17:01:41 <mugsie> #startmeeting Designate 17:01:42 <openstack> Meeting started Wed Sep 14 17:01:41 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is mugsie. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:01:43 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 17:01:46 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'designate' 17:01:50 <mugsie> #topic Roll Call 17:02:03 <mugsie> timsim: :) 17:02:05 <timsim> o/ 17:02:20 <elarson> o/ 17:02:25 <sonuk_> o/ 17:02:51 <mugsie> Kiall_: ? 17:03:10 <mugsie> #topic Announcements 17:03:44 <mugsie> We got the following allocations for Designate in Barcelona 17:03:45 <mugsie> Designate: 1fb 5wr 17:03:53 <Kiall_> o/ 17:03:53 <mugsie> no community meetup 17:04:09 <mugsie> (I said only to give us one if there was space) 17:04:24 <mugsie> We also have to have an RC1 this week 17:04:44 <mugsie> so if anyone knows of any blocking bugs, please shout 17:05:02 <mugsie> I will need some cores to approve release notes, etc 17:05:16 <mugsie> #topic Action Items 17:05:23 <mugsie> kiall to BP 028c9bf Fix SSHFP validation for ECDSA, ED25519, and SHA256 17:05:52 <Kiall> I submitted that from memory 17:05:56 <mugsie> timsim to start convo on bug 1617454 17:05:57 <openstack> bug 1617454 in Designate "Changes do not propagate to downed/recovered nameservers, depending on threshold percentage" [Undecided,Opinion] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1617454 17:06:13 <timsim> oh yeah I didn't do that 17:06:18 <mugsie> :) 17:06:19 <mugsie> cool 17:06:23 <mugsie> #action timsim to start convo on bug 1617454 17:06:32 <mugsie> #action mugsie bp 97c5ab3 Merge "Use upper constraints for all jobs in tox.ini" 17:06:38 <mugsie> I did not do ^ either 17:06:58 <mugsie> #topic Bug Triage (timsim - recurring) 17:07:08 <timsim> https://bugs.launchpad.net/designate/+bug/1621388 17:07:09 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1621388 in Designate "In devstack, installing DNSaaS fails as there is no /etc/powerdns/pdns.d directory created" [Undecided,New] - Assigned to Koteswara Rao Kelam (koti-kelam) 17:07:37 <mugsie> eh 17:07:44 <mugsie> seems to be still missing info 17:07:51 <Kiall> distro? ubuntu 14.04.1 17:08:17 <mugsie> and the lines above error line 17:08:44 <mugsie> I am confused though 17:08:50 <mugsie> the gate job is passing 17:09:04 <mugsie> and so is the vagrant image based devstack 17:09:34 <mugsie> any ideas? 17:09:55 <timsim> Wouldn't our plugin, or apt-get installing pdns create that dir? 17:09:57 <Kiall> https://github.com/openstack/designate/blob/master/devstack/designate_plugins/backend-powerdns#L51 17:10:04 <timsim> Like maybe he's got some sort of weird permissions thing goin gon 17:10:24 <mugsie> but that is after the pdns install command 17:10:26 <Kiall> We explicitly remove that dir 17:10:39 <mugsie> so, apt shouldnt explode on it 17:10:58 <timsim> Maybe if he's restacking? 17:11:26 <mugsie> maybe ... but I have restacked before, and not had the issue ... might be a new thing in the pdns package 17:12:00 <timsim> Should we tell him to use a newer ubuntu or something? 17:12:14 <mugsie> OK, should I ask for the 100 lines preceding the error message? 17:12:18 <Kiall> mugsie: + 17:12:20 <Kiall> timsim: - ;) 17:12:22 <mugsie> timsim: newer wont work 17:12:32 <mugsie> pdns4.0 is not workiong with designate 17:12:35 * timsim shrugs 17:12:41 <timsim> Alright cool 17:12:47 <timsim> That was the only untriaged bug 17:13:19 <mugsie> sweet 17:13:24 <mugsie> #topic Backport - Kiall 17:13:35 <Kiall> You know the drill .. http://paste.openstack.org/show/576301/ 17:13:43 <Kiall> (is 3 weeks enough?) 17:13:50 <mugsie> shouod be 17:13:52 <mugsie> I think 17:14:13 <Kiall> 9822121 Merge "Infoblox backend:Fixed sslverify value from option" - though it went back already 17:14:19 <mugsie> it did 17:14:23 <Kiall> 0a74abe Merge "Fix ZTA API to prevent HTTP 500 upon empty body" - also went back already 17:14:24 <mugsie> It just merged 17:14:42 <Kiall> dff1c37 Merge "Worker Model" 17:14:49 <timsim> obvs 17:14:52 <Kiall> ;) 17:14:55 <mugsie> heh 17:15:00 <Kiall> So - All done? 17:15:07 <mugsie> #topic Open Discussion 17:15:48 <mugsie> OK, so I am going to email the maintainers of drivers that are not tested in the gate - and ask for them to verify the driver works in newton 17:16:05 <timsim> cool 17:16:17 <mugsie> if they do not get back to me I will be proposing that we drop the status of them to "untested" 17:16:31 <mugsie> timsim: that includes bind9 agent :P 17:17:16 <timsim> That's at least in devstack kinda 17:17:16 <mugsie> and if people can start random testing from now on, to find bugs in the RC1 builds, that would be great 17:17:39 <mugsie> timsim: yup - just need a tempest result with a pass :) 17:17:53 <timsim> I can provide that 17:18:08 <mugsie> anything else off topic? 17:18:10 <mugsie> oh 17:18:18 <mugsie> yeah - PTL nominations are open 17:18:29 <mugsie> so anyone who is interested in running, now is the time 17:18:43 <timsim> gl hf mugsie 17:18:45 <mugsie> I can answer any questions people have abnout the job 17:18:59 <mugsie> as can Kiall I would imagne :) 17:19:30 <mugsie> so, I think that is it! 17:19:40 <mugsie> anyone else? 17:19:58 <mugsie> once 17:20:01 <mugsie> twice 17:20:05 <Kiall> gone :) 17:20:07 <mugsie> gone 17:20:11 <mugsie> #endmeeting