10:00:03 <strigazi> #startmeeting containers 10:00:04 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Mar 6 10:00:03 2018 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is strigazi. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 10:00:05 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 10:00:07 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'containers' 10:00:11 <strigazi> #topic Roll Call 10:00:14 <flwang> o/ 10:00:19 <strigazi> o/ 10:01:12 <strigazi> I guess it is the two of us flwang :) 10:01:20 <flwang> yep 10:01:58 <strigazi> Since it was the PTG last week we will just start planning the next cycle. 10:02:02 <flwang> do we need a quick summary for PTG? 10:02:46 <strigazi> #topic PTG-Recap 10:03:01 <strigazi> Subjects discussed: 10:03:20 <strigazi> Etherpad: 10:03:24 <strigazi> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/magnum-ptg-rocky 10:03:31 <strigazi> 1. Cluster Upgades Phase II and Status Update 10:04:28 * strigazi strigazi to push of a 6.2.0 release sinece magnum is project with intermediary cycle 10:05:11 * strigazi strigazi to update spec for cluster upgrades phase II by upgrading with cluster templates 10:05:30 <strigazi> 2. Cluster Drivers 10:06:28 <strigazi> There was interest only on the kubernetes drivers and fedora-atomic and suse. 10:07:04 <strigazi> 3. Cluster healing and Status Monitoring 10:07:35 * strigazi Iterate on the cluster healing spec 10:08:12 * strigazi Iterate on the cluster healing spec for the new statuses new-field vs existing status field. 10:09:03 * strigazi INvestigate solution for the kubernetes client with cotyledon or oslo.service with our own limited set of requests 10:09:22 <strigazi> flwang: this your right? ^^ 10:09:34 <flwang> yes 10:09:37 <strigazi> 4. Documentation 10:09:55 * strigazi slunkad_ to work on docs restructure 10:10:16 * strigazi strigazi to draw and document magnum architecture 10:10:22 <slunkad_> hi! 10:10:44 <strigazi> 5. puppet-openstack-integration 10:11:23 * strigazi strigazi to followup with the addition of magnum to puppet-openstack-integration with the rdo team 10:11:26 <strigazi> slunkad_: hello 10:11:48 <strigazi> I think thats it for the PTG 10:12:46 <strigazi> Do you want to add something? 10:14:11 <strigazi> I guess no. slunkad_ flwang ? 10:14:13 <flwang> good for me 10:14:24 <flwang> because I involved in most of the topics 10:14:31 <slunkad_> for me too 10:14:40 <strigazi> cool :) 10:15:48 <strigazi> #topic meeting topics for next week 10:16:18 <strigazi> #action strigazi to report back on cluster upgrades 10:16:29 <strigazi> I forgot to mention this bug: 10:16:38 <strigazi> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/magnum/+bug/1752433 10:16:39 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1752433 in Magnum "trust invalid when user is disabled" [Undecided,New] 10:17:06 <strigazi> #action strigazi to follow-up the status of trust rotation with the heat team 10:18:12 <flwang> strigazi: for the first glance, i don't think it's a really critical one. did you see it before in production? 10:18:33 <strigazi> When the user account that created a cluster is deleted the trust becomes invalid and magnum can't fetch certs from barbican and the kubernetes provider is unusable 10:19:19 <strigazi> on heat side, stack updates will not work since heat has another trust tied to the user who created the cluster 10:19:29 <strigazi> yes, we saw this in production 10:19:57 <strigazi> it's critical 10:20:09 <slunkad_> I would agree 10:20:39 <strigazi> in shared clusters amongst many users when the user account of the creator is deleted it is a problem 10:21:33 <strigazi> And deployments like ours, with Active Directory or other central identity managers we can not just not delete the user 10:22:24 <flwang> ok, good to know. thanks 10:22:54 <strigazi> flwang: do you want to add an action item for you for next week? 10:22:58 <strigazi> slunkad_: ^^ 10:23:21 <flwang> strigazi: i would start to take a look at the cotyledon or oslo.service 10:23:36 <flwang> strigazi: and i'm still testing calico with other components 10:23:47 <slunkad_> strigazi: I could 10:23:53 <strigazi> #action flwang to report back for cotyledon or oslo.service 10:24:09 <strigazi> #action flwang to five feedback on calico 10:24:28 <strigazi> #action strigazi to test kubernetes dashboard with calico 10:24:44 <strigazi> slunkad_: something for docs or opensuse? 10:24:51 <slunkad_> strigazi: for the docs 10:25:02 <flwang> strigazi: we can discuss that issue of calico+dashboard offline, i have some findings 10:25:13 <strigazi> slunkad_: Propose a new structure for magnum's docs 10:25:37 <strigazi> #undo 10:25:38 <openstack> Removing item from minutes: #action strigazi to test kubernetes dashboard with calico 10:25:50 <strigazi> #action strigazi to test kubernetes dashboard with calico 10:25:59 <strigazi> #action slunkad to propose a new structure for magnum's docs 10:26:05 <strigazi> flwang: ok 10:26:40 <strigazi> Do you need guys to discuss anything in the meeting? 10:27:54 <slunkad_> is anyone going to work on the bug you mentioned with the trusts? 10:28:04 <strigazi> slunkad_: I will 10:28:13 <slunkad_> strigazi: alright 10:28:13 <strigazi> slunkad_: Do you want to work on it? 10:28:23 <strigazi> I assumed it is me :) 10:29:14 <slunkad_> strigazi: it seems to be critical for you'll so I would not commit to it for this week but if you don't get time till next week I can take it up 10:30:27 <strigazi> slunkad_ sounds good 10:30:44 <slunkad_> that's all for me 10:31:26 <strigazi> flwang: all good for the meeting? 10:31:37 <flwang> strigazi: good for me 10:31:46 <flwang> i assume it could be a short one ;) 10:32:14 <strigazi> cool, thanks folks, we can other topics offline 10:32:20 <strigazi> #endmeeting