17:02:25 <timsim> #startmeeting designate 17:02:25 <openstack> Meeting started Wed Sep 30 17:02:25 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is timsim. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:02:27 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 17:02:29 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'designate' 17:02:38 <timsim> Hey, who's here? 17:02:41 <jmcbride> o/ 17:02:46 <mugsie> o/ 17:02:46 <elarson> o/ 17:02:47 <pglass> o/ 17:02:53 <ram_att> o/ 17:03:01 <james_li> james li 17:03:01 <timsim> #chairs mugsie 17:03:10 * timsim doesn't know if that worked 17:03:24 <timsim> #topic Annoucements 17:03:24 <mugsie> #topic Action Items from last week 17:03:30 <mugsie> nope 17:03:36 <timsim> #chair mugsie 17:03:37 <openstack> Current chairs: mugsie timsim 17:03:38 <mugsie> go for it timsim 17:03:40 <timsim> aha 17:03:49 <timsim> Anyone have any annoucements? 17:04:04 <Kiall> o/ 17:04:17 <mpbnka> o/ 17:04:28 * elarson holds off his announcment he uses emacs until next week... 17:04:36 <timsim> Silence means no :P 17:04:46 <Kiall> Yep :) 17:04:48 <timsim> #topic action items from last week 17:04:56 <timsim> kiall / mugsie ... actions from 2 weeks back! 17:05:22 <mugsie> push from me 17:05:28 <Kiall> Still not yet :( Sorry, been literally mad here 17:05:41 <timsim> yeah I think those are the bug validations 17:05:51 <mugsie> they are 17:06:00 <timsim> #action Kiall / mugsie to do actions from http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/designate/2015/designate.2015-09-09-16.59.log.html 17:06:04 <mugsie> kiall to validate 1487934 17:06:04 <mugsie> mugsie to validate 1491248 and 1491348 17:06:04 <mugsie> mugsie to validate 1493035 17:06:05 <mugsie> kiall to file High+RC1 bugs for1) Fix multiple central + TLD caching issues...(need to file a bug for this) and 2) Fix zone-manager enabled tasks + sharding combination (need to file a bug..) 17:06:10 <timsim> federico3 to backport b153f66 / 21cec74 / 1594913 / 8277e96 / eea5c1e 17:06:23 <timsim> federico3: about? 17:06:45 <timsim> kiall to backport 9c37d55 / 4a68605 / 0c034d1 (if possible) / ad180b4 17:06:54 <timsim> mugsie to backport 476980e 17:06:57 <Kiall> he's probably just off the last call and not on IRC 17:06:59 <mugsie> mine is done 17:07:12 <Kiall> I totally forgot :( 17:07:16 <timsim> Just saw him in the other room 17:07:20 <mugsie> i think federico3 did ^^ 17:08:06 <timsim> alright 17:08:07 <federico3> timsim: yep, the CRs are out 17:08:18 <timsim> #action kiall to backport 9c37d55 / 4a68605 / 0c034d1 (if possible) / ad180b4 17:08:24 <timsim> Ok. so mugsie and federico3 did those. 17:08:25 <mugsie> #action cores to review backports 17:08:30 <timsim> moving on 17:08:42 <timsim> #topic Bug Triage (timsim - recurring) 17:08:50 <timsim> https://bugs.launchpad.net/designate/+bug/1500867 17:08:50 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1500867 in Designate "Designate installation in Devstack results in Error" [Undecided,New] 17:09:05 <mugsie> that looks weird 17:09:24 <Kiall> A quick suggests user error? 17:09:29 <mugsie> yeah 17:09:43 <Kiall> (We do this many times a day in CI etc, it certainly works on master..) 17:09:47 <timsim> Looks like it 17:09:48 <mugsie> incomplete at the very least - need more info 17:09:52 <Kiall> Incomplete / need .. 17:09:54 <Kiall> beat me to it ;') 17:10:01 <timsim> Yeah, I''ll do that and ask him to give it another go 17:10:05 <mugsie> OS / how devstack is running / etc 17:10:11 <timsim> https://bugs.launchpad.net/designate/+bug/1501221 17:10:11 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1501221 in Designate "using TokenEndpoint with the V1 client is broken" [Undecided,New] - Assigned to Endre Karlson (endre-karlson) 17:10:31 <mugsie> H 17:11:07 <mugsie> (no milestone) 17:11:32 <timsim> https://bugs.launchpad.net/designate/+bug/1501392 17:11:32 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1501392 in Designate "Not able to add dns name when a new port is attached to existing Instance" [Undecided,New] 17:11:43 <timsim> This is the start of some interesting ones that seem to reference incomplete neutron work 17:11:44 <mpbnka> hi I added this bug 17:12:01 <mugsie> mpbnka: is this from sink? 17:12:05 <mpbnka> yes 17:12:26 <mugsie> ok, we will need the sink handlers you are using. 17:12:42 <ram_att> I looked into the code with mpbnka 17:12:53 <ram_att> this is nova.py 17:12:56 <mugsie> ah 17:12:57 <mugsie> yeah 17:13:00 <ram_att> we have to add another event to this 17:13:04 <ram_att> port.update.end 17:13:20 <ram_att> and handle it 17:13:33 <Kiall> ram_att: ah - makes sense, is that something you guys are going to add? 17:13:35 <mugsie> can you update the ticket with details of what you found? 17:13:42 <ram_att> yes 17:13:46 <mpbnka> ok 17:13:48 <ram_att> yeah sure 17:13:49 <mugsie> and if you are going to add the code, we can assign it to you 17:14:01 <ram_att> I am going to add the code for this 17:14:09 <ram_att> please assign this to me 17:14:14 <mugsie> ram_att: what is your launchpad name? 17:14:26 <ram_att> ramsateesh-talari 17:14:43 <timsim> Cool. ram_att: Would you like similar treatment for the other two bugs filed? 17:14:56 <ram_att> yes 17:15:03 <ram_att> for detach bug I am still debugging it 17:15:12 <ram_att> neutron doesn't post port.update events 17:15:17 <ram_att> it directly goes for delete 17:15:25 <ram_att> we probably have to look fro something in nova 17:15:39 <timsim> Cool, I'll mark those as needing more info pending your updates, and we can revisit. 17:15:49 <ram_att> ok 17:15:50 <mugsie> ++ 17:16:04 <ram_att> I'll keep adding the comments as I find something useful on the bugs 17:16:14 <timsim> Moving on to the client 17:16:15 <timsim> https://bugs.launchpad.net/python-designateclient/+bug/1499539 17:16:15 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1499539 in python-designateclient "No output on certain v2 commands" [Undecided,New] 17:16:31 <mugsie> H 17:16:36 <mugsie> triaged 17:16:48 <timsim> https://bugs.launchpad.net/python-designateclient/+bug/1499541 17:16:48 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1499541 in python-designateclient "The v2 zone transfer request create command should not require the target project id" [Undecided,New] 17:16:53 <mugsie> same 17:17:04 <timsim> https://bugs.launchpad.net/python-designateclient/+bug/1499867 17:17:06 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1499867 in python-designateclient "Remove the name argument for recordset updates" [Undecided,New] 17:17:21 <mugsie> same 17:17:22 <mugsie> :) 17:17:34 <mugsie> pglass is good at finding little annoying things 17:17:37 <timsim> andd https://bugs.launchpad.net/python-designateclient/+bug/1500604 17:17:38 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1500604 in python-designateclient "Pattern argument is required on updating a blacklist" [Undecided,New] 17:17:53 <mugsie> as above 17:18:15 <Kiall> Side Bar - I should have mentioned this earlier. Use the "liberty-rc-potential" label on bugs we want to fix in L! https://bugs.launchpad.net/designate/+bugs?field.tag=liberty-rc-potential 17:18:16 <timsim> done :) 17:18:33 <mugsie> :) 17:18:45 <timsim> #topic Stable Backport Triage (kiall - recurring) 17:18:57 <Kiall> #link http://paste.openstack.org/show/474896/ 17:19:13 <Kiall> Slight twist this time and from now on 17:19:18 <Kiall> we have Kilo and Liberty backports ;) 17:19:38 <Kiall> Anyway - Take a few, nominate anything in need of a backport - including to what releases 17:19:52 <Kiall> 6e45b7c Ensure recordset name checking accounts for child domains 17:19:52 <Kiall> 9c37d55 Ensure blacklists complete in a reasonable time 17:20:00 <Kiall> ^ both of those to KIlo 17:20:08 <mugsie> abfc3c0 Merge "Fix #1494799 handle limit=max on v2 and Admin APIs" 17:20:25 <Kiall> I *think* federico3 already BP'd that... I think 17:20:35 <federico3> checking 17:20:42 <Kiall> thanks 17:21:00 <Kiall> Okay - Any others? 17:21:07 <mugsie> dont think so 17:21:21 <Kiall> Any takers to BP ^ 2 (or 3)? 17:21:22 <federico3> (yes it is) 17:22:09 <federico3> o/ 17:22:12 <Kiall> mugsie: how about you? I already have a list from last week to do ;) 17:22:19 <mugsie> K - federico3 it is 17:22:21 <mugsie> :) 17:22:25 <federico3> 6e45b7c, 9c37d55, abfc3c0 to Kilo 17:22:35 <timsim> #action federico3 one to backport 6e45b7c 9c37d55 abfc3c0 to Kilo 17:22:44 <timsim> don't know how "one" snuck in there 17:22:50 <mugsie> whats a federico3 one ? 17:22:55 <mugsie> :D 17:22:57 <Kiall> lol 17:23:01 <Kiall> thanks federico3 17:23:03 <timsim> #action mugsie to suck it 17:23:06 <timsim> #topic assert:follows-standard-deprication 17:23:08 * federico3 looks around 17:23:11 <timsim> over to mugsie :) 17:23:16 <Kiall> timsim: you don't get "power" much, do you? ;) 17:23:20 <mugsie> #link http://governance.openstack.org/reference/tags/assert_follows-standard-deprecation.html 17:23:20 <timsim> :P 17:23:33 <mugsie> basically - do we want to sign up as doing this 17:23:41 <mugsie> and have it recorded 17:24:11 <mugsie> it is very close to what we do now to be honest 17:24:29 <Kiall> "It uses an automated test to verify that configuration files are forward-compatible from release to release and that this policy is not accidentally broken (for example, a gating grenade test)." 17:24:39 <Kiall> That's one we don't, but probably should do.. 17:24:43 <mugsie> yeah 17:24:55 <Kiall> And, will take us a while to do + get right.. 17:25:05 <timsim> Esp with pool -> db stuff 17:25:16 <mugsie> I think if we are bound by ^ it will not allow us to let things fall through the cracks 17:25:30 <mugsie> we dont have to decide right now 17:25:40 <mugsie> I just wanted it on peoples radar 17:26:07 <Kiall> makes sense 17:26:16 <mugsie> so, if everyone can have a read, we can come back to it in a few weeks 17:26:25 <timsim> Cool. 17:26:27 <mugsie> I will send a ML email as well 17:26:38 <timsim> #action Everyone read/understand http://governance.openstack.org/reference/tags/assert_follows-standard-deprecation.html 17:26:38 <Kiall> folks, I've got to run to another call - will be multitasking the rest of the meet 17:27:06 <timsim> #action mugsie to add assert:follows-standard-deprication to a future agenda 17:27:17 <timsim> #topic Designate/Neutron Integration Update 17:27:24 <timsim> I believe mugsie has this update 17:27:31 <mugsie> yup 17:28:02 <mugsie> no patch was pushed last night, with reverse IPs in the correct tenant 17:28:09 <mugsie> new patch* 17:28:52 <mugsie> the requirements for the Tokyo demo are in place. there is a new patch coming that will add the ablity to turn the FIP stuff on and off 17:29:08 <mugsie> FIP reverse IPs even 17:29:16 <mugsie> that is the update :) 17:29:35 <timsim> Sounds pretty good 17:29:43 <timsim> #topic Liberty Release 17:29:57 <mugsie> eh - Kiall ? 17:30:30 <mugsie> OK 17:30:37 <mugsie> he is not multitasking :) 17:30:40 <mugsie> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Liberty_Release_Schedule 17:31:00 <mugsie> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/designate/+bugs?field.tag=liberty-rc-potential 17:31:16 <mugsie> any one know of any other bugs that should be added to that list ? 17:32:04 <mugsie> .... 17:32:06 <mugsie> ? 17:32:11 <ram_att> please add 1501392 17:32:24 <ram_att> 1501394 and 1501396 17:32:54 <mugsie> ram_att: I am not sure that is not an RC worthy bug 17:32:58 <mugsie> Kiall: ^ 17:33:04 <ram_att> ok 17:33:12 <mugsie> seen as this is still under your PTL ship :) 17:33:39 <timsim> We can probably decide RC-worthiness when it's confirmed 17:33:45 <mugsie> yeah 17:33:57 <timsim> I don't think there are any others to add to rc-potential right now 17:34:07 <mugsie> I don't know of any personally 17:34:37 <mugsie> I think we are done with Liberty (and that old lame duck PTL :P ) 17:34:48 <timsim> But we should be testing the RC when we can to see if there's anything else :) 17:34:52 <mugsie> yeah 17:35:08 <timsim> #topic Open Discussion 17:35:09 <mugsie> can everyone test the current RC1 build? 17:35:37 <mugsie> Tokyo - can everyone update the etherpad? 17:35:46 <Kiall> I'm useless at multitasking - still need an answer? ;) 17:35:51 <timsim> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/designate-design-summit-tokyo 17:35:56 <mugsie> Kiall: no 17:35:57 <mugsie> :D 17:35:58 <timsim> Nah we moved on without you Kiall 17:36:02 <Kiall> Good! 17:36:27 <mugsie> cool - I think we should review the list this meeting next week? 17:36:31 <mugsie> so you have 7 days 17:36:33 <mugsie> :D 17:36:39 <timsim> Cool :) 17:36:48 <mugsie> and talk + workshop - timsim elarson we should sync up 17:37:06 <mugsie> thats all I have 17:37:16 <elarson> indeed! 17:37:30 <timsim> We should have some time next week, hopefully :) 17:37:36 <mugsie> cool 17:37:44 <mugsie> I will shoot an email 17:37:54 <timsim> Does anyone else have anything they'd like to discuss? 17:38:19 <mugsie> 3 17:38:20 <mugsie> 2 17:38:23 <mugsie> 1 17:38:34 <federico3> .5 17:38:41 <mugsie> 0 17:38:41 <timsim> #endmeeting