21:00:39 <strigazi> #startmeeting containers 21:00:40 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Oct 9 21:00:39 2018 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is strigazi. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 21:00:41 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 21:00:43 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'containers' 21:00:47 <strigazi> #topic Roll Call 21:00:59 <strigazi> o/ 21:01:03 <ttsiouts> o/ 21:01:11 <cbrumm> o/ 21:03:48 <cbrumm> jim won't be able to make it today 21:03:53 <strigazi> Hello ttsiouts cbrumm, we will be cozy 21:04:05 <strigazi> flwang: will joing some time later I think 21:04:19 <strigazi> #topic announcements 21:04:59 <flwang> o/ 21:05:13 <flwang> sorry, was in a standup 21:05:35 <strigazi> last week we added some patches from master to rocky with flwang, we'll do a point release this week I hope. I just want to add the flannel cni patch in this release. 21:05:53 <flwang> strigazi: i will review it today 21:05:55 <strigazi> the release will be 7.1.0 21:06:08 <strigazi> flwang: thanks 21:06:22 <strigazi> #topic stories/tasks 21:07:34 <strigazi> We worked with ttsiouts a bit on the spec for nodegroups and he updated it, so reviews are welcome. Shoot questions to ttsiouts if you want :) 21:07:46 <flwang> great 21:08:20 <strigazi> since Jim is not here we can discuss it all together in gerrit, to be in sync. 21:08:53 <ttsiouts> sounds good! 21:10:49 <strigazi> This morning (morining for me), we discussed allowing cluster template rename with flwang. We don't have a story for it, but flwang will create one right? flwang we can push a patch as docs or a spec to describe the change. I can do the doc if you want 21:11:26 <cbrumm> is this so that renaming templates doesn't have to require database actions? 21:11:41 <cbrumm> a manual database action 21:11:52 <strigazi> yes 21:12:06 <strigazi> the uuid and the values will remain immutable 21:12:35 <strigazi> the next will be adding a "deprecated" field in the CT object 21:12:39 <cbrumm> so we can cleanly call one "latest" or "deprecated" 21:12:44 <flwang> i do have a story, wait a sec 21:12:58 <flwang> cbrumm: or any tag you want 21:13:14 <cbrumm> nice 21:13:17 <cbrumm> thank you 21:13:29 <flwang> https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/2003960 21:13:54 <flwang> i will update above story to reflect the requirements strigazi mentioned above 21:14:03 <strigazi> yes, thank you 21:14:29 <strigazi> to clarify, only the template name will change as a first step 21:15:23 <flwang> i just created 2 tasks 21:15:39 <flwang> one for name change, another one for 'deprecated' attribute 21:15:47 <strigazi> the second independent change is to add the deprecated field which will hide the template from listing and even if users know the uuid they won't be able to create new clusters. 21:15:57 <strigazi> flwang: exactly 21:17:43 <strigazi> cbrumm: ttsiouts the discussion starts here if you want to have a look http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/irclogs/%23openstack-containers/%23openstack-containers.2018-10-09.log.html#t2018-10-09T10:32:04 21:18:50 <strigazi> Final item for me, as discussed with flwang this morning, I'll publish a new heat-container-agent image tagged rocky-stable which includes the multi-region fix 21:18:57 <ttsiouts> strigazi:thanks 21:19:11 <strigazi> and the a patch to include the agent tag in the labels. 21:19:18 <strigazi> and then a patch to include the agent tag in the labels. 21:19:43 <flwang> strigazi: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/585061/1/magnum/drivers/common/image/heat-container-agent/Makefile 21:19:54 <strigazi> that is all from me, any comments questions? 21:20:14 <flwang> above makefile could be useful for you 21:20:42 <strigazi> I'll have a look, other projects loci and kolla build with ansible 21:20:50 <flwang> no problem 21:21:04 <strigazi> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/585420/16/playbooks/vars.yaml 21:21:30 <strigazi> we can add account there etc 21:23:09 <flwang> cool, no matter what's the way to build, i'd like to see we have a more stable process 21:23:18 <strigazi> any question, comment? 21:23:44 <strigazi> flwang: also to solve, the "strigazi gets hit by a bus problem" 21:24:11 <flwang> what's your busy problem? missed the last one? 21:24:20 <flwang> bus 21:25:14 <strigazi> the process of building publishing the images is done by me only so far and it is not documented/automated 21:25:39 <flwang> cool, let me know if you need any help on that 21:26:17 <strigazi> I'll ping you for reviews on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/585420 21:26:27 <flwang> @all, Catalyst Cloud just deployed Magnum on our production as a public managed k8s service, so welcome to come for questions, cheers 21:26:38 <flwang> strigazi: sure, no problem 21:27:09 <strigazi> \o/ 21:27:27 <flwang> strigazi: thank you for all you guys help 21:27:56 <strigazi> anytime, really anytime 21:28:09 <flwang> it wouldn't happen without your help and support 21:28:16 <flwang> such a great team 21:28:41 <strigazi> :) 21:30:16 <flwang> in the next couple weeks, i will focus on polishing our magnum and will do upstream first 21:30:56 <strigazi> do we need a magnum-ui release? 21:31:11 <strigazi> your fixeds are in? 21:31:20 <strigazi> your fixes are in? 21:31:34 <cbrumm> we have a few edits to the ui, mostly removal of user choices 21:31:49 <cbrumm> I'm not sure if their intended for upstream though 21:32:07 <strigazi> cbrumm: which option for example? 21:32:12 <flwang> strigazi: i would be good to have a new release for ui 21:32:42 <cbrumm> I would need to check with Jim. But our UI only asks for template and minion count 21:33:12 <strigazi> we could make this configurable i guess 21:33:22 <strigazi> flwang: you need to backport to stable 21:34:34 <strigazi> flwang: you can test this image: docker.io/openstackmagnum/heat-container-agent:rocky-stable 21:34:34 <flwang> strigazi: yep, sure 21:34:44 <flwang> strigazi: ok, will do 21:36:17 <strigazi> Anything else for the meeting? 21:36:22 <flwang> i'm good 21:37:08 <cbrumm> good here 21:37:40 <strigazi> ttsiouts: if you need anything come to my office :) 21:37:54 <strigazi> see you next week have a nice day cbrumm flwang 21:38:02 <ttsiouts> strigazi: will do 21:38:06 <ttsiouts> :) 21:38:16 <strigazi> #endmeeting