16:59:34 <mugsie> #startmeeting Designate 16:59:34 <openstack> Meeting started Wed Mar 23 16:59:34 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is mugsie. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:59:35 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 16:59:37 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'designate' 16:59:45 <mugsie> #topic Roll Call 17:00:30 <mugsie> ping Kiall timsim federico3 rsyed 17:00:58 <rsyed> o/ (but might not be responsive, in another meeting currently) 17:01:07 <federico3> o/` 17:02:51 <mugsie> #topic Announcements 17:03:01 <mugsie> So, 2 releases in the last week. 17:03:06 <mugsie> mitaka + new liberty 17:03:37 <mugsie> any changes that have to go to mitaka now have to be submitted to master, then back ported to stable/mitaka 17:03:54 <mugsie> #topic Action Items 17:04:09 <mugsie> federico3: to baclport 2 changes 17:04:12 <mugsie> that was done 17:04:19 <federico3> ep 17:04:23 <mugsie> mugsie to get bug triage ready 17:04:27 <federico3> *yep, CRs are out 17:04:33 <mugsie> well, that is the rest of the meeting :) 17:04:40 <mugsie> #topic Bug Triage 17:04:56 <mugsie> we should wait a few more mins for people to file in 17:05:13 <mugsie> timsim: Kiall pglass elarson - around? 17:05:35 <pglass> o/ 17:05:46 <pglass> we're occupied by a meeting that's about to end 17:05:59 <mugsie> ah -k 17:06:08 <mugsie> should we wait for a few mins then> 17:06:10 <mugsie> ?* 17:06:22 <pglass> you should probably get started. it's only "about" to end 17:06:53 <mugsie> well, there is only 2 of us right now, so we should take 5 anyway 17:07:02 <mugsie> pglass: is it a jmcbride meeting? 17:09:15 <timsim> o/ 17:09:19 <timsim> It is. 17:09:46 <mugsie> so, see you next year? 17:09:48 <mugsie> :P 17:09:49 <venkat_> Hi timsim, mugsie.. I didn 17:10:24 <mugsie> #link http://bit.ly/1VFaOB8 17:10:41 <mugsie> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/designate/+bugs?field.searchtext=&orderby=datecreated&search=Search&field.status:list=NEW&field.status:list=CONFIRMED&field.status:list=TRIAGED&field.status:list=INPROGRESS&field.status:list=INCOMPLETE_WITH_RESPONSE&field.status:list=INCOMPLETE_WITHOUT_RESPONSE&assignee_option=any&field.assignee=&field.bug_reporter=&field.bug_commenter=&field.subscriber=&field.structural_subscriber=&field.tag=&field.tags_c 17:10:57 <mugsie> (they are both the same link 17:11:11 <mugsie> I just wanted one we could actually click, and one for the logs) 17:12:50 <timsim> Looks like elarson is at home, and we have no Kiall. 17:13:05 <venkat_> I didn't see any documentation on Notification Events in Designate.. I created a blueprint and will work on that. Is that fine ? 17:13:32 <mugsie> venkat_: yeap, no problem at all 17:13:39 <mugsie> ok then 17:13:39 <timsim> I've got another meeting that's happening now that I need to go to. Can we postpone mugsie? Or pop an etherpad for all these and we can look at them a bit later? 17:13:52 <mugsie> we can post pone till next week 17:13:54 <venkat_> Thanks mugsie 17:14:02 <mugsie> #topic Open Dicussion 17:14:05 <timsim> <3 mugsie 17:14:06 <Kiall> I'm just finishing call etc too, agree to postpone ;) 17:14:13 <mugsie> any off agenda items? 17:14:23 <mugsie> or shall we call it for today? 17:14:23 <Kiall> 1 - rally failures in gate 17:14:31 <mugsie> yeah. 17:14:39 <Kiall> 60-80% fail rate for create domain, not sure when it started, but eyes would be good 17:14:44 <timsim> I have a hard time believing things are actually that slow. 17:14:47 <mugsie> i saw you post this mornign - havent ahd a chance to dig into it 17:14:49 <timsim> or broken. 17:15:15 <Kiall> sorry, 60-80% pass rate rather than fail rate ;) 17:15:58 <Kiall> Anyway, some eyes on the results and logs should turn out something. 17:16:17 <mugsie> yeah. 17:16:20 <venkat_> FYI: even I saw gate failure due to /opt/stack dir permission issues.. I raised 3 issues against gate. 17:16:48 * mugsie wishes there was a way of getting RMQ stats 17:16:57 <mugsie> venkat_: cool - do you have any links/ 17:16:59 <mugsie> ?* 17:17:27 <elarson> o/ 17:17:33 <venkat_> o/ 17:17:41 <mugsie> elarson: too late :P 17:17:45 <venkat_> links which I raised bugs ? 17:17:48 <elarson> dangit! 17:17:52 <elarson> had to zip home before the meeting 17:17:57 <mugsie> we are going to postpone the triage till next week 17:18:01 <mugsie> np 17:18:11 <mugsie> there is a few people out so it is OK 17:18:15 <elarson> aho k 17:18:16 <Kiall> seems like everyone had other things today :D 17:18:30 <elarson> lots'o'meetings today 17:18:38 <mugsie> ++ 17:19:00 <mugsie> ok then 17:19:04 <mugsie> #endmeeting