17:07:21 <timsim> #startmeeting Designate 17:07:22 <openstack> Meeting started Wed May 25 17:07:21 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is timsim. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:07:24 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 17:07:26 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'designate' 17:08:05 <timsim> courtesy ping Kiall mugsie elarson federico3 rsyed james_li pglass 17:08:08 <rsyed> o/ 17:08:14 <pglass> o/ 17:08:18 <sonuk__> o/ 17:08:31 <Kiall> o/ 17:08:31 <federico3> o/ 17:08:36 <timsim> #topic Roll Call 17:08:38 <Kiall> mugsie is on holidays 17:08:40 * timsim has already screwed this up 17:08:43 <rsyed> haha 17:08:44 <Kiall> :D 17:08:57 <timsim> psh. Holidays 17:09:11 * timsim expects him to get on for the irc meeting :troll: 17:09:16 <Kiall> Yah, lucky -_- 17:09:17 <timsim> #topic Annoucements 17:09:26 <timsim> Does anybody want to announce anything? 17:09:36 <Kiall> (Also, distracted - on a call with a customer..) 17:09:56 * timsim has a feeling this is going to be a short one 17:10:08 <timsim> #topic Action Items 17:10:21 <timsim> I see none from last week 17:10:27 <timsim> #topic Bug Triage 17:10:32 <timsim> There are none! 17:10:45 <timsim> #topic Stable Backport Triage (kiall - recurring) 17:11:03 <timsim> need me to grab that Kiall ? 17:11:13 <Kiall> sorry, yah.. please 17:11:31 <timsim> one moment 17:12:34 <timsim> http://paste.openstack.org/show/505422/ 17:12:44 <timsim> Go through an nominate anything for backport 17:13:13 <timsim> bc74ee8 Fix typo 17:13:15 <timsim> jk 17:13:25 <rsyed> nothing jumps out 17:13:29 <timsim> yeah 17:13:43 <federico3> nothing to bp 17:14:16 <Kiall> bef53db DevStack: Support setting default quotas 17:14:16 <Kiall> but it already went back 17:14:17 <Kiall> wow - IRC lab 17:14:19 <Kiall> lag* 17:14:49 <timsim> Yeah i think there was one more that already went. the migrations 17:14:51 <timsim> anyway 17:15:00 <timsim> #topic Open Discussion 17:15:28 <timsim> Does anyone have anything they'd like to discuss? 17:15:40 <sonuk__> timsim: about this https://review.openstack.org/#/c/278880/ 17:16:12 <sonuk__> timsim: I think this is required 17:16:27 * timsim adds it to his list of reviews 17:16:45 <timsim> Looks like there was some momentum on it that just needs to pick up again 17:17:30 <timsim> Anything else? 17:17:36 <Kiall> sonuk__: I saw that one too, will review the spec tomorrow :) 17:18:06 <sonuk__> Kiall: ok :) 17:18:08 <Kiall> I think there's still a bunch of +2 without +A stuff up which is worth reviewing :) 17:18:29 <Kiall> (I think I've +2's against everything I had time to review over the last few days) 17:18:53 * timsim is behind on reviews 17:19:23 * timsim will get on himself and elarson to do some this afternoon 17:19:28 <timsim> Also https://review.openstack.org/#/c/283784 Worker Model 17:19:35 * timsim looks at Kiall 17:19:43 * timsim with pleading eyes 17:19:59 * Kiall sets aside a few hours over the next 2 days to properly review + understand 17:20:04 <timsim> <3 17:20:16 <Kiall> (expect stupid questions) 17:20:26 <timsim> expect stupid answers ;) 17:20:49 <federico3> timsim: adding links to documentation, comments, docstrings would help :) 17:21:13 <timsim> fair enough 17:21:44 <timsim> Alright, unless anyone has anything else we'll call it early? 17:21:51 <Kiall> ++ 17:21:56 <timsim> Going once 17:22:12 <timsim> twice 17:22:23 <timsim> #endmeeting