16:00:14 <adrian_otto> #startmeeting containers 16:00:15 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Mar 14 16:00:14 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is adrian_otto. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:00:16 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 16:00:19 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'containers' 16:00:19 <adrian_otto> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Containers#Agenda_for_2017-03-14_1600_UTC Our Agenda 16:00:24 <adrian_otto> #topic Roll Call 16:00:26 <adrian_otto> Adrian Otto 16:00:32 <coreyob> Corey O'Brien 16:00:41 <lakerzhou> Bin Zhou 16:00:47 <vijendar> o/ 16:00:49 <PagliaccisCloud> Treva Williams 16:00:53 <yatinkarel> Yatin Karel 16:00:54 <juggler> Perry Rivera o/ 16:01:06 <adrian_otto> hello coreyob lakerzhou vijendar PagliaccisCloud yatinkarel and juggler 16:01:08 <tonanhngo> Ton Ngo 16:01:18 <PagliaccisCloud> Hi!! 16:01:29 <juggler> hello 16:01:35 <jasond> o/ 16:01:35 <adrian_otto> hello tonanhngo 16:01:40 <randallburt> o/ 16:01:43 <strigazi> Spyros Trigazis 16:02:13 <jvgrant_> Jaycen Grant 16:02:40 <adrian_otto> hello jasond randallburt strigazi and jvgrant_ 16:02:54 <adrian_otto> #topic Announcements 16:02:56 <adrian_otto> (none) 16:03:04 <adrian_otto> Any announcements from our team? 16:04:24 <adrian_otto> #topic Review Action Items 16:04:26 <adrian_otto> (none) 16:04:36 <adrian_otto> #topic Blueprints/Bugs/Reviews/Ideas 16:04:43 <adrian_otto> Essential Blueprints 16:04:49 <adrian_otto> #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/magnum/+spec/flatten-attributes Flatten Attributes [strigazi] 16:04:54 <adrian_otto> (1/3) 16:05:31 <strigazi> So, I'm breaking out changes of _id and writing unit tests. 16:06:39 <strigazi> Functionally the patch is in good state, I'll try to push more to get to the Cluster Driver resource 16:07:10 <strigazi> I'll catch up with stephen for the db migration tests too. 16:07:25 <strigazi> That is all I have 16:07:35 <adrian_otto> thanks strigazi 16:07:45 <adrian_otto> #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/magnum/+spec/nodegroups Nodegroups [Drago] 16:07:49 <adrian_otto> (2/3) 16:08:05 <jasond> adrian_otto: Drago said he had no updates 16:08:13 <adrian_otto> ok 16:08:21 <adrian_otto> #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/magnum/+spec/cluster-upgrades Cluster Upgrades [strigazi] 16:08:23 <adrian_otto> (3/3) 16:08:47 <strigazi> flatten is prereq, I don't have anything in this 16:09:04 <jvgrant_> driver resource spec is up for review. https://review.openstack.org/#/c/439849/ which is needed for this as weel 16:09:07 <jvgrant_> well 16:09:49 <adrian_otto> thanks strigazi and jvgrant_ 16:09:55 <strigazi> I'll review tomorrow (i.e. 13 hours for me) 16:10:00 <adrian_otto> any discussion on the driver spec? 16:10:27 <adrian_otto> I will also review it tomorrow, as well 16:10:38 <jvgrant_> have some feedback already, working on a new revision that should finish it up 16:10:46 <jvgrant_> plus whatever additional feedback i get 16:11:06 <strigazi> I have a question related a bit to nodegroups 16:11:29 <strigazi> Do we have something else in the agenda? I can wait 16:12:01 <randallburt> strigazi: drago is unvailable this am fyi 16:12:23 <strigazi> ok, I'll catch up with him 16:12:32 <adrian_otto> ok 16:12:40 <adrian_otto> Other Work Items 16:12:54 <adrian_otto> team members may raise discussion regarding any BP, review, or bug now. 16:13:24 <PagliaccisCloud> Would anyone be willing to +2 my bug patch? https://review.openstack.org/#/c/445246/ 16:14:37 <adrian_otto> PagliaccisCloud: I'll look at it 16:15:07 <PagliaccisCloud> Thank you adrian_otto ! 16:15:57 <adrian_otto> PagliaccisCloud: I approved it for merge. I have one request... 16:16:06 <PagliaccisCloud> Sure thing 16:16:27 <adrian_otto> find the appearance of glance in our dev quickstart.rst and update that doc too? 16:16:45 <PagliaccisCloud> Sure, I'll be happy to! 16:16:45 <adrian_otto> as that may still be using the v1 glance syntax 16:16:50 <adrian_otto> tx 16:17:01 <adrian_otto> #topic Open Discussion 16:17:36 <strigazi> About the k8s cinder driver, has anyone tried it rexently with k8s 1.5.2? 16:18:09 <tonanhngo> Are you seeing problem? I can give it a try 16:18:27 <strigazi> See patch: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/445404/ 16:18:45 <randallburt> strigazi: sorta but its been a while 16:18:53 <randallburt> strigazi: its still broken iirc 16:19:34 <strigazi> My colleague claims otherwise, didn't have a chance to do it again. Can you double check when you have time? 16:19:44 <tonanhngo> ok, will check it out 16:19:50 <randallburt> strigazi: sure 16:20:15 <strigazi> And there is again the issue with hostname-overrride (use ip or not) 16:20:35 <strigazi> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/445404/1/magnum/drivers/common/templates/kubernetes/fragments/configure-kubernetes-minion.sh@51 16:20:40 <randallburt> strigazi: I couldn't get it to work with the ip. had to change the hostname to short and use that 16:21:06 <strigazi> For cidner yes, you need hostname (nova name) 16:21:12 <randallburt> right 16:21:18 <strigazi> What we should do? 16:21:19 <randallburt> and for the node to register 16:21:29 <strigazi> Have always hostname? 16:21:33 <randallburt> strigazi: yes 16:21:42 <randallburt> at least that's what I found works 16:21:51 <strigazi> without proper dns in the cloud, kubectl exec won't work 16:21:55 <tonanhngo> There is support for DNS in K8s 1.5.2? 16:22:14 <randallburt> as long as the hostname matches what's in nova, it *should* work 16:22:56 <randallburt> oh, and for 1.5.x, you have to set another property so that exec and log works. can't remember off the top thought 16:23:01 <vijendar> strigazi: in devstack this patch https://review.openstack.org/#/c/439906/ helped with k8s 1.5.2 16:23:07 <strigazi> I think if you are on an openstack cloud that doesn't have DNS you'll have trouble with exec 16:23:16 <vijendar> randallburt: ^^ ? 16:23:17 <tonanhngo> kubectl exec requires DNS resolution 16:23:21 <randallburt> strigazi: no, there's a fix for that in 1.5.x too 16:23:24 <yatinkarel> strigazi, there is one more patch for hostname-overide https://review.openstack.org/#/c/438321/ 16:23:54 <randallburt> looking for it now 16:23:56 <strigazi> We can do it in the patch ^^ 16:24:04 <strigazi> but we need to decide what to do :) 16:24:29 <strigazi> in 439906 we went for ip 16:24:53 <strigazi> no, sorry, in another patch, looking 16:25:11 <randallburt> strigazi: set --kubelet-preferred-address-types=InternalIP,ExternalIP,Hostname" and that should sort getting exec and log to work 16:25:39 <strigazi> ok, I'll test. So we can have the hostname always, right? 16:25:45 <randallburt> strigazi: yep 16:25:51 <adrian_otto> I'm not sure about that 16:26:05 <strigazi> Here we have DNS, we don't care. But for ther default, I don't know 16:26:06 <adrian_otto> I've seen patches earlier that introduce a conditional configuration 16:26:19 <randallburt> adrian_otto: its the only way i found to get the openstack plugin to work properly 16:26:23 <adrian_otto> based on whether the cinder driver is loaded 16:26:27 <adrian_otto> is that relevant here? 16:26:29 <strigazi> if 439906 fixes it we can change 16:26:36 <randallburt> +1 ^^ 16:26:46 <strigazi> adrian_otto yes it is 16:27:11 <strigazi> thanks vijendar, I'll do some tests 16:27:24 <vijendar> strigazi: np 16:27:35 <adrian_otto> ok 16:27:53 <adrian_otto> so there are two solutions 16:28:10 <randallburt> strigazi: though setting that arg in the api doesn't technically hurt either way since it defaults back to using hostname 16:28:10 <adrian_otto> and one may now be obviated by 439906 16:29:11 <adrian_otto> I have a question for each member of our team. At the Boston OpenStack Summit there will be an "OpenStack Forum" part of the event, which is the replacement for the "OpenStack Design Summit" (not to be confused with the OpenStack Projects Teams Gathering [PTG]). Who is planning to attend, or will be asking for approval to attend? 16:29:59 <strigazi> I'll attend 16:30:03 <tonanhngo> I will be there 16:30:10 <adrian_otto> I'll go 16:30:26 <jvgrant_> i have a request for approval, but not looking likely :( 16:30:37 <adrian_otto> I expect that a number of us who attended PTG will not be approved for it 16:30:39 <yatinkarel> Not sure right now 16:31:50 <adrian_otto> ok, that gives me a sense, thanks! 16:31:56 <juggler> Not likely for me 16:32:25 <adrian_otto> ok, so if you do manage to get approval, please let me know so I can plan to expect you 16:32:52 <adrian_otto> I also want to explore what options we have for remote participation as well 16:33:47 <adrian_otto> anyone want to wrap up a bit early today? 16:34:15 <strigazi> fine for me 16:34:25 <juggler> thanks for exploring! 16:34:34 <adrian_otto> Our next team meeting will be at 1600 UTC on 2017-03-21 in #openstack-meeting-alt 16:34:48 <juggler> early wrap ok 16:34:49 <adrian_otto> thanks everyone for attending today, and for all your work on magnum! 16:34:56 <adrian_otto> #endmeeting