16:59:56 <Kiall> #startmeeting Designate 16:59:57 <openstack> Meeting started Wed Jun 10 16:59:56 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is Kiall. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:59:58 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 17:00:01 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'designate' 17:00:03 <Kiall> Hey folks - Who's about? 17:00:04 <timsim> o? 17:00:18 <mugsie> o/ 17:00:24 <pglass> o/ 17:00:54 <Kiall> Wow - Quiet day! 17:01:09 <Kiall> Okay, let's get started.. 17:01:14 <mlavalle> hi 17:01:19 <Kiall> #topic Action Items from last week 17:01:42 <Kiall> 3 actions, 2 on me: Kiall finish the write for DB Re-Work / kiall to update https://review.openstack.org/#/c/88624 per summit discussion 17:02:02 <Kiall> Sadly, I didn't manage to get either done.. The end of the last week was the half-week from hell, and been travelling this week. 17:02:20 <Kiall> I'll be back in the office Thursday, and plan to complete them then :( Sorry! 17:02:52 <Kiall> Last one was "circle back to Non-AXFR Backends summit review" .. is JohnB is AFK again today though 17:03:16 <Kiall> I'll drop him and email and see if he's still planning to write that one up :) 17:03:36 <Kiall> #topic Bug triage (timsim - recurring) 17:04:07 <timsim> Just gonna go in order that they popped in the room a few minutes ago 17:04:08 <timsim> https://bugs.launchpad.net/python-designateclient/+bug/1457100 17:04:09 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1457100 in python-designateclient "pbr version conflict" [Undecided,New] 17:04:41 <Kiall> I have no idea what that one is! 17:04:45 <Kiall> Anyone got a clue? 17:05:14 <timsim> Yeah, you try and run 'python setup.py develop' and you get a pbr dependency issue 17:05:35 <Kiall> Ah, right.. Is still happening? I thought that was a bad PBR release when I saw it first 17:05:51 <timsim> It happened to our intern this morning 17:05:59 <timsim> Not sure if it's still a problem if you just clone master. 17:06:20 <Kiall> timsim: Okay, we should fix that then ;) Wonder how it's working in the gate but not locally :/ 17:06:57 <elarson> o/ 17:07:14 <timsim> Yeah. I guess I'll just leave it like it is so we revisit it if no one takes action? 17:07:22 <Kiall> Okay - Let's just tag is confirmed - I've seen it, your intern it it.. If nobody gets to it first I'll see if I can spot the issue on thu/fri 17:07:30 <timsim> k 17:07:53 <timsim> https://bugs.launchpad.net/designate/+bug/1462022 17:07:55 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1462022 in Designate "designate-dashboard should help users with FIP selection" [Undecided,In progress] - Assigned to Eric Peterson (ericpeterson-l) 17:08:25 <Kiall> I think eric has a bunch of features filed as bugs, all of which he or his team are working on. 17:09:06 <timsim> Yeah, I guess technically they should be blueprints? 17:09:07 <Kiall> I'd say just default em to Medium to get them off the untriaged list, since he/his guys are pretty good about submitting a change a few hours later. 17:09:13 <mugsie> ++ 17:09:19 <timsim> cool 17:09:20 <Kiall> Honestly.. 17:09:25 <Kiall> I don't think so 17:09:34 <Kiall> Too heavy for a small thing like that 17:09:42 <timsim> Fair enough 17:09:42 <Kiall> but - discussion for another day ;) 17:10:14 <timsim> Same for https://bugs.launchpad.net/designate/+bug/1461213 17:10:15 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1461213 in Designate "dashboard record creation should only prompt for left-most label" [Undecided,In progress] - Assigned to Eric Peterson (ericpeterson-l) 17:10:33 <Kiall> Same deal IMO 17:10:50 <timsim> https://bugs.launchpad.net/designate/+bug/1462428 17:10:51 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1462428 in Designate "project _memeber_ type users cannot read their quotas" [Undecided,New] 17:10:59 <mugsie> bug, High, l1 17:11:18 <Kiall> Yea, that's a bit of a mess up. 17:11:34 <timsim> agreed 17:11:39 <timsim> https://bugs.launchpad.net/python-designateclient/+bug/1463488 17:11:40 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1463488 in python-designateclient "Exception when over-quota on domains is very confusing" [Undecided,New] 17:12:46 <Kiall> High - It's always been an issue and someone is finally spending the time to sort it out :) We should help them get their change in shape + merge before the next client release 17:12:55 <timsim> Cool 17:13:04 <mugsie> ++ 17:13:26 <timsim> Is 1.2 the next client release? 17:13:44 <Kiall> I tried to work that out the other day and got myself confused.. ;) 17:13:44 <timsim> Looks like that's the current one 17:13:51 <timsim> https://pypi.python.org/pypi/python-designateclient/ 17:14:02 <Kiall> 1.2 is out, 1.2.1 or 1.3.0 is next 17:14:22 <Kiall> Any other untriaged? 17:14:25 <timsim> Nope, that's it 17:14:47 <Kiall> Perfect. 17:15:22 <Kiall> Next agenda item was "Summit Session Review" .. But, I failed on mine and JohnB isn't on again :( 17:15:32 <Kiall> So, not much point in that one. 17:15:48 <Kiall> #action Open Discussion 17:15:56 <Kiall> grr 17:16:02 <Kiall> #topic Open Discussion 17:16:31 <Kiall> timsim: is jmcbride about? He rasied some concerns with the ALIAS record spec.. I'm not sure it's fixable in a way that makes you guys happy! 17:16:43 <jmcbride> yo 17:16:58 <jmcbride> kiall: we still need to evaluate this a bit more 17:17:30 <Kiall> And - Does, anyone else have off-agenda items? I'm hoping mlavalle can give us a update on how the start of the Nova/Neutron stuff is going? 17:18:03 <mlavalle> Kiall: I am still getting feedback on the specs 17:18:08 <Kiall> jmcbride: cool - I'm pretty sure my response is "correct" , but it's not a great answer :( 17:18:22 <mlavalle> Kiall: been responding to it. 17:18:47 <mlavalle> Kiall: the good nes is that johnthetubaguy is reading the spec and giving us feedback 17:19:13 <Kiall> mlavalle: Great, I've not looked in the last 4-5 days.. Anything contentious needing changing? 17:19:58 <Kiall> Anything we can do to help? 17:20:07 <mlavalle> Kiall: nothing major. johnthetubaguy mostly wants to be clear that the work hasn't been priritized on the nova side for Liberty. but he is willing to help 17:20:19 <Kiall> mlavalle: Makes sense 17:20:32 <johnthetubaguy> its mostly minor things, from what I remember 17:20:56 <johnthetubaguy> I am trying to get all the specs reviewed, and leading my example, by spending most of my time reviewing specs :) 17:21:16 <mugsie> :) 17:21:18 <mlavalle> Kiall: and I am working already on the neutron side code. I have all the code path figured out and working on it 17:21:31 <mlavalle> johnthetubaguy: I appreciatte your feedback. Thank you! 17:21:36 <Kiall> mlavalle: I'm looking forward to seeing that work :) 17:22:00 <mugsie> I think most of us are :) 17:22:03 <Kiall> Okay - Anyone else have off-agenda items or shall we call this our shortest meeting in months? 17:22:15 <mlavalle> Kiall: that's all I have for today's update 17:22:53 <Kiall> mlavalle: I'll have the external spec updated on Thu, I'll fire it over to you once it's up for a quick review.. Hopefully my memory matches yours!:) 17:23:25 <mlavalle> Kiall: thanks! We'll look at it as soon as you let me know 17:23:36 <Kiall> Okay - No takers on off-agenda items? 17:23:43 <Kiall> Going once... Twice.. ; 17:23:47 <Kiall> ;) 17:24:03 <timsim> I'm good :) 17:24:09 <mugsie> o/ 17:24:12 <Kiall> Okay, thanks all .. Cya next week! 17:24:12 <Kiall> #endmeeting