16:01:04 <hogepodge> #startmeeting defcore 16:01:05 <openstack> Meeting started Wed Jul 6 16:01:04 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is hogepodge. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:01:06 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 16:01:08 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'defcore' 16:01:13 <hogepodge> #chair markvoelker eglute 16:01:14 <openstack> Warning: Nick not in channel: markvoelker 16:01:15 <openstack> Current chairs: eglute hogepodge markvoelker 16:01:23 <eglute> o/ 16:01:25 <Rockyg> o/ 16:01:49 <VanL> o/ 16:02:05 <gema> o/ 16:02:19 <catherineD|2> o/ 16:02:26 <hogepodge> #link agenda https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/DefCoreLunar.10 16:02:48 <hogepodge> #topic Sessions for Barcelona 16:03:33 <hogepodge> The call for proposals closes this week for the OpenStack Summit in Barcelona. If you've submitted a talk or are planning to, can you add a link or description to the etherpad? 16:04:03 <gema> hogepodge: a talk about defcore or about anything? 16:04:38 <hogepodge> Generally about defcore or refstack or interop, but if you have any other talks you've submitted I'd like to hear about them too. :-D 16:05:03 <gema> alright 16:05:21 <hogepodge> Has anyone submitted anything yet? 16:05:28 <eglute> no.. have you? 16:05:47 <hogepodge> No, not yet. 16:05:51 <hogepodge> Ok, moving on. 16:05:53 <gema> I have submitted two about running clouds on AArch64 and by ODS I will have notes also on how interoperable they are 16:06:07 <eglute> i think having defcore 101 session would be good, what do ohters think 16:06:15 <gema> eglute: +1 16:06:16 <hogepodge> gema: great! can you put a link or abstract into the etherpad? 16:06:24 <Rockyg> ++ 16:06:31 <gema> hogepodge: yeah, no prob 16:06:53 <hogepodge> eglute: I think a 101 would be good, I really want to make sure it captures the process practically from testing to flagging to evaluating 16:07:05 <hogepodge> I can start to put something together for it 16:07:13 <eglute> hogepodge sounds good! 16:07:21 <gema> if we do a 101 talk, we should include a bit about the test spec 16:07:31 <gema> so developers are aware 16:07:31 <eglute> gema +1 16:07:33 <hogepodge> gema: +1 16:07:34 <Rockyg> i think it's good to have the 101 talk and a soon to be/nw capabilities requirement/what's changing talk 16:07:58 <eglute> Rockyg +1 on changes 16:08:08 <Rockyg> I think that should be every summit 16:08:30 <eglute> we should have working group session(s) again as well 16:08:38 <eglute> where we will be covering changes 16:08:50 <hogepodge> #link call for speakers page https://www.openstack.org/summit-login/login?BackURL=%2Fsummit%2Fbarcelona-2016%2Fcall-for-presentations%2F 16:08:58 <eglute> but if we have a general session, we can cover changes as well 16:09:34 <hogepodge> Working group sessions will be sorted out later this summer, and I'll have more information about how we can get one or two once the process opens 16:10:03 <Rockyg> thanks, hogepodge 16:10:45 <hogepodge> ok, anything else? 16:11:09 <hogepodge> #topic flag os-network extension tests 16:11:36 <hogepodge> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/329220/ 16:11:58 <hogepodge> VanL: eglute: it doesn't like like dwalleck is here today? Do you have any updates on the status of this? 16:12:12 <eglute> I do not... 16:12:17 <VanL> This is a pretty straightforward flag request 16:12:51 <VanL> There is an additional functionality being pulled in - os-networks 16:12:59 <hogepodge> We were hoping for more updates on the progress in Tempest. As part of flag requests we want to encourage engagement with upstream so we can make sure the underlying issue is resolved 16:13:55 <VanL> We can try to do that, but time is short due to some other factors 16:14:06 <eglute> +1 on more involvement, but we shouldnt hold back the PR. I had +1 only for more discussion, will change it to +2 16:14:25 <VanL> There was one -1, looks like due to formatting that is now fixed 16:14:31 <VanL> otherwise its +6 16:15:31 <VanL> eglute +1 - this shouldn't be controversial 16:15:33 <VanL> :) 16:15:35 <hogepodge> VanL: based on the comments from markvoelker it appears part of the holdup is following up with a bug 16:16:09 <hogepodge> It's not controversial, but we'd like to track the progress and create an environment where we can come back to these problems and try to fix them at the source 16:16:13 <VanL> I can chase down Daryl. I just know that he has a bunch of other things on his plate that have been put higher than this 16:16:23 <hogepodge> Understand 16:17:09 <VanL> He is, unsurprisingly, following the orders of his direct manager - who is telling him to work on other things, not upstream tempest right now. 16:17:35 <VanL> He's out of round tuits for a while due to some of the other issues that have been bubbling here over the past months 16:18:09 <Rockyg> hogepodge, perhaps we wan get a defcore impact tag in tempest? It might raise the visibility of our bugs 16:18:20 <hogepodge> ok 16:18:32 <VanL> Can we +2 the PR? 16:18:57 <eglute> i am ready to move it forward, unless there are other comments 16:19:49 <hogepodge> If your cloud isn't running upstream code it's difficult to reproduce and make sure the problem is fixed. I can +2, but I don't feel ok merging until markvoelker +2s it also. 16:20:15 <eglute> Mark had it at +1, 16:20:43 <VanL> The issue is an atomic test issue - it pulls in a non-defcore function 16:20:48 <eglute> I changed mine to +2. 16:21:24 <VanL> (Turns out we have this function, but we have it on a different URL path due to... reasons..., but fixing that will take too long for right now.) 16:21:40 <hogepodge> Let me look at the test and see how deep it funs. I'll review post meeting today. 16:21:50 <eglute> thank you hogepodge 16:21:57 <hogepodge> s/funs/runs/ 16:22:30 <hogepodge> #topic Move network router tests 16:22:32 <VanL> (We plan on fixing the URL path, but right now this should be flagged) 16:22:55 <hogepodge> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/326755/ 16:23:35 <hogepodge> catherineD|2: do you have an input on this review? 16:23:48 <hogepodge> Is Charles around? 16:23:55 <cjvolzka> I am 16:25:29 <cjvolzka> I only noticed this because we don't yet support routers causing us to fail these tests. Since all the other routers tests were put under L3 it made sense to me that these should as well. 16:26:10 <hogepodge> cjvolzka: ok, makes sense 16:26:27 <eglute> +2 16:26:50 <hogepodge> I'll give it a review after the meeting, any other comments on this? 16:26:57 <cjvolzka> Once L3 moves out of advisory then these would all become required again. As they are now we're indirectly requiring router functionality even though routers aren't yet required. 16:27:50 <hogepodge> cjvolzka: yeah, do you think at L3 is something that is reasonably required for defcore given the multitude of networking models? 16:29:34 <cjvolzka> There was some debate on this in the past when routers was first proposed. We don't currently support it, but that's only ancedotal. We're more private cloud focused but it is on our roadmap. 16:30:10 <hogepodge> cjvolzka: understand. will you make the mid-cycle? I think this could be a useful topic for discussion during one of our sessions there 16:30:14 <catherineD|2> hogepodge: in general, required capability (L2) should not include non-require capability (L3) for 2016.08 ... 16:30:36 <cjvolzka> hogepodge: Sadly no :( 16:31:26 <hogepodge> cjvolzka: ok, could you send me or the mailing list an e-mail so I can get some background for discussion? 16:31:52 <cjvolzka> hogepodge: sure, np 16:32:02 <hogepodge> networks is going to be a really big addition, and I want to make sure we get as much of it right early as we can 16:32:19 <hogepodge> cjvolzka: thank you 16:32:48 <hogepodge> anything else on this topic? 16:33:06 <hogepodge> #action hogepodge to add networks agenda item to midcycle 16:33:24 <hogepodge> #topic Maintenance and flag patches 16:33:41 <hogepodge> #link Flags not carried forward https://review.openstack.org/#/c/310582/ 16:34:02 <hogepodge> That patch reconciles the flags on 2015.07 and 2016.01 16:34:14 <eglute> looks good to me! 16:34:18 <hogepodge> catherineD|2: had a policy question about it that I need to answer 16:34:27 <hogepodge> #link Gate on active guidelines https://review.openstack.org/#/c/335251/ 16:34:44 <catherineD|2> hogepodge: yea just a question about : Should flags identified in a latest guideline be carried backward to previous guidelines? if so, how many previous guidelines needed to be updated. 16:34:59 <hogepodge> catherineD|2: I would think just to active guidelines 16:35:35 <catherineD|2> ok make senses .. Adding flags will not affect results ... removing flags will 16:35:59 <hogepodge> catherineD|2: yeah, and it changes the optics of previous guidelines if we change them 16:36:03 <eglute> looks like Mark just gave it +2, so if no objections, i will merge it 16:36:03 <markvoelker> And they only need to be carried forward if the rationale for the flag is still valid. 16:36:11 <hogepodge> markvoelker: +1 16:36:36 <hogepodge> markvoelker: yeah, that should be one of the last things we do before presenting next to the board, pulling flags forward or dropping them as needed 16:36:47 <catherineD|2> hogepodge: ++ 16:36:56 <Rockyg> ++ 16:37:14 * markvoelker is on a slow mobile link from somewhere in the Appalachians so please pardon me being quiet today 16:37:19 <hogepodge> #link Add test aliases https://review.openstack.org/#/c/329577/3 16:37:43 <catherineD|2> hogepodge: I reviewed this one 16:37:55 <hogepodge> More tempest tests moved, I helped write that patch up and the submitter is very anxious about landing it. 16:37:59 <hogepodge> catherineD|2: ty 16:38:18 <catherineD|2> Adding alias to these tests does not help or hurt anything ... 16:38:53 <eglute> ready to merge then? 16:38:57 <catherineD|2> first of all these were flagge tessts since Dec 2015 and subject to remove and indeed were removed 16:39:14 <catherineD|2> and the test does not exist any more ... 16:39:25 <hogepodge> catherineD|2: I see 16:39:51 <catherineD|2> I don't mind either way but how do we prevent users from spending time on non-necessary debug? 16:40:22 <eglute> catherineD|2 good question... topic for midcycle? 16:40:46 <hogepodge> catherineD|2: eglute: +1 on midcycle topic 16:40:50 <catherineD|2> perhaps educate users that if the flagged message state to be removed ... then users should not pay attention to them? 16:41:20 <catherineD|2> yea let's add it the midcycle .. 16:41:29 <hogepodge> catherineD|2: and that they don't need to pass them. I had a very difficult time communicating this. 16:41:38 <catherineD|2> meanwhile we can merge the patch for the effort ... but it is really useless 16:41:51 <eglute> merged already, thanks markvoelker 16:42:01 <hogepodge> Anything else on these? 16:42:20 <hogepodge> #topic Regroup capabilities 16:42:34 <hogepodge> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/defcore/+bug/1579162 16:42:34 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1579162 in defcore "Group capabilities consistently" [Low,New] 16:43:01 <hogepodge> VanL: and I were going to work on this, but I think we were sidetracked with other issues. 16:43:09 <hogepodge> I was going through the bug tracker this morning and was reminded of it. 16:43:31 <VanL> I had totally forgotten 16:43:42 <hogepodge> Basically, the issue is the grouping if networks capabilities is inconsistent with other capabilities, and looking at reconciling it. 16:44:07 <hogepodge> I brought it up just to remind ourselves about it. 16:44:32 <hogepodge> Anyone have comments on it? 16:44:56 <eglute> hogepodge and VanL if you have a proposal for midcycle, we could review it then? 16:45:11 <VanL> That would work 16:45:12 <hogepodge> eglute: sure, just have to write it up 16:45:22 <eglute> thank you :) 16:45:25 <hogepodge> midcycle is filling up rather rapidly, which brings us to the next topic 16:45:37 <hogepodge> #topic DefCore Mid-cycle/Sprint 16:45:55 <hogepodge> Thank you VanL and eglute for arranging space for us at RAX San Antonio 16:46:10 <gema> +1, thanks! 16:46:22 <eglute> it was all VanL! 16:46:23 <hogepodge> markvoelker has put together an initial agenda 16:46:25 <hogepodge> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/DefCoreSummer2016Sprint 16:46:58 <hogepodge> We should be looking at the topics and making comments so we can nail down the final agenda. 16:47:06 <VanL> FYI, this was from our internal team: "we were able to reserve 1479 for the original dates provided below. This meeting room is off the main lobby and has the below necessary room requirements. Reminder that all visitor names will need to be provided to the Front Desk at least a day prior to arrival." 16:47:56 <eglute> #action everyone: add your name/company if attending midcycle in person 16:48:01 <hogepodge> VanL: thanks, I added that note to the etherpad agenda 16:49:20 <hogepodge> #action everyone review agenda and propose additions/changes 16:49:20 <VanL> There will be food trucks around on Tuesday, and there are a number of close restaurants Wed/Thurs. I'll make sure we have snacks. 16:50:12 <hogepodge> Anything else on this? 16:50:18 <VanL> Drinks will also be available 16:50:22 <VanL> and provided 16:50:43 <eglute> i will send out calendar invite for midcycle days 16:50:59 <hogepodge> #action eglute to send out calendar invitation for midcycle 16:51:04 <Rockyg> I hope you have some good bourbon... 16:51:25 <eglute> not officially :D 16:51:32 <VanL> Rockyg: LOL. Not *those* kind of drinks. 16:51:37 <hogepodge> #topic Waiver for additional responses on Nova API calls 16:51:47 <hogepodge> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/333067/ 16:52:41 <VanL> My only issue is that I want strict API checking to go through the normal defcore process 16:53:23 <VanL> It doesn't just get "turned on" at some point - changes in the API that are required for TM compliance must be scored, weighed, etc. 16:53:35 <hogepodge> I'm not sure what more I can say this week. Administratively I'd like to see the Foundation have a way to work this out, so just a reminder that it's there. 16:54:48 <eglute> VanL can you create a launchpad issue for strict API checking? 16:54:57 <hogepodge> It's related to this, which gives a formal path for additional properties https://review.openstack.org/#/c/335247/ 16:55:02 <eglute> I would like to move forward with this waiver 16:55:14 <hogepodge> eglute: VanL: I can create that too if you'd like 16:55:25 <eglute> hogepodge that would be great 16:55:32 <VanL> +1 hogepodge 16:55:52 <eglute> markvoelker are you ok with the waiver? 16:56:02 <hogepodge> eglute: don't want to speak for markvoelker, but I think he's waiting on WG and board consensus? I don't want to +2 my own proposal. 16:56:17 <hogepodge> so to that end reviews are helpful 16:56:25 <eglute> i think the board agreed that we need a waiver 16:57:09 <eglute> i am ok with going forward with this. we can amend the waiver later as things come up 16:57:11 <markvoelker> Generally yes, I'm ok with it. From the BoD meeting I got the general impression they were ok with the idea too 16:57:52 <hogepodge> with two minutes left, I'm going to post the last few agenda items 16:57:56 <hogepodge> #topic wrap up 16:58:07 <hogepodge> #link Test Spec https://review.openstack.org/#/c/317531/ 16:58:17 <hogepodge> I'm sure this will get lots of attention at the sprint 16:58:35 <hogepodge> #link blueprint for test result ownership https://blueprints.launchpad.net/refstack/+spec/test-results-ownership 16:58:59 <hogepodge> #link blueprint for marking results as used in certification https://blueprints.launchpad.net/refstack/+spec/certification-test-record 16:58:59 <eglute> thanks gema and catherineD|2 for working on them 16:59:02 <catherineD|2> Please help to review the RefStack blueprint and spec 16:59:17 <hogepodge> #link review for associating test results to products https://review.openstack.org/#/c/332260/ 16:59:29 <catherineD|2> I hope to have these land and review in the midcycle .. 16:59:35 <hogepodge> RefStack is an important companion project to defcore, reviews and comments are greatly valued. 16:59:44 <gema> will do 16:59:49 <hogepodge> Thanks everyone! 16:59:58 <gema> thank you guys! 17:00:03 <catherineD|2> Thank you! 17:00:04 <hogepodge> #endmeeting