16:01:14 <juggler> #startmeeting containers 16:01:14 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Apr 25 16:01:14 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is juggler. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:01:15 <tmorin1> have a good meeting :) 16:01:15 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 16:01:18 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'containers' 16:01:22 <juggler> ty tmorin1 16:01:26 <adrian_otto> I asked juggler to start for me 16:01:36 <adrian_otto> Our Agenda: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Containers#Agenda_for_2017-04-25_1600_UTC 16:01:43 <adrian_otto> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Containers#Agenda_for_2017-04-25_1600_UTC Our Agenda 16:02:04 <juggler> #topic Roll Call 16:02:09 <adrian_otto> Adrian Otto 16:02:23 <strigazi> Spyros Trigazis 16:02:25 <tonanhngo> Ton Ngo 16:03:03 <juggler> Perry Rivera 16:03:27 <juggler> hello adrian_otto strigazi tonanhngo...welcome! 16:03:38 <juggler> #topic Announcements 16:04:12 <adrian_otto> no announcements prepared 16:04:33 <adrian_otto> I am at the departure gate for a flight this morning, so I am unable to stay for the full duration of our scheduled time 16:04:35 <juggler> any additional announcements all? 16:04:42 <adrian_otto> I anticipate we'll have a shorter meeting 16:05:22 <juggler> ok..moving on... 16:05:24 <juggler> #topic Review Action Items 16:05:40 <juggler> no additional Action Items planned... 16:05:45 <juggler> Any new ones to add? 16:06:21 <adrian_otto> strigazi: I did not notice any actions in the past meeting transcript 16:06:27 <adrian_otto> there were none, correct? 16:06:30 <strigazi> yes 16:06:33 <adrian_otto> ok, thanks 16:06:51 <juggler> great strigazi! 16:07:24 <juggler> ok..moving on... 16:07:26 <juggler> #topic Blueprints/Bugs/Reviews/Ideas 16:07:39 <juggler> we have 3 items scheduled to cover.. 16:07:50 <strigazi> I was on holidays last week, 16:07:51 <juggler> #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/magnum/+spec/flatten-attributes 16:08:04 <adrian_otto> strigazi: did you want to cover the heat-agent topic this morning? 16:08:13 <strigazi> so I don't have anything to report. 16:08:20 <strigazi> adrian_otto yes 16:08:24 <strigazi> before that 16:08:37 <adrian_otto> I'm sure that there are no updates for the essential blueprints this week 16:09:10 <juggler> next up: 16:09:11 <juggler> #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/magnum/+spec/nodegroups 16:09:32 <juggler> don't recall seeing Drago here today... 16:09:44 <juggler> any info on this one? 16:11:10 <strigazi> nothing here 16:11:26 <juggler> ok...moving on... 16:11:42 <juggler> strigazi, any news on: 16:11:43 <juggler> #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/magnum/+spec/cluster-upgrades 16:11:43 <juggler> or 16:11:54 <juggler> the addl work item? 16:12:08 <adrian_otto> let's get to the head-agent topic 16:12:11 <adrian_otto> heat 16:12:20 <strigazi> ok 16:12:22 <juggler> ok 16:12:30 <juggler> #topic Work Item 16:12:47 <juggler> #link 30mb compressed / uncompressed 111mb containerized heat-agent based on alpine linux. https://hub.docker.com/r/strigazi/heat-container-agent/tags/ 16:12:53 <juggler> oops correction: 16:13:13 <juggler> #link https://hub.docker.com/r/strigazi/heat-container-agent/tags/ 30mb compressed / uncompressed 111mb containerized heat-agent based on alpine linux. 16:13:23 <juggler> go for it strigazi 16:14:22 <strigazi> I tried it and seems to work fine. Could be used for use cases where if we can mount specific dirs 16:15:02 <strigazi> I don't know how it will go on the ci 16:15:23 <strigazi> another thing I tried was a "magnum agent" 16:15:48 <juggler> how did that go? 16:16:00 <strigazi> not really an agent. I just put all our scripts an manifests in an alpine container ~5mb 16:16:08 <strigazi> ok ~6mb 16:16:30 <juggler> nice 16:16:40 <strigazi> great! but it's like putting a large amount of magnum in a container 16:16:48 <adrian_otto> strigazi: does that image need to download more python libs, or does it have everything it needs to run? 16:16:55 <strigazi> bash 16:17:09 <strigazi> only bash 16:17:20 <juggler> ah 16:17:20 <adrian_otto> oh, ok 16:17:26 <strigazi> to be percise sh 16:17:32 <strigazi> not even bash 16:17:44 <juggler> any recommendations from your end? 16:17:51 <juggler> (to strigazi) 16:18:07 <strigazi> I don't know about that direction, it's like a data container 16:18:36 <juggler> ok 16:18:43 <adrian_otto> it's hard to get valid testing around an approach like this 16:18:43 <strigazi> It mostly solves the user data limit problem 16:18:46 <juggler> thanks for your valuable feedback 16:18:49 <juggler> strigazi 16:18:57 <adrian_otto> specifically, no unit tests. 16:19:25 <juggler> #topic Open Discussion 16:19:28 <adrian_otto> but considering how simple this is, it might not justify a unit test 16:19:36 <adrian_otto> https://hub.docker.com/r/strigazi/heat-container-agent/~/dockerfile/ is pretty thin :-) 16:19:57 <juggler> Entering Open Discussion...any topics/q's/concerns? 16:20:01 <adrian_otto> oh, on another subject, I think we should switch to meeting every two weeks 16:20:05 <adrian_otto> rather than weekly 16:20:13 <adrian_otto> thoughts? 16:20:21 <strigazi> works for me 16:20:23 <tonanhngo> Seems reasonable 16:20:38 <adrian_otto> ok, anyone opposed to it? 16:21:24 <tonanhngo> we can always switch back to weekly if necessary 16:21:39 <juggler> good thought 16:21:40 <adrian_otto> cool, I'll take that as an action item 16:21:41 <juggler> #action adrian_otto to update team meeting schedule to */2 weeks 16:21:46 <adrian_otto> thanks juggler 16:22:00 <juggler> well, if there is no other news, shall we adjourn? 16:22:07 <strigazi> sure 16:22:20 <adrian_otto> that's all I wanted to cover today, thanks juggler for your help 16:22:41 <adrian_otto> oh wait 16:22:52 <adrian_otto> two weeks form now is during the OpenStack Summit in Boston 16:23:03 <juggler> ah yes, who is attending? 16:23:09 <strigazi> me 16:23:12 <tonanhngo> I will be there 16:23:13 <juggler> not me :( 16:23:15 <adrian_otto> so our next meeting should be three weeks out 16:23:16 <adrian_otto> o/ 16:23:19 <juggler> their in spirit 16:23:22 <juggler> er there 16:23:26 <adrian_otto> oh, you will be a sight for sore eyes, Ton! 16:24:00 <tonanhngo> :) 16:24:13 <strigazi> +1 :) 16:24:18 <juggler> :) 16:24:28 <juggler> final thoughts folks? 16:25:15 <adrian_otto> alright, so our next meeting will be 2017-05-16 at 1600 UTC in #openstack-meeting-alt 16:25:16 <adrian_otto> then */2 weeks from that point 16:25:34 <strigazi> +1 16:25:39 <juggler> +1 16:25:45 <tonanhngo> +1 16:25:49 <juggler> great seeing everyone! 16:26:00 <juggler> thanks for attending. 16:26:03 <juggler> #endmeeting