15:58:38 <strigazi> #startmeeting containers 15:58:39 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Dec 12 15:58:38 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is strigazi. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:58:41 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:58:43 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'containers' 15:58:43 <strigazi> #topic Roll Call 15:58:48 <strigazi> Spyros Trigazis 15:59:16 <strigazi> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Containers#Agenda_for_2017-12-12_1600_UTC 15:59:26 <slunkad_> Sayali Lunkad 16:00:37 <oikiki> Kirsten 16:00:49 <KwozyMan> Costin GamenČ› 16:01:17 <strigazi> hello slunkad, oikiki and KwozyMan 16:01:20 <strigazi> #topic Announcements 16:01:28 <strigazi> None 16:01:31 <strigazi> #topic Review Action Items 16:01:39 <strigazi> #undo 16:01:40 <openstack> Removing item from minutes: #topic Review Action Items 16:01:46 <strigazi> #topic Blueprints/Bugs/Ideas 16:02:04 <strigazi> Pass OpenStack control place certificates to all nodes https://review.openstack.org/#/c/525662/ 16:02:47 <strigazi> This is an extention to your work oikiki to install the openstack_ca to all cluster node. Have it in mind slunkad_ 16:03:06 <slunkad_> sure 16:03:10 <oikiki> Ah nice! 16:03:24 <strigazi> RBAC configuration https://review.openstack.org/#/q/topic:k8s-fedora-rbac+(status:open+OR+status:merged) 16:03:46 <strigazi> slunkad_: you might also need to something similar ^^ 16:05:04 <strigazi> With this change using kubernetes on fedora with tls disabled won't work anymore 16:05:14 <strigazi> #topic Open Discussion 16:05:39 <slunkad_> strigazi: I was wondering if you tried building the opensuse image 16:06:06 <strigazi> slunkad_: yes, I was writing about it just now. I left some comments in the review 16:06:06 <dirk> slunkad_: there was feedback from him on the review I think 16:06:12 <dirk> I need to address it 16:06:15 <dirk> ETA end of this week 16:06:31 <slunkad_> strigazi: ok thanks, didn't see that 16:07:17 <strigazi> dirk there was an issue with refreshing the opensuse repos, will it work now? 16:07:48 <strigazi> slunkad_: dirk how do you plan to install kubernetes? in the image or on cluster creation? 16:08:02 <dirk> strigazi: I hope so, I'll look at it earliest tomorrow 16:08:10 <dirk> strigazi: I want to embed it into the image 16:08:19 <dirk> unless you're saying that would be bad 16:09:24 <strigazi> dirk: it is not necessarily bad. People that run magnum will need to track the images and we will need a table with which qcow has which image 16:11:07 <dirk> I am parsing that as "which qcow has which engine (kubernetes)" ? 16:11:19 <strigazi> dirk yes 16:11:28 <dirk> strigazi: yeah, the goal would be to only worry about the k8s backend for the opensuse image 16:11:37 <dirk> currently there are no components for the other backends that are available 16:12:08 <strigazi> dirk and docker I guess 16:13:31 <strigazi> oikiki: did start working on https://bugs.launchpad.net/magnum/+bug/1668330 do you need anything? 16:13:32 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1668330 in Magnum "Make periodic monitoring tasks optional" [Wishlist,In progress] - Assigned to Kirsten G. (oikiki) 16:14:29 <oikiki> I did start on it! Had a slow start bc something happened to my setup and I had to reinstall. 16:14:45 <oikiki> But I will let you know if I hit any roadblocks 16:14:55 <strigazi> oikiki cool 16:15:08 <oikiki> I was trying to take a little time to understand what was going on in the code as well. :) 16:15:12 <oikiki> thank you!! 16:15:22 <slunkad_> strigazi: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/523176/ 16:16:00 <strigazi> +2 16:16:13 <slunkad_> thanks 16:16:57 <oikiki> slunkad_ hi I'm the new intern! 16:17:21 <slunkad_> oikiki: hello! are you a outreachy intern? 16:17:35 <oikiki> slunkad_ yep! strigazi is my mentor 16:18:32 <slunkad_> oikiki: awesome! I also started as an outrechy intern ;) feel free to ping me for stuff too 16:18:47 <slunkad_> outreachy* 16:18:47 <oikiki> slunkad_ thanks!! I will! 16:19:07 <slunkad_> strigazi: does magnum have a slot at the upcoming PTG? 16:19:18 <strigazi> slunkad_: yes, will you be trere? 16:19:38 <slunkad_> strigazi: in that case I will try to come :) 16:19:55 <strigazi> slunkad_: did know that you started as an Outreachy intern, that is cool :) 16:20:25 <slunkad_> strigazi: yes way back in 2013 :) 16:20:27 <oikiki> what is ptg? 16:20:39 <strigazi> Project Team Gathering 16:20:51 <strigazi> https://www.openstack.org/ptg 16:20:57 <oikiki> ah thank you strigazi 16:21:25 <slunkad_> oikiki: where are you based? 16:21:32 <oikiki> california 16:22:39 <slunkad_> oikiki: oh cool! 16:23:36 <strigazi> Any other business? 16:24:17 <strigazi> Said twice 16:24:43 <strigazi> Thanks for joinning the meeting slunkad_ oikiki dirk and KwozyMan 16:24:49 <strigazi> #endmeeting