17:03:41 <Kiall> #startmeeting designate 17:03:42 <openstack> Meeting started Wed Oct 8 17:03:41 2014 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is Kiall. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:03:44 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 17:03:46 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'designate' 17:04:00 <Kiall> Apologies for starting late - Was in the middle of another conversation and missed the time :) 17:04:05 <Kiall> Who's about? 17:04:06 <rjrjr> \o 17:04:12 <vinod1> o/ 17:04:16 <timsim> o/ 17:04:17 <jmcbride> o/ 17:04:18 <betsy> o/ 17:04:32 <Kiall> jmcbride: welcome back :) 17:04:57 <jmcbride> :) 17:05:10 <Kiall> #topic Action Items from last week 17:05:31 <Kiall> The only action was for Graham to get all the pools specs into mergable shape (i.e. no conflicts..) 17:05:33 <ekarlso> salut 17:05:35 <Kiall> They all landed today :) 17:05:40 <timsim> woot! 17:05:58 <vinod1> Thanks mugsie 17:06:10 <vinod1> for rebasing all the code and merging them 17:06:19 <betsy> vinod1: +1 17:06:21 <Kiall> mugsie is AWOL from the meeting today, had a personal thing to attend to 17:06:47 <Kiall> Anyway - Given a few hours - the specs will be published at http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/designate-specs/ 17:07:10 <Kiall> #topic V2 API Stability 17:07:26 <Kiall> jmcbride - I think you added this one? 17:07:39 <jmcbride> Yes. What do you guys think regarding v2 stability? 17:07:54 <jmcbride> Do we plan to make any changes (excluding addition of new endpoints)? 17:08:41 <Kiall> I'm personally quite happy with the structure of the V2 API as is today, but we defiantly have reliability work to complete.. Not sure if others have different thoughts? 17:09:11 <timsim> I think the structure is probably stable (apart from adding /pools) for v2. 17:09:15 <betsy> what about switching to json patch that you mentioned earlier? 17:09:20 <betsy> Would that be contract breaking? 17:09:28 <betsy> Or, is that not going to be done now 17:09:45 <Kiall> betsy: Nope, I'd call that an addition as both would always be supported based on the "Accept" header 17:09:53 <betsy> cool 17:09:57 <Kiall> ehh.. based on the Content-Type header* 17:10:17 <jmcbride> Can we mark it as stable then or should we consider a status between "experimental" and "stable"? 17:10:27 <rjrjr> i vote stable 17:10:54 <Kiall> rjrjr: I think we're missing some key things from it which I'd argue against "stable" for - e.g. validation of record data etc 17:11:02 <vinod1> after the server pools and some of the other work items that we identified for kilo last week we can mark it stable 17:11:57 <timsim> Like I said, I think it's "stable" in the sense that it's not going to change much, but there are still things that we'd like to do before it's "stable" in the sense that everyone should use it in production. 17:12:09 <betsy> Well, are we talking code stable or only api stable? 17:12:10 <Kiall> vinod1: yea, agreed - I think pools doesn't actually have to land before we call it stable (since the post-pools behaviour when no pool ID is supplied is to choose the "default pool") 17:12:15 <Kiall> betsy: API stable 17:12:20 <rjrjr> i thought API stable. 17:12:40 <betsy> That’s what i thought, too. Just verifying 17:12:46 <Kiall> Which includes the API contract, and that the API functionality does the right thing.. The entire codebase could change and that's OK 17:13:34 <rjrjr> so, tbd? 17:14:02 <betsy> So what’s mising? Just validation of record data? 17:14:34 <Kiall> betsy: Off the top of my head, yes.. I've got some work started to centralized the validations into the objects, but haven't got it review ready yet... 17:15:02 <vinod1> How about the adding the prev link - would that be considered an addition? 17:15:50 <Kiall> I'd personally say adding something that didn't exist before is OK, so long as it's perfectly valid for the client to totally ignore it.. So a prev link would fit nicely with that definition 17:16:44 <Kiall> Also - I juts notice we skipped the weekly release status topic.. Someone removed it from the wiki page (I suspect jmcbride ;)) 17:17:22 <jmcbride> Aargh! Thought it was something from last week only. 17:17:22 <rjrjr> first day back with us and already causing problems... :) 17:17:26 <Kiall> So - Maybe we need to do a once over the v2 API before next week, identifying anything else we may need to fix? 17:18:08 <jmcbride> o/ I can make sure that gets done. 17:18:27 <Kiall> I'll stick my name down for that, but a second set of eyes would be useful for spotting all the gaps 17:18:49 <jmcbride> works for me. 17:19:15 <Kiall> #action kiall to re-add V2 stability to next weeks meeting 17:19:15 <Kiall> #action kiall + one other to review V2 API for stability gaps for next weeks meeting 17:19:19 <jmcbride> I can get a second set of eyes to look at it on our end when you are done. 17:20:03 <Kiall> jmcbride: ideally, two sets of eyes would give it the once over separately, then compare notes? 17:20:49 <jmcbride> Sounds like it could just be a spec then and go through the process of +2 17:22:14 <Kiall> jmcbride: Possibly - Thought, I had planned to just work through the API, identifying places where things don't work right (e.g. validation).. Finding those things would be hard from a review :) 17:23:54 <Kiall> Okay - Let's circle back on this next week? I can work though from my side before Monday, and will put what I find up as bugs + a wiki page... 17:24:21 <timsim> Sounds godo 17:24:26 <timsim> s/godo/good 17:24:37 <vinod1> one other thing - will marking v2 as stable change things before kilo for end users of designate? 17:24:37 <Kiall> ;) 17:24:37 <Kiall> #topic Release Status (recurring) 17:24:38 <Kiall> #link https://launchpad.net/designate/+milestone/juno-rc2 17:24:39 <jmcbride> Sweet, thanks Kiall. 17:25:15 <Kiall> vinod1: no, it won't change juno, but anyone running master (i.e. HP Cloud) will likely start pushing it 17:25:24 <vinod1> Also before marking v2 as stable, I assume we need to add it to the client 17:25:56 <Kiall> vinod1: I don't think the order matters really, and ekarlso's been itching to get a V2 client done ;) 17:26:47 <vinod1> Thanks - And sorry for the distractions. Now we can get back to Release 17:27:13 <Kiall> Okay - Release Status.. We had 1 bug found in rc1, and the fix has merged... Raise your hand if anyone has any other bugs/issues that would warrant not cutting our rc2? 17:27:44 <Kiall> Bearing in mind, we have 8 days before Juno final is out .. So this really should be our last rc 17:28:44 <vinod1> nothing that I know of 17:28:49 <Kiall> I'm going to take silence as nobody knows of any issues we need to get sorted? 17:29:45 <Kiall> Okay, Well, if anyone identifies anything in the next 20 or so hours, make sure it's tagged as rc2 on launchpad - Otherwise I'll get Theirry to cut rc2 during our meeting tomorrow. 17:30:32 <Kiall> #topic Open Discussion 17:30:41 <Kiall> Anyone have any other off agenda topics? 17:31:10 <vinod1> I have the server pools support in minidns up for review at https://review.openstack.org/#/c/125868/ 17:31:23 <Kiall> mugise had planned to try organize a meet to work on the Summit presentation (for those involved in it..).. But he had to leave early todat. 17:31:24 <Kiall> today* 17:32:02 <Kiall> vinod1: I saw :) Nice to start seeing code for pools! 17:32:27 <timsim> We'll be around in IRC whenever Graham wants to talk about that :) 17:32:33 <vinod1> rjrjr: Is there anything else that I can pick up for server pools 17:33:01 <vinod1> I am free to get started on something else while the minidns portion is being reviewed 17:33:02 <rjrjr> i'm good for right now. betsy has a part of it. 17:33:24 <vinod1> Were you able to get started on the pool manger service or do you want me to look at it? 17:33:42 <rjrjr> i'm started. code is forecoming in the next few days. 17:33:57 <vinod1> Cool. Thanks Ron 17:34:42 * Kiall is looking forward to it :) 17:36:18 <Kiall> Okay - So no other topics before we call it a day? 17:36:44 <timsim> I'm good :) 17:36:44 <vinod1> yes 17:37:40 <rjrjr> me too. 17:37:49 <betsy_> I’m good 17:37:57 <timsim> FYI vinod1's yes means he has nothing else ;) 17:38:03 <Kiall> vinod1: yes, as you you have another topic? or "Yes, no other topics?" 17:38:15 <Kiall> lol.. Okay then :) 17:38:26 <Kiall> http://docs.hpcloud.com/helion/openstack/install/dnsaas/ <-- Olso, FYI.. the HP OpenStack Distro which includes Designate shipped :) 17:38:31 <Kiall> Oh, also& 17:38:34 <Kiall> Oh, also* 17:38:44 <vinod1> Too much work on oslo? 17:38:46 <ekarlso> hmm. summit Kiall ? 17:38:51 <betsy_> nice 17:38:58 <ekarlso> oslo what? 17:39:19 <Kiall> ekarlso: As I mentioned earlier, mugsie had that topic but he's had to leave the office early.. Will have to wait for him :) 17:39:43 <Kiall> Okay, well, thanks all! 17:39:51 <ekarlso> ah ok 17:39:51 <Kiall> #endmeeting