21:01:09 <strigazi> #startmeeting containers 21:01:10 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Feb 5 21:01:09 2019 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is strigazi. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 21:01:11 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 21:01:14 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'containers' 21:01:17 <strigazi> #topic Roll Call 21:01:18 <eandersson> o/ 21:01:25 <strigazi> o/ 21:01:29 <jakeyip> o/ 21:03:17 <strigazi> Hey eandersson and jakeyip, let's get into it. I needs some reviewers :) 21:03:28 <strigazi> #topic Stories/Tasks 21:03:41 <eandersson> That's what we are here for! :D 21:04:08 <strigazi> 5 items, here it goes: 21:04:19 <strigazi> k8s_fedora: Deploy tiller https://review.openstack.org/#/c/612336/ 21:04:19 <strigazi> [k8s_fedora] Add heat-agent to worker nodes https://review.openstack.org/#/c/561858/ 21:04:22 <strigazi> [k8s] helm install metrics service https://review.openstack.org/#/c/632392/ 21:04:25 <strigazi> Allow cluster template being renamed https://review.openstack.org/#/c/609174/ 21:04:28 <strigazi> Add hidden flag to cluster template https://review.openstack.org/#/c/634948/ 21:04:51 <strigazi> First two are mine, ready for review. I have mentioned them before. 21:05:12 <strigazi> Tiller in master nodes, and heat-agent in all nodes 21:05:43 <strigazi> Next, colleague Diogo works on deploying the metrics server with helm in 632392 21:06:08 <strigazi> And last two are useful for operators to advertise public CTs 21:06:45 <strigazi> Feilong proposed to allow CTs being renamed, like docker.io/ubuntu:latest 21:07:15 <strigazi> And ricardo has a complementary patch to add a hidden field in CTs. 21:07:46 <strigazi> You advertise a CT to users and when you want to put it away you hide like images. 21:07:47 <jakeyip> would love to help, actually looking at last two right now because that's something I was interested in :) 21:08:27 <strigazi> clusters can use a hidden public CT, but users shopping for a CT can not list it. 21:09:29 <strigazi> If the know the uuid they can use it. (bad for them, kind of). We can add a check to not allow creation with hidden CTs. Not sure we want this or if it is that important. 21:09:37 <strigazi> nice jakeyip 21:09:48 <strigazi> jakeyip: eandersson any questions? 21:10:09 <jakeyip> there's actually a similar thing in glance but it's called community (?) 21:10:17 <openstackgerrit> Spyros Trigazis proposed openstack/magnum master: k8s_fedora: Deploy tiller https://review.openstack.org/612336 21:10:18 <openstackgerrit> Spyros Trigazis proposed openstack/magnum master: [k8s] helm install metrics service https://review.openstack.org/632392 21:10:29 <strigazi> jakeyip yes, we thought about it 21:10:34 <eandersson> sounds straightforward enough 21:10:42 <eandersson> anything in particular that is of higher priority? 21:10:54 <strigazi> but we would have to deprecate public and make a new enum field. microversions etc 21:11:31 <jakeyip> honestly, I think this is easier to understand and less awkward, but just would like to know if making things similar across services was considered 21:11:42 <jakeyip> all good then 21:12:20 <strigazi> 1st 634948 and 609174 the other three are important too but can be cherry-picked :) 21:12:36 <strigazi> I mean downstream 21:13:14 <strigazi> Adding helm, will simplify things a lot. We want all the CERN specific things to become a single chart that we just enable 21:13:52 <strigazi> The heat agent can wait a bit but it is the simplest :) 21:14:06 <jakeyip> re: tiller, I wonder if anybody has done tiller in gitlab before? does this implementation break that? 21:14:33 <strigazi> jakeyip I had tried it. You can have many tillers 21:14:49 <strigazi> that is why I add tiller in magnum-tiller 21:15:15 <strigazi> the releases of helm live there 21:15:38 <strigazi> The only thing that would break if gitlab's tiller wants to deploy the same thing. 21:15:53 <strigazi> However I added the option to select the namespace 21:16:04 <jakeyip> I see. nice! 21:16:07 <strigazi> So you can install tiller in kube-system 21:16:28 <strigazi> only things is you would have to distribute tiller certs 21:17:23 <strigazi> jakeyip: how you deploy with gitlab? 21:17:26 <jakeyip> so you can install in kube-system and let gitlab detect it? 21:18:03 <strigazi> jakeyip: yes, it is the default but gitlab will need the certs to talk to tiller over tls. I haven't tried that 21:18:18 <strigazi> jakeyip: I'll give it a go. 21:18:19 <jakeyip> strigazi: a gitlab user can spin up their own cluster and attach the cluster to it their gitlab account 21:19:23 <jakeyip> strigazi: then they'll have the option to install tiller and it'll be able to pick up the jobs in CI/CD pipelines on a commit. 21:20:12 <strigazi> jakeyip: I'll give a go again, it is been some time. The option to insall tiller in magnum-tiller ns is totally compatible 21:20:16 <jakeyip> I think it's fine if it's different NS 21:20:45 <jakeyip> the annoying thing is that gitlab doesn't let you choose NS :P 21:21:00 <jakeyip> your implementation is superior 21:21:54 <strigazi> jakeyip: I implemtented all the best practices mentioned in the docs 21:22:15 <strigazi> jakeyip: only thing I couldn't avoid is make tiller sa very powerfull 21:22:45 <strigazi> jakeyip: the metrics server chart needs to create cluster level roles and bindings 21:23:02 <strigazi> jakeyip: it was unavoidable 21:23:22 <strigazi> jakeyip: eandersson have a look into this: https://github.com/stefanprodan/gitops-helm 21:23:47 <strigazi> better than pushing to the cluster. The cluster pulls instead when you push code. 21:24:12 <eandersson> cbrumm_, ^ 21:25:01 <cbrumm_> thanks @eandersson: I'll review later 21:25:26 <strigazi> Ricardo had implemented a similar method but this one is more mature 21:26:07 <strigazi> eandersson: this one https://gitlab.cern.ch/helm/plugins/crd-release/tree/crd 21:26:30 <eandersson> interesting 21:27:07 <strigazi> we didn't know about the gitops thing before 21:28:21 <strigazi> eandersson: the only depressing thing is that it is the same pattern as our puppet deployment, soooo it might bite later? who knows :) 21:30:12 <jakeyip> strigazi: how's your puppet deployment like? 21:31:56 <strigazi> jakeyip: in short: you push to repo, puppet-master picks up the changes, puppet agent runs every 60mins (unless you tell it to run) and applies the config 21:32:58 <strigazi> jakeyip: so similarly, with gitops, you push the chart to repo, cluster listens to webhook (or cronjob) and it applies the chart 21:33:01 <strigazi> jakeyip: makes sense? 21:33:42 <jakeyip> are you using puppet to update helm charts? 21:34:13 <strigazi> jakeyip: no 21:34:38 <jakeyip> sorry, I mean to run the updated charts; update containers in your cluster 21:36:51 <strigazi> jakeyip: at the moment each team has each own method. Some do it with helm by hand 21:37:33 <strigazi> others with gitlab, but without the integration, just in gitlab ci the ci knows how to talk to the cluster 21:39:34 <jakeyip> strigazi: which integration is this referring to? 21:40:07 <jakeyip> (I think we can take this topic offline if necessary, I don't want to hold up meeting time) 21:41:48 <strigazi> eandersson: do you have anything to add? Do you need any further clarifications for the patches I mentioned before? 21:41:53 <strigazi> jakeyip: same ^^ 21:42:24 <eandersson> I'll take some time towards the end of the week to go through them 21:42:35 <eandersson> and I'll let you know if I need anything else 21:43:28 <strigazi> Thanks 21:44:05 <jakeyip> same. I'm new so not that familiar with magnum code base, but I'll try to help. 21:45:50 <strigazi> thanks jakeyip 21:46:42 <openstackgerrit> Merged openstack/magnum master: Allow cluster template being renamed https://review.openstack.org/609174 21:47:15 <strigazi> eandersson: jakeyip so Feilong was did it :) 21:47:44 <strigazi> flwang1: you can also review Ricardo's patch, Allow cluster template being renamed https://review.openstack.org/#/c/609174/ 21:48:12 <strigazi> I think you will need that to not have a huge list of CTs 21:48:44 <flwang1> strigazi: which one? 21:48:55 <strigazi> two line above 21:49:14 <strigazi> wrong link 21:49:21 <strigazi> correct: 21:49:22 <strigazi> Add hidden flag to cluster template https://review.openstack.org/#/c/634948/ 21:50:04 <flwang1> strigazi: oh, yep, we had similar idea for glance public images 21:50:20 <flwang1> it's quite annoying when the number is big 21:50:41 <strigazi> flwang1: the idea comes from there. We use community images in our cloud to not have a massive list of images 21:50:59 <flwang1> i will review that 21:51:22 <strigazi> I explained above that we didn't use the same thing to not have to deprecate the public field. 21:51:42 <strigazi> Also IMO hidden makes more sense than community 21:52:20 <flwang1> strigazi: yep, generally, user/admin just don't want to see them in the list 21:52:20 <strigazi> When the cloud admin marks an image community, it is strange 21:54:21 <flwang1> i agree 21:54:37 <flwang1> personally, i like the 'hidden' idea 21:54:53 <strigazi> sweet \o/ 21:55:02 <strigazi> let's do this :) 21:55:11 <strigazi> I need to review it actually first xD 21:55:54 <strigazi> Let's end the meeting? Anything else to discuss? 21:57:05 <strigazi> said once 21:57:22 <strigazi> said twice 21:57:34 <strigazi> See you around! 21:57:38 <strigazi> #endmeeting