16:00:04 <hongbin> #startmeeting containers 16:00:06 <openstack> Meeting started Tue May 31 16:00:04 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is hongbin. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:00:07 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 16:00:10 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'containers' 16:00:11 <hongbin> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Containers#Agenda_for_2016-05-31_1600_UTC Today's agenda 16:00:16 <hongbin> #topic Roll Call 16:00:17 <strigazi> Spyros Trigazis 16:00:19 <muralia> Murali Allada 16:00:22 <jvgrant> Jaycen Grant 16:00:25 <dane_leblanc> o/ 16:00:30 <mkrai> Madhuri Kumari 16:00:32 <tango__> Ton Ngo 16:00:32 <rpothier> Rob Pothier 16:00:42 <juggler> o/ 16:00:43 <adrian_otto> Adrian Otto 16:00:56 <Drago> o/ 16:01:36 <hongbin> Thanks for joining the meeting strigazi muralia jvgrant dane_leblanc mkrai tango__ rpothier juggler adrian_otto Drago 16:01:46 <hongbin> #topic Announcements 16:02:11 <hongbin> Any annoucement from our team member? 16:02:24 <strigazi> minor one 16:02:33 <hongbin> strigazi: go ahead 16:02:52 <strigazi> There is some progress on adding magnum to rally. Soon will have gate tests on rally 16:02:54 <strigazi> an 16:02:57 <strigazi> and 16:03:03 <strigazi> we'll add to CERN's infra 16:03:14 <tango__> +1 16:03:28 <hongbin> awesome 16:03:34 <strigazi> that's all 16:03:38 <hongbin> Thanks strigazi 16:03:57 <hongbin> #topic Review Action Items 16:04:01 <hongbin> None 16:04:07 <hongbin> #topic Essential Blueprints Review 16:04:12 <hongbin> 1. Support baremetal container clusters (strigazi) 16:04:17 <hongbin> #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/magnum/+spec/magnum-baremetal-full-support 16:04:23 <strigazi> Yuanying is working on fixing the head templates 16:04:35 <strigazi> and I 16:05:00 <strigazi> I'm investigating 1.1 Upgrade the Ironic image building elements to fedora 23 16:05:13 <strigazi> not much on that for now 16:05:21 <hongbin> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/320968/ 16:05:25 <strigazi> I'll find someone this week 16:05:44 <strigazi> that's all 16:05:47 <hongbin> strigazi: find someone for? 16:05:54 <strigazi> for 1.1 16:06:00 <hongbin> Oh, I see 16:06:14 <hongbin> Any question for strigazi ? 16:07:01 <hongbin> strigazi: Thanks. Let me know if anything you need help for this BP 16:07:10 <hongbin> 2. Magnum User Guide for Cloud Operator (tango) 16:07:10 <strigazi> hongbin: ack 16:07:16 <hongbin> #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/magnum/+spec/user-guide 16:07:34 <tango__> Not much update for last week since I was working on Rally plugins 16:07:44 <tango__> I am working on the Kubernetes section 16:08:20 <tango__> I should have the patch uploaded shortly 16:09:11 <tango__> that's all for now 16:09:17 <hongbin> tango__: Thanks Ton 16:09:29 <hongbin> any comment for this BP? 16:09:46 <hongbin> 3. COE Bay Drivers (jamie_h) 16:09:52 <hongbin> #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/magnum/+spec/bay-drivers 16:10:03 <muralia> looks like we've addressed all comments. The spec has 2 +2's. Someone needs to merge it if there is nothing else to be addressed 16:10:33 <hongbin> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/296384/ 16:10:56 <hongbin> Yes, it looks ready to go 16:10:59 <muralia> I have started implementation work. I'll update the WIP with the new changes and we'll take it from there. 16:11:32 <muralia> Thats it for now 16:11:48 <tango__> I just did the honor :) Thanks Murali and Jamie 16:11:49 <hongbin> Thanks muralia for addressing outstanding comments 16:12:16 <hongbin> Any comment for the bay driver BP? 16:12:17 <muralia> awesome. thanks tango 16:12:44 <hongbin> 4. Create a magnum installation guide (strigazi) 16:12:49 <hongbin> #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/magnum/+spec/magnum-installation-guide 16:12:57 <strigazi> Please review: 16:13:01 <strigazi> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/319399/ 16:13:31 <hongbin> I tested the Ubuntu part. Will find a time to test the CentOS part 16:13:45 <strigazi> I'll add links to other install guides 16:14:14 <strigazi> for neutron/lbaas, I didn't find any good content 16:14:32 <hongbin> .......... 16:14:34 <strigazi> This is road blocker IMO 16:14:47 <tango__> Yes, I need LBaaS 16:14:47 <strigazi> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Neutron/LBaaS/HowToRun 16:15:19 <hongbin> strigazi: I will help you to talk to the lbaas team 16:15:45 <strigazi> But, to test our content you can do it against devstack 16:15:47 <hongbin> #action hongbin send a ML to lbaas team to ask for installation instruction 16:15:51 <tango__> particularly for v1, since we don't have support for v2 yet 16:16:51 <strigazi> I don't have something else 16:16:52 <hongbin> strigazi: FYI, we plan to decouple from lbaas 16:16:59 <strigazi> I know 16:17:13 <hongbin> #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/magnum/+spec/decouple-lbaas 16:17:20 <hongbin> ok 16:17:44 <hongbin> Any other comment for the installation guide? 16:18:08 <hongbin> #topic Magnum UI Subteam Update (bradjones) 16:18:21 <hongbin> bradjones: status? 16:18:52 <hongbin> Brad mentioned that he will join this meeting, but didn't show up in roll call 16:19:09 <hongbin> I have a note from him 16:19:22 <hongbin> (Brad) Two new BPs that Shu has proposed 16:19:30 <hongbin> (Brad) https://blueprints.launchpad.net/magnum-ui/+spec/generic-detail-framework 16:19:38 <hongbin> (Brad) https://blueprints.launchpad.net/magnum-ui/+spec/navigation-improvements 16:19:45 <hongbin> (Brad) Both of which will keep us in line with changes upstream in horizon. 16:19:49 <hongbin> That is all 16:20:01 <hongbin> Any comment? 16:20:32 <hongbin> #topic Kuryr Integration Update (tango) 16:20:49 <hongbin> tango__: any update from the Kuryr team? 16:20:56 <tango__> I talked to Mohammed to synch up on Kuryr 16:21:38 <tango__> I am working with another colleague to build a working environment with Kuryr 16:22:03 <tango__> from there we will develop Magnum support through network-driver 16:22:55 <tango__> I plan to join the Kuryr meeting to follow the discussion 16:23:38 <hongbin> A question 16:23:53 <hongbin> Is anyone in Kuryr team working on this integration? 16:24:21 <hongbin> tango__: ^^ 16:24:26 <tango__> I think only in the sense of providing details to us 16:24:38 <tango__> and helping to debug if necessary 16:24:47 <hongbin> OK 16:24:53 <tango__> If we find gap, they will fill 16:25:10 <hongbin> What is the working items? 16:25:36 <hongbin> For example, what is the sub-tasks that need to be done? all in Magnum side? 16:25:37 <tango__> They are also keen on adding support for storage, so they are relying on us to drive, at least in the beginning 16:25:53 <tango__> For us: 16:26:21 <tango__> 1. Build a working environment with Swarm and Kuryr as driver 16:26:43 <tango__> 2. Add template and scripts to automate 16:27:16 <tango__> 3. Solve the Neutron credential issue 16:27:27 <tango__> 4. Functional tests 16:27:40 <tango__> 5. Update docs 16:27:41 <hongbin> Get it 16:28:17 <hongbin> From Kuryr, is anything that is ready? 16:28:33 <tango__> It should be all ready for Swarm 16:28:41 <hongbin> OK 16:29:00 <hongbin> tango__: anything you need help from the team? 16:29:02 <tango__> We just need to validate it independently 16:29:30 <hongbin> But strange, I just saw they uploaded the spec 16:29:42 <hongbin> They doesn't seem to have implementation yet 16:29:47 <tango__> If this is interesting to anyone, please jump in 16:30:48 <hongbin> OK. Thanks tango__ 16:31:14 <hongbin> #topic Other blueprints/Bugs/Reviews/Ideas 16:31:21 <hongbin> 1. Manually manage bay nodes 16:31:29 <hongbin> #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/magnum/+spec/manually-manage-bay-nodes the BP 16:32:00 <hongbin> I would pause a few minutes for everyone to review the BP 16:32:08 <hongbin> If everything is fine, I will approve it 16:32:36 <hongbin> The idea has been discussed in the design summit and ML 16:32:55 <hongbin> It looks we agree to explore this direction 16:33:47 <hongbin> So, I drafted a BP for that 16:33:55 <hongbin> Any concern for this? 16:33:58 <adrian_otto> uuh 16:34:07 <adrian_otto> what's driving this? 16:34:17 <hongbin> ?? 16:34:21 <adrian_otto> mulit-AZ, or something more? 16:34:30 <hongbin> yes, and multiple favors 16:34:52 <tango__> How about mixing VM and baremetal? 16:35:05 <hongbin> tango__: ......... it is hard 16:35:31 <hongbin> tango__: However, it is possible in theory 16:35:32 <adrian_otto> I think we should be really careful here not to become an orchestration system 16:36:01 <hongbin> adrian_otto: could you elaborate? 16:36:18 <adrian_otto> if resource groups are not the right instrument to get a multi-AZ deployment, then we should be focusing on what features are missing from the orchestration system, and asking how we can get them. 16:36:39 <rochaporto> +1 16:37:06 <adrian_otto> this blueprint strikes me as a workaround for a missing Heat feature 16:37:21 <adrian_otto> maybe I'm missing something, but that's what it looks like 16:39:11 <hongbin> not sure if it is a good idea to push it to Heat 16:39:15 <adrian_otto> if there are things that are Magnum specific, then we should implement that in custom template logic and not look back 16:39:45 <hongbin> It is about deployment vs runtime 16:39:45 <tango__> There was some discussion on multi-AZ support in Heat 16:39:49 <kebray> hongbin, I think you can likely do what you want from that blueprint in Heat today. Have you talked to the Heat folks or considered nested stacks which might allow for nested resources groups? 16:40:00 <adrian_otto> but if we are talking about something fundamental that easily applies to any resource in a cloud, then I'd like to understand why the feature is not in Heat 16:41:04 <hongbin> My poinion, Heat template is good for statically deployment, but hard to express runtime management logic 16:41:06 <rochaporto> the AZ blueprint has a link on how to do it using heat today 16:41:43 <hongbin> By decoupleing from resourcegroup, we have flexibility at runtime 16:41:59 <hongbin> For example, kill a node, swap a node, add a node 16:42:15 <adrian_otto> Resource groups already allow you to selectively kill a node by id 16:42:29 <adrian_otto> so you can use that to implement swap 16:42:48 <hongbin> OK, that is true 16:42:49 <adrian_otto> and you can add a node by increasing the parameter for the group indicating its size 16:43:26 <hongbin> Yes, but it is hard to express the hetergenerity of nodes 16:43:36 <adrian_otto> heterogeneous groups are an idea that really worries me. 16:43:47 <hongbin> why? 16:43:55 <kebray> pets bad, cattle good. 16:44:04 <adrian_otto> because it lends to uneven staling and bad HA behaviour 16:44:08 <adrian_otto> exactly. 16:44:18 <adrian_otto> s/staling/scaling/ 16:44:47 <hongbin> Well, I won't argue it is good or not, but we have reported use cases for that 16:44:51 <adrian_otto> if a node in our cluster needs to have a name, then we have a design problem. 16:45:17 <rochaporto> adrian_otto: you could want a single cluster with a couple ssd nodes while the larger set is non ssd 16:45:23 <adrian_otto> if we think in terms of individual nodes, that's problematic. 16:45:29 <rochaporto> this could be a use case... but i think we can express this today in heat 16:45:50 <adrian_otto> rochaporto: you can do that my creating multiple bays. Keep it simple. 16:47:08 <rochaporto> that's one way... but i would split my cluster description between my db (on ssds) and the rest 16:47:09 <hongbin> OK. maybe push the discussion to ML 16:48:11 <hongbin> I knew Sahara is manually manage individual Heat temaplates, instead of nesting them all in a single big templates 16:48:26 <hongbin> A single big template is problematic in update 16:48:45 <rochaporto> hongbin: one stack per node sounds very very odd 16:49:00 <rochaporto> pretty sure we can do all with heat as it is today 16:49:05 <adrian_otto> yeah, it seems really awkward 16:49:19 <adrian_otto> I can see a template per group, but per node seems really strange. 16:49:42 <hongbin> Template is per group 16:49:56 <hongbin> For example, master -> a master template 16:50:01 <hongbin> minion -> a minion template 16:50:10 <adrian_otto> the BP says "manually create Heat stack for each bay nodes" 16:50:28 <adrian_otto> if you meant per group, then the above text is really tripping me. 16:50:29 <hongbin> Oh, I can clarify it furhter 16:51:08 <hongbin> Currently, we use a global template to manage the master/minion templates 16:51:15 <rochaporto> it says 2 masters + 3 minions == 6 stacks 16:51:26 <hongbin> The proposed idea is just split it 16:51:47 <hongbin> rochaporto: Yes 16:52:09 <hongbin> So, the idea is to let ResourceGroup to manage it, or manually manage it 16:52:49 <hongbin> #topic Open Discussion 16:53:11 <hongbin> Again, we can push the discussion back to ML 16:54:24 <hongbin> I think it is a good practice to keep the depth of template as low as possible 16:54:45 <hongbin> Otherwise, it is very hard to update a stack 16:55:05 <hongbin> If we change a parameter, it might cause replacements of multiple Heat resources 16:55:38 <hongbin> my 2 cents 16:57:06 <hongbin> If nothing else to discuss, let's wrap up earlier 16:57:22 <kebray> hongbin, isn't a major selling point of containers is that when you need to change something you just redeploy to get to new state? why is so imporant to modify infrastructure and treat it as a forever lived resource and have diversified infra in a bay? 16:57:40 <kebray> anyway, happy to take to ML 16:58:34 <hongbin> kebray: yes, I will reply in the ML 16:59:03 <hongbin> All, thanks for joining the meeting 16:59:08 <hongbin> #endmeeting