behavior of the Magnum bay that's in question 16:48:03 <strigazi> adrian_otto: I have some updates on magnum installation guide 16:48:11 <adrian_otto> possible configuration settings of Docker (my guess is related to image sign verification) 16:48:22 <adrian_otto> strigazi: great! tell us more 16:48:42 <strigazi> Magnum installation guide is ready for rdo. What about other distributions? There are magnum-packages *only* for rdo. Should I add a note saying, install from source? 16:49:07 <imtiaz> Adrian: o.k. I was thinking about an automated gate that could validate the image. 16:49:43 <adrian_otto> yes, if we have a guide for istalling from source (not devstack) that would help with other OpenStack environments 16:49:56 <strigazi> ok, 2: Magnum installation guide is ready for rdo. What about other distributions? There are magnum-packages *only* for rdo. Should I add a note saying, install from source? 16:50:14 <strigazi> ok, 2. Can this be for mitaka? https://blueprints.launchpad.net/openstack-manuals/+spec/add-magnum-to-the-installation-guide , its the bp for the installation-guide under openstack-manuals 16:50:41 <hongbin> yolanda: ping me in IRC if you need help for the image validation 16:51:10 <yolanda> hongbin thanks. I'll try uploading to public fedorapeople, and share the link 16:51:23 <Tango> strigazi: Would the guide be applicable to Ubuntu? 16:51:41 <strigazi> Tango: from source, yes 16:51:58 <Tango> strigazi: thanks 16:52:02 <adrian_otto> we do get continued interest in Ubuntu setup, so that would definitely be valuable. 16:52:36 <strigazi> I'm an ubuntu user at home, so that interests me as well 16:53:03 <suro-patz> my sincere request to conclude the review for the spec on async mode of container operations - https://review.openstack.org/#/c/275003/ - it has gone through multiple rounds of iteration, review and rework. IMHO, it would be good to merge at this point and take it forward from there: adrian_otto 16:53:21 <adrian_otto> strigazi: the BP you referenced above is not a magnum one. It's an openstack-manuals one, so we'll need to find that PTL and ask there. It might be too deep into FF to get it into Mitaka. 16:53:41 <strigazi> finally, this https://review.openstack.org/#/c/289994/ needs review, its the spec file for magnum-installation-guide and need to be link to the bp 16:53:43 <adrian_otto> I know that thingee expressed an interest in it thought 16:54:43 <adrian_otto> wow, you made a spec for that. Nice, strigazi. Usually for things of that complexity we skip that step. 16:54:54 <adrian_otto> but it's welcome nonetheless. 16:55:30 <strigazi> A core member of openstack-manuals asked about it 16:55:42 <adrian_otto> Thanks strigazi for all your work on that important item. We really appreciate it. 16:56:01 <Tango> +1 16:56:07 <strigazi> :) 16:56:11 <adrian_otto> strigazi: oh, I see, they have a spec process in place for manuals 16:56:16 <adrian_otto> I'll vote ont aht 16:56:20 <adrian_otto> thanks for the pointer. 16:56:36 <adrian_otto> ok, we have just a few minutes remaining. 16:56:44 <adrian_otto> any other topics before we wrap up? 16:56:44 <suro-patz> my sincere request to conclude the review for the spec on async mode of container operations - https://review.openstack.org/#/c/275003/ - it has gone through multiple rounds of iteration, review and rework. IMHO, it would be good to merge at this point and take it forward from there: adrian_otto 16:57:26 <adrian_otto> suro-patz: acknowledged. Let's vote on that review, and identify any remaining concerns. 16:57:36 <suro-patz> thanks adrian_otto! 16:57:38 <adrian_otto> I'm ready to move forward on it 16:58:17 <strigazi> I'd like to draw your attention to this bp: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/magnum/+spec/allow-user-softwareconfig 16:58:30 <strigazi> Will it be approved? 16:58:51 <adrian_otto> strigazi: I will review and comment on it 16:59:03 <strigazi> adrian_otto: thanks 16:59:55 <adrian_otto> Thanks everyone for attending today. Our next meeting will be Tuesday 2016-03-22 at 1600 UTC. See you then! 17:00:05 <adrian_otto> #endmeeting