17:01:17 <mugsie> #startmeeting Designate 17:01:18 <openstack> Meeting started Wed Aug 10 17:01:17 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is mugsie. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:01:19 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 17:01:21 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'designate' 17:01:23 <mugsie> #topic Roll Call 17:01:26 <rsyed2> o/ 17:01:40 <timsim> o/ 17:01:59 <mugsie> Kiall: federico3 elarson pglass ping 17:02:01 <pglass> o/ 17:02:05 <federico3> o/ 17:02:25 <elarson> o/ 17:02:53 <mugsie> #topic Action Items 17:02:59 <mugsie> timsim bp efa6d23 Change bind -> bind9 in docs, sample configs 17:03:07 <mugsie> done, right> 17:03:09 <mugsie> ?* 17:03:10 <timsim> I think so 17:03:17 <mugsie> k 17:03:18 <elarson> Yea h 17:03:29 <mugsie> #topic Bug Triage (timsim - recurring) 17:03:51 <Kiall> o/ 17:04:04 <timsim> https://bugs.launchpad.net/designate/+bug/1609576 17:04:04 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1609576 in Designate "v1 API always gives null for record descriptions, despite v2 recordset having a description?" [Undecided,New] 17:04:14 <mugsie> invalid 17:04:21 <mugsie> but 17:04:24 <mugsie> we need to explain why 17:05:28 <Kiall> Agree, V1 and V2 don't have an eqilivant of each others description fields.. 17:05:41 <mugsie> yeah - I can close it 17:05:45 <timsim> Alright thanks mugsie 17:05:57 <timsim> https://bugs.launchpad.net/designate/+bug/1609605 17:05:57 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1609605 in Designate "designate-dashboard: Creation of 'domain root' records is not allowed - only subdomains?" [Undecided,New] 17:06:17 <mugsie> I thought that got fixed... 17:06:21 <Kiall> Wasn't that a bug we fixed recently? 17:06:45 <mugsie> https://github.com/openstack/designate-dashboard/commit/5627ddb4a6eedb751fecced56d277961aac92436 17:06:50 <mugsie> yeah 17:07:08 <mugsie> closed as dup of #1597989 17:07:19 <mugsie> bug 1597989 17:07:19 <openstack> bug 1597989 in Designate "Not able to create A record for the Origin domain via designate dashboard." [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1597989 - Assigned to Eric Peterson (ericpeterson-l) 17:07:28 <timsim> Cool, will do 17:07:39 <timsim> https://bugs.launchpad.net/designate/+bug/1611206 17:07:41 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1611206 in Designate "Designate server-list is throwing error "unable to establish connection to 10.211.XX.XX:9001"" [Undecided,New] 17:07:55 <timsim> Invalid, user error? 17:07:59 <mugsie> heh 17:07:59 <timsim> But nicer words? 17:08:02 <mugsie> yeah 17:08:07 <timsim> cool 17:08:11 <Kiall> :D 17:08:16 <timsim> That's it 17:08:38 <mugsie> #topic Stable Backport Triage (kiall - recurring) 17:08:41 <Kiall> #link http://paste.openstack.org/show/553621/ 17:08:42 <mugsie> tahnks timsim 17:08:48 <Kiall> As usual, take a few.. nominate for backport 17:08:53 <Kiall> My list is: 17:08:56 <Kiall> (End of list) 17:09:04 <mugsie> 0 17:09:23 <Kiall> (bind -> bind9 is already on the BP queue) 17:09:43 <mugsie> anyone else see any? 17:10:08 <federico3> is "Fix recordset changes so that they preserve object changes fields" fixing an open bug? Is it worth backporting? 17:10:24 <Kiall> That's what got reverted ;) 17:10:28 <timsim> Yeah bind->bind9 just needs +A https://review.openstack.org/#/c/350698/ 17:10:33 <Kiall> And - No, I don't think that's really needed 17:10:41 <Kiall> timsim: +A 17:10:43 <federico3> in a762cdf - oh, ok 17:10:56 <timsim> I'm working on a fix that we won't have to revert for that :P 17:11:04 <mugsie> yeah - thats a point actrually - there is a lot of reviews missing the last +A 17:11:09 <timsim> But it's probably still not bp worthy, like kiall said. 17:11:54 * timsim promises to look at those today 17:11:54 <mugsie> OK 17:12:04 <mugsie> #topic Open Discussion 17:12:16 <mugsie> SO, the grenade gate is now voting 17:12:36 <Kiall> nice work mugsie :) 17:13:25 <mugsie> so, if your patch requires manual steps to upgrade look at http://docs.openstack.org/developer/grenade/plugins.html 17:13:28 <mugsie> #link http://docs.openstack.org/developer/grenade/plugins.html 17:14:10 <mugsie> and ask on #openstack-qa if you find issues 17:14:27 <timsim> That's good stuff 17:14:56 <mugsie> but, this means that if you have manual scripts in the plugi to upgrade, that needs to have a coresponding releasenote + maybe doc 17:15:00 <mugsie> :) 17:15:04 <mugsie> thats it from me 17:15:28 <mugsie> anyone else? 17:15:39 <Kiall> There's a change up to remove some sudo-stuff we do 17:16:26 <Kiall> I've marked WIP, since it seems every OS project does this sillyness, but there may bve good reason to keep it? It's a tiny diff - eyeball and see if you can think of anything bad would happen ;) 17:16:42 <Kiall> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/352843/ 17:16:50 <mugsie> I am +2 on removing it 17:17:07 <mugsie> if people have issues remmebering how to sudo properly ... well ... yeah 17:17:28 <timsim> Yeah seems legit 17:17:50 <Kiall> the bug has some minor discussion etc too - https://bugs.launchpad.net/designate/+bug/1611171 17:17:50 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1611171 in Designate "re-runs self via sudo" [High,In progress] - Assigned to Kiall Mac Innes (kiall) 17:18:52 <Kiall> (That's all from me FYI ;)) 17:18:56 <mugsie> cool - anyone else? 17:19:13 <timsim> review worker model 17:19:14 <timsim> :P 17:19:32 <timsim> I'm going to look at the grenade stuff for that sometime this week/next week before the midcycle 17:19:39 <mugsie> ++ 17:19:49 <mugsie> ping me if you need help 17:20:07 <mugsie> Ajeager was pinging me about the install guide 17:20:15 <mugsie> soi i want to get that dfone soon as wel 17:20:35 <mugsie> wow 17:20:43 <mugsie> i need to lrn 2 tyep 17:20:46 <timsim> Yeah there was a person wanting that in #openstack-dns a few minutes ago 17:20:59 <mugsie> yurp 17:21:10 <mugsie> OK, who wants 40 mins back? 17:21:17 <timsim> memememe 17:21:25 <elarson> +1 17:21:27 <Kiall> cya 17:21:29 <timsim> o/ 17:21:30 <mugsie> #endmeeting