16:00:04 <strigazi> #startmeeting containers 16:00:05 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Apr 4 16:00:04 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is strigazi. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:00:06 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 16:00:08 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'containers' 16:00:16 <strigazi> #topic Roll Call 16:00:28 <juggler> Perry Rivera 16:00:49 <hieulq__> o/ 16:01:04 <tonanhngo> Ton Ngo 16:02:01 <strigazi> Thanks for joining the meeting juggler hieulq__ tonanhngo 16:02:14 <strigazi> we will be cozy 16:02:25 <tonanhngo> :) 16:02:35 <strigazi> Adrian asked to chair the meeting since he couldn't attend today 16:02:48 <yatinkarel> yatin karel 16:02:59 <strigazi> hi yatinkarel 16:03:12 <juggler> thanks for presiding strigazi 16:03:17 <strigazi> #topic Announcements 16:04:02 * swatson sneaks into a seat in the back row 16:04:02 <strigazi> A small on is that I'll release the CVE fix for the trust_id this week in all branches 16:04:21 <strigazi> welcome swatson 16:04:28 <swatson> o/ 16:05:08 <strigazi> If the updated images make it to ocata we can release with the updated images too. 16:05:21 <strigazi> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/q/706371f380f52f96e920f50595b0632bf59b2ef7,n,z 16:05:30 <juggler> excellent strigazi, thank you 16:05:47 <strigazi> Team, do have any annoucement? 16:06:07 <strigazi> #topic Review Action Items 16:06:32 <strigazi> AFAIK We didn't have any items 16:06:42 <strigazi> #topic Essential Blueprints Review 16:06:55 <strigazi> #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/magnum/+spec/flatten-attributes Flatten Attributes 16:07:37 <strigazi> This is still in WIP but feel free to provide input. Functionally the CT are working 16:07:52 <strigazi> #link to review https://review.openstack.org/#/c/395012/ 16:08:13 <strigazi> Especially I would like input in the migration of the db 16:08:23 <strigazi> That's it for me. 16:09:05 <strigazi> Any comments for now? 16:09:20 <juggler> What type of input, in particular? 16:10:03 <strigazi> What do you think about the new db schema? Do you think it should be handled differentlt? 16:10:27 <strigazi> For existing resources 16:10:57 <strigazi> I add the new cluster_attributes column, populate it with uuids and then I migrate the data 16:11:34 <strigazi> Then I drop the moved data from the existing tables 16:12:34 <strigazi> Also in cluster_attributes there is only uuid, no int id 16:13:24 <strigazi> are you looking? Should we move on? 16:13:27 <juggler> not sure how I can help in this assistance. any other input from the room? 16:14:16 <strigazi> I would like help on testing the current form of the patch with swatson's migration tests 16:14:41 <swatson> ^ https://review.openstack.org/#/c/410962/ 16:14:53 <strigazi> s/I would like/I need/ 16:15:06 <strigazi> I didn't escape the spaces 16:16:27 <strigazi> Let's move on, we can get back to it if you want. 16:16:34 <strigazi> #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/magnum/+spec/nodegroups Nodegroups [Drago] 16:17:06 <strigazi> Drago or Jaycen are not here. 16:17:46 <strigazi> #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/magnum/+spec/cluster-upgrades Cluster Upgrades [strigazi] 16:19:37 <strigazi> There wasn't any progress in the Driver resources yet. Does anyone want to participate in it? #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/439849/ Maybe do a prorotype? 16:20:46 <strigazi> This is it. I'll get rid of flatten attributes soon and do the cool things. 16:20:55 <strigazi> #topic Open Discussion 16:22:15 <strigazi> swarm-mode works pretty well here so far. I hope can add it soon in magnum as a supported driver. 16:22:28 <juggler> excellent! 16:23:12 <yatinkarel> (y) 16:24:42 <strigazi> oh I forgot, can someone test the latest fedora image: #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/451710/ 16:25:00 <strigazi> yatin did. I can't repro the error he gets 16:25:45 <tonanhngo> This is for ironic only? 16:25:52 <strigazi> both 16:26:04 <strigazi> We focus in atomic with k8s 1.5.3 16:26:19 <tonanhngo> ok I will check it out 16:26:44 <juggler> thanks tonanhngo 16:26:48 <strigazi> Team, any other business? 16:27:40 <juggler> good here strigazi 16:27:50 <strigazi> ok, cool 16:27:59 <strigazi> #endmeeting