17:00:17 <timsim> #startmeeting designate 17:00:18 <openstack> Meeting started Wed Mar 8 17:00:17 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is timsim. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:00:19 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 17:00:22 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'designate' 17:00:23 <timsim> #topic Roll Call 17:00:29 <blancos> o/ 17:00:33 <timsim> o/ blancos 17:00:37 <sonuk> o/ 17:00:41 <timsim> ping mugsie kiall 17:00:58 <mugsie> o/ 17:01:17 <timsim> #topic Announcements 17:01:42 <timsim> I don't have any announcements, if someone else wants to do something, feel free 17:02:08 * timsim was just stalling while he pulled up other things 17:02:12 <mugsie> I have none :) 17:02:14 <mugsie> heh 17:02:17 <timsim> #topic Action Items from last week 17:02:23 <timsim> Doesn't look like we had any 17:02:26 <timsim> #topic Bug Triage 17:02:45 * timsim waits for his slow internet 17:03:40 <timsim> `we are in the middle of an update, Launchpad will be back in a couple of minutes` 17:03:41 <timsim> cool 17:03:48 <mugsie> its back 17:04:30 <timsim> Alright, doesn't look like any new bugs. 17:04:53 <timsim> Just one for me to look at that I failed to. and one for mugsie to close 17:05:03 <mugsie> https://bugs.launchpad.net/designate-dashboard/+bug/1670102 17:05:03 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1670102 in Designate Dashboard "AngularJS unittest with Jasmine and Karma" [Undecided,In progress] - Assigned to anusree (anusree-a04) 17:05:04 <timsim> #action timsim to look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/designate/+bug/1668290 17:05:04 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1668290 in Designate "First call to designate-worker raise error" [Undecided,New] - Assigned to Tim Simmons (timsim) 17:05:14 <timsim> oops 17:06:16 <timsim> Well. I guess it's good to have angularjs unittest with jasmine and karma 17:06:20 <timsim> I don't know what that is 17:06:29 <mugsie> it JSUnit testing frameworks 17:06:36 <timsim> Well I figured that :P 17:06:39 <mugsie> afaik it is the standard horizon way 17:06:49 <timsim> Cool. I guess triaged med then? 17:06:53 <mugsie> I commented on the review 17:06:54 <mugsie> yeah 17:08:14 <timsim> http://paste.openstack.org/show/601968/ 17:08:22 <timsim> #topic Stable Backport Triage 17:08:26 <timsim> my god im messing this up big time 17:08:30 <mugsie> :D 17:08:32 <timsim> #link http://paste.openstack.org/show/601968/ 17:08:58 <mugsie> mainly docs 17:09:13 <mugsie> which dont get backported 17:09:16 <timsim> Yeah and the gate was wedged for quite a while 17:09:17 <mugsie> (normally) 17:09:20 <mugsie> ++ 17:09:21 <timsim> Alright moving on 17:09:25 <Kiall> hacking? 17:09:35 <Kiall> Didn't the build slaves all get the new version? 17:09:42 <mugsie> Afaik, pbr2.0 is pike on 17:09:51 <mugsie> i *think* 17:09:53 <Kiall> K 17:10:33 <timsim> And there should be a stable requirements change if it's needed right? 17:10:39 <mugsie> yeah 17:10:44 <timsim> #topic Open Discussion 17:10:55 <timsim> Anyone want to bring anything up? 17:11:05 <mugsie> I am good 17:11:21 <Kiall> Me too 17:11:23 <mugsie> I want to spend some off time over the next few days continuing on the list we made in ATL 17:11:32 <timsim> We got some new docs/structure happening. Which is pretty cool https://docs.openstack.org/developer/designate/ https://docs.openstack.org/developer/designate-tempest-plugin/ 17:11:56 <Kiall> shiny new theme on the tempest plugin>] 17:12:01 <mugsie> yup 17:12:02 <Kiall> ?* 17:12:09 <asettle> mugsie: lemme know if you need anything 17:12:11 * asettle drops in 17:12:14 <timsim> o/ asettle 17:12:20 <mugsie> we are trying to move all docs to that theme afaik 17:12:33 <timsim> Was it the support matrix that made that difficult mugsie ? 17:12:42 <asettle> Yep, I need to get the requirements of that for you guys 17:12:50 <mugsie> nope - it looks a ton better in the new theme 17:13:22 <mugsie> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/299940/ 17:13:45 <mugsie> was my last attempt - but timsim pglbut and Kiall didnt like it 17:13:48 <timsim> Well coolio, maybe we try and get that done this week. Is that ^ all that needs to happen? 17:13:57 <mugsie> basically 17:14:05 * timsim has a hard time believing he was that opinionated about it 17:14:15 <Kiall> mugsie: IIRC, it didn't render half the docs correctly at the time ;) 17:14:28 <timsim> oh yeah that rings a bell 17:14:28 <mugsie> I think the TOCs were weird 17:14:36 <timsim> Well let's update it and see what happens 17:14:40 <mugsie> and the H1's were hidden 17:14:54 <mugsie> but I fixed the theme to allow us add in extra css now 17:15:04 <mugsie> so we can tweak it oursleves if need be 17:15:21 <timsim> Neat-o. 17:15:32 <timsim> Alright then, looks like we're about done. 17:15:36 <mugsie> ++ 17:15:43 <timsim> blancos, sonuk anything you'd like to bring up? 17:15:58 <timsim> Any way we can help anything you're doing/want to do? 17:16:29 <sonuk> timsim: nothing from my side. 17:16:35 <blancos> timsim Thanks for asking. Unfortunately, internally we've been a little busy but things are slowing down this week so I'll be able to spend more time on Designate 17:16:57 <timsim> Fair enough, ping us if you have any questions at all! 17:17:02 <blancos> Will do :) 17:17:06 <mugsie> blancos: heh - yeah, that balance is tough to get right :) 17:17:20 <timsim> 🔥 alright, let's give folks some time back shall we 17:17:35 <timsim> Anything else going once... 17:17:38 <timsim> twice.... 17:17:48 <timsim> #endmeeting