21:00:03 <strigazi> #startmeeting containers 21:00:04 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Dec 18 21:00:03 2018 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is strigazi. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 21:00:05 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 21:00:07 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'containers' 21:00:11 <strigazi> #topic Roll Call 21:00:15 <strigazi> o/ 21:00:22 <cbrumm_> o/ 21:00:52 <schaney> o/ 21:01:09 <eandersson> o/ 21:02:04 <flwang> o/ 21:02:09 <strigazi> #topic Announcements 21:02:58 <strigazi> I'd like to make a small announcement and thank mnaser, thanks to vexxhost we have a good ci for magnum after a long time. Take a look here: 21:03:09 <strigazi> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/577477/ 21:03:24 <mnaser> :D -- i hope to bring it to voting soon 21:03:48 <mnaser> and im working here to get conformance tests passing in gates -- https://review.openstack.org/#/c/625448/ (ill let you finish the meeting and announcement =]) 21:03:53 <cbrumm_> nice 21:04:28 <strigazi> devstack and a k8s cluster ready in 48'. For the openstack ci i'm used to this is super fast, we can do even better I guess. 21:05:08 <strigazi> thanks mnaser 21:05:15 <strigazi> #topic Stories/Tasks 21:06:10 <strigazi> Last week I picked Jim's patch and finally made almost everything work: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/577477/ flwang and others you can review. 21:07:22 <flwang> strigazi: i tested it yesterday before you add more comments 21:07:34 <flwang> and it works except the known pvc issue 21:08:03 <strigazi> Also last friday/saturday, I finished building all containers in the ci, here is a patch to build v1.11.6 https://review.openstack.org/#/c/625884/ 21:09:01 <cbrumm_> thumbs up 21:09:23 <strigazi> finally from me, this branch is to make the ci in queens green https://review.openstack.org/#/q/status:open+project:openstack/magnum+branch:stable/queens+topic:624132 21:09:42 <strigazi> Maybe we miss one more, I'll have a look. 21:10:05 <strigazi> That's it from me 21:11:56 <flwang> on my side, i continually polished the keystone auth patch 21:12:09 <flwang> and it's ready for another review 21:12:31 <flwang> and help testing the CPO patch and the resource clean up patch 21:12:45 <flwang> and I really love the speed up patch from mnaser and lxkong 21:12:51 <strigazi> Looks ready to me, I'll test after the meeting for keystone auth. 21:13:06 <mnaser> :D thanks for lxkong to polishing up my work 21:13:16 <flwang> meanwhile, i'm working on the auto healing feature with NPD, draino, autoscaler 21:13:47 <flwang> i have played draino a lot, and next will be NPD, then I will start to integrate those three 21:13:56 <flwang> that's all 21:14:25 <cbrumm_> I'd love to hear your thoughts on those flwang 21:14:54 <schaney> We are also starting to look into those, hopefully we'll have more to discuss in starting in the new year 21:14:55 <flwang> cbrumm_: we can discuss offline 21:15:05 <flwang> schaney: sure thing 21:16:05 <openstackgerrit> Mohammed Naser proposed openstack/magnum master: wip: multinode conformance https://review.openstack.org/625448 21:18:27 <strigazi> Does anyone have something else to bring up? 21:19:26 <cbrumm_> None hear, we're deploying magnum to production but we won't be opening it up for use until later. Right now we're just trying to get to the new year. 21:19:29 <jakeyip> hi all sorry am late 21:19:54 <strigazi> cbrumm_: +! 21:19:57 <flwang> cbrumm_: mind letting us know your company? 21:19:58 <strigazi> cbrumm_: +1 21:20:06 <cbrumm_> Blizzard 21:20:11 <flwang> oh, no 21:20:20 <flwang> i think you already got Magnum on prod, no? 21:20:30 <cbrumm_> Not prod, been in dev for months 21:20:40 <colin-> also here lurking, nothing to introduce today 21:20:46 <flwang> ah, i see. sorry, i thought you're in Blizzard 21:20:57 <colin-> we are (including cbrumm) 21:21:07 <schaney> I as well 21:21:09 <flwang> colin-: yep, i know 21:21:14 <eandersson> o/ 21:21:19 <flwang> hah 21:21:25 <flwang> LOL 21:21:50 <flwang> jakeyip: anything you want to discuss? 21:21:54 <jakeyip> wow that's a bunch of people. hi Blizzard 21:22:09 <jakeyip> not from me, lurking in the background 21:22:17 <colin-> testing out 1.13.1 and trying to get ipvs happy with the change they /q flwang 21:22:30 <colin-> fixed in the patch, that i sent you in PM flwang (sorry for typo) 21:22:47 <strigazi> colin-: is it in gerrit? 21:23:21 <colin-> no, built from upstream to see if it was likely to introduce any issues with the control plane. nothing distressing yet but did see a heat-agent trace i will need to investigate 21:23:24 <flwang> colin-: great 21:23:55 <strigazi> for k8s 1.13.1? 21:24:00 <colin-> yes 21:24:58 <strigazi> Shall we go to 1.13.x? it works as far as I'm concerned and conformance tests are passing. 21:25:12 <colin-> i'm in favor of it, personally, given the CVE 21:25:32 <strigazi> tested in magnum master devstack and in prod at cern. 21:25:39 <colin-> did you have to change anything? 21:25:51 <strigazi> colin-: 1.11.5 covers the CVE 21:26:07 <colin-> that's fair, just eager for the 1.13 goodies i suppose 21:26:27 <strigazi> colin-: the scheduler tries to generate certs. I forced to listen in only yo localhost and serve insecurely 21:26:40 <strigazi> colin-: the scheduler tries to generate certs. I forced to listen only on localhost and serve insecurely 21:28:31 <strigazi> Regarding, the next meeting, I'll manage to be around only on the 9th of January. I won't manage for the next two tuesdays. 21:28:41 <cbrumm_> Same for us 21:29:06 <strigazi> flwang? next meeting on the 9th of January 2019? 21:29:12 <colin-> i'll take a look at the scheduler startup for that behavior, thanks strigazi 21:29:32 <flwang> strigazi: 9th works for me 21:29:41 <flwang> i will take leave for next 2 weeks 21:30:05 <jakeyip> hee some here :) 21:30:25 <flwang> jakeyip: celebrate the summer Xmas :D 21:30:58 <jakeyip> going to be hot hot hot 21:31:41 <jakeyip> before everyone leaves I have something not terriby urgent that I would like to ask 21:31:53 <strigazi> jakeyip: go for it 21:32:08 <jakeyip> I've been talking to flwang about a use case having floating IPs only for masters so that we can save some v4 addresses. from what we've found it doesn't work. it's not terrribly urgent but wondering if this is something magnum is willing to support? 21:32:53 <colin-> interesting, what is the objective for it? 21:33:00 <strigazi> jakeyip: yes, it is. We lack manpower at the moment though. 21:33:41 <flwang> strigazi: i think you have a patch for that? 21:33:54 <strigazi> colin-: I think, usally fips == expensive public ipv4 21:33:59 <flwang> or somebody else, but im pretty sure there is a patch somewhere 21:34:18 <jakeyip> colin-: well we would rather have a cluster that only uses private network addresses internally, but has FIP so users can use kubectl from outside 21:34:20 <strigazi> flwang: yes, I do, needs more work though, not just a rebase. 21:34:41 <flwang> strigazi: i see and i think the hard part is the backward compatibility 21:34:55 <jakeyip> strigazi: can point me to it? I don't mind having a look and see what I can do 21:35:06 <flwang> jakeyip: if you have bandwidth, please just take it and we're happy to review 21:35:09 <strigazi> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/395095/ 21:35:55 <jakeyip> thanks I'll take a look and see what can be done 21:36:15 <strigazi> cool 21:37:04 <colin-> understood 21:38:58 <strigazi> Shall we end the meeting? Anything else to discuss? 21:39:46 <cbrumm_> I think we're good 21:41:33 <strigazi> cool, thanks everyone. See you next year! Happy holidays 21:41:43 <jakeyip> happy holidays! 21:42:03 <strigazi> #endmeeting