17:00:40 <mugsie> #startmeeting Designate 17:00:41 <openstack> Meeting started Wed May 18 17:00:40 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is mugsie. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:00:42 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 17:00:45 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'designate' 17:00:47 <mugsie> #topic Roll Call 17:00:54 <mugsie> so, whos here? 17:01:00 <pglass> o/ 17:01:25 <mugsie> timsim: Kiall federico3 elarson ping 17:01:34 <Kiall> o/ 17:01:47 <mugsie> rsyed: 17:02:01 <mugsie> Kiall: we need 4 weeks for the backports btw :P 17:02:10 <Kiall> was just checking how many ;) 17:02:31 <timsim> o/ 17:02:38 <mugsie> #topic Announcements 17:02:50 <mugsie> API-Ref docs have started to get worked on 17:02:54 <rsyed2> o/ 17:03:15 <mugsie> #link http://developer.openstack.org/api-ref/dns 17:03:23 <mugsie> will have them in a few hours hopefully 17:03:30 <federico3> o/ 17:03:35 <mugsie> #topic Action items 17:03:52 <elarson> o/ 17:03:59 <mugsie> mugsie to do stable bp for 4 weeks 17:04:06 <mugsie> well, that was delegated :P 17:04:15 <mugsie> #topic Bug Triaged 17:04:19 <mugsie> #topic Bug Triage 17:04:25 <mugsie> timsim: 17:04:39 <timsim> https://bugs.launchpad.net/designate/+bug/1581090 17:04:40 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1581090 in Designate " Expose /v2/recordsets api endpoint" [Undecided,New] 17:04:47 <timsim> looks like it was auto-filed to make sure we write docs? 17:05:00 <mugsie> yeap 17:05:10 <mugsie> there is docs afaik? 17:05:22 <mugsie> I know there is API-Ref docs anyway :P 17:05:24 <Kiall> mugsie's got it covered in the API docs too 17:05:33 <mugsie> fix released 17:05:46 <timsim> k 17:05:58 <timsim> That's it :) (there's one that I forgot to respond to last week, will do that now 17:06:03 <mugsie> cool 17:06:09 <Kiall> quiet bug week 17:06:11 <mugsie> #topic Stable Backport Triage (kiall - recurring) 17:06:13 <Kiall> #link http://paste.openstack.org/show/497560/ 17:06:21 <Kiall> as usual, take a few to nominate backports 17:06:27 <Kiall> 4 weeeks work.. So.. tis a tad long 17:06:54 <mugsie> ca7ffba Support both olso.m v4 and v5 ? 17:06:58 <mugsie> did that go back? 17:07:09 <federico3> ed51f49 Ensure services shutdown during unit testing ? 17:07:21 <timsim> mugsie yeah 17:07:42 <timsim> https://github.com/openstack/designate/commits/stable/mitaka 17:08:04 <rsyed2> 699468c DevStack: Allow disabling of API versions 17:08:04 <rsyed2> ? 17:08:06 <Kiall> federico3: I dunno, it wasn't the CI issue in the end.. so, probably not give it's test only changes and not 100% needed 17:08:13 <Kiall> rsyed2: I believe that went back already 17:08:16 <rsyed2> cool 17:08:21 <Kiall> yep - it did :) 17:08:37 <Kiall> (was needed to get tempest going against stable/mitaka 17:08:40 <federico3> Kiall: do you think it mitigated the CI issues in part? 17:08:43 <rsyed2> ah 17:09:22 <Kiall> federico3: I don't think it had an effect in the end 17:09:27 <Kiall> 7ee8501 Merge "Allow api_export_size to be updated" 17:09:34 <mugsie> api change 17:09:53 <mugsie> so, not without an exception 17:10:06 <Kiall> True... 17:10:14 <Kiall> then - nothing to BP? 17:10:25 <mugsie> I dont think so 17:10:33 * Kiall doesn't believe that 17:10:46 <mugsie> we have been pretty good with proposing to all brnachs recently 17:10:54 <timsim> nice 17:11:16 <mugsie> anyone else see any potential commits? 17:11:21 <mugsie> or are we good to move on? 17:11:51 <Kiall> actually. CI fix 17:11:55 <federico3> https://bugs.launchpad.net/designate/+bug/1550441 ? 17:11:56 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1550441 in Designate "SerializationMiddleware: rrset can be None" [Undecided,Fix released] - Assigned to Federico Ceratto (federico-ceratto) 17:12:02 <Kiall> that didn't go back, but somehow isn't causing an issue/ 17:12:29 <Kiall> it was 96de5c139bcccf6cc6314bc9a8c579b996f2cb27 17:12:30 <Kiall> https://github.com/openstack/designate/commit/96de5c139bcccf6cc6314bc9a8c579b996f2cb27 17:12:41 <mugsie> federico3: what commit was that? 17:12:42 <Kiall> (I use the word "fix" loosly) 17:12:59 <Kiall> federico3's one was https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/designate/commit/?id=4bc65992ce98e1146803ec6befdb87315bd61b1b 17:13:05 <federico3> 4bc6599 Fix rrset serialization, improve mdns tests 17:13:17 <Kiall> The refactor scares me ;) 17:13:29 <Kiall> It's really too big to backport at 6 files changed, 274 insertions, 44 deletions 17:13:33 <mugsie> yeah 17:13:55 <federico3> we can backport only teh fix 17:14:42 <mugsie> if we can get just the fix extracted, maybe. 17:14:53 <mugsie> but, it is not a clean backport / cherry-pick 17:14:54 <Kiall> possibly - hard to know without seeing it 17:15:02 <mugsie> so, it is not ideal 17:15:35 <federico3> OTOH the impact of the bug is not huge 17:15:45 <mugsie> yeah, we may be better leaving it be 17:16:06 <mugsie> opinions? 17:16:35 <Kiall> We're probably OK to leave it, and can re-eval later if people are hitting it 17:16:41 <timsim> That ^ 17:16:41 <mugsie> OK, if there is no disent, we should leave it 17:16:46 <mugsie> ok 17:16:49 <federico3> if some user ping us on the bug report in future we can backport it 17:16:52 <mugsie> #topic Open Discussion 17:17:01 <mugsie> I have 2 items 17:17:07 * Kiall has 1 too 17:17:11 <mugsie> one - we are about to EOL Kilo 17:17:18 <Kiall> :) 17:17:29 <mugsie> so, if there is any vital backports, they need to be done now 17:17:34 <timsim> bye felicia 17:17:36 <mugsie> (like in the next few hours) 17:18:02 <mugsie> 2 - Requrements Updates. I suggest that we just +2+W them 17:18:06 <mugsie> as long as they pass gate 17:18:19 <mugsie> (i.e. no need for 2 cores) 17:18:20 <Kiall> ++ - translation updates too 17:18:27 <mugsie> yup - good point 17:18:35 <mugsie> but I think they may be a thing of the past? 17:18:45 <timsim> Seems legit 17:18:46 <mugsie> need to go look at the new service 17:18:52 <Kiall> True, haven't seen them in a while 17:19:10 <mugsie> everyone OK with that? 17:19:18 <mugsie> if not speak now :) 17:19:30 <timsim> I think that's a good idea 17:19:39 <mugsie> #info Bot Patches only require one core to review from now on 17:19:47 <mugsie> and one last item - 17:19:49 <elarson> +1 17:20:03 <mugsie> I am on vacation from Friday morn 17:20:20 <mugsie> Kiall is my nominated "emergancy" stand in 17:20:29 <mugsie> for releases etc 17:20:43 <elarson> +1 17:20:46 <Kiall> what's an emergancy? ;) 17:21:03 <elarson> Lol 17:21:03 <timsim> It's depricated, don't worry about it 17:21:06 <mugsie> a lack of spell check 17:21:14 <Kiall> Wasn't it dipricated? :D 17:21:17 <mugsie> damn word didnt auto complete 17:21:17 <rsyed2> dipricated i thought 17:21:25 <Kiall> lol 17:21:27 <timsim> something something writing on the wall 17:21:39 <Kiall> timsim: highfive 17:21:45 <timsim> #neverforget 17:21:46 <mugsie> peeing in a flood 17:21:47 <elarson> Derprercerte 17:22:03 <timsim> mugsie: lol 17:22:22 <timsim> ANYWAY 17:22:25 <Kiall> Ok - FYI re Tempest - We're now using master of designate-tempest-plugin as a gate on stable/mitaka, and have a gate on master of designate-tempest-plugin that tests against stable/mitaka of designate. This means we forced to avoid making breaking API changes (at least for stuff covered by tempest).... 17:23:14 <Kiall> New APIs etc require a small dance in order to test with tempest, you must A) have a config flag in tempest defaulting to off... and then B) you must update our devstack plugin to set the option to True so the tests run on the master etc 17:23:20 <mugsie> 👍 17:23:53 <Kiall> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/316649/ is a good example of where this is needed 17:24:10 <timsim> Seems easy enough. Could we not get to a point with the tests that they cover Mitaka and explicitly check out that point in the mitaka gate? 17:24:12 <Kiall> the /v2/recordsets endpoint is in master, but not mitaka - so the *-mitaka jobs failed.. 17:24:28 <mugsie> timsim: tempest is branchless 17:24:45 <mugsie> I.e. it should run on all versions of the API, with some features disabled 17:24:47 <Kiall> timsim: that means you can make breaking changes in Newton and update the tests without them exploding ;) 17:25:03 <mugsie> it stops us breaking APIs in N for people who use M 17:25:04 <timsim> Alright, makes sense. 17:25:23 <Kiall> If we had microversions, like some of the other projects, conf flags aren't needed.. 17:25:24 <mugsie> it makes some dev slower, but much better for people who actually use our stuff 17:25:31 <Kiall> but that's a problem for another year 17:25:42 * mugsie will never implement nova style microversions 17:26:17 <Kiall> Anyway - Just FYI in case anyone hits it and is wondering what's going on 17:26:20 <mugsie> any other topics? 17:26:50 <mugsie> goign once 17:26:51 <mugsie> twice 17:26:52 <Kiall> Not from me 17:27:00 <timsim> I'm good 17:27:06 <rsyed2> nope 17:27:09 <mugsie> timsim: no your not :P 17:27:15 <timsim> oh wait 17:27:18 <timsim> review the worker model :) 17:27:24 <timsim> i wasn't, actually 17:27:39 <mugsie> I knew 17:27:51 <mugsie> ok - everyone enjoy the 30 mins back 17:27:54 <mugsie> #endmeeting