17:00:33 <Kiall> #startmeeting Designate 17:00:33 <openstack> Meeting started Wed Oct 1 17:00:33 2014 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is Kiall. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:00:34 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 17:00:36 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'designate' 17:00:48 <Kiall> Hey folks - who's about? 17:00:53 <timsim> \o/ 17:01:06 <mugsie> o/ 17:01:06 <rjrjr_> o? 17:01:25 <vinod1> o/ 17:01:33 <Kiall> we missing richm / betsy ? 17:01:42 <betsy> o/ 17:01:58 <Kiall> Guess not :) Okay, let's get started... 17:01:59 <Kiall> #topic Action Items from last week 17:02:05 <Kiall> No actions from last week, so moving on... Nice an easy ;) 17:02:11 <Kiall> #topic Release Status (kiall - recurring) 17:02:21 <Kiall> Juno RC1 is out (woo!), though, we've got 1 known bug targeted to rc2 (bug 1375397). 17:02:22 <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 1375397 in designate ""Multi" backend attempts to read a deleted domain" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1375397 17:02:34 <Kiall> I've pushed a fix for master and proposed/juno 17:02:35 <Kiall> Review for master: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/124820/ 17:02:38 <Kiall> Review for proposed/juno: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/124822/ 17:03:02 <Kiall> We'll get some more testing in before we cut an rc2, probably early next week I reckon 17:03:10 <Kiall> and .. 17:03:11 <Kiall> #link https://launchpad.net/designate/+milestone/juno-rc2 17:03:15 <Kiall> ^ milestone for rc2 17:03:33 <Kiall> Any other known issues we should be tracking for rc2? 17:04:08 <mugsie> not that I know of 17:04:20 <mugsie> but, then again, if i did, they would be there ;) 17:04:33 <Kiall> K - If anyone finds any, please add them :) 17:04:40 <vinod1> ok 17:04:52 <Kiall> Moving on so.. 17:04:53 <Kiall> #topic Pools Specs 17:04:58 <Kiall> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/120915/ API 17:04:59 <Kiall> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/112688/ MiniDNS 17:04:59 <Kiall> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/113447/ Storage 17:04:59 <Kiall> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/113462/ Pool Manager 17:04:59 <Kiall> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/101298/ Overall Spec 17:05:19 <mugsie> overall I am happy with them ^ 17:05:33 <mugsie> they will probably change as we implement the actually work 17:05:42 <timsim> As am I. There will be some small tweaks here and there, and details. But that can happen as we implement them. 17:05:45 <mugsie> but they are a very good base point 17:05:49 <Kiall> It's time to get most of these merged - I think there's still some work to do on them, BUT, +A doesn't mean set it stone, we can diverge a little as we implement where necessary. 17:06:20 <mugsie> I can take them, and make sure they merge, and +A them, if no one has any objections? 17:06:27 <Kiall> Unless there are any comments to bring up, Could we all go leave a +/- vote on them now? 17:06:50 <vinod1> +1 on that 17:06:55 <Kiall> (Don't +A yet though, as mugsie says, they won't all merge cleanly yet) 17:07:56 <Kiall> The only one I don't think is ready to merge is the overall one, it duplicates a lot of things from the sub-specs, which I think should be cleaned up.. 17:08:14 <Kiall> But.. mugsie is suggesting we don't need to merge it anayway :) 17:08:34 <betsy> It would still be nice to have an overall spec 17:08:43 <vinod1> The one thing I like is the overview and the terminology in the overall one 17:08:56 <mugsie> vinod1: / betsy have a good point 17:08:57 <timsim> I think it should stay around, but we can take the stuff out that's duplicated, or just link to where it is. 17:09:02 <mugsie> i can fix it up as well 17:09:04 <Kiall> vinod1: yea, agreed.. I think we should just strip the duplicated info out, and merge 17:09:29 <rjrjr_> i'll fix up the pool manager one right after this meeting so it will be good to go. 17:10:08 <Kiall> Thanks rjrjr_ - all my comments were just nit's and typos etc :) 17:10:43 <Kiall> Okay - So, How are people fixed for actually starting on this work? 17:11:27 <timsim> rjrjr_: Manager service, betsy: storage, vinod: Minidns was where I thought we were at 17:11:32 <rjrjr_> i started. just wanted to understand if my work is reviewed as WIP or not. 17:11:41 <betsy> I’m starting on the storage piece 17:11:56 <rjrjr_> if i make changes that don't impact Designate whatsoever, can't i just submit for review? 17:11:59 <Kiall> rjrjr_: master is open for Juno features now :) 17:12:05 <mugsie> rjrjr_: yeah 17:12:14 <Kiall> If pools was ready today, we could merge the whole thing ;) 17:12:22 <vinod1> I hope to get a first draft on the minidns/serverpools up by this weekend 17:12:58 <betsy> I’m out the rest of this week, so I won’t have anything until next week 17:13:09 <rjrjr_> so, i can submit without it being a WIP? 17:13:17 <Kiall> we have 6 months to get it all in + solid, no rush 17:13:19 <Kiall> rjrjr_: yes 17:13:33 <Kiall> i.e. enjoy your week off ;) 17:14:43 <Kiall> Okay - So, sounds like everyone is ready to go on pools, we'll move on, and circle back next week to discuss the million and three things we didn't figure out in the specs ;) 17:14:59 <Kiall> #topic Open Discussion 17:15:28 <Kiall> Any other off-agenda topics from others? I have 1.. 17:16:00 <Kiall> Beyond pools in Kilo, we have some more bits and pieces to do. For example, transitioning the backends to work on MiniDNS (this can be done alongside the pools work), getting validation right in V2, etc 17:16:22 <Kiall> Do others have other pieces they think would be useful Kilo work? 17:16:33 <vinod1> We should start working on the Paris presentation too 17:17:23 <timsim> Maybe some work on integration with the other openstack projects? 17:17:45 <Kiall> timsim: yes, I was thinking about getting that Nova driver we promised written :) 17:18:13 <mugsie> I want to look at logging clean up, and a general code hygine run 17:18:26 <mugsie> every time i look at central, I cry a little 17:18:28 <rjrjr_> i think IXFR is necessary. 17:18:34 <mugsie> rjrjr_: yup +1 17:18:35 <timsim> mugsie: +1 17:18:39 <Kiall> mugsie: yes, ekarlso suggested he would look at the split of the central class into multiple endpoints 17:18:58 <mugsie> and then doing the same further down the stack 17:19:11 <mugsie> (storage could use it as well) 17:19:16 <rjrjr_> i'll put together a few specs to get the IXFR ball rolling. 17:19:16 <Kiall> I actually asked him to hold off on that one a little, since I wanted easy backports from master -> proposed/juno until we release ;) 17:19:37 <Kiall> rjrjr_: feel free to takeover / amend any pre-existing specs filed 17:19:52 <mugsie> rjrjr_: the only issue we have with ifxr is how / what we store, so i suppect the specs will be debated a bit ;) 17:19:58 <Kiall> (There are some there for them in LP) 17:20:09 <rjrjr_> i'm getting use to the debate. 8^) 17:20:25 <Kiall> rjrjr_: you should see some of the other team meetings ;) 17:20:43 <Kiall> mugsie: agreed - there's a line between holding too much data, and too little data for implementing the feature. 17:21:14 <rjrjr_> okay, let me get something going and we can start that debate. 17:21:43 <Kiall> Anyway - I'd also like to see some more DB cleanup over Kilo - some of mugsie's recent stress testing was painful :) 17:22:33 <timsim> Kiall: +1 17:24:21 <Kiall> Okay, anyone else have other topics? I know we're all eager to get Kilo work started so probably don't have much :) 17:24:32 <mugsie> nothing from me 17:24:41 <betsy> I’m good 17:24:43 <timsim> Sounds like we've got our work cut out for Kilo. 17:24:54 <rjrjr_> also good. 17:25:19 <Kiall> :) 17:25:44 <Kiall> Okay - Well, I'll use the next 30mins to join that conference call I was missing ;) Thanks all! 17:25:57 <betsy> :) 17:25:59 <Kiall> #endmeeting