21:02:26 <strigazi> #startmeeting containers 21:02:27 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Jan 29 21:02:26 2019 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is strigazi. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 21:02:28 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 21:02:30 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'containers' 21:02:34 <strigazi> #topic Roll Call 21:02:45 <cbrumm> o/ 21:02:48 <strigazi> o/ 21:02:55 <jakeyip> o/ 21:04:00 <imdigitaljim> o/ 21:04:38 <strigazi> #topic Stories/Tasks 21:05:24 <strigazi> From my side: 21:05:34 <strigazi> k8s v1.11.6 images rebuilt https://review.openstack.org/#/c/633478/ 21:06:00 <strigazi> (v1.11.7 was out just yesterday) 21:06:37 <strigazi> tiller deployment can be taken in, please review https://review.openstack.org/#/c/612336/ 21:07:40 <imdigitaljim> from us: 21:07:52 <strigazi> two patches for upgrades: add openssh clients to the heat-agent https://review.openstack.org/#/c/633504/ AND add the agent to all nodes: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/561858/ 21:07:53 <imdigitaljim> we just got kubernetes org approval to submit 21:08:06 <imdigitaljim> so we might have some openstack-ccm updates to provide in the near future 21:08:34 <imdigitaljim> cluster autoscaler work and inplace upgrades for the centos driver 21:08:57 <imdigitaljim> once this is in place and stable ill be making effort to upstreaming the driver 21:09:09 <imdigitaljim> we run v1.13.2 atm as well 21:09:31 <imdigitaljim> we also want to finalize any core magnum changes we'd probably need to do 21:10:06 <strigazi> imdigitaljim: please build also the ci for the special centos image. 21:10:13 <imdigitaljim> cluster-autoscaler work is k8s specific (mostly), trivial driver changes if any i forget 21:10:19 <colin-> o/ 21:10:19 <imdigitaljim> yes i definitely will 21:10:23 <imdigitaljim> make an mvp centos CI 21:11:47 <imdigitaljim> although strigazi: i might need some help getting that setup im unfamiliar 21:12:11 <imdigitaljim> to connect with existing stuff to be easily consumed 21:12:22 <strigazi> for the cluster-autoscaler I'm testing our own https://github.com/cernops/autoscaler/pull/3 21:12:34 <imdigitaljim> ill forward to our cas man 21:12:34 <strigazi> I'm giving priority to that one. 21:12:44 <flwang> sorry, i'm late 21:13:12 <colin-> nice strigazi looks like a lot of progress 21:15:39 <flwang> strigazi: what are we discussing? 21:16:21 <flwang> i'd like to discuss the k8s image versions we support, related to patch https://review.openstack.org/633650 21:16:58 <strigazi> flwang: looks ok, maybe we can use the vars file 21:17:25 <strigazi> other than that it is ok 21:17:58 <strigazi> flwang: what do you think? 21:18:33 <flwang> strigazi: use vars is also ok for me and it's more clean i think, i will propose another patchset 21:19:11 <strigazi> flwang: thanks, building all of them is fine 21:19:27 <strigazi> I have another thing I want to discuss 21:19:46 <strigazi> We have an issue in k8s_fedora 21:19:53 <strigazi> maybe in centos that imdigitaljim is solved 21:20:07 <strigazi> k8s uostrean beeds three CAs 21:20:21 <strigazi> CA= certificate authority not cluster autoscaler 21:20:28 <strigazi> one for etcd 21:20:36 <strigazi> one for front-proxy 21:20:43 <strigazi> and one for the API 21:20:58 <strigazi> In magnum we create only one. 21:21:41 <strigazi> In the same manner that we create the service account keys, we need two more CAs. 21:22:00 <flwang> what's the affection now? 21:22:23 <flwang> affection/impact i mean 21:22:36 <strigazi> For example, a new feature like the metrics-server doesn't work correctly 21:22:37 <flwang> is there any security hole now? 21:22:39 <strigazi> see here: 21:22:49 <imdigitaljim> oh? 21:23:03 <imdigitaljim> helm chart metrics server? 21:23:04 <strigazi> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/632392/ 21:23:21 <strigazi> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/632392/4/magnum/drivers/common/templates/kubernetes/fragments/configure-kubernetes-master.sh@75 21:23:31 <strigazi> This option kind of works 21:23:43 <strigazi> but the proper thing to do is to have tree CAs 21:23:52 <strigazi> see docs here: 21:24:35 <strigazi> https://github.com/kubernetes/website/blob/master/content/en/docs/setup/certificates.md 21:25:00 <flwang> so you mean though we can use the current, only one, CA, but we'd better to create 3, right? 21:25:18 <strigazi> installing the metrics-server with helm or not, it doesn'r matter 21:25:23 <strigazi> flwang: yes 21:25:38 <strigazi> quoting docs: You can create a single root CA, controlled by an administrator. This root CA can then create multiple intermediate CAs, and delegate all further creation to Kubernetes itself. 21:26:17 <imdigitaljim> yeah 21:26:24 <imdigitaljim> 1 CA is okay 21:26:24 <strigazi> having these three CAs would make the transition to kubeadm ~trivial 21:26:27 <imdigitaljim> 3 CA is better 21:26:31 <flwang> strigazi: i see 21:26:47 <strigazi> kubeadm will try to create these three CAs. 21:26:53 <flwang> strigazi: so i think it's important but not urgent issue 21:27:01 <strigazi> if you provide them it will use them 21:27:08 <flwang> cool 21:27:22 <imdigitaljim> also note: we dont use kubeadm at this time 21:27:27 <imdigitaljim> in case you were wondering 21:27:52 <imdigitaljim> theres a few issues in using kubeadm that we need to be better before/if we transition to them 21:28:02 <imdigitaljim> i think they are publicly listed in their design docs 21:28:31 <strigazi> kubeadm or not, to use API aggregators we need to deploy front-proxy certs properly 21:29:09 <openstackgerrit> Feilong Wang proposed openstack/magnum stable/pike: support http/https proxy for discovery url https://review.openstack.org/633755 21:31:16 <strigazi> docs for front proxy: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/access-kubernetes-api/configure-aggregation-layer/ 21:32:19 <imdigitaljim> Warning: Do not reuse a CA that is used in a different context unless you understand the risks and the mechanisms to protect the CA’s usage. 21:32:20 <imdigitaljim> :D 21:32:24 <imdigitaljim> i see your concern 21:32:25 <openstackgerrit> Keith Berger proposed openstack/magnum stable/pike: support http/https proxy for discovery url https://review.openstack.org/633755 21:33:47 <strigazi> I can mention a horrible side-effect of using one CA. using the same CA to sign certs for kubelets and etcd, means compromise of kubelet certs gives access to etcd. 21:34:20 <imdigitaljim> sure 21:34:22 <strigazi> provided that there is a route from from the kubelet node to etcd 21:34:40 <imdigitaljim> preventing lateral movement is always good 21:34:41 <strigazi> same for the etcd that calico uses 21:35:22 <imdigitaljim> ill probably start working on solving some of these in the upcoming weeks 21:35:30 <imdigitaljim> good point out strigazi 21:35:44 <colin-> yeah. been working on Octavia on the side and have been going through this due to all the CAs it uses to secure communications between components 21:36:23 <colin-> and wanting them to be signed uniquely by service made deployment more complex but ultimately better for the security, imo 21:37:54 <strigazi> it is a ~chicken-egg problem. Who sings whose certs :) 21:38:19 <imdigitaljim> we were looking at other solutions like vault as a CA 21:38:22 <imdigitaljim> and such 21:38:24 <strigazi> The problem to cert management in kubernetes is more CAs 21:38:32 <imdigitaljim> https://github.com/hashicorp/vault 21:38:43 <strigazi> s/problem/solution/ 21:38:44 <imdigitaljim> not sure their CA capabilities 21:41:49 <strigazi> Anything else anyone? (the day is ending for me) 21:42:10 <imdigitaljim> not here 21:42:11 <imdigitaljim> o/ 21:42:42 <strigazi> flwang colin- jakeyip anything else? 21:43:00 <strigazi> jakeyip: for tempest python3, all good? 21:43:44 <jakeyip> Nothing to report :) 21:44:22 <strigazi> cool 21:44:49 <colin-> nope 21:45:00 <strigazi> let's end the meeting then 21:45:09 <colin-> have a good night! 21:45:17 <strigazi> see you next week 21:45:21 <strigazi> colin-: cheers 21:45:22 <cbrumm> bye all 21:45:49 <strigazi> #endmeeting