16:01:20 <hongbin> #startmeeting containers 16:01:21 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Aug 16 16:01:20 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is hongbin. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:01:23 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 16:01:26 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'containers' 16:01:27 <hongbin> #topic Roll Call 16:01:28 <Drago1> o/ 16:01:29 <swatson__> o/ 16:01:31 <tonanhngo> Ton Ngo 16:01:35 <hieulq_> O/ 16:01:38 <jvgrant_> Jaycen Grant 16:01:43 <eghobo> o/ 16:01:53 <hongbin> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Containers#Agenda_for_2016-08-16_1600_UTC Today's agenda 16:02:08 <Drago1> ugh, o/ 16:02:19 <hongbin> Thanks for joining the meeting Drago1 swatson__ tonanhngo hieulq jvgrant_ eghobo 16:02:42 <hongbin> #topic Announcements 16:02:56 <hongbin> I have no announcement. Anyone else has? 16:03:17 <hongbin> #topic Review Action Items 16:03:25 <hongbin> None 16:03:31 <hongbin> #topic Essential Blueprints Review 16:03:37 <hongbin> 1. Support baremetal container clusters (strigazi) 16:03:43 <hongbin> #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/magnum/+spec/magnum-baremetal-full-support 16:03:57 <hongbin> Spyros is on vacation so I update you on behalf 16:04:03 <hongbin> (Spyros) Fedora-k8s baremetal is merged 16:04:08 <hongbin> (Spyros) I'll investigate if it's possible to maintain the VM and BM versions with the same entrypoint and therefore the same driver. 16:04:14 <hongbin> (Spyros) But, as discussed with Muralia, we proceed keeping in mind that since the BM version has its own definition will be a separate driver. 16:04:31 <hongbin> That's all 16:04:58 <hongbin> Any question / comment? 16:05:24 <hongbin> 2. Magnum User Guide for Cloud Operator (tango) 16:05:30 <hongbin> #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/magnum/+spec/user-guide 16:05:35 <hongbin> tonanhngo: ^^ 16:05:39 <tonanhngo> I made a round of update, it has been merged. 16:05:44 <tonanhngo> Thanks everyone for the quick review 16:06:03 <tonanhngo> I talked to wangqun about continuing her doc on explaining labels 16:06:15 <tonanhngo> I will pick up her patch and merge with the user guide 16:06:34 <tonanhngo> Next I will write the section on Scaling 16:06:53 <tonanhngo> one question for the team: we have a simple implementation now, which I will cover 16:07:08 <tonanhngo> we also have had a much discussion on this subject. 16:07:39 <tonanhngo> I am thinking about summarizing these discussion in the user guide as well, to share the current thinking, although it's not implemented 16:07:54 <tonanhngo> Does this sound OK? 16:08:00 <hongbin> About scaling? 16:08:04 <tonanhngo> right 16:08:10 <tonanhngo> auto scaling, to be exact 16:08:29 <hongbin> oh, that is different from scaling 16:08:56 <tonanhngo> Can you elaborate? 16:09:05 <jvgrant_> is that better suited for a work in progress spec that could be referenced from user guide? I don't think the user guide should have non-implemented feature discussion 16:09:23 <hongbin> tonanhngo: When you talked about scaling, I thought you menned manually scaling (not auto) 16:09:44 <tonanhngo> OK, that's fair. I will leave it out then. 16:10:03 <tonanhngo> I can just mention that autoscaling is under discussion 16:10:09 <hongbin> Also, keep in mind that there is no consensus on auto-scaling so far (as far as I can remember) 16:10:32 <tonanhngo> True, we discussed some possible direction 16:10:52 <tonanhngo> Other than that, that's all I have for now 16:11:06 <hongbin> tonanhngo: Thanks Ton 16:11:28 <hongbin> tonanhngo: For the autoscaling, I think the first step is to drive consensus first 16:11:50 <hongbin> tonanhngo: Maybe you can use the ML or a design summit session 16:11:51 <tonanhngo> Yes, there are several different approaches. 16:12:02 <tonanhngo> That's a good idea. 16:12:10 <hongbin> ok 16:12:37 <hongbin> Any other question / comment ? 16:13:05 <hongbin> 3. COE Bay Drivers (jamie_h, muralia) 16:13:10 <hongbin> #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/magnum/+spec/bay-drivers 16:13:21 <hongbin> It looks muralia is not here 16:13:50 <hongbin> Drago1: Do you know the status of this BP? 16:14:15 <Drago1> hongbin: Murali went on vacation Thursday, so probably not much has changed since the last meeting 16:14:28 <hongbin> Drago1: ack 16:14:47 <hongbin> Then, let's skip this topic today 16:15:08 <hongbin> #topic Kuryr Integration Update (tango) 16:15:14 <hongbin> tonanhngo: ^^ 16:15:28 <tonanhngo> I attended the Kuryr meeting yesterday 16:15:46 <tonanhngo> The code refactor for kuryr-lib is technically done 16:16:04 <tonanhngo> but they still have to update their functional tests and devstack script to use it 16:16:12 <tonanhngo> So the code remains to be validated 16:16:38 <tonanhngo> They do change their services a little, so this will impact our integration 16:17:22 <tonanhngo> They do recognize it's taking a long time, so they are trying hard to wrap this up 16:17:22 <hongbin> It looks we are not able to integrate with Kuryr at this cycle 16:17:38 <tonanhngo> We do have a dependency on them 16:17:54 <hongbin> ok 16:18:25 <tonanhngo> I think by the summit, we should have all the patches working, but unless they turn around quickly, it may not make into the release 16:18:49 <hongbin> ok 16:18:56 <hongbin> Let's see how is everything going 16:19:02 <tonanhngo> They are breaking out the REST/RPC server from the current libnetwork driver and running it separately 16:19:33 <tonanhngo> From our side, I continue with the code patches, expecting to make changes as needed 16:19:48 <hongbin> ok 16:19:50 <tonanhngo> I pushed to Docker Hub 2 images for our use 16:20:00 <tonanhngo> and have been testing against these 16:20:15 <hongbin> tonanhngo: From the dependency point of view, what exactly we needs to depends on Kuryr 16:20:35 <hongbin> tonanhngo: Needs to enable Kuryr in our devstack? or just needs to pull their docker image? 16:21:25 <tonanhngo> I think we need 2 things: their new updated Kuryr Docker image, and their new REST/RPC server code 16:22:05 <hongbin> ok 16:22:10 <tonanhngo> We will pull their Docker image to run on each Swarm node, and have their server running somewhere (devstack) to respond to requests 16:22:25 <adrian_otto> tonanhngo: the image is something they are working on, or something that already exists that we need to try? 16:22:32 <tonanhngo> The remaining parts should be the same as they are now 16:23:18 <tonanhngo> There is an image that I rebuilt from their code before the refactoring, but that image has both the Swarm libnetwork code and the server code together 16:23:43 <tonanhngo> So that works for now from the user perspective, but it's different from their new code 16:24:25 <tonanhngo> We can make reasonable progress for now, while their new code comes together 16:25:10 <tonanhngo> Anyway, they are making a serious effort to wrap up, so I think maybe another week or 2 16:25:39 <tonanhngo> That's all for now 16:25:49 <hongbin> Thanks tonanhngo 16:26:16 <hongbin> #topic Other blueprints/Bugs/Reviews/Ideas 16:26:22 <hongbin> 1. Use common tooling for generating API docs 16:26:28 <hongbin> #link http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2016-August/101380.html API status report 16:26:34 <hongbin> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/317368/ A proposed patch 16:26:48 <hongbin> I can summarize the topic a bit 16:27:16 <hongbin> At the ML above, I saw Magnum was excluded from teh common navigation of OpenStack API reference 16:27:37 <hongbin> So, I am searching for our API patch 16:27:45 <hongbin> Which is the second link 16:28:20 <hongbin> The patch above proposed to use Swagger to generate the API docs 16:28:38 <hongbin> However, it looks Swagger is imcompatible with OpenStack API reference for now 16:29:08 <hongbin> That means if we continue to use Swagger, we are still excluded from teh OpenStack official API reference 16:29:15 <hongbin> That is my concern 16:30:15 <tonanhngo> What should we use? 16:30:38 <hongbin> The API doc team recommanded another tool 16:30:44 <hongbin> Let' me find the link 16:31:11 <hongbin> #link http://docs.openstack.org/contributor-guide/api-guides.html 16:31:49 <hongbin> Sorry. More specific link 16:31:51 <hongbin> #link http://docs.openstack.org/contributor-guide/api-guides.html#how-to-document-your-openstack-api-service 16:32:24 <hongbin> I saw all other projects followed this link to generate the API doc 16:32:39 <tonanhngo> Should we rework the current patch with Swagger to use this approach? 16:33:12 <adrian_otto> I find this amusing because six months ago they told us to use Swagger. 16:33:14 <hongbin> tonanhngo: I think the swagger patch is OK for long term, but we needs another patch for short-term 16:33:21 <Drago1> adrian_otto: +1 16:33:42 <tonanhngo> I thought swagger is a good approach also 16:33:50 <Drago1> From hongbin's link (next section) : "If your project already has WADL files, they are migrated to Swagger files with every commit to the api-site repository" 16:34:07 <Drago1> … "However, some APIs cannot be described with Swagger" 16:34:10 <adrian_otto> in fact, I think that advice actaully came from the same individual who is now pushing a different direction. 16:34:47 <swatson__> Maybe they had a change of heart when they realized not all APIs "can be described with Swagger" 16:35:46 <hongbin> I pinged the API doc team about this 16:36:07 <hongbin> From their response, it looks they want to keep the swagger patch as experiental 16:36:15 <tonanhngo> So then do we need a two-pronged approach: short term and long term? 16:36:34 <adrian_otto> the good news is that we don't have an extensive API. 16:36:52 <hongbin> tonanhngo: That is my understanding of the suggestion from API doc team 16:37:33 <Drago1> I would like to know the shortcomings of swagger, so if anyone has links or wants to talk offline, let me know 16:38:36 <hongbin> The main problem for Swagger is that it cannot be integrated well with other OpenStack docs 16:39:24 <hongbin> There are other shortcomings as well I believe 16:39:38 <hongbin> which was mentioned in a ML but I couldn't find it now 16:40:39 <tonanhngo> Then we should open a blueprint with the details mentioned here and start working on the OpenStack API approach 16:40:57 <hongbin> tonanhngo: +1 16:41:27 <hongbin> Others, what do you think? 16:42:03 <rajiv__> tonanhngo: +1 16:42:15 <adrian_otto> We need to conform with whatever the prevailing format is. 16:42:36 <adrian_otto> It would be nice if the requirements were really clear. 16:43:06 <adrian_otto> so if we can digest them and put them into terms we can all totally get, then that would be a worthwhile effort. 16:43:31 <adrian_otto> I think a blueprint is a good place for that, so +1 16:44:00 <hongbin> ok. Then, let's create a BP for that 16:44:33 <hongbin> #action hongbin create a BP for API docs 16:45:06 <hongbin> Let's work on the BP after it has been created 16:45:15 <hongbin> Any other question? comment? 16:45:39 <hongbin> #topic Open Discussion 16:45:51 <jvgrant_> quick update on bay to cluster 16:45:57 <jvgrant_> there are 3 code reviews out 16:46:30 <jvgrant_> close to pushing on api and doc 16:46:36 <jvgrant_> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/353726/ 16:46:52 <jvgrant_> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/354404/ 16:46:59 <jvgrant_> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/354436/ 16:47:08 <rajiv__> is there any thought given on magnum services in active-active-active(HA)? 16:47:29 <jvgrant_> most of my time right now is spent merging all the changes that are coming in from other reviews 16:47:38 <jvgrant_> so if we could get those reviewed a pushed that would be great 16:47:39 <hongbin> rajiv__: will discuss that later 16:48:07 <rajiv__> next meeting? 16:48:12 <hongbin> jvgrant_: OK. I will try to priority the review on taht 16:48:13 <jvgrant_> it also appears that our functional tests are over the timeout for jenkins, is there a way to up this timeout? 16:48:50 <hongbin> jvgrant_: We can increase the timeout, but I don't think it will help 16:49:23 <tonanhngo> jvgrant_: how about the python client? 16:49:24 <jvgrant_> hongbin: with the cluster commands we are basically doubling our time on the api tests 16:49:28 <hongbin> jvgrant_: It looks there are some unknown issue that blocked the bootstrap of some nodes at the gate 16:50:02 <hongbin> jvgrant_: I see 16:50:14 <jvgrant_> hongbin: client is the 3rd review and is getting close as well 16:50:45 <jvgrant_> jvgrant: i've seen the tests make it under 2 hours, but also see them take over that. 16:51:23 <hongbin> jvgrant_: I believe there is a parameter to set teh bay creation timeout 16:51:54 <jvgrant_> hongbin: on average the current api tests take 1 hour 10 minutes to 1 hour 40, so adding the new cluster commands makes it go over 2 hours 16:52:31 <hongbin> jvgrant_: If it goes over, I am ok to remove the bay tests 16:52:51 <jvgrant_> hongbin: i can at least simplify the larger ones for bay 16:53:33 <jvgrant_> hongbin: i'll try that and see if it will stay under 2 hours. i don't think we really want 3 hour api tests on each patch 16:53:51 <hongbin> jvgrant_: ack 16:54:58 <hongbin> jvgrant_: Another question for you. Do you mind to add the bay to cluster renaming BP to the meeting agenda 16:55:17 <hongbin> jvgrant_: That means you are expected to report status of this BP every week 16:55:31 <jvgrant_> hongbin: yes, please do. I think we should track this 16:55:38 <hongbin> jvgrant_: Thanks 16:56:13 <hongbin> #action hongbin add rename-bay-to-cluster BP to teh meeting agenda 16:56:19 <hongbin> Thanks jvgrant_ 16:56:29 <hongbin> rajiv__: your turn 16:56:53 <rajiv__> is there any discussion on a/a/a/? 16:57:11 <rajiv__> or we have to discuss and drive it. 16:57:23 <tonanhngo> Can you elaborate? 16:57:46 <rajiv__> I mean, what if we want magnum services in active active active state 16:58:00 <rajiv__> is there any challenges? 16:58:14 <rajiv__> has this been taken care off in existing code? 16:59:05 <hongbin> Do you mean you want to run multiple magnum-api / magnum-conductor? 16:59:12 <rajiv__> yes 16:59:18 <hongbin> It should work 16:59:50 <rajiv__> We faced issue with other component after failover, so i was curious to know 17:00:04 <rajiv__> whether magnum has been tested for this or not? 17:00:11 <hongbin> rajiv__: please report a bug for that 17:00:20 <hongbin> SOrry, time is over 17:00:21 <rajiv__> ok 17:00:29 <hongbin> All. thanks for joining the meeting 17:00:32 <hongbin> #endmeeting