17:01:17 <Kiall> #startmeeting Designate 17:01:18 <openstack> Meeting started Wed Jan 14 17:01:17 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is Kiall. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:01:19 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 17:01:21 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'designate' 17:01:24 <Kiall> thanks timsim ;) 17:01:28 <timsim> :P 17:01:35 <Kiall> Who's about? 17:01:37 <rjrjr__> o/ 17:01:43 <timsim> o/ 17:02:05 <johnbelamaric> john b here 17:02:10 <betsy> o/ 17:02:46 <Kiall> #topic Kilo Release Status (kiall - recurring) 17:02:52 <Kiall> #link https://launchpad.net/designate/+milestone/kilo-2 17:03:07 <Kiall> k2 is Feb 5th 17:03:14 <mugsie> ccccccdtrunhehtvltctilgluehhhrbeljikkfchdchg 17:03:20 <Kiall> nice mugsie 17:03:21 <timsim> lol 17:03:23 <mugsie> sshhh 17:04:08 <Kiall> So - Status wise, We're mostly there.. What we're really falling behind on is updating the "old-style" backends - timsim's done a lot of work in the area, but we'll want to get reviewing it etc to start getting it merged 17:04:28 <Kiall> with the midcycle next week, I think we''ll hammer out a lot of the remaining pools quirks etc :) 17:04:42 <Kiall> Am I missing anything we should have in k2? 17:04:51 <mugsie> dont think so 17:05:22 <Kiall> Anyone else? :) 17:05:25 <timsim> Vinod's change maybe? 17:05:33 <timsim> The admin api pool business 17:05:48 <mugsie> is there a BP for that? 17:05:57 <timsim> Don't think so 17:05:59 <Kiall> No - Code is up for review @ https://review.openstack.org/#/c/139748/ 17:06:10 <Kiall> guess we upset him ;) 17:06:10 <mugsie> if there is - we should mark it, or just review it. 17:06:29 <Kiall> Anyway - It's in good shape, just needs a proper review or two I think.. 17:06:50 <timsim> That's all i've got 17:06:55 <mugsie> cool 17:06:59 <Kiall> We should also file a stub BP in launchpad, so it's on the tracking page.. I'll do that after 17:07:20 <Kiall> #action kiall file stub BP for vinod's pools admin-api review.. 17:07:37 <Kiall> #topic Pools - Where are we? (kiall - recurring) 17:07:53 <Kiall> rjrjr__: about? You're always the most up to date on pools status? :) 17:08:15 <rjrjr__> just submitted some unit tests a short while ago. 17:08:41 <rjrjr__> fixed several bugs after the meeting last week and will look at the comments on the patches i submitted and fix those up shortly. 17:08:59 <rjrjr__> i think testing is the key now. most of the bugs i know about have been squashed. 17:08:59 <Kiall> Oh, cool.. That can give us a base more pools tests for tomorrow :) 17:09:38 <Kiall> Yea, agreed... Hopefully we can knock out a good chunck of that tomorrow dueing the testing sprint.. 17:09:39 <rjrjr__> one more patch i'm aware of is to remove the cache entries when we are done with them. it is on my plate and will be done by the end of the week. 17:10:32 <Kiall> Okay - Everyone able to make it to the sprint tomorrow? 17:10:46 <vinod1> yes 17:10:49 <betsy> +1 17:10:54 <timsim> Yep 17:11:01 <ekarlso-> o/ 17:11:02 <rjrjr__> tenative. i'll join, but not necessarily participate. 17:11:06 <mugsie> i'll think about it ... 17:11:07 <mugsie> :D 17:11:10 <vinod1> Kiall: You mentioned doing some prep work in preparation for tomorrow's sprint 17:11:17 <Kiall> lol.. rjrjr__try your best :) 17:11:50 <Kiall> vinod1: yep, it's on my plate for today - I'd like to get us setup to do better integration testing.. 17:12:02 <Kiall> (We're in seattle - so it's still on 9am ;)) 17:12:07 <Kiall> only* 17:12:37 <Kiall> Okay - Any other areas of pools needing a look at? 17:13:12 <mugsie> dont think so bar load of testing 17:13:16 <mugsie> loads*[5~ 17:13:52 <Kiall> Okay - We'll move on so :) 17:13:58 <Kiall> #topic Monthly Topic Sprints (kiall) 17:14:36 <Kiall> We already discussed this ;) But - If everyone can try and make it, we'll be covering unit/integration testing work that's fallen behind 17:14:56 <timsim> Tomorrow, 9-1 PST, yeah? 17:15:07 <timsim> No 17:15:11 <mugsie> 11-3 ? 17:15:12 <vinod1> 11-3 PST 17:15:13 <timsim> 11-3 PST 17:15:28 <mugsie> timsim: giving me a heart attack 17:15:30 <Kiall> Ideally, people can get familar with how to create/read coverage reports locally (tox -e cover), and maybe pick an area they'd like to try cover :) 17:15:34 <Kiall> mugsie: lol 17:15:35 <timsim> hahaha 17:15:38 <betsy> 9 - 1 CST :) 17:16:04 <timsim> 1-5 CST ;) betsy 17:16:34 <timsim> Anyway. Sounds like fun! 17:16:36 <betsy> oops 17:16:36 <Kiall> Also - Can we review rjrjr__'s pools unit tests as a matter of priority? ideally, we have that merged before we start tomorrow as a basis for more pools tests... 17:16:49 <timsim> Kiall: +1 17:16:53 <vinod1> Kiall - would be good if you list the top things we like to cover - makes the decision process easier 17:16:58 <rjrjr__> i'll have it finished in a few hours. it is WIP right now. 17:17:10 <Kiall> vinod1: sure, I can do that.. 17:17:23 <rjrjr__> unfortunately, it relies on a patch i submitted friday. just have to get it past vinod. LOL 17:17:30 <Kiall> haha 17:18:15 <Kiall> #action kiall to list out top areas needing test attention on an etherpad 17:18:50 <Kiall> #topic Open Discussion 17:18:53 <Kiall> Okay - That's the last of our agenda items, any other topics? 17:19:15 <Kiall> Areas needing attention will be on https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/designate-testing-sprint 17:19:40 <Kiall> None from anybody? 17:19:43 <rjrjr__> i hope everyone saw the email i sent out yesterday. i have a room booked in SJ for us. 17:19:58 <rjrjr__> that was fun. 17:20:01 <Kiall> I did, excellent :) 17:20:07 <timsim> Yep, thanks rjrjr__ 17:20:08 <timsim> vinod1 is going to be at the mid-cycle. Not sure if that was shared yet 17:20:13 <Kiall> lol - didn't just open outlook and click "Find room"? ;) 17:20:15 <vinod1> Paul had filed a bug 1409824 17:20:17 <rjrjr__> good news! 17:20:22 <Kiall> vinod1: excellent :D 17:20:40 <vinod1> That should be for Kilo2 I think 17:21:04 <Kiall> "The API does not return a status field for recordsets" <-- bug 1409824 17:21:08 <timsim> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/designate/+bug/1409824 17:21:47 <Kiall> Yea - That seems like a same 17:22:34 <Kiall> sorry - distracted at desk 17:22:56 <Kiall> back.. 17:23:09 <Kiall> Seems like a sane thing I reckon 17:23:14 <Kiall> Let's tag t2 17:23:15 <Kiall> k2 17:23:18 <timsim> Yep 17:23:26 <mugsie> it already done ;) 17:23:26 <vinod1> The backlog of code reviews is growing - would be could to get more eyes on them 17:23:33 <mugsie> vinod1: +1 17:23:36 <Kiall> mugsie: really? 17:23:59 <Kiall> I don't see a review for it? 17:24:04 <mugsie> maked as k2 17:24:07 <Kiall> Ah 17:24:09 <mugsie> marked* 17:24:14 <Kiall> I just changed it as I said it ;) 17:25:15 <Kiall> Re backlog, yea.. We have a bunch of them to knock out.. I'll make more time to work through them as soon as I can.. Hopefully others can do the same. 17:25:26 <Kiall> paul_glass: here BTW? 17:25:27 <rjrjr__> zuul is bogged down today. lots of jobs. 17:25:35 <paul_glass> I'm around 17:26:04 <Kiall> paul_glass: heya - Just wanted to say Hi! and thanks for all the bug reports.. Theve been helpful :D 17:26:15 <paul_glass> no problem! 17:26:42 <clarkb> rjrjr__: we are currentl operating without half our cloud capacity 17:26:49 <clarkb> so things are backed up, but moving 17:27:03 <rjrjr__> clarkb: good to know. thanks! 17:27:10 <mugsie> clarkb: which side died this time? 17:27:14 <clarkb> mugsie: hpcloud 17:27:23 <Kiall> clarkb: ouch, issues in HPC? Let me know if I can annoy anyone internally for you ;) 17:27:42 <clarkb> Kiall: we have already suckered somone into helping :) tteggel has been a ton of help 17:27:51 <Kiall> :D 17:27:59 <Kiall> Okay - Any other topics? 17:28:07 <vinod1> None from me. 17:28:16 <betsy> not from me 17:28:17 <mugsie> Nope - I am good 17:28:24 <timsim> I was wondering when people are getting to SJ, where they were staying. 17:28:37 <Kiall> let me check.. 17:28:42 <rjrjr__> i'll be at the extended stay. 17:28:51 <timsim> vinod1 and I are in the very poorly yelp-reviewed http://www.yelp.com/biz/extended-stay-america-san-jose-airport-san-jose 17:28:53 <rjrjr__> it is right across the street from the campus. 17:29:02 <mugsie> We are in a Hilton, a couple of blocks over... 17:29:11 <rjrjr__> timsim: same place. 17:29:16 <timsim> Party 17:29:24 <timsim> We get there Sunday evening. 17:29:47 <Kiall> We'll be in Saturday afternoon 17:29:52 <rjrjr__> i'll be there around midnight Sunday. 17:30:19 <timsim> Cool :) 17:30:48 <Kiall> Okay - Any last minute topics before we call it a day? :) 17:31:07 <rjrjr__> so, tomorrow at 11 PST, correct? 17:31:17 <Kiall> Yes - 11-3 PST 17:31:44 <rjrjr__> i'm good then. 17:31:58 <Kiall> Okay - Thanks all - See you tomorrow @ 11-3 PST :) 17:32:10 <Kiall> #endmeeting