15:00:52 <zehicle_home> #startmeeting DefCore 13 15:00:53 <openstack> Meeting started Wed Sep 2 15:00:52 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is zehicle_home. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:54 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:00:57 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'defcore_13' 15:01:14 <zehicle_home> oh, dear. this is the B meeting :/ 15:01:35 <zehicle_home> I guess that's ok for :-B 15:01:49 <markvoelker> o/ 15:01:49 <kbaikov_> Hello 15:01:50 <zehicle_home> o/ 15:01:54 <dwalleck> o/ 15:02:00 <kbaikov_> o/ 15:02:16 <barrett1> o/ 15:02:17 <zehicle_home> was expecting attendance to be light due to VMworld so I'm glad to see so many hands! 15:02:26 <hogepodge> o/ 15:02:50 * markvoelker is at vmworld but hiding somewhere quiet-ish 15:02:51 <zehicle_home> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/DefCoreFlag.13 15:03:03 <zehicle_home> please review the agenda 15:03:16 <zehicle_home> we may be able to put the swift fun tests back in 15:03:52 * zehicle_home feels like the new google logo is sticking it's tongue out at me w/ the e at the end 15:03:54 <markvoelker> Worth noting on that front: https://review.openstack.org/164865 15:05:14 <zehicle_home> #chair hogepodge 15:05:15 <openstack> Current chairs: hogepodge zehicle_home 15:05:22 <zehicle_home> #chair markvoelker 15:05:23 <openstack> Current chairs: hogepodge markvoelker zehicle_home 15:05:32 <markvoelker> Per last comment there, there's a prototype/POC in refstack now for folks to look at 15:05:40 <markvoelker> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/214571/ 15:06:12 <hogepodge> markvoelker: we're going to have to finish that plugin ourselves, as the contract for that work has expired. 15:06:15 <zehicle_home> ok,let's start w/ that topic then 15:06:34 <zehicle_home> sorry, start w/ swift 15:06:36 <hogepodge> I volunteer to move it forward. I've been on travel for two weeks, and am woefully behind on committee work. Lots of catchup over the next two weeks for me. 15:06:54 <zehicle_home> unless there is other items on the agenda to prioritize? 15:07:02 <zehicle_home> moving Refstack up 15:07:25 <markvoelker> hogepodge: is someone working on pruining the test list for Swift? Comments indicated there were some in there that required admin access... 15:07:53 <markvoelker> I think notmyname was going to look into that, but it was sort of on the tail end of a previous meeting so not sure if anyone has an AI 15:07:57 <zehicle_home> #topic Swift Functional tests 15:08:12 * zehicle_home tweaked the order in the agenda 15:08:19 <zehicle_home> let's start w/ the Swift topic 15:08:48 <zehicle_home> can someone provide background for the discussion? 15:09:26 * markvoelker can take a stab at it, but hogepodge is probably more on point for this 15:09:26 <hogepodge> markvoelker: I spoke with notmyname about it. Swift's definition of admin is different from Keystone, so it's unclear how much privilege an account needs. 15:09:53 <hogepodge> markvoelker: admin, from what I understand, means someone who can post to a swift account. 15:10:00 <zehicle_home> my understanding is the Swift has a lot of tests that are not part of tempest 15:10:18 <zehicle_home> so that's the top item. 15:10:19 <markvoelker> So, background: 15:10:21 <hogepodge> zehicle_home: that set of tests is part of the review markvoelker posted earlier. 15:10:44 <markvoelker> WE had a priority this cycle to be able to include non-Tempest tests in our Guidelines 15:10:46 <zehicle_home> I was looking at the reviews on it 15:11:00 <markvoelker> Swift is the first case for that b/c they have some in-tree functional tests 15:11:12 <markvoelker> The patch above submits those tests 15:11:27 <markvoelker> In order to accept them, we have to actually have a mechanism for folks to run them in refstack 15:11:35 <zehicle_home> markvoelker, my thinking was we had to decide if we would include them. including them would be follow-up work 15:11:36 <markvoelker> And we need to make sure they comply with Guidelines, etc. 15:12:00 <markvoelker> So the refstack team has prototype code that would make this mechanically possible 15:12:04 <zehicle_home> +1 we had agreed in principle that all tests would need to work w/ refstack 15:12:18 <markvoelker> But there's still legwork that needs doing. 15:12:28 <markvoelker> <end background> 15:12:41 <zehicle_home> before we jump into background... 15:12:59 <zehicle_home> background -> implementation 15:13:07 <rockyg> o/ 15:13:34 <zehicle_home> I want to make sure of two things: 15:13:52 <zehicle_home> 1) the tests in question are still outside of tempest / refstack 15:14:15 <zehicle_home> 2) we have a position to accept them as being outside of tempest. 15:14:27 <zehicle_home> if the are runnable from tempest, then it's a simpler discussion 15:14:52 <markvoelker> 1) Yes, these are in the Swift tree. See https://review.openstack.org/#/c/164865/ 15:15:04 <hogepodge> zehicle_home: regarding 1), the plugin allows the tests to be run within the tempest framework, but they remain in swift tree. 15:15:23 <zehicle_home> hogepodge, ok. that's my confusion then 15:15:36 <zehicle_home> so, these tests work w/in the tools that we are using 15:15:57 <zehicle_home> we've been expecting lots of tests to move into the projects from tempest tree 15:16:01 <hogepodge> zehicle_home: 2) I'm torn on that one. at a minimum, an external test framework needs to be an accepted openstack project with diversity of contributions 15:16:37 <zehicle_home> I was thinking that we'd decided that 2) was not acceptable at this point 15:16:39 <markvoelker> zehicle_home: Well, they *will* work within our tools, if the POC is finished. Refer to https://review.openstack.org/#/c/214571/ 15:17:11 <markvoelker> zehicle_home: In Austin we discussed using the plugin approach and the Swift/Tempest folks seemed to think that was a reasonable middle ground. 15:17:20 <zehicle_home> so, if we take a position that tests must be runnable w/ the tools then there's a path forward 15:17:37 <zehicle_home> markvoelker, thanks. that's what I'm trying to clarify 15:17:59 <zehicle_home> it keeps DefCore from having to make the larger policy decision 15:18:09 <zehicle_home> but creates some work 15:18:36 <zehicle_home> had that changed since midcycle? 15:18:40 <markvoelker> Sure. For example, the current POC (IIRC) allows testr to find the tests, but running them is still hard due to configuration not being done yet. 15:18:46 * zehicle_home apologies for dragging up the history 15:18:56 <catherineD|2> o/ 15:18:57 <markvoelker> No, it hasn't changed AFAIK 15:19:05 <rockyg> But the tests need to be in an accepted openstack project... 15:19:25 <markvoelker> rockyg: They're in the Swift tree. I think Swift can safely call itself OpenStack. =) 15:19:28 <zehicle_home> +1 rockyg - that's part of the 2015A requirements 15:19:47 <rockyg> Right, but other, future proposed tests :-) 15:20:19 <zehicle_home> for now, I believe the official position is that all tests must be runnable by Tempest framework to be considered 15:20:30 <zehicle_home> and be part of the TC managed body of work 15:20:37 <rockyg> ++ 15:20:39 <hogepodge> rockyg: My opinion is they must be in an official project, with preference to tempest. 15:20:46 <markvoelker> rockyg: Yes see 2015A section A2 item 5: "Tests must be under OpenStack Technical Committee governance." 15:22:15 * markvoelker notes that we're 20 minutes in and suggests we move on from reviewing current status to how to move forward 15:22:39 <zehicle_home> since we've been pushing this agenda item, I wanted to make sure we can close it 15:22:42 <rockyg> markvoelker, +1 15:22:58 <markvoelker> So, hogepodge: you can help move the current POC forward since it's current authors can't continue to work on it? 15:23:08 <hogepodge> markvoelker: yes. 15:23:16 <markvoelker> And we need to determine the suitability of the tests in question, yes? 15:23:27 <markvoelker> Do you have that under control, or need some help? 15:23:34 <hogepodge> #action hogepodge to take over work of swift tempest plugin and test suitability 15:23:56 <hogepodge> markvoelker: Now that travel has settled down I have cycles to devote to it. 15:24:04 <markvoelker> hogepodge: awesome 15:24:16 <hogepodge> markvoelker: plus I'll be at qa meetup in two weeks, so can work with experts there 15:24:24 <rockyg> ++ 15:24:40 <zehicle_home> ok, I think this is moving to an implementation problem not a policy issue 15:24:47 <markvoelker> hogepodge: double good. Please shout if you need help. Next couple of weeks are fairly bananas for me, but happy to help if I can. 15:25:24 <markvoelker> zehicle_home: agreed, I think we've already solved that 15:25:35 * zehicle_home cheers 15:25:58 <zehicle_home> #topic Refstack 15:26:32 <zehicle_home> hogepodge or catherineD|2 , you want to talk refstack and project change? 15:26:41 <catherineD|2> I sent an email to DefCore ML list asking for help on vendor registration help ... 15:27:25 <markvoelker> catherineD|2: I can take a first pass at drafting that next week if that will help get the ball rolling 15:27:27 <zehicle_home> I thought it made sense 15:27:45 <catherineD|2> RefStack is now a "Big Tent" project ... need to send patch tomove the repos next 15:27:56 <catherineD|2> markvoelker: thx 15:28:16 <zehicle_home> hogepodge, you have a plan to address developer changes? do we need to find funds/people to help? 15:28:24 <markvoelker> #action markvoelker Create first draft of registration functional spec 15:28:59 <hogepodge> zehicle_home: I have none. We need to recruit and extoll the benefits of assigning a dev to interop efforts 15:29:09 <rockyg> Yeah. The how of vendor ownership that is not totally tied to a specific individual key set is important 15:30:13 <rockyg> With a Chinese dev from IBM particpating, maybe I can get a Huawei dev on board.... I'll try. 15:30:16 * zehicle_home wish some company just landed a big boatload of venture funding for OpenStack work 15:30:30 <rockyg> hrm 15:30:50 <zehicle_home> ok, moving on.... last comments on Refstack> 15:31:00 <zehicle_home> I think catherineD|2 would appreciate some +1s to her email 15:31:06 <catherineD|2> we need to solve the dev problem 15:31:19 <catherineD|2> so it is not an IBM project 15:31:39 <catherineD|2> we just add one more person from IBM but that is just to make sure to get the work done .. 15:31:47 <rockyg> need the flow/auth/ for changing committer of texts without changing vendor ownership 15:32:13 <rockyg> s/texts/tests 15:32:28 <zehicle_home> #topic changing scoring weights? 15:32:41 <zehicle_home> markvoelker, did you experiment w/ this at all? 15:33:06 <zehicle_home> I want to track it for a topic but have not played with potential changes 15:33:25 <markvoelker> zehicle_home: not yet (no time due to VMworld), but it's quite simple to play with since the scoring script reads the weights directly from whatever .json guideline doc you feed it. 15:34:12 <zehicle_home> IMHO, the critical question is where the diversity in +/- scores is 15:34:29 <zehicle_home> if 50% of the columns are all the same, then they are not really adding much to the score 15:34:49 <zehicle_home> BUT they create a barrier to incomplete projects. that was the original intent 15:34:56 <hogepodge> zehicle_home: future direction and widely deployed are where I'm seeing the biggest variance. 15:35:18 <markvoelker> zehicle_home: Sure. I have a few thoughts kicking around on things that might be good candidates for higher/lower weighting. But need to get time to play it out. 15:35:32 <zehicle_home> yy. expected that - we did not want those to become "THE" criteria 15:35:50 <zehicle_home> or it would basically be back to fighting over future direction vs. adoption 15:36:42 <markvoelker> I suggest we table the topic for now...we'll be doing some scoring over the next couple of weeks, so that will be a good time to experiment a bit and come up with concrete suggestions. 15:36:55 <zehicle_home> I'd like to know if changes made a difference to outcomes 15:37:06 <markvoelker> sure 15:37:20 <catherineD|2> Do we require to have the project PTLs to review the scoring patches? 15:37:37 <markvoelker> catherineD|2: no, but we do encourage them to 15:37:38 <zehicle_home> so, this topic needs to wait till we have some data for proposals 15:37:45 <markvoelker> Or other members of the technical community 15:37:58 <markvoelker> zehicle_home: yes 15:38:20 <zehicle_home> #topic Xen patch 215263 15:38:48 <markvoelker> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/215263/ 15:39:05 <zehicle_home> I merged that 15:39:05 <markvoelker> Oh, you just merged it...thanks. =) 15:39:20 <markvoelker> Ok, that should un-bottleneck at least two vendors that I'm aware of... 15:39:20 <zehicle_home> #topic vendor config reporting 15:39:36 <markvoelker> We also need this one, but less urgent: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/217337/ 15:39:47 <markvoelker> Basically the 2015.07 spec contains schema violations 15:40:36 <zehicle_home> markvoelker, doing it now 15:40:55 <markvoelker> The latter patch there uncovered an issue with schema 1.3 that we'd overlooked 15:41:08 <markvoelker> We don't really need to solve it right now, but just so folks are aware: 15:41:31 <markvoelker> Schema 1.3 contains two places where a Capability's status is listed. E.g. two sources of truth. 15:41:35 <zehicle_home> thinking of agenda... next meeting is 100% focused on scoring? 15:41:42 <zehicle_home> interactive session? 15:41:57 <markvoelker> It's probably easiest to visualize here: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/215263/3/2015.next.json 15:42:04 <rockyg> ++ 15:42:33 <zehicle_home> #decision next meeting is 100% scoring and will be conference call (not IRC) 15:42:52 <hogepodge> +1 15:43:14 <zehicle_home> markvoelker, you are right. could be worthwhile to address in a v1.4 15:43:32 <zehicle_home> patch for that would be OK 15:43:59 <zehicle_home> plenty of time tho. 15:44:24 <zehicle_home> vendor config discussion? 15:44:25 <markvoelker> zehicle_home: sure, it's not a big deal, just something we should eventually fix. I can send up a patch for it later. 15:45:24 <markvoelker> zehicle_home: do we have more to discuss on the vendor patch? Last week we'd suggested we keep the discussion on the ML to avoid further fragmentation, and there's been no further traffic 15:45:51 <zehicle_home> we can keep it on the ML. I think there's fatigue w/ that one 15:46:00 <markvoelker> There have been no replies to the ML thread other than a few more folks adding -1's to the review 15:46:13 <zehicle_home> I'd like to hear from hogepodge if the Foundation wants to follect the info 15:46:46 <zehicle_home> it seems like most of the issue is on the requirements but not the intent to get info 15:47:17 <hogepodge> zehicle_home: they want it, but I'm not sure how to word it 15:47:27 <rockyg> Yes. fine to collect info, not fine to require it as part of published descripion of vendor cloud or distro 15:47:51 <markvoelker> zehicle_home: I think it's very much about the goal we're trying to achieve. Conensus seems to be the data proposed doesn't accomplish the goal 15:48:18 <rockyg> +1 15:48:33 <markvoelker> hogepodge: Could we actually have someone respond t the thread and say what the Foundation wants to accomplish? 15:48:43 <hogepodge> markvoelker: sure 15:49:15 <zehicle_home> let's do that. I'm thinking of a patch that removes the details and let's vendor's decide for now 15:49:21 <hogepodge> markvoelker: I have an interop meeting this afternoon and will raise it there 15:49:24 <zehicle_home> we could add requirements in Hacking later 15:49:44 <zehicle_home> the 1st concern was 2015B 15:49:51 <catherineD|2> hogepodge: pls also raise the RefStack resource issues ... 15:49:53 <zehicle_home> then DefCore can iterates 15:50:09 <hogepodge> catherineD|2: ok 15:50:15 <catherineD|2> hogepodge: thx 15:50:16 <markvoelker> zehicle_home: Frankly, I'm of the opinion that consensus has gone against this patch for now and we should just abandon it, figure out what the Foundaiton is trying to accomplish, and then work on how to solve for that. 15:50:51 <zehicle_home> I'm ok w/ that. I was proxy owner tying to capture Foundation request at the midcycle 15:51:13 <zehicle_home> however, I do believe that vendors should state what they are testing 15:51:32 <zehicle_home> I just don't know what to require 15:51:40 <markvoelker> I'm not against that at all, but that's explicitly not the intent of the current patch. =) 15:51:50 <markvoelker> Which is why I think we should reset with a clearer goal in mind. 15:51:53 * zehicle_home is more invested in this patch then he thought 15:52:19 <zehicle_home> #action hogepodge and zehicle_home to work on wording of intent 15:52:52 <zehicle_home> 5 minutes.... 15:53:15 <zehicle_home> #topic last items - open 15:53:36 <zehicle_home> we need reviews on the Cap pages 15:53:41 <zehicle_home> next week should help w/ that 15:54:45 <kbaikov_> Cap pages? 15:55:11 <rockyg> capabilities 15:55:13 <markvoelker> kbaikov_: I think he meant "capability patches" 15:55:14 <zehicle_home> new capabilities for scoring 15:55:30 <zehicle_home> yes, thanks 15:55:40 <rockyg> Yeah, I had to refer to etherpad for a clue ;-) 15:55:55 <hogepodge> I have to update my end of that. Had a good conversation with thingee about how to break out cinder. Also need to add tests to my review. 15:56:18 <zehicle_home> at this point, if there's no patch for a new capability then it's not in 15:56:47 <hogepodge> zehicle_home: neutron was our target for the next release, and we're good there (thanks markvoelker) 15:56:50 <zehicle_home> we OK saying no new capabilities at this point? or wait another week? 15:57:23 <zehicle_home> anyone aware of someone running up to next week with a list of additional capabilities for review? 15:57:27 <markvoelker> zehicle_home: the deadline for proposing them has expired, so I'd say stick with scoring the ones that have been proposed 15:57:34 <zehicle_home> +1 15:57:47 <rockyg> +1 15:57:48 <markvoelker> This is also one we should think a little about: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/214756/ 15:57:55 <zehicle_home> sounds like the timeline was appropriate 15:58:03 <catherineD|2> so we will score Neutron next week or the Neutron patch is ready to merge? 15:58:07 <markvoelker> It's sort of interesting in that it prescribed API behavior as part of designated sections, whcih seems a little weird 15:58:33 <markvoelker> catherineD|2: for the neutron stuff we just need folks to review if they think the tests are the right ones in the right places 15:58:41 <hogepodge> markvoelker: it's an effort to explicitly promote interoperability and discovery 15:58:43 <zehicle_home> markvoelker, I think that makes sense. 15:58:44 <markvoelker> And I need to flesh out the designated sections bits if folks are ok with them 15:59:01 <markvoelker> Wouldn't the right place for that be with tests though? 15:59:11 <markvoelker> Need to think about that one a little. 15:59:17 <rockyg> We can approve the patch and see what feedback we get from vendors 15:59:35 <catherineD|2> markvoelker: the patches does not include tests though 16:00:00 <zehicle_home> wrapping up.... 16:00:10 <zehicle_home> #endmeeting