16:59:46 <Kiall> #startmeeting Designate 16:59:48 <openstack> Meeting started Wed Sep 9 16:59:46 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is Kiall. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:59:49 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 16:59:51 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'designate' 16:59:58 <Kiall> Hey folks - whos about? 17:00:13 <timsim> o/ 17:00:24 <elarson> o> 17:00:28 <mugsie> o/ 17:00:29 <pglass> o/ 17:00:29 <mlavalle> ahoy 17:00:34 <ekarlso> oii 17:00:50 <Kiall> Okay, let's get going :) 17:00:51 <Kiall> #topic Announcements 17:01:01 <Kiall> L3 is out :) 17:01:11 <Kiall> That's it from me ;) Anyone else? 17:01:29 <Kiall> Guess not :) 17:01:32 <Kiall> #topic Action Items from last week 17:01:50 <Kiall> No actions from last week - but timsim there's some stable/kilo backports in need of +A from a week or two ago 17:02:22 <Kiall> #topic Bug Triage (timsim - recurring) 17:02:26 <Kiall> over to you timsim :) 17:02:36 <timsim> https://bugs.launchpad.net/designate/+bug/1487934 17:02:37 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1487934 in Designate "500 error returned in List Records in a Domain" [High,New] 17:02:47 <timsim> Might just need "triaged"? 17:02:56 <mugsie> yeah 17:03:02 <mugsie> Kiall: must have missed it last week :P 17:03:06 <Kiall> Yea, I missed that.. whoops. 17:03:12 <timsim> np 17:03:12 <timsim> https://bugs.launchpad.net/designate/+bug/1491248 17:03:13 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1491248 in Designate "Record is not deleted after terminating a VM+duplicate records " [Undecided,New] - Assigned to Graham Hayes (grahamhayes) 17:03:21 <mugsie> same 17:03:24 <timsim> Assigned to mugsie, I assume for verification? 17:03:26 <Kiall> Looks like it might be awkward to reproduce, anyone will to take a stab? (re the first) 17:03:44 <mugsie> timsim: yeah, thats on me for verification 17:04:02 <mugsie> for 1487934 - I am not sure how we would repro 17:04:41 <Kiall> I'll take a stab at repo on 1487934 17:05:04 <Kiall> #action kiall to validate 1487934 17:05:15 <elarson> while True: create(); list(); delete() 17:05:24 <Kiall> elarson: yea, that's what I was thinking ;) 17:05:34 <timsim> Alright, I'll assign that to you. 17:05:59 <timsim> https://bugs.launchpad.net/designate/+bug/1491348 17:06:00 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1491348 in Designate "sql DB is not updated after record creation " [Undecided,New] - Assigned to Graham Hayes (grahamhayes) 17:06:21 <timsim> Same, assigned for verification? 17:06:22 <mugsie> i think it is related to 1491248 17:06:24 <mugsie> yeah 17:06:37 <timsim> Ok, I'll leave those as new until we get some movement 17:06:37 <Kiall> #action mugsie to validate 1491248 and 1491348 17:06:47 <timsim> https://bugs.launchpad.net/designate/+bug/1491981 17:06:48 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1491981 in Designate "Using workers > 1 in mdns and the agent breaks the service " [Undecided,New] 17:07:05 <mugsie> High, RC1 17:07:12 <mugsie> or critical even 17:07:26 <Kiall> ++ to critical.. elarson how far did you get debugging it? 17:07:49 <elarson> Kiall: I was able to reproduce it with mdns and the agent 17:08:03 <elarson> and then james_li found a similar problem solved with glance 17:08:09 <Kiall> Any clues to a fix? I see james_li left something about socket.bind() vs eventlet.listen() 17:08:18 <elarson> yeah, I think that is the fix 17:08:21 <timsim> Could you add the repro instructions to the bug elarson 17:08:36 <elarson> timsim: yeah 17:08:52 <timsim> Cool. I'll go Critical RC1 17:08:55 <Kiall> K - Leave it with you fr now elarson? 17:08:58 <Kiall> for* 17:10:18 <Kiall> will take that as a yes ;) Any others timsim? 17:10:21 <timsim> https://bugs.launchpad.net/designate/+bug/1493001 17:10:22 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1493001 in Designate "Designate_plugin for NSD4 backend not found for devstack environment." [Undecided,New] 17:10:23 <elarson> sounds good 17:10:51 <mugsie> low - triaged - no milestone 17:11:09 <Kiall> Yea, we don't have a NSD devstack plugin 17:11:20 <timsim> Might be a blueprint later. 17:11:24 <Kiall> Yea, exactly.. 17:11:25 <timsim> <mugsie> low - triaged 17:11:28 <timsim> ...wut 17:11:33 <timsim> https://bugs.launchpad.net/designate/+bug/1493035 17:11:34 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1493035 in Designate "FloaotingIP entry is not removed after VM delete" [Undecided,New] 17:11:56 <mugsie> assign to me 17:12:09 <Kiall> #action mugsie to validate 1493035 17:12:09 <mugsie> and high - i think its related to the other 2 17:12:23 <timsim> k 17:12:27 <timsim> That's all :) 17:12:28 <mugsie> (i have a sneaking suspission that they are all related to a misconfig) 17:13:38 <Kiall> K :) 17:13:54 <Kiall> #topic Stable Backport Triage (kiall - recurring) 17:13:57 <Kiall> Panic - Haven't done my bp triage paste .. 2 sec 17:14:42 <Kiall> #link http://paste.openstack.org/show/452795/ 17:15:21 <Kiall> honestly, none.. other than maybe - 21a7db8 Merge "The address for cloning designate is corrected" 17:15:27 <Kiall> (a README.md update..) 17:15:47 <mugsie> i say none 17:15:53 <timsim> Yeah, none. 17:16:05 <Kiall> Simples.. 17:16:07 <Kiall> Moving on :) 17:16:15 <Kiall> #topic Designate/Neutron Integration Update (mlavalle - recurring) 17:16:23 <Kiall> mlavalle: hows Neutron treating you? 17:16:42 <mlavalle> so I've been busy finishing the functionality for https://review.openstack.org/#/c/212213/ 17:17:16 <mlavalle> patchset I pushed last night has all the functionallity to publish floating ips to designate 17:17:39 <mlavalle> today I will create the allembic script to migrate the database 17:18:12 <Kiall> Cool, it looks like it's starting to make progress - I'm taking a guess it's not going to see much in the way of review before the M cycle starts? 17:18:20 <mlavalle> at that point I will be able to deploy the code to a devstack instance and start creating and updating neutron floating ips and published to designate 17:19:08 <mlavalle> so, if everything goes well, by the second half of next week we will have full floating ips functionality 17:19:26 <mlavalle> I'm getting reviews..... 17:19:26 <Kiall> Cool :) 17:19:47 <mlavalle> the chellenge is that I don't think designate is part of the Neutron tests in the gate 17:20:02 <mlavalle> so i'll need to work on that if we want to merge this soon 17:20:33 <Kiall> mlavalle: Ah, okat.. Any clue who handles Neutron CI stuff? Anyone specific other than the openstack-infra team? 17:20:44 <Kiall> I'm thinking maybe sdague 17:20:58 <mlavalle> Kiall: I don't know the details... but i'll find out 17:21:23 <mlavalle> so overall, making solid progress 17:21:28 <Kiall> from a technical POV, I know how to make it happen.. from a policy POV, not sure :) 17:22:07 <mlavalle> that's my report for this week 17:22:14 <Kiall> mlavalle: I've had some conversations with Sean (I think it was sean anyway) around designate+devstack proper - I'll kick off a email thread between the three of us to figureit out. 17:22:34 <mlavalle> Kiall: perfect, that helps a lot 17:22:54 <Kiall> Okay, Thanks mlavalle :) Awesome to see things come along so fast :) 17:23:17 <Kiall> Moving on so :) 17:23:18 <mlavalle> Kiall: add carl_baldwin to the email to sdague 17:23:22 <Kiall> WIll do. 17:23:27 <Kiall> #topic Liberty RC1 Release 17:23:37 <Kiall> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Liberty_Release_Schedule 17:23:39 * mlavalle going to a F2F meeting 17:23:42 <Kiall> #link https://launchpad.net/designate/+milestone/liberty-rc1 17:23:44 <Kiall> mlavalle: thanks! 17:23:49 <Kiall> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/designate_2015_summer_midcycle_meetup_mcycle 17:23:57 <Kiall> RC1 is Sept 21-25th ish 17:24:25 <Kiall> https://launchpad.net/designate/+milestone/liberty-rc1 shows some outstanding stuff, including some I filed today based on mid-cycle discussions. 17:24:53 <Kiall> First up .. What's missing that we thought needed to be in L? 17:25:27 <Kiall> eriodic Purge of Deleted Domains - just moved to implemented - landed yesterday. 17:26:12 <Kiall> Nobody? :) 17:26:21 <timsim> looking.. 17:26:42 <timsim> ALIAS records? 17:27:06 <Kiall> If memory services, we said M for that 17:27:09 <Kiall> serves me* 17:27:18 <Kiall> (can you tell I type services too often? ;)) 17:27:29 <Kiall> Notes on L vs M from mid-cycle https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/designate_2015_summer_midcycle_meetup_mcycle 17:27:39 <elarson> yeah, ALIAS was for M 17:28:12 <timsim> ok. How about "Fix zone-manager enabled tasks + sharding combination (need to file a bug..)" ? 17:28:23 <Kiall> #action kiall to file High+RC1 bugs for1) Fix multiple central + TLD caching issues...(need to file a bug for this) and 2) Fix zone-manager enabled tasks + sharding combination (need to file a bug..) 17:28:35 <timsim> +1 17:28:38 <mugsie> yeah 17:28:38 <Kiall> timsim: lol, I just spotted those! They certainly need fixes before we cut L 17:28:46 <mugsie> RC1 is pretty ful as it is 17:29:02 <Kiall> Well, my next Q is .. Do we push anything? ;) 17:29:32 <mugsie> #1411717Service Fixture in Unit Tests Does not Stop Service 17:29:49 <mugsie> #1437495 sink documenation should explain usage alongside ceilometer 17:29:49 <Kiall> Ideally, we have code landed by next weeks meet for anything. I'm going to get Pool Config -> DB up over the weekend 17:30:08 <mugsie> #1442699 Add admin endpoint to the list of versions 17:30:15 <Kiall> mugsie: are these push items? 17:30:32 <mugsie> yeah 17:30:35 <mugsie> #1459554 X-Auth-Sudo-Tenant-ID header not work for create subdomains 17:30:52 <mugsie> there is no way in hell we are getting that list done 17:31:23 <timsim> Yeah there's definitely going to be some stuff pushed there 17:31:36 <Kiall> Yea, bugs have more time :) About 1 month till release release 17:31:37 <mugsie> ^ are low impact, and potential time sinks 17:31:47 <Kiall> mugsie: agreed on your list BTW 17:32:06 <mugsie> and #1442141 designate-api Throws Error on stop() 17:32:27 <mugsie> i know ^ is really annoying, but that is a rats nest of eventlet vs oslo.service 17:32:34 <Kiall> I'd really really really like to find the cause of that.. It's harmless near as I can tell, but looks AWFUL. 17:32:57 <mugsie> basically, from discussions with glance, we use service + eventlet wrong 17:33:43 <mugsie> (everytime I go to look at it, I end flying somewhere, and forget everything) 17:33:43 <Kiall> mugsie were you going to try and get Pools Scheduler in? (trying to remember) 17:33:52 <mugsie> yeah. we have to 17:33:56 <mugsie> and the DB 17:34:06 <Kiall> Yea, my weekend is consumed by DB one 17:34:30 <Kiall> Okay, So, thoughts from folks on mugsie list? 17:35:00 <timsim> I agree with them. 17:35:17 <elarson> +1 17:35:36 <Kiall> removing the MS from them now 17:36:00 <Kiall> refresh https://launchpad.net/designate/+milestone/liberty-rc1 17:36:24 <Kiall> Thoughts on what's left? 17:36:50 <mugsie> #1412977 RPC code overrides a private method of Oslo's Dispatcher class <- How bad is this one really? 17:37:05 <Kiall> Harmless, not going to hurt us in L - Pushing. 17:37:29 <Kiall> It's annoying the oslo folks rather than us, but at this point in the release, they won't be removing that private symbol in L 17:37:39 <mugsie> https://bugs.launchpad.net/designate/+bug/1432839 17:37:40 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1432839 in Designate "Calling find_domain in any v1 operation is sub-optimal" [Medium,Triaged] - Assigned to Endre Karlson (endre-karlson) 17:37:41 <mugsie> push 17:38:18 <Kiall> Yea, I agree.. others? 17:38:25 <timsim> agreed 17:38:28 <Kiall> (others = other peoples thoughs?) 17:39:40 <Kiall> #1474012 - that's actually a "big" one 17:39:44 <Kiall> bug 1474012 17:39:45 <openstack> bug 1474012 in Designate "Incorrect length limit for TXT record data" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1474012 17:40:09 <Kiall> It's about allowing TXT records to be a list of 255 char strings, rather than just 1 255 char string 17:40:33 <Kiall> Which is going to be awkward to fit into the API 17:40:48 <mugsie> i think that should be part of the structured data api 17:41:04 <Kiall> mugsie: possibly - but L or not is the Q? ;) 17:41:08 <mugsie> and then chop + concat the string for the normal API 17:41:18 <mugsie> well, strructuired data is M 17:41:24 <mugsie> so, i say M 17:41:31 <Kiall> Any objections? 17:42:18 <timsim> Nah, that's fine 17:42:41 <elarson> +1 17:42:59 <Kiall> Okay - I think that's about it so? If folks can concentrate on stuff in this list, and obv finding+filing more bugs ;) 17:43:09 <timsim> pglass just filed https://bugs.launchpad.net/designate/+bug/1493942 17:43:10 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1493942 in Designate "API returns incorrect response when a pool has multiple ns records" [Undecided,New] 17:43:18 <mugsie> nope. I want to do private pools tomorrow :) 17:43:38 <Kiall> wha? 17:43:54 <mugsie> (jkj) 17:44:00 <Kiall> ;) 17:44:08 <Kiall> Okay .. Moving o! 17:44:10 <Kiall> #topic Open Discussion 17:44:24 <Kiall> 15 mins before trove come at us with pitchforks.. Any other topics? 17:44:25 <mugsie> timsim: thats a wierd onew 17:44:36 <mugsie> is that only when they have the same priority>? 17:44:43 <timsim> pglass ^ 17:44:46 <pglass> let me check... 17:45:49 <Kiall> Yea, that bug looks really weird! 17:45:55 <pglass> no, it happens even if the priorities are different 17:46:16 <Kiall> Heh, Anyone able to dig into that one? 17:46:26 <Kiall> Kinda looks like something we might want to fix 17:46:44 <mugsie> yeah 17:47:13 <timsim> One of us over here will take a peek. 17:47:28 <Kiall> timsim: cool, thanks. Marking RC1 so it's not lost on us. 17:47:37 <timsim> cool 17:48:14 <Kiall> Okay - Anything else, or call it a day? 17:48:19 <timsim> I don't have anything :) 17:48:41 <timsim> Sorry for vacationing right around l3 :P 17:48:48 <elarson> just a FYI, I started working on the ALIAS stuff 17:48:50 <Kiall> timsim: unacceptable ;) 17:49:11 <elarson> I'll plan on updating the spec if necessary 17:49:15 <mugsie> cool 17:49:17 <Kiall> elarson: cool! Looking forward to that one :) 17:49:36 <mugsie> elarson: jmcbride didn;t want to write the code? 17:49:50 <elarson> mugsie: oh no, he did! just way too busy 17:49:52 <elarson> ;) 17:50:09 <elarson> managers got to manage 17:50:39 * elarson needs to grab some food 17:50:49 * timsim is also very hungry 17:50:52 <Kiall> Okay, calling it folks :) 17:50:55 * Kiall needs a pint 17:51:06 <Kiall> Thanks! 17:51:07 <Kiall> #endmeeting