17:10:11 <Kiall> #startmeeting Designate 17:10:12 <openstack> Meeting started Wed Jul 15 17:10:11 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is Kiall. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:10:13 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 17:10:16 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'designate' 17:10:52 <mlavalle> Kiall: the nova ptl -2 the nova spec. It won't make it to Liberty from their point of view. We missed some deadline in their process 17:11:31 <Kiall> mlavalle: I saw, that sucks, but I don't think we should let up on the Neutron/Designate side 17:11:41 <Kiall> That way - it can land real early next cycle 17:11:48 <mlavalle> however we will continue implementing the Neutron side. The 2 specs are merged. I will even implement the nova side, so we have it ready when they are ready 17:12:06 <mlavalle> and also we can demo it in Tokyo 17:12:16 <Kiall> mlavalle: yep, and we can still apply for FFE on the Nova side as far as I know 17:12:36 <mlavalle> Yeah, carl_baldwin and I are in agreement that we will continue targeting Liberty for the two specs on the neutron side 17:12:41 <mugsie> Kiall: do we need to get a nova core to sponser a FFE? 17:13:33 <mlavalle> Kiall: on the plus side, I pushed wip for the internal dns resolution spec: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/200952 17:13:39 <mlavalle> right now debbugging it 17:13:54 <mlavalle> and this week I am strting coding for the external side 17:14:36 <mugsie> mlavalle: cool :) 17:15:19 <Kiall> mlavalle: sorry, was AFK again 17:15:26 <carl_baldwin> +1 to continuing full force. We should try for an ffe but I don’t think that should stop the work from progressing. I don’t want to wait on Nova any longer. 17:15:40 <mugsie> carl_baldwin: +1 17:15:55 <Kiall> mlavalle: Excellent! How close to working do you reckon the internal patch is? 17:16:19 <mlavalle> Kiall: a few days, I think early next week it should be working 17:16:39 <Kiall> <-- Eager to test it out :) 17:16:48 <mlavalle> :-) 17:16:55 <mlavalle> that is my progress report for today 17:17:19 <Kiall> mlavalle: thanks, that's lost of progress even with a small setback on the nova side! 17:17:29 <mlavalle> I agree 17:17:31 <mlavalle> thanks 17:17:33 <Kiall> lots* 17:17:47 <Kiall> One day, I'll type a whole message without a tpyo ;) 17:17:55 <mlavalle> have to go to the shop to recover my car, which broke early this week 17:18:06 <Kiall> mlavalle: ouch, enjoy. Thanks for the update :) 17:18:29 <Kiall> timsim: about? 17:19:07 <Kiall> (I did say the meet wouldn't start for another 10 mins, so people likely haven't turned out yet) 17:20:35 <Kiall> Right - Will give people a few mins :) 17:27:52 <Kiall> People arrived yet? I see ducttape_ joined, timsim, elarson, federico3, etc made it yet? :) 17:28:58 <ducttape_> o/ 17:29:01 <ducttape_> ;) 17:30:24 <Kiall> Okay - 17:30 UTC, who's made it? I suspect my delaying of the meet till now put everyone off ;) 17:30:50 <jmcbride> o/ 17:31:11 <mugsie> jmcbride: o/ 17:31:18 <timsim> o/ 17:31:21 <mugsie> I hear you got our midcycle on 6th st this year? 17:31:27 <datsun180b> o/ 17:31:27 <Kiall> timsim / elarson / federico3 / ekarlso / mugsie / and probably a pile I forgot ;) 17:31:49 <Kiall> Okay - Diving straight in :) 17:31:51 <Kiall> #topic Bug Triage (timsim - recurring) 17:32:01 <jmcbride> yep, heart of the austin fun. 17:32:29 <mugsie> :) 17:32:44 <timsim> oh sorry 17:32:45 <jmcbride> we should go kayaking one day - great place to drink beer: on the river 17:33:03 <Kiall> timsim: :D 17:33:11 <timsim> https://bugs.launchpad.net/designate/+bug/1474012 17:33:11 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1474012 in Designate "Incorrect length limit for TXT record data" [Undecided,New] 17:33:11 <jmcbride> bring a swimsuit instead of a jacket 17:33:27 <Kiall> we ended up starting at ~15 past, as mlavalle was about and had to leave before ~30 path ;) 17:33:48 <Kiall> so - this one hard.. It *might* be an API change to fix 17:34:20 <Kiall> a TXT record is actually, per the DNS specs, a list of character-strings up to 255 char 17:34:28 <Kiall> while our data model is 255 char single entry 17:35:23 <mugsie> I think we are actually OK for v2 17:35:25 <Kiall> I'm not sure it's something we can easily fix, and it may not be worth it. the only common use case that MAY exceed 255 and can't be split into multiple RRs is DKMI 17:35:34 <Kiall> DKIM* 17:35:35 <mugsie> seen as we have no limit at the moment 17:36:02 <mugsie> v1 is depricated, and should continue as is (IMHO) 17:36:09 <Kiall> But the model is wrong.. We can't accept 256 chars of contigous data - since we can't split that and serve it correctly 17:36:36 <mugsie> we can... split on each 255 char 17:36:43 <mugsie> store that 17:36:53 <mugsie> in API return the whole thing concat'd 17:37:03 <Kiall> Humm - Maybe.. 17:37:13 <mugsie> (like the spec was designed to do :p) 17:37:33 <Kiall> Anyway, I'd call it Medium and push out towards l3 - if we can get it, great 17:37:36 <mugsie> ++ 17:37:44 <timsim> Sounds good to me 17:38:14 <timsim> I believe that's it :) 17:38:16 <Kiall> Doesn't look like theres any others new open this week? 17:38:35 <Kiall> Moving on so.. 17:38:38 <Kiall> #topic Stable Backport Triage (kiall - recurring) 17:38:42 <Kiall> #link http://paste.openstack.org/show/378082/ 17:39:07 <Kiall> If you can take 2 mins, anything that looks backport worthy, call it out. 17:39:36 <Kiall> 1993c74 Fix for ttl values Looks to be it from my POV 17:39:42 <mugsie> e73a95d Enable filter on blacklists & tlds 17:40:07 <Kiall> Good catch, that was a bugfix too so - yep 17:40:30 <Kiall> Any others? 17:41:32 <mugsie> dont think so 17:41:38 <timsim> don't think so 17:42:31 <Kiall> Cool - I'll submit backports for both of those after this meet 17:42:41 <Kiall> #topic Liberty Mid-Cycle (mugsie) 17:42:58 <timsim> jmcbride: over to you 17:43:11 <Kiall> Pretty sure the (mugsie) is a leftover ;) If everything is confirmed from jmcbride - I know myself and mugsie call book today/tomorrow. 17:43:22 <timsim> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/designate_2015_summer_midcycle_meetup 17:43:27 <jmcbride> As mentioned earlier, we've secured a location in Austin on 6th street. 17:43:45 <jmcbride> I'd love for folks to add their RSVP here: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/designate_2015_summer_midcycle_meetup 17:43:59 <jmcbride> This will help me with planning details, like how many beers to buy ;) 17:44:20 <Kiall> jmcbride: done ;) 17:44:40 <jmcbride> Also, you'll see the meetup is planned for 4 days - does anyone see an issue with that? 17:45:06 <Kiall> Yep, I think that works :) 17:45:34 <mugsie> jmcbride: do you want to send the -dev list email? 17:45:44 <jmcbride> mugsie: good idea, will do. 17:46:20 <mugsie> and it should have details https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Sprints 17:46:25 <mugsie> there 17:47:02 <Kiall> Okay - Anything else needed other than booking? ;) 17:47:03 <jmcbride> OK, I'm on it. 17:47:17 <jmcbride> I figure we can work out the agenda later. 17:47:22 <mugsie> yup 17:47:38 <Kiall> timsim / mugsie: next item was: OpenStack Summit - Tokyo Talks (timsim) - leftover to skip? 17:47:50 <mugsie> skip - has been sorted 17:47:53 <timsim> Yeah I think we submitted all those 17:47:56 <Kiall> K 17:48:00 <mugsie> they were proposed yesterday 17:48:04 <mugsie> timsim: did you get an email? 17:48:20 <Kiall> #topic Open Discussion 17:48:25 <timsim> mugsie: yep 17:48:39 <Kiall> So - there's at least 4 Designate talks submitted from different people, right? 17:48:46 <mugsie> if you and eric could fill in speaker bios it helps with voting 17:48:47 <ekarlso> meh meh 17:48:58 <ekarlso> I'm just joining in before going to beer() again 17:49:10 <mugsie> + a GLB one that will touch on Designate 17:49:21 * mugsie shakes fist at ekarlso 17:50:33 <Kiall> Okay - So. Other business.. 17:50:34 <Kiall> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/201563/ <-- Can we test+review+merge this one? It seems to have fixed out 30% failure rate in the gate 17:50:57 <Kiall> our* 17:51:02 <mugsie> ah, didnt see the -W removal 17:51:12 <Kiall> Yep - I figured :) 17:51:16 <timsim> Was your second attempt the one that made some dead canaries this morning? 17:51:36 <Kiall> timsim: yea, the dead birds were unrelated, but the patch itself wouldn't pass bind9 - ever. 17:51:52 <timsim> bird flu. Alright got it. 17:51:53 <Kiall> There was flaws in that patch, but nothing that would have caused that. 17:52:15 <Kiall> We can try revive it after the gate is back to healthy :) 17:52:40 <Kiall> Okay - Any other off-agenda items? 17:53:22 <mugsie> nope :) 17:53:42 <timsim> Not from me :) 17:53:43 <Kiall> Okay - I guess I'll go for one more then ;) 17:54:02 <Kiall> timsim / jmcbride: ALIAS records, you guys find anything else out from ISC? Any suggestions etc 17:54:42 <jbratton> they just emailed me back.. they are going to open a feature request 17:55:15 <Kiall> jbratton: Oh, nice.. I wonder if we (as is Designate) can try infulence that to get it "just right" for us? ;) 17:55:18 <jbratton> but they haven't taken any action beyond that.. I'd be surprised if anything makes it in before 9.12 because they've already got a good list for 9.11 17:55:29 <jbratton> but sure, anything is possible! 17:56:01 <Kiall> Having an idea how they are going to implement it means we can start with powerDNS, and have good odds of doing things right to work for Bind9 etc 17:56:17 <Kiall> So - a ticket with any detail is great, even if it's a release or five out 17:56:18 <jbratton> yeah, they definitely sound interested, but it also sounds like I'm the first person to suggest it 17:56:32 <jbratton> I'll see what I can do 17:56:58 <Kiall> jbratton: lol - I've found ML thread's from @isc.org email's that were close to calling it DNS blasphemy 17:57:23 <jbratton> lol, that's the problem is previous suggestions broke the RFC's 17:57:23 <Kiall> I'll go dig those out and forward them on, may or may not be relavant :) 17:57:25 <jbratton> which they wouldn't do 17:57:35 <jbratton> but CloudFlare's approach doesn't.. so it definitely has potential 17:58:11 <Kiall> Cool - Okay, we can chat more at mid-cycle I guess.. (I'm assuming you're there?) 17:58:23 <jbratton> yeah, I'll definitely head up there for it 17:58:38 <Kiall> Cool - Okay, 1 min. Last chance - anything else? 17:59:07 <Kiall> Okay - Thanks all :) 17:59:10 <Kiall> #endmeeting