17:03:20 <Kiall> #startmeeting Designate 17:03:21 <openstack> Meeting started Wed May 13 17:03:20 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is Kiall. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:03:22 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 17:03:24 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'designate' 17:03:31 <Kiall> Hey Folks - Who's about? 17:03:35 <timsim> o? 17:03:52 <rjrjr> o/ 17:03:53 <Kiall> mugsie has walked away from his desk.. I'm sure he'll be back sometime soon ;) 17:03:54 <ducttape_> he 17:03:55 <ducttape_> hey 17:04:13 <pglass> o/ 17:04:33 <vinod> o/ 17:04:34 <jmcbride1> 0/ 17:04:38 <Kiall> Okay - Let's get started.. No Actions logged last week, so skipping that section. 17:04:45 <Kiall> #topic Bug triage (timsim - recurring) 17:04:50 <Kiall> timsim you're up ;) 17:04:56 <timsim> There's no bugs! 17:05:04 <timsim> (or untriaged ones anyway) 17:05:18 * ducttape_ thinks there are opportunities, however 17:05:38 <Kiall> Agreed, "No untriaged bugs so far! \o/" feels like a lie to me ;) 17:05:50 <Kiall> Anyone aware of any open issues not getting attention right now? 17:06:37 <Kiall> Silence means no.. Okay.. Moving on so. 17:06:40 <mugsie> they all look ok 17:06:51 <Kiall> #topic Vancouver (kiall) 17:07:08 <Kiall> Okay, quick poll to start this one! Who's going to be there? 17:07:13 <mugsie> o/ 17:07:14 <Kiall> I am.. 17:07:21 <timsim> o/ 17:07:30 <ducttape_> I am 17:07:43 <bharath> I am 17:08:10 <Kiall> excellent :) I hear jmcbride1 is too.. seems he's gone AWOL .. Okay. 17:08:15 <jmcbride1> yep! 17:08:20 <ducttape_> mfisch will be there too 17:08:35 <Kiall> Okay, now that that's out of the way.. 17:08:36 <elarson> I plan to be there in spirit :) 17:08:39 <Kiall> lol 17:08:41 <Kiall> #link http://libertydesignsummit.sched.org/type/design+summit/Designate 17:09:18 <Kiall> Summit sessions have been posted, please mark yourself as attending any which you do actually idend to be at.. And, come say Hi ;) 17:09:38 <Kiall> Sadly, we can't change the titles (bar the fishbowl one) - so you have to click into them 17:09:56 <Kiall> Each "Work room" is maxes out @ ~25 people, which should be more than enough .. 17:10:58 <Kiall> I also exepct there will be plently of off-track discussions/meetups.. So let me know if you want an email whenever something like that happens to see if you're interested in joining.. kiall@hp.com 17:11:37 <Kiall> Okay - That's all I wanted to say about Vancouver... Anyone else? If not, we'll move on 17:11:51 <bharath> any reason why all work sessions are on same day ? 17:12:43 <Kiall> bharath: that's just how things landed :) There's basically 2 days of conference before the designate summit starts, 2 days of work sessions, 1 day of contributer meetups 17:13:10 <bharath> ok cool 17:13:12 <bharath> np 17:13:32 <Kiall> There's a giant google spreadsheet Thierry used to schedule, and there really wasn't any more spread out slots to ask for :) 17:13:50 <Kiall> Okay - Moving on so :) 17:13:54 <Kiall> #topic Nova/Neutron Integration 17:13:54 <Kiall> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/88624/ 17:13:54 <Kiall> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/88623/ 17:13:54 <Kiall> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/90150/ 17:14:17 <Kiall> carl_baldwin has got a bunch of specs up, which have recently been revived for getting true Nova/Neutron integration 17:14:19 <Kiall> (Woo) 17:14:48 <mugsie> :) 17:14:49 <Kiall> We've got a slot in Vancouver for them, we should have folks from Nova/Neutron attend 17:15:02 <timsim> Sounds like fun 17:15:16 <Kiall> but - It's important we know what we "want" going in.. Please, please, review and comment on the specs beforehand.. even if you're not attending 17:16:34 <Kiall> I don't think there's anything controversial in them, all my draft comments so far as nit's if anything.. But others may have different requirements (e.g. eBay/Paypal.. private cloud.. vs Rax/HP Public Cloud etc etc..).. Once they are agreed upon, it'll be hard to turn that ship ;) 17:17:12 <Kiall> Has anyone else read over them yet? 17:17:38 <mugsie> o/ 17:17:42 <timsim> Nope 17:17:54 <mugsie> i have draft comments, need to re-read before hitting publish 17:17:54 <bharath> Not yet 17:18:16 <timsim> Will definitely look 17:18:40 <Kiall> Okay, please do! These are the #1 most requested thing we get asked for, and it's likely the most painful thing to implement as it involves 3 projects. ("yay") 17:19:16 <bharath> yes, will definitely review 17:19:24 <Kiall> Let's move on, next one is quick too.. 17:19:24 <Kiall> #topic Post-Summit Housekeeping - Plans (kiall) 17:19:55 <Kiall> So - Previous summits, we've been AWFUL at documenting discussions/decisions/etc. We need to make sure we don't do that again :) 17:20:35 <Kiall> Each session will have an etherpad, everyone should feel free to add notes, not just the speaker. Ideally, we nominate 1 person from each session to write it up after the summit. Thoughts? 17:20:52 <timsim> +1 17:21:05 <bharath> +2 17:21:17 <Kiall> And - What else can we do to improve the outcome of summit discussions? 17:21:34 <mugsie> ++ 17:21:47 <Kiall> I'm suprised I don't hear mugsie's keyboard going 100mph with ideas for this one ;) 17:21:51 <mugsie> revisit the etherpad in the following weeks 17:22:17 <timsim> Make sure the objective and content to be discussed is clear going in. Have a document that people should have read, and be ready to discuss. Clearly document the discussion/output. 17:22:22 <mugsie> so 2 weeks after, have one of the IRC meets where we work through each etherpad and add any extra detail - also make sure BPs are filed etc 17:22:44 <timsim> Sounds good 17:22:59 <Kiall> mugsie: Yea, using the meet (or 2) after for housekeeping seems like a good idea 17:23:16 <bharath> yeah, a followup two weeks after sounds good 17:23:17 <jmcbride1> we could try one of these for one of the meetings: http://agilecoffee.com/leancoffee/ 17:23:40 <Kiall> jmcbride1: I'm going to have to read that after the meet ;) Way too long! 17:24:01 <jmcbride1> Lean coffee basically forces a time limit on specific topics and gives everyone in the room a chance to vote on whether to proceed. 17:24:03 <Kiall> Got a TLDR? 17:24:06 <jmcbride1> tldr 17:24:37 <Kiall> Sounds reasonable to me.. Will read after the meet :) 17:24:59 <Kiall> Any other suggestions for how to ensure we follow through post-summit? :) 17:25:43 <mugsie> make sure 5 mins befor the end the etherpad is acurate ;) 17:25:54 <mugsie> (of the session) 17:26:06 <mugsie> none of this "is the the right sample of JSON?? 17:26:08 <mugsie> " 17:26:18 <Kiall> mugsie: that's actually a really good idea. If we get to -5mins, and discussing is still ongoing, it's not going to be resolved. Let's use that time to ensure the pad is up to date. 17:26:33 <Kiall> That way, we can at least continue post-summit or off-track 17:26:41 * mugsie always has good ideas, thank you very much 17:26:50 * Kiall says nothing 17:26:58 <Kiall> Okay, If there's no more.. Let's move on... 17:27:05 <Kiall> #topic Open Discussion 17:27:11 <Kiall> Any other off agenda items? 17:27:18 <mugsie> one quick one 17:27:19 <mugsie> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/182414/ 17:27:32 <mugsie> and the sample outpout http://docs-draft.openstack.org/14/182414/3/check/gate-designate-docs/cbf0c4b//doc/build/html/support-matrix.html 17:27:56 <mugsie> for graded backend - comments / queries etc please. would like to get this in early this cycle 17:28:22 <Kiall> ++ we discussed the general idea at the Seattle mid-cycle, and finally seeing it "happen" :) 17:29:17 <timsim> Looks pretty good 17:29:19 <vinod> Are the current statuses - Integrated etc being used in other openstack projects too? 17:29:24 * Kiall never knows how long to "wait" before moving on.. I can't hear anyone typing ;) 17:29:55 <Kiall> http://docs.openstack.org/developer/nova/support-matrix.html is Nova's similar page 17:30:10 <mugsie> vinod: not fully 17:30:21 <timsim> Psh. -1 mugsie no fancy green checkmarks 17:30:31 <mugsie> timsim: its en-route 17:30:36 <Kiall> cinder has a similar idea AFAIK, but I don't believe they finished it out 17:30:42 <mugsie> formating needs to be cleaned :( 17:30:54 * mugsie can't remember CSS anymore 17:31:28 <ducttape_> I think there will be some tagging, similar to that stuff, used by operators too 17:32:26 <mugsie> yeah. I think this does give us a base level of "supported" to have though. We cna cnage the grades easily enough in the futre if we need to fit in to something else 17:32:31 <Kiall> ducttape_: yea, the goal is to set expectations for those of us not intimitaly familar with Designate's code, and encourage "poor performers" to get better :) 17:32:36 <mugsie> its all pretty much in the ini file 17:32:46 <mugsie> and the backends themselves 17:33:52 <Kiall> Okay.. I have 1 off agenda - Can people start adding agenda items again? I feel like I keep adding them all ;) 17:34:35 <ducttape_> link for that? etherpad? 17:34:42 <Kiall> 'link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Designate 17:34:45 <Kiall> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Designate 17:35:27 <Kiall> Okay.. Any other off-agenda items? 17:36:21 <timsim> I'm good 17:36:36 <vinod> nope 17:36:56 <rjrjr> i'm good. 17:37:01 <Kiall> Okay.. Silence = No in this case.. For the folks coming to Vancouver, see you next week! For everyone else, next week's meeting will be cencelled. 17:37:21 <mugsie> o/ 17:37:22 <timsim> o/ 17:37:23 <Kiall> Email kiall@hp.com if your attending and want to be kept in the loop on off-track stuff 17:37:31 <Kiall> (I'm going to get SOO much spam) 17:37:36 <Kiall> Thanks all! 17:37:47 <Kiall> #endmeeting