16:00:49 <adrian_otto> #startmeeting containers 16:00:50 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Dec 13 16:00:49 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is adrian_otto. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:00:51 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 16:00:54 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'containers' 16:00:56 <juggler> adrian_otto ah, ok 16:00:58 <tmorin> juggler: sorry about that 16:01:08 <juggler> tmorin no worries :-) 16:01:16 <adrian_otto> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Containers#Agenda_for_2016-12-13_1600_UTC Our Agenda 16:01:23 <adrian_otto> #topic Roll Call 16:01:24 <strigazi> o/ 16:01:27 <adrian_otto> Adrian Otto 16:01:29 <jvgrant> Jaycen Grant 16:01:31 <Drago1> o/ 16:01:31 <tonanhngo> Ton Ngo 16:01:32 <hongbin> o/ 16:01:34 <hieulq_> Hieu LE o/ 16:01:41 <juggler> Perry Rivera o/ 16:01:45 <swatson> O/ 16:02:24 <randallburt> o/ 16:02:42 <adrian_otto> hello juggler strigazi jvgrant tonanhngo Drago1 hongbin hieulq_ swatson and randallburt 16:03:20 <adrian_otto> I had a webinar I was hosting a moment ago, so I asked juggler to be here to start the meeting for us just in case I was held over for a few minutes. 16:03:27 <juggler> hello 16:03:33 <adrian_otto> :-) 16:03:56 <juggler> hello all again! 16:04:04 <adrian_otto> #topic Announcements 16:04:15 <adrian_otto> 1) FYI: Some clouds used in Openstack CI do NOT have internet access. Example: http://logs.openstack.org/53/404253/7/check/gate-functional-dsvm-magnum-k8s-ubuntu-xenial/83e2636/console.html#_2016-12-12_08_44_01_365605 16:04:24 <adrian_otto> not sure who added that one to the agenda. 16:04:31 <adrian_otto> any follow up remarks on this announcements? 16:04:35 <strigazi> I added this, I have an update but I couldn't login 16:04:47 <adrian_otto> proceed, strigazi 16:05:02 <strigazi> The problem is that docker can't reach the docker.io or gcr.io 16:05:40 <strigazi> There is an issue with network configuration 16:05:59 <strigazi> only in some providers 16:06:04 <adrian_otto> is this a malfunction of those clouds? 16:06:14 <adrian_otto> or is that the expected configuration for those? 16:06:19 <strigazi> I askes on infra channel and they told me we can't do anything 16:06:48 <strigazi> I think is the configuration, I'll continue looking into this 16:06:53 <adrian_otto> ok, let's regroup on this in open discussion 16:07:01 <strigazi> sure 16:07:06 <adrian_otto> or maybe that was enough just to let us all know it's ongoing work 16:07:17 <adrian_otto> 2) Reminder, there will be no meeting on 2016-12-27 16:07:18 <strigazi> on going work, nothing more 16:07:26 <adrian_otto> any other announcements from team members? 16:07:53 <adrian_otto> #topic Review Action Items 16:08:01 * adrian_otto adrian_otto to ask swatson about claiming https://bugs.launchpad.net/magnum/+bug/1489908 16:08:02 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1489908 in Magnum "Tech-Debt: Add tests for DB migration" [High,Confirmed] - Assigned to Stephen Watson (stephen-watson) 16:08:13 <adrian_otto> Status: complete, swatson is now working on it. 16:08:19 <adrian_otto> to my delight! 16:08:22 <swatson> :) 16:08:36 <adrian_otto> thanks swatson !! 16:08:40 <swatson> np 16:08:42 <adrian_otto> #topic Blueprints/Bugs/Reviews/Ideas 16:08:48 <adrian_otto> Essential Blueprints 16:09:05 <adrian_otto> #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/magnum/+spec/flatten-attributes Flatten Attributes [strigazi] 16:09:25 <juggler> yea swatson! 16:09:39 <adrian_otto> strigazi: you still with us? 16:09:39 <strigazi> Good progress, the db migration script is done 16:09:45 <adrian_otto> ah, there you are 16:10:00 <strigazi> Finishing the python code 16:10:12 <strigazi> see: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/395012/ 16:10:32 <strigazi> The spec might need a revision 16:10:55 <strigazi> When written the goal was to do the migration in two setps 16:11:03 <strigazi> s/setps/steps 16:11:28 <strigazi> But for a service like magnum we can afford a small downtime to upgrade, like heat does 16:12:05 <strigazi> So, as it is pushed now, it adds the new table and migrates all the data to the new schema 16:12:07 <adrian_otto> our preference would be to support zero downtime upgrades 16:12:16 <randallburt> IIRC Heat is hoping to get rid of any need for downtime. Hard problem, but if we can avoid it, we should 16:12:54 <Drago1> strigazi: There's only one migration in the spec, not two 16:13:03 <randallburt> preference would be for adding new table, syncing data, and using code or triggers to sync for at least a cycle 16:13:04 <strigazi> randallburt ^^ afaik heat doesn't have a solid plan at the moment 16:13:13 <randallburt> strigazi: fair enough 16:13:36 <Drago1> The fact that heat isn't doing it yet was enough for me to abandon it in the spec 16:13:39 <hieulq_> strigazi: your code contain DROP part, which may be the cause for upgrade downtime 16:13:44 <strigazi> Drago1, true thanks 16:13:47 <randallburt> Why? 16:14:19 <randallburt> Maybe we can come up with something that helps them rather than waiting on them to solve a problem with something we may or may not be able to use 16:14:21 <strigazi> Currently, magnum requires the daemons to be stop to upgrade the db 16:14:36 <hieulq_> strigazi: IIRC, nova team try to avoid DROP part (contract phase) for achieving rolling-upgrade 16:14:46 <strigazi> even bfore this change 16:14:50 <Drago1> I did not want to gate flatten attributes on that. If we want, we can work on it, but I see no reason to block features until we have it 16:15:03 <Drago1> randallburt: ^ 16:15:11 <adrian_otto> +1 16:15:15 <strigazi> Drago1 +1 it's a totally different task 16:15:18 <randallburt> strigazi: so I can't do blue/green deployment with Magnum at all? 16:15:21 <jvgrant> Drago1 +1 16:15:24 <randallburt> agreed 16:15:30 <randallburt> it can be solved separately 16:15:58 <adrian_otto> any more remarks on flatten-attributes? 16:16:10 <adrian_otto> #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/magnum/+spec/nodegroups Nedegroups [Drago] 16:16:38 <Drago1> No update on Nedegroups. I haven't had time to work on it. jvgrant? 16:17:00 <jvgrant> working on some minor updates from the last set of feedback 16:17:08 <juggler> point of clarification: nodegroups or Nedegroups? 16:17:11 <jvgrant> i was out part of last week, i should have another update today 16:17:20 <adrian_otto> juggler: NodeGroups 16:17:24 <juggler> ty 16:17:35 <Drago1> ;) 16:17:43 <juggler> Drago1 :) 16:17:44 <adrian_otto> I tried to edit it, but the wiki system is busted currently 16:17:56 <adrian_otto> and I cut&pasted that rom the wiki 16:18:04 <adrian_otto> ok, next BP 16:18:10 <adrian_otto> #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/magnum/+spec/secure-etcd-cluster-coe Secure Central Data store(etcd) [yatin] 16:18:20 <adrian_otto> I don't think yatin is here to give an update. 16:18:29 <adrian_otto> I think the code for this was in review last I checked. 16:18:42 <strigazi> The k8s patch is in very good shape, testing 16:18:49 <Drago1> link? 16:19:04 <strigazi> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/407374/ 16:19:05 <adrian_otto> #link https://review.openstack.org/407374 16:19:41 <adrian_otto> ok, next one is: 16:19:44 <adrian_otto> #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/magnum/+spec/cluster-upgrades Cluster Upgrades [strigazi] 16:20:11 <strigazi> spec revised, ready for input 16:20:24 <strigazi> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/392193/ 16:20:48 <adrian_otto> thanks strigazi 16:21:05 <adrian_otto> any remarks on this? 16:21:33 <strigazi> I don't have any at the moment 16:21:43 <adrian_otto> ok, that concludes the Essential Blueprints review 16:21:47 <adrian_otto> Other Work Items 16:21:51 <adrian_otto> #link https://review.openstack.org/391537 Specification for Magnum cluster stats API [vijendar] 16:22:09 <adrian_otto> has vijendar started his time off? 16:22:25 <adrian_otto> welcome jasond 16:22:35 <randallburt> dunno tbh 16:22:35 <jasond> adrian_otto: thanks 16:23:06 <adrian_otto> ok, the open question on this is should we use a /stats endpoint for this 16:23:20 <adrian_otto> and based on further discussion I came to prefer that approach to others 16:23:34 <adrian_otto> that's what's shown in the current review IIRC 16:23:38 <tonanhngo> +1 16:23:39 <randallburt> adrian_otto: is that question still open? thought vijendar changed it because Drago1 brought up a technical issue with the other proposal 16:23:52 <adrian_otto> do we want to discuss this at all, or are we all happy using /stats? 16:23:54 <Drago1> Yes, /stats versus what alternative? 16:24:13 <jvgrant> I think everyone was mostly agreed now on /stats 16:24:15 <randallburt> adrian_otto: IMO, leave further discussion to the spec and circle back if it stalls again 16:24:42 <adrian_otto> the one with the potential namespace collision problem is the alternative, but I wanted to confirm consensus on the change, as we've had intermittent review participation on that spec. 16:25:05 <adrian_otto> ok, I'm planning to vote to merge that today. 16:25:11 <jvgrant> the other portion of why it was requested for the meeting was a desire to have community agreement on the included stats 16:25:15 <hongbin> there is a minor issue 16:25:34 <hongbin> that is who implemented the metric collection is unspecified (in driver or magnum) 16:25:41 <Drago1> I agree with tonanhngo's comment that the driver should be responsible for what stats to collect. 16:25:47 <hongbin> that is not a blocker, but better to address it in a revision 16:26:03 <hongbin> Drago1: then, state it in the spec :) 16:26:04 <adrian_otto> hongbin: noted, thanks for reminding me about that 16:26:06 <jvgrant> in my opinion, i think we start with what was included here and add additional when needed 16:26:08 <randallburt> adrian_otto: hongbin: if vijendar isn't available today, I'll address those comments as best I can to keep the train moving 16:26:30 <hongbin> ok 16:26:32 <randallburt> its not a question of "what", but some idea of the expected "how" at this point 16:27:19 <Drago1> hongbin: I will. I would do it right now but I can't sign in to gerrit… 16:27:24 <adrian_otto> one thing we can do is open tech debt bug tickets against a spec when we have something that we anticipate revisiting, but we don't want to hold spec merge up further. 16:27:29 <randallburt> Drago1: nobody can atm 16:27:49 <randallburt> ok so Drago1 or I will update the spec sometime today if we can't get Vijendar 16:27:50 <hongbin> ok, it is not a blocker, so feel free to merge it 16:27:50 <adrian_otto> I think that means we can't open bugs either ;) 16:27:59 <adrian_otto> thanks 16:28:18 <adrian_otto> ok, that brings us to an important topic 16:28:21 <swatson> adrian_otto: +1 to the tech debt idea 16:28:25 <adrian_otto> #topic Should we support non-Atomic Fedora? https://review.openstack.org/#/c/409251/ 16:28:37 <randallburt> yes 16:28:42 <adrian_otto> some background... 16:28:43 <randallburt> :) 16:29:05 <adrian_otto> Magnum drivers should each support one OS 16:29:14 <juggler> +1 tech debt bug tickets 16:29:24 <adrian_otto> as the required orchestration can vary from one to the next 16:30:03 <adrian_otto> and having multi-personality drivers results in more complex driver code with lots of conditional logic 16:30:37 <adrian_otto> one new feature we are working on this cycle is lifecycle operations (to support upgrades and restarts for example) 16:31:05 <adrian_otto> we planned to leverage the heat client and heat features to implement this 16:31:06 <adrian_otto> correction... 16:31:08 <adrian_otto> heat agent 16:31:22 <adrian_otto> rather than having a custom magnum agent 16:31:51 <adrian_otto> in implementing the head agent we discovered some difficulty in making it work in Fedora Atomic, even though we know that theoretically it *should work* 16:32:10 <hongbin> what are the difficulties? 16:32:11 <adrian_otto> and we showed that id *does* work with Fedora 16:32:26 <adrian_otto> hongbin: hold on just a moment before we go into problem solving mode 16:32:37 <strigazi> well it works, it's a bit more difficult to add the required packages 16:32:37 <randallburt> hongbin: atomic does not allow write access to the default directories the openstack agents need 16:32:55 <juggler> another q: do we have the developer resources or potential to increase developer resources to support non-Atomic Fedora? 16:33:07 <strigazi> randallburt can you elaborare 16:33:15 <hongbin> containerized the heat agents doesn't solve the problem? 16:33:20 <randallburt> strigazi: once adrian_otto is done. 16:33:27 <strigazi> randallburt ok 16:33:28 <Drago1> No, they don't, because they take too long to load the image 16:33:33 <adrian_otto> ok, so here is the question I have been building toward 16:33:44 <adrian_otto> do we care what OS our drivers use? 16:33:55 <adrian_otto> if so, do we have a strong preference for Fedora Atomic 16:33:59 <adrian_otto> if so, why? 16:34:08 <adrian_otto> the floor is yours 16:34:12 <strigazi> IMO 16:34:43 <randallburt> I'd like to add that while Atomic seems great as a base distro, they don't seem to be quick to get a working k8s 1.4 out the door. IMO, Magnum *can't* release without 1.4 support in Ocata.' 16:34:47 <strigazi> I don't have a preference in Atomic or any other OS, but the optimal solution is containerized solution 16:34:55 <strigazi> s/solution/solutions 16:35:04 <juggler> as a Fedora ambassador, perhaps I should recuse myself :) 16:35:06 <randallburt> strigazi: why is containerized "optimal"? 16:35:10 <adrian_otto> strigazi: acknowledged. I think we all share that preference. 16:35:23 <adrian_otto> but could we treat that as directional? 16:35:27 <rochaporto> randallburt: if we move the kube pieces to containers, then it's not an issue 16:35:38 <adrian_otto> randallburt: exactly 16:35:45 <Drago1> strigazi: Do you mean containerized in order to achieve immutable infrastructure, or is there another reason? 16:35:46 <randallburt> rochaporto: oh, I agree, I was speaking of the host OS, not magnum stuffs 16:36:14 <randallburt> no, they're talking about containerized k8s (self hosted) vs the host OS. 16:36:20 <randallburt> Drago1: ^ 16:36:47 <adrian_otto> containerizing the COE services makes them more upgradable, and furthermore upgradable within an immutable infrastructure discipline (sounds contrary to logic when I write it that way) 16:36:48 <jasond`> randallburt: strigazi: i was messing with hyperkube, seems promising 16:37:14 <randallburt> right we agree on containerized k8s. has nothing to do with the os od 16:37:18 <randallburt> s/od/os 16:37:33 <Drago1> os os? 16:37:34 <randallburt> we can and have done containerized k8s 1.4 on Fedora 16:37:47 <randallburt> sorry, "host os" 16:37:54 <rochaporto> so which parts of the os? docker? 16:38:20 <adrian_otto> randallburt: my guess is that because Fedora is designed to be used in an immutable infrastructure context that some stakeholders may have a preference for it. I want to verify if that preference in fact is in play or not. 16:38:33 <adrian_otto> s/Fedora/Fedora Atomic/ 16:38:41 <randallburt> is it fair to say that as a community we don't care about the host OS but do care that k8s is containerized in the ocata release of Magnum? 16:39:05 <adrian_otto> I agree with that at least 16:39:09 <Drago1> Switching to Fedora non-atomic doesn't preclude us from still treating the infrastructure as immutable, it just makes it less painful to work with in some cases 16:39:10 <adrian_otto> ^^ randallburt 16:39:11 <strigazi> we do want k8s containerized in ocata 16:39:20 <randallburt> so Atomic isn't a requirement moving forward? 16:39:46 <adrian_otto> so this is something that I plan to float on the ML as well 16:39:48 <tonanhngo> We started with Atomic, but I have not heard a real requirement for it 16:39:51 <randallburt> strigazi: agreed. Atomic isn't required for that, though, right? 16:39:53 <adrian_otto> but I wanted to start that conversation here 16:40:00 <rochaporto> randallburt: yes, if all is containerized then it shouldn't matter? but if agents are installed from packages then it does? 16:40:26 <strigazi> randallburt, it's not, but fedora opens the door to put dnf install -y in heat templates 16:40:31 <randallburt> rochaporto: imo it doesn't matter how the agents are installed other than footprint and boot time 16:40:52 <randallburt> according to Drago1 containerizing the agents has a very negative impact on cluster spin-up times 16:41:01 <rochaporto> if you do dnf install magnum-agent then it won't work in atomic 16:41:03 <randallburt> so IMO, its better to have the agents native on the host 16:41:07 <hongbin> we could do this: check if the package is installed, if not, pull down the containerized compoenent 16:41:21 <Drago1> Is it problematic that the heat agents would not be containerized? If they are containerized, the image ends up being 300+ MB and on CI it takes ~4 minutes to `docker load/pull`, which is too long 16:41:25 <Drago1> Because of python 16:41:37 <adrian_otto> so let's pose a hypothetical question: If there were a compelling reason to use an alternate OS, and there were engineers committed to maintaining such an alternate driver, woudl we as a dev team have an objection to bringing in an additional driver (first as contrib, and later in tree if it sees production use)? 16:42:24 <jvgrant> adrian_otto: i don't see a problem with that 16:42:24 <hongbin> it needs to be looked at case by case IMO 16:42:41 <randallburt> adrian_otto: fine, but IMO, this is duplicating work since we also have to solve the containerized k8s 1.4 issue as well and its not productive to have to rebase/refactor these drivers a dozen times between now an ocata 16:43:02 <randallburt> we have to solve all those things in the same driver 16:43:05 <adrian_otto> hongbin: agreed, but what might be some reasons we would be reluctant to welcome a new driver? 16:43:14 <tonanhngo> It should be safe to start in contrib so it can be evaluated 16:43:19 <adrian_otto> randallburt: that's a good reason. 16:43:20 <randallburt> and cert revocation requiring heat agents is true of *all* drivers 16:43:22 <hongbin> adrian_otto: as others said, duplicated code 16:43:35 <adrian_otto> hongbin: acknowledged. 16:43:52 <rochaporto> but you can still run the agent in a container (we do it for our local certs with a bind mount) 16:44:10 <randallburt> rochaporto: using Atomic? 16:44:13 <strigazi> yes 16:44:13 <rochaporto> yes 16:44:17 <adrian_otto> rochaporto: see Drago1 remarks above about load time for the heat agent once containerized. 16:44:33 <strigazi> this is a problem only on openstack infra 16:44:38 <randallburt> wait, so this discussion is mute if we have a solution that's simply not committed in the Magnum repo? 16:44:46 <Drago1> strigazi: Which becomes our problem 16:44:48 <randallburt> moot 16:45:09 <randallburt> strigazi: this is a problem in real world usage of Magnum though. 16:45:12 <rochaporto> randallburt: we run multiple additional containers for local systems (storage, krb5, etc) 16:45:19 <rochaporto> it's not the heat-agent 16:45:24 <randallburt> oh 16:45:39 <rochaporto> they are in go, and pulled from a local docker registry so it's fast 16:45:49 <hongbin> ok, how about this. make magnum support both containerized k8s and packaged k8s 16:45:54 <randallburt> rochaporto: so you *don't* use the heat agents 16:46:01 <hongbin> on the ci, build everything into the image 16:46:06 <randallburt> hongbin: the issue is not about containerized k8s. 16:46:23 <hongbin> then, the problem is the ci? 16:46:24 <rochaporto> randallburt: my point was it's possible to containerize it (although i understand the ci issues today) 16:46:26 <randallburt> hongbin: the issue is containerized heat agents and them not working in Fedora Atomic 16:46:43 <randallburt> possible doesn't mean acceptable, though 16:46:52 <Drago1> rochaporto: It HAS been containerized, and I abandoned that idea because of the CI issues 16:47:06 <randallburt> Drago1: you mean the heat agents? 16:47:09 <Drago1> Yes 16:47:13 <randallburt> k 16:47:36 <hongbin> well, what i suggested is don't containerized the agents in ci, but does containerized the agents in other cases 16:47:45 <randallburt> again, I think we need to get back to the core question. Do we require Atomic for the Fedora hosted drivers? 16:48:01 <randallburt> hongbin: if its too slow for CI, its too slow to foist on a user IMO 16:48:03 <Drago1> hongbin: That means we still need non-containerized heat agents in CI, which is what we're talking about 16:48:15 <adrian_otto> hongbin suggested having two variants... one that we optimize for ideal CI performance, and another focused on pursuit of pure immutable infrastructure. 16:48:26 <adrian_otto> what do others think of that idea? 16:48:40 <randallburt> adrian_otto: very boo 16:48:49 <juggler> boo? 16:48:58 <randallburt> as in "do not like" 16:49:02 <juggler> ah 16:49:05 <adrian_otto> he prefers to have one 16:49:14 <strigazi> the atomic image with heat agent inside didn't work? 16:49:40 <juggler> adrian_otto ah 16:49:43 <jasond`> strigazi: os-apply-config wasn't writing os-collect-config.conf for some reason 16:49:43 <jvgrant> i think it is a decent workaround but could be problematic not testing on variant 16:49:47 <adrian_otto> strigazi: not *yet* but we think it *should*. We felt the Fedora approach would get us cert revocation sooner. 16:50:07 <randallburt> as well as speed up support for 1.4 16:50:11 <randallburt> so bonus 16:50:13 <strigazi> adrian_otto ok 16:50:18 <hongbin> jvgrant: tested it in thrid-party CI :) 16:50:46 <hongbin> 2 cents 16:51:05 <adrian_otto> we'll plan to wrap this discussion soon so we will have time for open discussion too. 16:51:19 <jvgrant> hongbin: agreed. 16:51:22 <randallburt> ok, to clarify again. would anyone -2 basing the fedora k8s drivers on non-atomic images? 16:51:36 <Drago1> Using non-atomic opens up the possibility that the drivers could treat the infrastructure as non-immutable. But, we could just… not merge in changes that would do that. 16:51:48 <jvgrant> i still haven't heard a really good reason why we need atomic 16:51:54 <randallburt> same 16:51:58 <strigazi> I don't have a problem moving from atomic, but the new driver with new packages is like redoing everything 16:52:07 <jvgrant> doesn't the ironic driver use non-atomic already 16:52:13 <strigazi> yes 16:52:17 <rochaporto> so does mesos 16:52:18 <randallburt> strigazi: we can remove that part in favor of hypercube 16:52:19 <Drago1> strigazi: Luckily it's much easier to work with non-atomic because you get DIB! 16:52:34 <jvgrant> Drago1: +1 16:53:05 <hongbin> i am ok to switch to non-atomic for now, but i think magnum should keep the micro-os in mind in the long term 16:53:06 <jvgrant> it would make automating building images easier which is something that we wanted at one point as well 16:53:37 <adrian_otto> hongbin: I agree. I think having a mOS option as the primary supported one is ideal long term. 16:53:49 <rochaporto> same here 16:53:49 <tonanhngo> you can also install additional packages as needed for development, troubleshooting 16:53:55 <strigazi> it makes it easy to add many extra packages inside 16:54:03 <jvgrant> much easier 16:54:10 <Drago1> adrian_otto, hongbin: micro-os meaning a philosophy or something concrete? 16:54:58 <hongbin> Drago1: meaning the approach used by CoreOS, Atomic 16:55:04 <hongbin> Drago1: i.e. immutable infra 16:55:12 <Drago1> And if the heat agent eventually gets written in go, I'm all for containerizing it 16:55:17 <Drago1> hongbin: Gotcha 16:55:29 <adrian_otto> Drago1: I'm using the term mOS as any distro designed for immutable infra usage. (CoreOS, Atomic, Snappy, etc) 16:55:32 <randallburt> not micro as in small 16:55:38 <adrian_otto> I'm not religious about which we use 16:55:52 <adrian_otto> so if there is a proposal that departs from that long term vision in the mean time, we can state the visionary intent in the commit message of the review to make it clear we are not advocating a change in long term strategy. 16:56:30 <adrian_otto> although such a departure would admittedly duplicate some work, we'd want to know what the reasoning is before investing too much effort there 16:56:47 <randallburt> right. so, moving on? 16:56:51 <adrian_otto> I'm opening to open discussion now. We can still continue this topic as well 16:57:05 <adrian_otto> #topic Open Discussion 16:57:13 <randallburt> Still waiting on feedback for the last of this patch chain for driver encapsulation: 16:57:14 <randallburt> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/405709 16:57:35 <strigazi> randallburt it's coming 16:57:44 <randallburt> cool, thanks strigazi 16:57:46 <adrian_otto> jvgrant: is there a reason you did not workflow+1? 16:57:55 <adrian_otto> oh, wait 16:57:59 <hieulq_> Hi, we want to integrate OSProfiler in Magnum, please review and approve if no problem: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/magnum/+spec/osprofiler-support-in-magnum 16:58:01 <jasond`> strigazi: will you remind mvelton to send me that systemd unit file for hyperkube? 16:58:03 <adrian_otto> tonanhngo: you had a -1 vote there 16:58:07 <randallburt> someone else reported a possible issue but I could not reproduce nor get details on how to 16:58:14 <strigazi> jasond yes 16:58:15 <jvgrant> adrian_otto: lack of more reviewers. wanted at least another +1 16:58:19 <jasond`> strigazi: thanks 16:58:25 <tonanhngo> It broke for me, but I can revisit 16:58:25 <jvgrant> and then we got a -1 16:58:39 <adrian_otto> jvgrant: thanks 16:58:39 <randallburt> adrian_otto: jvgrant I am ok and encourage more reviewers before +A 16:58:58 <randallburt> jvgrant: haven't gotten any info on reproducing that nor do the gates back it up 16:59:19 <Drago1> tonanhngo: How many times did you test it? I see the cluster not found in master sometimes, but not often. 16:59:46 <Drago1> As in, in the hundreds of clusters I've created, I've seen it 2 or 3 times 16:59:56 <adrian_otto> 1 minute remaining. About to close the meeting. 16:59:59 <randallburt> got to run to another meeting. laters! 16:59:59 <tonanhngo> I tried it twice 17:00:02 <jvgrant> randallburt: ok, there has been time now for reviews and as long as we don't haven additional feedback i think we can push it 17:00:03 <hongbin> hieulq_: the bp looks ok to me 17:00:10 <randallburt> k 17:00:14 <hieulq_> hongbin: thanks :-) 17:00:15 <randallburt> gotta run 17:00:16 <adrian_otto> Thanks for attending our team meeting today. Our next meeting will be on 2016-12-20 at 1600 UTC. I will not be working that day, so I may coordiante an alternate chair. 17:00:23 <adrian_otto> #endmeeting